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Health -Grade 10 -Week 1-2 -LAS 1

Health Information, Product and Services

➤ All of us are consumers

➥ We always make purchases for our health (every aspect); We always use health products and services

➥ It’s important to be knowledgeable so we won’t get deceived

➤ Consumer Health

➥ Decisions we make regarding purchases/use of health info, products, and services that has a direct effect on
our health

➤ Consumer Health 3 components

❶ Health Information

➩ Any data or facts (scientifically proven) we get from multimedia, health professionals (doctors with different
specialization, nurses) and agencies (DOH, BFAD)

☛ Where can we acquire information?

○ Authorized person (health care providers/professionals), Media, Technology (Trusted websites). It’s important
to identify the credibility of these sources to avoid health misinformation

☛ Sources of Health Information

Reliable Source of Information Unreliable Source of Information

✓ Medical and Health Professionals ✓ Outdated customs, practices, and superstitions
✓ Government Agencies i.e., DOH, FDA, BFD, DTI w/o scientific basis (Note when corrective beliefs
✓ Trusted websites (ending with gov, org, edu) by grandparents since they got used to the old
✓ Local Health Officials beliefs which is outdated, do it w/ respect)
✓ Educational Institutions (schools) ✓ Information based health information
✓ Commercialized Health information (Thus, they
always say that this is not an alternative for
prescribed medicines)
✓ Personal information and incomplete information
(It’s fine to share but don’t insist)
✓ Quark or pseudo healers (Individuals who claimed
they can heal)
❷ Health Products

➩ Substances, materials, equipment, any product that has to do with maintaining health or diseases treatment

❸ Health Services

➩ Information, actions, procedures, or work availed for health. It's what we get from health providers (trained
professionals who provide health services, they may have specialization)

☛ Three types of Health Service Providers

○ Health Professionals - licensed in a field related to health & other allied programs (doctors, nurses which is
called allied health professional who’s under supervision, etc.) Note: there are different specializations

○ Health Facilities - places that offers healthcare services (there are different type of health care facilities)

○ Health Insurance - Financial agreement between an insurance company and individual or group for the payment
of healthcare costs

➤ Different Type of Healthcare Facilities

❶ Hospitals

➩ An institution where people go for health/medical services

☛ Types of medical care that hospitals offer:

○ Inpatient Care – care given to patients who have to stay inside (for proper treatment, monitoring)

○ Outpatient Care – care/treatment to patients that does not have to stay inside

➤ Different kinds of Hospital (Generally, we know public and private)

❶ Private Hospitals

➩ Operated by individuals to gain profits

➩ Example: Sacred heart, Garcia

❷ Voluntary Hospitals

➩ Not after the profit but to give services to community (if there’s payment, it’s minimal)
❸ Government Public Hospital

➩ Run by the state where treatments are subsidized (supported financially by the government)

➩ Though there are still payment but much lesser since usually medicines are not provided by the hospital

❹ Teaching Hospital

➩ Includes school for medical student (students usually work there afterwards)

➩ Example: AUF

➤ Philippine Two Classification of Hospitals

❶ General Hospitals

➩ have complete medical, surgical, maternal facilities

➩ Example: Baguio General Hospital, Philippine General Hospital, Cebu General Hospital

❷ Specialty Hospitals

➩ handle a particular disease or condition or deal with only one type of patient (has specialization)

➩ Example: Philippine Hearts Center (for the heart), Lung Center of the Philippines (for the lungs), National
Kidney Transplant Institute (for the kidney)

➤ Continuation of Different Type of Healthcare Facilities

❷ Walk-In Surgery Center

➩ Offers surgery (medical practices) w/o the patient being admitted (outpatient)

❸ Health Center

➩ Caters specific location w/ various health needs

➩ Example: kung sapang bata, citizens of that place are the only allowed

❹ Extended Healthcare facility

➩ Home for the agent (cater old person only w/ nursing care, residential services, treatment)
➤ Health Insurance

➥ Financial agreement between an insurance company and individual or group for the payment of healthcare
costs (In case you get sick, you don’t have to pay because you have paid it already in this insurance company)

➤ Various coverage type of health insurance

❶ Medical Insurance

➩ pays for the fees of the health professionals, laboratory tests, and prescription drugs

❷ Major medical Insurance

➩ offers for long term-term (mahabang gamutan) or chronic diseases (malalang sakit) such as AIDS and cancer

❸ Hospitalization Insurance

➩ pays for the stay of the patient inside (for inpatient not outpatient)

❹ Surgical Insurance

➩ pays for operations (i.e., eye operation), surgery (treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by
cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part)

➩ It has term and condition (this is for health purposes only not for beauty things)

❺ Disability Insurance

➩ provides financing for members who meets accidents (mga biglang nagkakasakit)

➩ Normal physical appearance is affected (dati normal ngayon lumpo)

(This only works if you have insurance and you have paid it)

➤ Health Insurance may be sourced from both public and private companies

Philhealth – health
insurance in the Philippines;
Government owned &
controlled 1995 ra 7875
More Info:

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