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He who knows others is wise.

He who knows himself is enlightened. - Lao Tzu


1.The following lines are from A.; B.; C.; D.

2.Which of the following poems was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE:A.; B.; C.; D.
3.The situation in this beloved country of ours is portrayed quite vividly in which of the
following poems?
A.; B.; C.; D.
4.Which of the following poems presents the carpe diem theme?A.; B.; C.; D.
5.I AM NAMANGKAWI would be best approached through: A.; B.; C.; D.
6. BLUES FOR BONIE would be best approached through A.; B.; C.; D.
7.The following stanza is from: A.; B.; C.; D.
8.Which of the following poem discusses the pretense the Blacks went through in order to
survive in the white world. A.; B.; C.; D.
9.In India the people struggled for independence and one of the following poems criticizes those
who let themselves colonized instead of fighting A.; B.; C.; D.
10.Which of the following poem deals with the struggle to get our country’s independence? A.;
B.; C.; D.
11.In may parts of the world there are still a lot of injustices and inequalities: racial, religious,
ethnic, sexual orientation, gender etc. The following poem deals with one of these issues. A.;
B.; C.; D.
12.VIRTUE was written by A.; B.; C.; D.
13.Which of the following poems presents nature with its beauty? A.; B.; C.; D.
14.The following stanza is from: A.; B.; C.; D.
15.The following lines are from: A.; B.; C.; D.
16. If you notice the following bold and italicized lines, what do they exemplify?A.; B.; C.; D.


1.SONG OF THE SWAN is critical observation of what we experience in our daily life. It
depicts how ‘Eden’ is denied to certain group of people in our society. At least three institutions
are criticized in the poem. They are:
A. Brothel
B. Hospital
C. Church
2. In Christian concept, in one word, what does the quote tell you about Maria Zaitun’s sin?

The man bends and kisses her lips

He tastes like coconut milk
She has never known a kiss like that
Then he opens her bra
She is powerless and indeed pleased .
She surrenders : Ternyata lelaki yang mendatangi dan mencumbu Maria Zaitun adalah juru
selamat, yaitu Yesus Kristus. Yesus telah mengangkat Maria Zaitun dari kegelapan. Maria
Zaitun telah bangkit, seperti halnya kebangkitan Yesus. Yesus pergi ke Maria Zaitun di tepi
sungai dan kemudian dia mencium seluruh tubuh pria yang datang kepadanya dan menemukan
bekas luka di sisi kiri perut, di dua telapak tangan, di kedua telapak kaki pria itu. . Semua ini
adalah luka yang dialami Yesus Kristus saat digantung di kayu Salib sebagai penebusan dosa
umat-Nya. Yesus telah mengangkat Maria Zaitun dari kegelapan. Maria Zaitun telah bangkit,
seperti kebangkitan Yesus

3. Answer the following questions about the poem below

a. What is the title of the poem? Richard Cory

b. Who wrote the poem? Edwin Arlington Robinson

c. How many stanzas are there in the poem? Four-line stanzas

d. What is the name of the stanzas? Quatrain


e. Write the rhyme scheme of the last stanza.

Whenever Richard Cory went down town, A

We people on the pavement looked at him: B

He was a gentleman from sole to crown, A

Clean favored, and imperially slim. B

Whenever Richard Cory went down town, A

We people on the pavement looked at him: B

He was a gentleman from sole to crown, A

Clean favored, and imperially slim. B

And he was always quietly arrayed, C

And he was always human when he talked; D

But still he fluttered pulses when he said, C

"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked. D

And he was rich - yes, richer than a king E

And admirably schooled in every grace: F

In fine, we thought that he was everything E

To make us wish that we were in his place. F

So on we worked, and waited for the light, G

And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; H

And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, G


ent home and put a bullet through his head. H

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