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Oleh :

Amelia Zuhrotul Hanin (197724)

English department, STKIP PGRI Jombang

A’isyah Nurhidayah (197726)

English department, STKIP PGRI Jombang

Indah Puji Pramesti (197725)

English department, STKIP PGRI Jombang

Chalimah, M.Pd

English department 2019-B of STKIP PGRI Jombang


In English, we need to learn grammar and understand tenses. One of the tense that we will
discuss in this paper is the simple past tense. The use of simple past tense was chosen to find out
how far the students understanding of simple past tense is in daily use. In this research, 10
students from English Department STKIP 2019-B were used as research samples. Consist 5 male
students, and 5 female students. The research instrument to collect data was a questioner. The
results of the research showed that students understanding of the simple past tense was good

Humans need language to communicate,
both spoken and written language.
Languages are as diverse as local languages, Research Question
the national language and an international 1. How do students of 2019-B STKIP
language. Enghlish is an internation
PGRI JOMBANG understanding of
langueages because english is used in a
tenses especially past tense ?
variety aspects of human life, such as
2. What problems do students often
scientific knowledge and technology,
encounter in 2019-B STKIP PGRI
JOMBANG when they meet models
In Indonesia, English which is domiciled as about the past tense?
a foreign language has been studied in 3. How to overcome the problem of
schools. The purpose of learning English is students understanding of past tense?
that students at school are expected to have
enough knowledge about language English
like comprehension spoken language, so you Method
can understand other people when they are
talking, finesse read so students can The type of research we use to
understand contents of books in English and analyze the student’s understanding
can read according to the pronunciation. In in past tense is a quantitative analysis
learning English, there are four aspects of method with a online survey
skills that student must understand for approach. The data is collected from
example like speaking skills, reading skills, several samples. The participant are
listening skills, and writing skills have their 10 students from English Department
respective challenges and need to get good of STKIP 2019-B. In this research,
attention. Writing is one of them. According we collected information from
to Ebo (2005 : 1) writing can be done by participant using a questions through
everyone by developing and training. online media.
Meanwhile, according to McCrimmon in St.
Y. Slamet (2008 : 141) writing is an activity Result and Discussion
to explore thoughts and feelings about a
subject, choose things to write, determine Respondent Score
how to write them so that the reader can Respondent 1 100/100
understand them easily and clearly. Respondent 2 1000100
Respondent 3 100/100
English is a foreign language that is very Respondent 4 100/100
important for us because it allows us to carry Respondent 5 100/100
out activities in daily life such as reading Respondent 6 90/100
Respondent 7 90/100
English literature, listening to foreign radio
Respondent 8 80/100
broadcasts, and watching movies and adding
Respondent 9 80/100
other scientific insights. Respondent 10 70/100
Simple past tense pattern.

Based on the table above, it can be For regular verbs, add –ed to the root form
concluded that the past tense understanding of the verb ( or just –d if the root form
of 2019-B students is good enough. But already ends in an e ). Example : play =
there is some miss understanding in played.
difference between regular verb and
irregular verb. So that sometimes it is still For irregular verbs, things get more
upside down on its use. From the table complicated. The simple past tense of some
above we can conclude that both student irregular verbs looks exactly like the root
have higher grades. All students understand form, example : put = put.
the past tense material and its use in For the irregular verbs including the verbs to
sentences. be the simple past forms are more erractic.
The simple past is a verb tenses that is used Example : see = saw
to talk about things that happened or existed
before now. The simple past tense shows
that you are talking about something that has
already happened. You can also used the
simple past to talk about a past state of
being, such as the way someone felt about
something. This is often expressed wit the
simple past tense of the verb to be, and an
adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase.

form Simple past tense pattern Sentence

positive Subject + verb 2 + object Elsa played football yesterday

negative Subject + did + not + verb 1 + object Elsa did not play football yesterday

introgative Did + subject + verb 1 + object Did Elsa play football yesterday

After knowing the results of the above past tense and past participle endings.
research we will explain the use of regular example : look = looked, play = played.
and irregular verbs. Irregular verbs end in many different ways.
Unfortunately, there is no rule
The use of regular and irregular verbs
to help you remember them. You just have
The main difference between regular and to practice remembering them off by heart
irregular verb is the different endings they over time. The more you practice the easier
have for the past tense and past participle. it will get, example : see saw seen. An easy
Regular verbs always end in –ed for both way of remembering the irregular verbs
would be to remember the ‘order of change’. form of the verb, the second is pas tense, and
For example : drink, drank, drunk. If you the third is the past participle.
remember these three words in that order,
then you will know that the first is the base
Conclusion Reference

From our result, it can be concluded that that Rumus past tense accesed on
the past tense understanding of 2019-B
students is good enough. But there is some December, 24 2019 at 10:38 p.m
miss understanding in difference between
regular verb and irregular verb. In addition Perbedaan regular verb dan irregular verb
to giving question, we also provide tips for accesed on
solving problems about past tense. The tips December, 24 2019 at 11.23 p.m
that we provide cn be applied to student in
working on past tense problems more easily
and correctly.

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