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Nestle Case Study

1. Summarize the case study.  What was Nestle trying to do?

a. Nestle has locations within 187 countries. The team monitors online
conversations to ensure they are notified of any emerging crises and to
keep up to date on general industry topics and food trends. In order to
manage this, Nestle looked for a solution that could surface relevant
sources and topics quickly. Their team came up with social listening with
Brandwatch in order to accomplish their intended goals, which are to gain
insights from social data to all departments, promoting cross-functional
collaboration. Different steps were identified in order to successfully
manage and analyze their goals. The team closely focused on relevant
sources. They could not risk ignoring all other posts, which may have
contained emerging crises and opportunities. Another feature that the
team uses to stay up to date with all discussions is Signal. These certain
automatic email notifications inform them of abnormalities within the data.
2. Was Nestle successful in its endeavor?
a. Nestle was indeed successful with this endeavor. They can now access
context in which Nestle brands are discussed every day. Through the
early warning systems and trackers through the Brandwatch platform, this
helps keep the team up to date with all relevant conversations across their
targeted groups within online social media groups and news sites. Another
big feature that the Morning Briefing Dashboard brought to the table was
its tracking of all trends in real time, while Signals and Alerts were
designed to notify the team to key opportunities or crises as they are
3. What information did Nestle use as discussed in this study?
a. Nestle used different steps within their goal of social listening with
Brandwatch. Within step 1, A Morning Briefing Dashboard was set up to
compile all of the needs of all stakeholders. These certain sources could
be organized into neat lists for further analysis. Step 2 dealt with specific
focus topics, which could be categorized with help of rules and tags within
the Brandwatch Consumer Research platform. The certain visualizations
that the team selected would show real time data, which helped eliminate
any manual changes. Step 3, involved setting up email alerts for the
internal stakeholders. These emails would notify of new articles or key
mentioned at the frequency they want to receive them.
4. Locate one other article to support the findings of this case study.
a. This article goes more in-depth with the social media aspect of things. It
focuses on each social media platform and how marketing ties into them.

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