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Objectives: Impaired The goals of 1. Assist patient 1. Adds to The patients are able
Physical interventions for muscle gaining to do an activities
General observation:
Mobility are to avoid exercises as enhanced and strength her
slightly drooping
related to the hazards of able or when sense of shoulders
eyelids, slight forward
weakness immobility, allowed out balance and
head posture, small
of prevent of bed; strengthens
anterior translation of voluntary dependent execute compensatory
the right head of the muscles disabilities, abdominal- body parts
humerus, winging of and assist the tightening 2. These
the right scapula patient in exercises and measures
restoring, knee bends; promote a
 Palpation: preserving, or hop on foot; safe, secure
increased maintaining stand on toes environment
tightness in as much 2. Present a safe and may
right pectoralis mobility and environment: reduce risk for
major and functional bed rails up, falls.
upper fiber independenc bed in a 3. Exercise
trapezius e as possible down enhances
 Pain Scale: 1/10 position, increased
at beginning of important venous
day, increases items close return,
to 7/10 after by. prevents
increased 3. Execute stiffness, and
workload passive or maintains
 Gait active muscle
observation: assistive ROM strength and
slight decrease exercises to stamina. It
in arm swing, all also avoids
particularly on extremities. contracture
the right side 4. Show the use deformation,
 AROM: right of mobility which can
shoulder flexion devices, such build up
90° and as the quickly and
abduction 100° following: could hinder
(limited by pain trapeze, prosthesis
and crutches, or usage.
weakness), all other walkers 4. These devices
major upper and lower 5. Encourage can
extremity joints within resistance- compensate
normal ranges training for impaired
exercises function and
 Right Shoulder using light enhance level
PROM: full weights when of activity.
range with suitable. The goals of
normal end DEPENEDENT using such
feel : aids are to
 Upper Motor 6.Give promote
Neuron Tests: medications safety,
normal as prescribed enhance
 Reflexes: by the mobility,
normal doctors avoid falls,
 Skin sensation and conserve
and energy.
dermatomes: 5. Strength
normal and training and
intact other forms of
 Myotomes: exercise are
positive testing believed to be
with fatigable effective in
weakness in maintaining
shoulder independent
elevation and living status
and reduced
the risk of
 Strength: falling in older
shoulder flexion adults.
and abduction 6. Antispasmodic
⅖ MMT, medications
scapular may reduce
protraction and muscle
spasms or
retraction ⅗ MMT, spasticity that
wrist and elbow ⅘ interferes
MMT with mobility;
 Myasthenia analgesics
Gravis - Quality may reduce
of Life 15 pain that
 Quick Disability impedes
of Arm, Hand, movement
and Shoulder

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