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International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

Implementation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Windu Sari Art

Market Gianyar

I Wayan Kasnata,
University of Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia

I Wayan Sujana,
University of Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia

Nengah Landra
University of Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia


The achievement of company goals from the work of employees is essential in managing human
resources. The achievement of optimal employee performance based on good behavior in carrying
out work, as well as organizational support is becoming increasingly important. This research
was conducted to test and explain the role of work motivation and organizational culture in
implementing behavior organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the workplace, and its
impact on employee performance. This research was conducted with a survey approach to
employees who work at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. The number of employees studied was 70
people and used as the sample unit. Data obtained from distributing questionnaires, then analyzed
using variant-based SEM with the Smart-PLS software program. The results of the analysis
obtained show that the increase in employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar can
be directly determined by the work motivation of employees, a strong organizational culture, and
the implementation of OCB. However, the organizational culture that is built strongly at Windu
Sari Art Market Gianyar can encourage the implementation of OCB in the workplace,. In addition,
some suggestions are given from this study to optimize employee performance by strengthening
organizational culture and motivating employees to work through implementing OCB in the

Keywords: work motivation, organizational culture, OCB, employee performance

Pro-social behavior or extra actions that exceed the defined role description in the company,
such as willingness to cooperate, sincerely helping coworkers, giving advice, participating actively,
providing extra services to service users, and being willing to use work time effectively (Organ et
al., 2006). This pro-social behavior is known as organizational citizenship behavior
(OCB).Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is individual behavior that is free to carry out
their duties and jobs, and collectively encourages more effective organizational functions (Organ
ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

et al., 2006). In addition, Markoczy & Xin (2002) stated that employees who are good and sincere
in work tend to display organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in his work environment.
In company activities, employees who behave in OCB tend to act beyond their usual job
duties, and of course result in work performance that exceeds expectations (Robbins, 2006). Thus,
the employee's implementing behavior OCB will ensure the completion of work well, and ensure
optimal achievement of organizational goals (Luthans, 2011). Several empirical studies (such as
Heung-Gil & Rentao, 2010; Maharani et al., 2013; Pratiwi et al., 2018) have found OCB behavior
in the workplace is able to produce better individual performance than employees. Andrew &
León-Cázares (2015) added that the implementation of OCB in the workplace is also able to ensure
overall company success.
One of the factors that can drive OCB behavior is work motivation.Robbins (2006) states
motivation as a process that produces intensity, direction and individual persistence in an
effort to achieve a goal. An employee's work motivation is basically characterized by an
urge to do better and maintain feedback. An employee who works at a company aims to
earn income to meet the needs of his life, also has some hopes and desires and aspirations that
are expected to be fulfilled from his place of work (Ibrahim & Aslinda, 2015). Over time,
employees tend to be motivated by prioritizing intrinsic rewards over extrinsic rewards (Shaaban,
A successful company definitely needs employees who are capable and willing to do tasks
that are not part of their formal duties, so that the company's performance will increase. Employees
who feel valued for their work have a concept of fair results, treatment and procedures. In addition,
based on the trust between superiors and subordinates, employees will voluntarily act to exceed
organizational expectations (Robbins & Judge, 2007). This extra role or extra contribution in the
organization is described by Organ et al. (2006) as the behavior of employees who voluntarily carry
out their duties and work, are sincere, happy without having to be ordered, controlled, without
being influenced by compensation, and can support organizational performance. This is in
accordance with several empirical studies that work motivation of employees can encourage OCB
behavior in the workplace (Oetomo, 2011; Shaaban, 2018;Reza et al., 2018; Herdiany, 2019; and
Sukarman et al., 2018).
In addition, the results of the study by Soegandhi et al. (2013) found that employees who
are satisfied at work will have high motivation in carrying out their duties and jobs, thus leading to
OCB behavior and being able to improve their work performance. These findings are in harmony
with Dharma (2018); Hanafi et al. (2018); Maryati & Fernado (2018); and Tunggal et al. (2019)
that OCB acts as a mediator for the role of work motivation in improving employee performance.
Another factor that can also influence employee OCB behavior is organizational
culture. Organizational culture is said to be a system of spreading beliefs and values that
develop in an organization and directing the behavior of members. Its members (Robbins,
2006). Organizational culture is very important because it is a habit that occur in the
organizational hierarchy that represent the norms of behavior followed by members of the
organization. A strong organizational culture indicates high employee loyalty and

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

commitment to the organization (Luthans, 2011), so that directing the OCB behavior of these
employees has been carried out well (Organ et al., 2006).
OCB behavior that is owned by employees develops in line with the socialization
process of existing values in the organization. when these values have a strong meaning, then
OCB will appear in employee behavior (Nadeak, 2016). Over time, the OCB behavior of
employees encourages the achievement of higher performance, both individuals, teams and
organizations (Ahmadi, 2010; Barsulai et al., 2019; Andrew & León-Cázares, 2015; Prabasari, et
al., 2018).
Therefore, a strong organizational culture can have a significant effect on employee
attitudes and performance (Pratiwi et al., 2018), by creating a sense of belonging to the
organization (Badawy et al., 2017). In an effort to maintain a conducive work situation, the
organization is expected to have an organizational culture that is innovative, competitive and
sensitive to external conditions so that it will have a strong influence on organizational
performance, when the values in the organization are properly understood by all employees,
capable of producing good work performance. high (Chelagat et al., 2015; Suwibawa et al., 2018).
Based on the explanation above, it is important for this research to be conducted to prove
and explain empirically the role of work motivation and organizational culture that underlies the
implementation of OCB to improve employee performance. In addition, this research was
conducted and provided guidance and direction for the management of Windu Sari Art Market
Gianyar in good human resource management, so as to be able to answer increasingly complex
challenges for achieving company goals.

Employee performance
The challenges faced by organizations in this era of globalization require efforts to produce
optimal results so that organizational goals can be achieved (Luthan, 2011). In order to achieve
company goals, the need for competent and good citizenship human resources (HR) in services is
becoming increasingly important. However, a phenomenon occurs in Windu Sari Art Market
Gianyar that their employees' performance is still not optimal. This condition is reflected in the
coordination gap among employees, resulting in complaints from tourists related to service delays,
as well as employees' lack of responsiveness in fulfilling the wishes of tourists who shop. In
accordance with this phenomenon, this research was conducted to empirically prove and explain
the role of work motivation and organizational culture that underlies the implementation of OCB
to improve employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. This is relevant to the
theoretical study conducted that work motivation and organizational culture can determine the
implementation of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in place, as well as better employee
performance (Gibson et al., 2006; Organ et al., 2006; Robbins & Judge. , 2011; Luthans, 2011).
Apart from theoretical studies, empirical studies are also in this research (for example, Andrew &
León-Cázares, 2015; Barsulai et al., 2019; Chelagat et al., 2015; Hanafi et al., 2018; Maryati &
Fernado, 2018; etc. ). León-Cázares, 2015; Barsulai et al., 2019; Chelagat et al., 2015; Hanafi et

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

al., 2018; Maryati & Fernado, 2018; etc.). León-Cázares, 2015; Barsulai et al., 2019; Chelagat et
al., 2015; Hanafi et al., 2018; Maryati & Fernado, 2018; etc.).
Every organization will always try to improve the performance of its employees in the
hope that what the organizational goals can be achieved. Performance is a result achieved by
employees in carrying out their job duties based on certain criteria that apply in the
organization. There are many theoretical and empirical studies (such as: Organ et al., 2006;
Podsakoff et al., 1997; and so forth)has proven that OCB is a determining factor in improving
employee performance. Current research confirms previous studies by examining work motivation
and organizational culture that underlie OCB behavior, and its effect on employee performance.
This research is important to do to prove empirically, as well as to provide guidance and direction
in good human resource management, so that it is able to answer increasingly complex challenges
in competition.

Work motivation
In this study, the concept of work motivation is more relevant according to
McClelland's theory of motivation. In theory, McClelland said that there is an impetus that
makes a person achieve their maximum performance (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The
encouragement is in the form of the need for achievement, the need for socialization and the
need for power or influence over others. In accordance with this, Gibson et al. (2006) presented
three indicators of work motivation, namely the direction of behavior, level of effort and level
of persistence. The direction of behavior refers to the behavior that the person chooses when
working, the level of effort refers to how hard a person tries to work, while the level of
persistence is more about a person's mental problems. The three indicators presented by Gibson
et al.

Organizational culture
On the other hand, O'Reilly et al. (1991) in Robbins (2006) describe the following
seven primary characteristics that together capture the essence of organizational culture,
including: 1) Innovation and risk taking, the extent to which employees are encouraged to be
innovative and take risks. 2)Attention to detail, the extent to which employees are expected
to show precision, analysis and attention to detail. 3) Results orientation, the extent to which
management focuses on results rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve
those results. 4) People orientation, the extent to which management decisions take into
account the impact of the results on the people in the organization. 5) Team orientation, the
extent to which work activities are organized based on a team, not on an individual basis. 6)
Aggressiveness, the extent to which people are aggressive and competitive rather than casual.
7) Stability, the extent to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status
quo, not growth.
In terms of its role, organizational culture has an important role in the organization
because through organizational culture an organization will have a unified system of meaning
ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

that will affect every employee at work. The success of an organization in forming a strong
organizational culture and in accordance with the dynamics of change will certainly have a
positive impact on the internal strength of the organization, which will further support the
increase in organizational effectiveness.

Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB)

Organizational Citizenship Behavior-OCBis an employee behavior that has a more role
towards fellow employees at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar without reducing their duties and
obligations. In this study, measuring the OCB variable followed Organ et al. (2006), with
indicators including: 1) altruism (helpful behavior), described in 3 items, namely: replacing tasks,
providing help, and taking time; 2) civic virtue (voluntary participation), described in 3 items,
namely: tolerance, following developments, and being active in activities; 3) conscientiousness
(performance exceeds the minimum requirements), described in 3 items, namely: faster completing
tasks, being on time in activities, and responsive; 4) courtessy (lighten the burden on others),
described in 3 items, namely: involvement in activities, attention to the organization, and
togetherness; and 5) sportmanship, described in 3 items, namely: keeping secrets, giving advice,
and working sincerely.

1) Increasing employee motivation will be able to improve the implementation of OCB.
2) A better organizational culture will be able to improve OCB implementation.
3) Increasing work motivation will be able to improve employee performance.
4) A better organizational culture can improve employee performance.
5) The more applied OCB will be able to improve employee performance.
6) Increasing work motivation will be able to improve OCB implementation, and lead to
increased employee performance.
7) A better organizational culture will be able to improve OCB implementation, and lead to
increased employee performance.

Research sites
This research was conducted at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar which is an art market in Gianyar

Identification of Research Variables

The variables involved and used in this study are exogenous variables, namely work motivation
(X1) and organizational culture (X2) and endogenous variables, namely OCB (Y1) and employee
performance (Y2). Meanwhile, the variable OCB (Y1) was also identified as a mediating variable.

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

Population and Sample

The population in this study were all employees who work at Windu Sari Art Market, Gianyar
with a total of 70 people. Meanwhile, the sample used in this study were all members of the
population or census. This is in accordance with the view of Sugiyono (2014), if the population is
less than 100, then all members of the population should be sampled.

Data analysis technique

The analysis technique used is a structural equation modeling (Structural Equation Modeling -
SEM) based on variance or component based SEM, known as Partial Least Square (PLS). PLS is
a powerful analysis method, because it does not assume that the data must use a certain scale
measurement, is used on a small sample size (30-50 units or <100 units), and can also be used to
confirm theory (Ghozali, 2008; Hair et al., 2010).

Hypothesis Testing Results
Hypothesis testing is done with TStatistic by sorting for testing the direct and indirect effects
or testing the mediating variables. The following sections describe the results of the direct effect
test and examination of the mediating variables, respectively.
1) Hypothesis Test Direct Effect
The recapitulation of the path coefficient validation test results on each path for the direct
effect presented in Table 1 provides information for hypothesis testing as follows:
Table 1
Hypothesis Testing Results Direct Effect
No. Relations between variables TStatistics Information
1 Work motivation (X1) OCB (Y1) 0.268 2,784 H1 accepted
2 Organizational Culture (X2) OCB (Y1) 0.666 7.508 H2 accepted
Work Motivation (X1) Employee
3 0.163 1,966 H3 is accepted
Performance (Y2)
Organizational culture (X2) Employee
4 0.395 3,816 H4 accepted
Performance (Y2)
5 OCB (Y1) Employee Performance (Y2) 0.472 4,868 H5 is accepted
Source: 2020 data, processed
Information on the results of testing the research hypothesis (Table 1) can be presented as follows
a) Hypothesis-1 (H1) test results.Work motivation (X1) proved to have a positive effect on OCB
(Y1) (path coefficient 0.268 with T-statistic = 2.784 (T-statistic> 1.96). The results of the
analysis obtained mean that an increase in employee work motivation will be able to increase
the implementation of OCB among employees.
b) Hypothesis-2 (H2) test results.Organizational culture (X2) has a positive effect on OCB (Y1)
(path coefficient of 0.666 with T-statistic = 7.508 (T-statistic> 1.96). The results of the analysis

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

obtained mean that the stronger the organizational culture, the greater the OCB implementation
among employees.
c) Hypothesis-3 (H3) test results.Work motivation (X1) has a positive effect on employee
performance (Y2) (path coefficient 0.162 with T-statistic =1,966(T-statistic> 1.96). The results
of the analysis obtained mean that the more motivated employees are to work, the more they
will be able to improve their performance.
d) Hypothesis-4 (H4) test results.Organizational culture (X2) has a positive effect on employee
performance (Y2) (path coefficient0.395with T-statistic = 3,816 (T-statistic> 1.96). The results
of the analysis obtained provide meaning, the stronger the organizational culture can encourage
employee performance improvement.
e) Hypothesis-5 (H5) test results. Organizational Citizenship Behavior or OCB (Y1) has a
positive effect on employee performance (Y2) (a positive path coefficient of 0.472with T-
statistic = 4,868 (T-statistic> 1.96). The results of the analysis obtained mean that the more
OCB implementation is improved, it will be able to improve employee performance.
Picture 1
Full Model SEM-PLS Analysis Results

Source: 2020 data, processed

2) Testing of Mediation Variables

Table 2
Recapitulation of Test Results for Mediation Variables
No. Effect Coefficient
Variable Mediation OCB (Y1)
A B C D Ket
1 Work Motivation (X1) 0.163 0.283 0.268 0.472 Partial
Employee Performance (Y2) (Sig.) (Sig.) (Sig.) (Sig.) Mediation
ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

2 Organizational Culture (X2) 0.395 0.715 0.666 0.472 Partial

Employee Performance (Y2) (Sig.) (Sig.) (Sig.) (Sig.) Mediation
Information: Significance (Sig) = T statistic> 1.96 at α = 5%

Table 2 explains the following:

a) Organizational Citizenship Behavior- OCB (Y1) able to mediate indirect influence work
motivation (X1) on employee performance (Y2) (path coefficient of indirect effect 0.126
(above 0.10).
b) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y1) able to mediate indirect influence organizational
culture (X2) on employee performance (Y2) (path coefficient of indirect effect of 0.314
(above 0.10).
A summary of these results can be seen in the following table:
Table 3
Recapitulation of Direct, Indirect and Total Securities
Live Indirect Total
No. Variable
Effects Effects Effect
1 Work motivation (X1) OCB (Y1) 0.268S - 0.268
2 Organizational Culture (X2)
0.666S - 0.666
OCB (Y1)
3 Work Motivation (X1) Employee
0.163S 0.126S 0.289
Performance (Y2)
4 Organizational Culture (X2)
0.395S 0.314S 0.709
Employee Performance (Y2)
5 OCB (Y1) Employee
0.472S - 0.472
Performance (Y2)
Information: S (Significant), NS (Significant No)
Source: Appendix 5 and processed


Work Motivation Affects OCB

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found work motivationhas a positive effect
on OCB. This result means that an increase in employee motivation will increase the
implementation of OCB at the Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. Employees' pride in the
organization encourages them to be loyal and have the will to carry out their duties and work
sincerely and voluntarily. In carrying out their duties and jobs, employees generally tend to be
collective with a family atmosphere and full of cooperation. Under these circumstances, employees
relatively play an extra role in the organization, and lead to pro-social behavior in the workplace.
These results are consistent with the findingsAntonio & Sutanto (2014) stated that employees who
try to behave well at work indicate a strong motivation in themselves and try to improve
ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

themselves. Employees having a positive attitude towards the company will be more motivated to
display OCB behavior. In line with the view of George & Jones (2005), employees who have good
behavior, are willing to try and work hard and do not give up easily are the characteristics of OCB
behavior. Thus, high work motivation from employees can determine the emergence of OCB
behavior in the company (Ibrahim & Aslinda, 2015; Shaaban, 2018;Reza et al. 2018). Apart from
that, increasing work motivation in carrying out tasks and jobs encourages employees to
implement OCB, because it is very beneficial for employees in organizational life (Herdiany, 2019;
Oetomo, 2011; Sukarman et al., 2018).

Organizational Culture Influences OCB

The results of hypothesis testing show that organizational culture has a positive effect on
OCB. These results give meaning, strengthening organizational culture can improve the
implementation of OCB among employees at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. Organizational
culture serves to overcome problems of internal integration by increasing understanding and the
ability of organizational members to speak, communicate, internal agreement or consensus, power
and rules, organizational members (employees) relationships, and rewards and sanctions (Schein,
1991). A strong organizational culture will have core organizational values that are upheld and
embraced by all employees. If the more members who adhere to the core of the organization, the
stronger the culture of the organization will be (Luthans, 2011). The organizational culture in a
conducive company is built intact with a work atmosphere that is collective and kinship. The work
atmosphere directs employees to perform roles outside of their duties and jobs by promoting
mutual help and tolerance among fellow employees. This is consistent with the findings of several
empirical studies that organizational culture encourages adoption OCB at work (Nur'Aini, 2012;
Mohanty & Rath, 2012; Ebrahimpour et al., 2011). This result may be due to the fact that each
company has a strong cultural structure. Meanwhile, a strong culture based on collectivity and
high family values in an organization can improve the implementation of OCB (Badawy et al.,

Work Motivation Affects Employee Performance

The results of hypothesis testing showed that work motivation has a positive effect on OCB.
This result means that the more motivated employees work, they will be able to improve their
performance at the Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. This finding is relevant to Gibson et al. (2006)
thatWork encouragement from employees as reflected in the direction of behavior, level of effort
and level of persistence in dealing with tasks and jobs can ensure maximum achievement of their
achievements. Therefore, Tunggal et al. (2019) provide hintsfor organizational leaders to use
feasible approaches provide motivation to employees by paying attention to their characteristics at
work, so that later employees are able to produce better performance. The results of this study are
in accordance with Suparman's (2007) study of employees who work in the Regional Government
of Sukamara Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The results of the study found that the

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

emotional condition of employees at work, which was reflected in the joy and enthusiasm of work,
was able to motivate employees to perform better. The same results were found in Latuny (2010);
Hanafi et al. (2018); Maryati & Fernado (2018); and Barbuto & Story (2011) that providing
motivation by emphasizing communication and the attention of superiors to subordinates, as well
as superiors' support to provide good examples, is able to encourage employees to improve their

Organizational Culture Influences Employee Performance

The results of the analysis found that organizational culture has a positive effect on
employee performance. This finding means that a better organizational culture can improve
employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. A well-functioning organizational
culture can provide direction or guidelines that can provide values and govern all employees to
think and act in achieving the stated organizational goals (Gibson et al., 2006). This means that a
strong and well-developed organizational culture will be able to spur the organization towards a
better change (Luthans, 2011). In addition, the main stress in changing and developing
organizational culture is trying to change the values, attitudes and behavior of the members of the
organization as a whole (Schein, 2004).The findings of this study are consistent with the results of
empirical studies (such as, Winardi et al., 2012; Suwibawa et al., 2018; Barsulai et al., 2019) that
organizational culture can have a positive impact on employee performance. The same results in
the study conducted by Nurwati et al. (2012) who found that a stronger culture will provide
direction and values for employees in the organization to carry out tasks and jobs, so that later
employee performance will increase.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior Affects Employee Performance

In accordance with the results of the analysis, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
has a positive effect on employee performance. This result means that the more implemented OCB
in the workplace can result in better employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar.
Organizations that are able to exist in the dynamics of a rapidly changing environment are those
that are able to manage and mobilize their human resources to behave in-role and extra-role. These
organizational efforts will later be able to build teamwork as an important value in the organization
(Organ et al., 2006). In addition, by having extra-role behavior among employees, it is not only
useful for improving their performance but also for achieving organizational effectiveness.
Organizations or managers can save some of the previously allocated resources if extra-role
behavior among employees goes well. The results of this study are consistent with the empirical
findings of Heung-Gil & Rentao (2010) who reported that a good relationship between workers
and their supervisors based on OCB behavior is an important component in strengthening work
teams, thereby increasing the willingness and enthusiasm of workers to contribute to the
organization. The same result was also presented by Andrew & León-Cázares (2015); Pratiwi et
al. (2018); and Prabasari et al. (2018) stated that the implementation of OCB by employees can
result in better individual performance. Additionally, Padsakoff, Ahearne &

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

Work Motivation Has an Indirect Effect on Employee Performance Through OCB

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, OCB is proven to be able to mediate the indirect
effect work motivation on employee performance. The meaning that can be conveyed is that
increased work motivation will encourage the implementation of OCB in the workplace, and
ultimately improve employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. There are, however,
the effects of OCB mediation on indirect effects this is partial (partial mediation). In other words,
the implementation of OCB is not the main determinant of the indirect effect of work motivation
on employee performance. These results provide guidance for company management to pay
attention to providing motivation in an effort to improve OCB implementation in the
implementation of their duties and jobs, so that it has a greater impact on their performance
achievement (Padsakoff, Ahearne & MacKenzei, 1997; Gibson et al., 2006; Luthans, 2006). This
is in accordance with the statementGeorge & Jones (2005), OCB implementation is believed to
increase if it is based on the willingness or motivation of the employees themselves.

Organizational Culture Has an Indirect Effect on Employee Performance Through OCB

The analysis results have proven that OCB is able to mediate the indirect effect
organizational culture on employee performance. The meaning obtained from these results is that
the strengthening of organizational culture can determine the implementation of OCB in the
workplace, so that the achievement of employee work results at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar
becomes greater. However, the effects of OCB mediation were found to be indirect effects this is
partial (partial mediation). In other words, the implementation of OCB is not a key determinant of
the indirect effect of organizational culture on employee performance. The success of an
organization is greatly influenced by the performance of its employees. Performance is the work
achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties and work in the organization. Thus, company
management will strive to improve the performance of its employees, so that the company's goals
can be achieved. Strengthening organizational culture is a strategic one in improving employee
performance (Gibson et al., 2006; Jurkeiwick, 2001; Luthans, 2006). However, the implementation
of OCB in the workplace can have a greater impact on employee performance achievement
(Padsakoff, Ahearne & MacKenzei, 1997). Other than that,support a strong work culture in the
organization. These results are consistent with empirical reports Nur'Aini (2012) for employees
of PT. Telkom Area Jember that Organizational culture has a greater impact in influencing OCB
behavior on employees. The results of this study also indicate that organizational culture has a
stronger influence on employee OCB behavior to achieve their work. Furthermore, it can be said
that the OCB behavior of employees appears to be more influenced by internal values company,
and subsequently has a positive impact on the performance of its service

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454


Based on the results of the analysis and discussion carried out, the following conclusions
can be conveyed:
1. Work motivationpositive and significant effect on OCB of employees at Windu Sari Art
Market Gianyar. This result means that an increase in employee motivation will improve the
implementation of OCB.
2. Organizational culturepositive and significant effect on OCB of employees at Windu Sari Art
Market Gianyar. This result means,A better organizational culture will be able to improve
OCB implementation.
3. Work motivationpositive and significant effect on employee performance at Windu Sari Art
Market Gianyar. These findings mean that the increasing work motivation will be able to
improve employee performance.
4. Organizational culture has a positive and significant influence on employee performance at
Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. This result means,a better organizational culture can improve
employee performance.
5. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive and significant influence on
employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. This means that increasing the
implementation of OCB in the workplace will be able to improve employee performance.
6. Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB) positively mediates the indirect effect of work
motivation on employee performance at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. Based on these
results, it can be stated that an increase in work motivation will encourage the implementation
of OCB in the workplace, and ultimately improve employee performance at Windu Sari Art
Market Gianyar. There are, however, the effects of OCB mediation on indirect effectsthisis
partial (partial mediation). In other words, the implementation of OCB is not the main
determinant of the indirect effect of work motivation on employee performance.
7. Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB) is able to mediate the indirect influence of
organizational culture on employee performance. Based on these results, it can be stated that
strengthening organizational culture can determine the implementation of OCB in the
workplace, so that the achievement of employee work results at Windu Sari Art Market
Gianyar is greater. However, the effects of OCB mediation were found to be indirect effects
this is partial (partial mediation). In other words, the implementation of OCB is not a key
determinant of the indirect effect of organizational culture on employee performance.

Suggestions that can be conveyed from the results of this study are as follows:
a) The results showed that the pathway of organizational culture on employee performance had
the greatest total effect, compared to the pathwaywork motivation on employee performance.

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRBC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Vol.11, No. 3, (2020), pp. 1437–1454

The organizational culture at Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar has been going well, measured
by several indicators, this should be maintained and improved. Aggressiveness is the most
dominant indicator of employee performance so that the management of Windu Sari Art
Market Gianyar should pay more attention to this so that in carrying out the employee
recruitment system it is recommended to choose active prospective employees in the sense that
they are willing to introspect themselves on their mistakes and are willing to be personal.
learning as well as competitive. The company is able to improve the implementation of
organizational culture which is classified as sufficient. Especially in the implementation of
indicators which are low,
b) On work motivation, employees give the lowest assessment on the level of persistence
indicator, this shows the lack of desire of employees to develop skills and advance the
company, to overcome this can be done by facilitating the implementation of programs or
training that encourage employees to innovate at work, but with minimal risk. or emotional
control in the face of risks beyond their control. In addition, employee involvement in
discussion forums that discuss problem handlers is also needed, in addition to employees being
able to train employee sensitivity in finding solutions, this can also make employees feel that
they are contributing to the sustainability of the company. So, the application of organizational
culture can move for the better
c) To improve employee performance, the leadership of Windu Sari Art Market must create /
foster achievement in improving employee performance, both from improving the work
experience of employees in terms of salaries, benefits, high solidarity between colleagues and
a comfortable atmosphere in the office environment. In addition, leaders are required to always
give appreciation to all employees, relationships need each other and act in accordance with
employee expectations. Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar management always needs good and
high performance employees in carrying out their duties in order to achieve the revenue target
that has been charged from Windu Sari Art Market Gianyar. .


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