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Descriptive writing

Student’s details


It was on a Sunday 13th December, after a hard day’s work. I thought of nothing else to

refresh my mind other than taking a position along river Torrens bank. Health experts

recommend walking since it breaks the monotony and refreshes our senses. Nature walk rewards

most and is the best since they are free from pollution and interruptions from human activity.

Open air circulation and the beauty of nature has no example since it provides an exquisite

pleasure and satisfaction. The sight of the river Torrens has a peculiar peaceful effect upon my

mind; every sight and sound inspires a spirit of rest and peacefulness.

I had a delightful time walking along the bank of river Torrens I enjoyed the rippling

surface of the water, the fish playing here and there, the birds singing their lovely songs in the

trees. The calmness in the bank is like that from a deserted cemetery. The noise from the city is

heard from a far distance, and people walking around here are those seeking calmness too. The

nature in this place is quite. I looked for a place to sit down and relieve my mind out of pressure

from assignments and classwork. Once I was sited at the bottom of a tree, a bird gave me some

company and landed on that tree. It began to sing a melodious song which made me wonder how

did it know that I needed some natural refreshment. It was a relief to escape the noises from the

city square.

I enjoyed especially the beauty of the sunset over the River Torrens. The spectacular

sight presented by the setting sun as it sunk beneath the surface of the water. This is one of the

most charming views of an evening walk by the riverside. Brilliant colours light up the clouds at

the western horizon, the manifestation presented to the eyes is full of splendour and calm beauty.

For some time after the sun has set, the sky is filled with thousands of delicate tints which charm

the eye and please the heart. Then the stars begin to appear, and the day finally gives place to


I returned full of impressions, rich and vivid, gathered during my walk by the riverside. I

realized how glorious were the beauties of nature and how rich her delights. Whenever I want

some peace of mind and heart, I will not hesitate to visit the site and enjoy the gift from nature.

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