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Nombre: Matrícula:

Daniel Berlanga Pineda  2728081

Nombre del curso:  Nombre del profesor: 

Operations Management Luis Armando García Guzmán

Módulo: Actividad:
Módulo 3 Actividad 10

Fecha: 21/11/21                               


1. Make a research on what an ERP system is and how it works.

R= is a process used by companies to manage and integrate the important parts of
their businesses. Many ERP software applications are important to companies
because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all of the
processes needed to run their companies with a single system. An ERP software
system can also integrate planning, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance,
human resources, and more.

2. Choose a real company that use an ERP system for their daily operation and
investigate with those involved what the main advantage of its use is.
R= HP as my example uses the ERP systems to always have resources planifications
of all the necesary components of their computers and distribution so they never end
up having less than it is required.

3. Once you obtain this information, you will make an analysis of the three main activities
in which you detected that the system is used and describe the functions that are
carried out to be able to maintain control of them.
- First activity is to identify the needed resources to make an electronic component
- Second activity is to have enough materials to actually build them up and make them
work as intended
- Third activity is to send them to the stores who Will sell them to the public.

4. Make a suggestion of a function that currently does not exist in the control process
within the ERP system of the company. 
R= I suggest that HP might need to implement a faster way to have the resources as
today standars the shortage of chips becomes increasingly frightening to all the
companies who have this type of businesses because they do not have the exact
resources to produce in time so they have a what called bottle neck of operations
making them not sell well enough

5. Analyze the consequences of not having an ERP system in the operation.

R= The main consequence of not having an actual ERP is that basicaly your company is
destined to fail and not progress just by the fact of not having an actual resource plan,
something that is so basicaly needed on today standards.

6. Add your findings and make the activity in essay format.


As i mentioned in the document this company Named HP mostly known for making
and producing computers is a high rated company which uses this knownly ERP
system which is demandingly necessary for almost every company out there is you
want your bussiness to actually grow and become a better company eventually, as any
company as big as they are they all have Little flaws in their production line, as we talk
about HP their not the exception here and they also need some Little imporvements so
the company Will actually grow more than they already are, so here i posted the main
activities that they have and what i think Will improve their system eventually.
- First activity is to identify the needed resources to make an electronic component
- Second activity is to have enough materials to actually build them up and make them
work as intended
- Third activity is to send them to the stores who Will sell them to the public.
I suggest that HP might need to implement a faster way to have the resources as today
standars the shortage of chips becomes increasingly frightening to all the companies
who have this type of businesses because they do not have the exact

With all of this said those are my opinions of improvement if i had to work with HP to
have a better ERP that they already have.

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