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Student Name: DAVID, JENNIFER Degree Program: BSBA-FM

Section: 3.1BSBA-FM CY2 Mobile Number: 09327066774

Professor Name: Elyoenai C. Lagarde Email Address:
1. What is the Japanese Vocabulary in order to apply the sentence structure given?
SOV it means “subject-object-verb.” This is a language where the verb is at the end of
the sentence. This means that the verb follows the subject, like in English. The verb is
like the link between the subject and the other parts of the sentence. For example;
“Jimbo” is the subject, “eats” is the verb and “an apple” is the object. This sentence
follows the SVO formula.

2. Why are particles important in the Japanese Language?

Japanese has many particles, and these particles provide a variety of different functions.
They are absolutely important to Japanese sentences. Particles tell you what something is,
where it goes, what it does, how it does it, why it does it, etc. They are little "word-
things" that attach themselves to words or phrases. They are used to describe the
relationship between one word or phrase to another.
3. Provide at least 2 examples for the sentence structure of the following:

N1 wa N2 desu

ENGLISH: I am a student.
ROMAJI: watashi wa gakusē desu.
HIRAGANA: わたし は がくせい です。
ROMAJI: watashi wa anata ga suki desu
HIRAGANA: わたし はあなた がすき です
N1 wa N2 ja arimasen I

ENGLISH: I am not Japanese.

ROMAJI: watashi wa nihon jin dewa arimasen.
HIRAGANA: わたし は にほんじん では ありません。

ENGLISH: She is Ms. Yamada

ROMAJI: kanojo wa yamada-san desu.

HIRAGANA: かのじょ は やまださん です。

S ka

ENGLISH: I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow.

Student Name: DAVID, JENNIFER Degree Program: BSBA-FM
Section: 3.1BSBA-FM CY2 Mobile Number: 09327066774
Professor Name: Elyoenai C. Lagarde Email Address:
ROMAJI: ashita ame ga furu ka wakara nai

HIRAGANA: あしたあめがふるかわからない

ENGLISH: Do you like sushi?

ROMAJI: anata wa sushi ga suki desu ka

HIRAGANA: あなたはすしがすきですか

N mo

ENGLISH: I ate, too.

ROMAJI: Watashi mo tabemashita.

HIRAGANA: 私も食べました。

ENGLISH: I don’t want to go anywhere.

ROMAJI: doko ni mo ikitakunai

HIRAGANA: どこにも行きたくない

N1 no N2

ENGLISH: This is a Japanese book.

ROMAJI: kore wa nihongo no hon desu.

HIRAGANA: これ は にほんご の ほん です。

ENGLISH: That is a car of Japanese make.

ROMAJI:  are wa nihon no kuruma desu.  

HIRAGANA: あれ は にほん の くるま です。


ENGLISH: Is Chen a teacher?

ROMAJI: Chin-san wa sensē desu ka?

HIRAGANA:  チンさん は せんせい です か。

ENGLISH: Does Tanaka-san like anime?

Student Name: DAVID, JENNIFER Degree Program: BSBA-FM
Section: 3.1BSBA-FM CY2 Mobile Number: 09327066774
Professor Name: Elyoenai C. Lagarde Email Address:
ROMAJI: Tanaka-san wa anime ga suki desu ka?

HIRAGANA: 田中さんはアニメが好きですか?

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