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Measuring community

awareness and preparedness for

Introduction A key corporate objective of the Victorian Government is that ‘Victorian communi- ties
are safe and people feel justifiably
by Jessica Enders, Colmar Brunton Social Research confident about their safety’. This is an objective
shared by the various public and private agencies which, whether within or outside the Justice Portfolio,
are part of Victoria’s emergency management arrangements.
Within the context of emergencies, the safety of the community is somewhat determined by the
effectiveness of emergency management and services, which are primarily supplied or con- trolled by the
public sector. However, another important component of safety is that individuals, organisations, indus-
tries etc. are aware of the risks they are exposed to and have taken actions to mitigate and/or prepare for
such emer- gencies.
Historically, communities were seen as passive entities whose involvement in emergency management
was only as receivers of assistance when emergencies occurred. Government and its agencies were seen
as the sole entity responsible for managing such emergencies. It has been increasingly recognised that this
historical model of Government emergency mana- gement is no longer appropriate (Neilsen & Lidstone
1998; Hodges 1999; Reinholtd 1999; Rhodes & Reinholtd 1999). Emer- gency management agencies do
not have the resources to comprehensively deal with all emergencies protecting every home and every
life. Moreover, the impact of emergencies can be significantly reduced with the involvement of the
community in planning, mitigation and preparation. Emergency management agencies can develop, in
consultation with the community, the most appropriate and effective ways to manage emergency risks.
The second part of the Victorian Justice Portfolio objective refers to feelings of confidence in the
community about its safety. In an emergency management context, this translates into community
members feeling that they have (or have access to) the information, resources and support that they desire
and/or need to ensure their safety, despite the risks with which they live.
a data collection process are to: 1.Define both the broad and detailed
outcomes that are desired; 2.Determine what outputs (ie data) would describe the extent to which
outcomes are being met; and 3. Construct processes to collect the data Currently some information is
available on the effectiveness of services provided by the emergency management sector, such as incident
and response time data. There is comparatively little information on awareness and preparedness of the
community for emergencies1 and it is recognised that such data is needed. Research questions include:
• how aware is the community of emer- gency risks?
• what steps have members of the com- munity taken to maximise their safety?
• and how confident do they feel about
defined in Step 2. For this topic, defining desired out- comes as per Step 1 will include deter- mining:
• what is meant by ‘community’ eg individuals versus organisations
• what is included in the definition of an ‘emergency’
• what type of emergencies over what geographic area are in-scope
• what is it that emergency managers want the community to be ‘aware’ of, and how ‘prepared’ does the
com- munity need to be. emergency issues?
Behaviour change Collecting data to answer such research
Essentially, the task of increasing com- questions will lead to a greater under-
munity preparedness for emergencies is standing of the context within which
one of effecting behaviour change. Hence emergency management occurs. In the
there is a need to consider frameworks long term, there is also the possibility that
for how individuals move through the measurement will lead to the ability to
behaviour change process. That is, how predict how people will respond to
do people: emergencies.
• receive information about emergency Focus on outcomes There is no denying that the process of
measuring emergency awareness and preparedness of the community will be complex. It may be clear
that some sort of survey is needed, but what should go in such a survey and to whom should it be
administered? To answer these ques- tions the model shown in Figure 1 is useful. This model, utilised by
the Austra- lian Bureau of Statistics for their surveys, outlines the steps to be taken when a research issue
is identified and a process for addressing that issue is required. Following the model from right to left
describes the process of going from a desire to obtain information about an topic, to determining what sort
of processes are needed to produce that information. Working through the model
• perceive those risks
• behave in relation to the risks. Previously it was believed that once an individual had the information
they needed, they would act appropriately. It is now recognised that there are several steps between an
individual receiving infor- mation and them changing their behaviour (Boura 1998; Nielsen & Lidstone
1998; Johnston et al 1999; Rhodes & Reinholtd 1999). Moreover, different individuals will have different
levels of resistance to change, regardless of the change mecha- nisms applied (Hill et al 1996).
Assuming an individual has been exposed to some sort of emergency related information, they can then
be viewed as a ‘consumer’ of that information, ‘exercising a right to choose’ to use it or from left to right
describes the process of data collection and utilisation of the resulting data.
Therefore, the key steps in developing
Notes 1. Some excellent work has been done by the Victorian Country Fire Authority
Australian Journal of Emergency Management 52
• level of past damage from a similar emergency Efficiency Effectiveness
• salience of hazard

• level of knowledge about the threat. INOFactors found by Russell et al (1995)


• socio-economic and demographic PUProcess TUS Outputs

TCvariables (such as income, presence of school-aged children in the household, OMES
home ownership)
• personality traits (such as anxiety)
• hazard related variables (such as previous experience with the hazard, perceptions about personal
vulnera- bility). Russell et al (1995) also discuss how Supply Consumption
some of these variables can be interpreted as measures of ‘community involvement’ or alternatively of
‘willingness to accept responsibility’. Figure 1: steps to be taken when a research issue is identified and a
process for addressing that issue is required.
Given all these factors, what can we deduce about a model for behaviour change? Rhodes and Reinholtd
(1999) not (Twigg 1998). Factors that may
prior attitudes, and influenced by per-
propose the framework in Figure 3. influence the decision are given by Mulilis
sonal characteristics and manifold
In this model, the way people choose (1998):
context factors’ (Rohrmann 1998). This
to respond to an identified hazard is
• ‘source of the communication—
reinforces a very important point: the
‘dependent upon their knowledge, expec- credibility, trustworthiness, attractive-
actual communication of scientifically
tations, perceptions [of the hazard]... ness, liking, similarity, power
quantified risk is only one aspect of the
along with a range of other influences’
• message characteristics—style, clarity,
awareness and behaviour change process.
(Rhodes & Reinholtd 1999). The authors forcefulness, speed, ordering, amount
Economic and societal factors, as well as
also note that ‘importantly, each stage [of of material, repetition, number of
personal experiences, can also signifi-
the model] does not represent a level of arguments, extremity of position
cantly impact on individual attitudes and preparedness in itself. Rather, the level of • channel
variables—media type (such whether ‘ideal’ behaviours are adopted.

preparedness is reflected by the position as television, radio, newspapers, face-

An alternative adopted by some resear-
people occupy within each of the stages to-face communication), verbal versus
chers is to focus on examining the factors
at any one point in time’ (Rhodes & non-verbal communication, context of
associated with preparedness. For exam-
Reinholtd 1999). the channel
ple, Johnston et al (1999) discuss previous
Rohrmann (1996) also discusses a
• receiver variables—age, intelligence,
literature which relates preparedness to
related model for persuasion and attitude gender, self-esteem, level of active
factors such as:
change which has been ‘identified by participation, incentives for partici-
• perceived risk
social psychologists such as Eagly & pation
• amount of relevant information
Chaiken (1993) and McGuire (1985)’.
• target or destination variables— attitudes versus behaviour, decay of induced change, delayed-action
resistance to persuasion’. Eiser et al (1994) also note that attitudes
Societal Safety Culture are self-sustaining in that not only do they
Inst's for Risk/

‘adapt themselves to new information, but influence the kind of information that is sought and
remembered, and the manner in which it is understood’. This makes understanding how individuals
‘become’ aware even more complex.
Rohrmann (1998) proposes the model shown in Figure 2 that indicates a number of forces working on the
individual in the risk communication process. The model acknowledges that ‘risk-reducing behaviour
regarding a hazard is deter- mined not just by the communicated messages of the information/education
program but the result of a complex [personal] evaluation process including
Figure 2: Rohrmann’s Risk Communication Framework
Context of RC

RC Content
Safety/ Health Mgmt Community

Efforts Judging Utility

of Action Prior Beliefs re Measures
Prior Risk Perception
Approval of Hazard Message
Risk (Re)-Appraisal
Individual Decision for
Risk / Safety Conditions
preventative action
Management of Exposure
Risk specific
Risk-reducing behaviour
General indiv. Characteristics

Spring 2001 53
A holistic framework for looking at awareness and preparedness of individuals Figure 4
(below) gives a proposed framework for looking at awareness and preparedness of individuals. This
frame- work is consistent with the models for behaviour change discussed above. The aim of the
framework is to clarify the range of factors that need to be consi- dered in order to appropriately concep-
tualise the issues relating to awareness and preparedness. Specific relationships between variables or
factors in this model are not proscribed.
This framework can be directly used to design the data collection process. The intention of the framework
is to contain the complete set of factors that may influence the outcome of interest, which is an
individual’s emergency risk beha- viour and intentions. The factors are the individual’s:
• hazard knowledge
• attitudes to risk Figure 3: Preparedness model from Rhodes & Reinholtd• previous experience of emergencies
• exposure to awareness raising
• ability to mitigate/prepare/respond This model stipulates:
measure all the variables involved in the
• demographic characteristics.
• attention (having exposure to infor-
behaviour change process, and avoid
The aim is for all factors that may have mation), precedes
ignoring potential factors because they
an impact on outcomes to be measured.
• comprehension (understanding the
are difficult to measure.
This will enable analysis to go beyond meaning of the information), which
The models also demonstrate that an correlating exposure to public education precedes
individual’s accumulation of knowledge

campaigns with behaviours (real and

• interpretation (relating the infor-
about an emergency risk and actioning of
intended) to correlating all change items mation to one’s own context), which
appropriate behaviours is a complex
with behaviours. This is a more holistic precedes
process that is influenced by factors
(and therefore appropriate) analysis of
• confirmation (reconsidering the
beyond education about emergencies.
the emergency awareness and prepared- relevance of the information to one’s
Johnston et al (1999) note that the ‘assump-
ness issue. own situation), which precedes
tion that threat and risk perceptions can
• acceptance (deciding that the infor-
be measured in absolute terms and in
Factors mation does apply), which precedes
isolation from other societal pressures’
The factors in this framework will be
• retention (becoming part of one’s own
limits our conclusions. This suggests that
briefly discussed. thoughts and belief system), which
measures of awareness and preparedness
‘Hazard knowledge’ refers to awareness, finally precedes
examined over time should not be used as
effectively in terms of a sliding scale
• behaviour change.
the sole proxy for measuring success or
ranging from not being cognisant that a These models illustrate that awareness
failure of public education campaigns.
hazard exists to fully ‘understanding’ the and preparedness are only part of a continuum from information
attainment to behaviour change. It can be tempting to only measure those parts of the process
knowledge Hard Attitudes to risk

experience Previous of emergencies that are of interest, or are easily accessible. However, there is a danger
associated with only measuring part of a process, as recognised by Waldersee (1999), who notes a
tendency for things to ‘become measures because they are available, not because they are key indicators’.
Walder- see (1999) also observes that some measurement can be more dangerous than no measurement,
because it can give a distorted view of the situation. This in turn can lead to misallocation of resour- ces.
Hence, agencies should strive to
Figure 4: A framework for investigating emergency awareness and preparedness
Exposure to Ability awareness raising

mitigate/prepare to respond

characteristics Demographic are factors in

risk perception, surrounding knowledge and beliefs
which are determinants for the outcome of
emergency risk behavious and intentions
Australian Journal of Emergency Management 54
hazard. Note that the framework allows even have to be strictly direct. For
for the possibility of a two-way relation- example, Bennett (1999) discusses a
ship between ‘hazard knowledge’ and case in Port Talbot, UK, where
‘attitudes to risk’, namely that hazard mmunity groups became concerned
knowledge can affect attitudes to risk, about emergency risks in their local
and risk attitudes can impact on the level mical plant only after a similar plant
of hazard knowledge. elsewhere in the British Isles
‘Attitudes to risk’ erienced an emergency. The concept
incorporates indi- vidual risk of ‘exposure to awareness raising’
perceptions, awareness of the scientific psulates factors involved in whether
assessment of risk and percep- tions of e individual personally, or someone
that scientific assessment. they know, has been exposed to
‘Previous experience of emergencies’ eness raising efforts about emergen-
covers a range of concepts such as the
This concept looks at issues such as
impact on the individual from the
whether the individual has attended a
experience of an emergency and how
blic education program, whether the
removed the individual was from the
program was relevant and timely,
emergency itself. This latter factor is
whether the individual has obtained
included because it has been recognised
mation from other sources, etc. The
that it is not easy to define ‘experience’
purpose of including this factor is to
of an emergency and the links between
ovide an overview of an individual’s
the emergency and the individual do not
experience with awareness raising. collection The
‘Ability to be directly
mitigate/prepare/respond’ covers f research questions
perceived as well as actual ability to nsformed into a
behave appropriately in a given able 1 (overleaf)
emergency risk situation. This concept data items for
includes factors such as access to resour- framework and
ces, feelings of responsibility and ulation of
vulnera- bility and connectedness with olds. The list is
the com- munity. That is, it is recognised at it doesn’t refer
that social support is an important factor emergencies.
in an individual’s ability to behave re not presented in
appro- priately (Hill et al 1996). Type of data
Finally ‘demographic wo main
characteristics’ includes socio-economic
and other descriptive factors about the
individual and their situation. These are tative. Quantitative
factors such as age, sex, location, ate- gorical,
employment status and mobility. ata is less
us more about what
Outcomes The outcome being n just how much it
influenced by the above factors is
‘emergency risk beha- viour and Quantitativ
intentions’. This outcome
data users to make
es concepts such as actual
requency of certain
/preparatory steps taken by the
e wider population.
, reasons for taking such steps,
f awareness and
he individual feels they have
example, it is
enough and what an individual
w many people are
o in a range of emergency
attitudes or
tcoming of quanti-
It should be t provides limited
at the individual’s perceived y people feel or
ess is included, as it can be do, or the particular
from preparedness from an encing people. This
oint of view. This is evidenced ata can be useful: it
l et al’s 1995 study. This study expansion—or
or measuring both concepts, as ative results. As
preparedness is likely to be a otes, ‘quantitative
why people do or do not adopt proaches provide
haviours. dence, and thus are

al issues Research
The typical censuses—allow inferences to be made
ather quantitative data is via for the whole population, provided they
Qualitative data can be are conducted properly. Focus groups,
through mechanisms such as on the other hand, do not, as they are not
ups and in-depth interviews standardised assessments of a random
viduals. The advantages and population selected with a certain,
ntages of each of these data measurable probability. However,
methodologies are the surveys can be resource intensive to
s and conduct, whereas focus groups are can
disadvantages of quantitative and quali be less resource intensive.
tative data themselves. For example, Comparability and benchmarking If
surveys—whether sample surveys or the data collected is going to form a
censuses—allow inferences to be made baseline indicator to be tracked over
for the whole population, provided they time, then the data collection
are conducted properly. Focus groups, methodology needs to be relatively
on the other hand, do not, as they are n comparable from one period to the next.
standardised assessments of a random Amongst other things, this often means
population selected with a certain, keeping survey questions the same.
measurable probability. However, Alternatively, the collection may
surveys can be resource intensive to comprise a set of core fixed questions
conduct, whereas focus groups are can complemented by mod- ules of
be less resource intensive. questions that may differ over time. If
Comparability and benchmarking If such an approach is adopted, there is a
the data collected is going to form a need to test any questionnaires each time
baseline indicator to be tracked over for context effects. Context effects refer
time, then the data collection to the phenomena where responses to
methodology needs to be relatively questions are affected by the responses
comparable from one period to the nex to previous questions.
Amongst other things, this often means disadvantages of quantitative and quali-
keeping survey questions the same. tative data themselves. For example,
Alternatively, the collection may surveys—whether sample surveys or
comprise a set of core fixed questions censuses—allow inferences to be made
complemented by mod- ules of for the whole population, provided they
questions that may differ over time. If are conducted properly. Focus groups,
such an approach is adopted, there is a on the other hand, do not, as they are not
need to test any questionnaires each tim standardised assessments of a random
for context effects. Context effects refe population selected with a certain,
to the phenomena where responses to measurable probability. However,
questions are affected by the responses surveys can be resource intensive to
to previous questions. conduct, whereas focus groups are can
disadvantages of quantitative and quali be less resource intensive.
tative data themselves. For example, Comparability and benchmarking If
surveys—whether sample surveys or the data collected is going to form a
baseline indicator to be tracked over for context effects. Context effects refer
time, then the data collection to the phenomena where responses to
methodology needs to be relatively questions are affected by the responses
comparable from one period to the nex to previous questions.
Amongst other things, this often means disadvantages of quantitative and quali-
keeping survey questions the same. tative data themselves. For example,
Alternatively, the collection may surveys—whether sample surveys or
comprise a set of core fixed questions censuses—allow inferences to be made
complemented by mod- ules of for the whole population, provided they
questions that may differ over time. If are conducted properly. Focus groups,
such an approach is adopted, there is a on the other hand, do not, as they are not
need to test any questionnaires each tim standardised assessments of a random
for context effects. Context effects refe population selected with a certain,
to the phenomena where responses to measurable probability. However,
questions are affected by the responses surveys can be resource intensive to
to previous questions. conduct, whereas focus groups are can
disadvantages of quantitative and quali be less resource intensive.
tative data themselves. For example, Comparability and benchmarking If
surveys—whether sample surveys or the data collected is going to form a
censuses—allow inferences to be made baseline indicator to be tracked over
for the whole population, provided they time, then the data collection
are conducted properly. Focus groups, methodology needs to be relatively
on the other hand, do not, as they are n comparable from one period to the next.
standardised assessments of a random Amongst other things, this often means
population selected with a certain, keeping survey questions the same.
measurable probability. However, Alternatively, the collection may
surveys can be resource intensive to comprise a set of core fixed questions
conduct, whereas focus groups are can complemented by mod- ules of
be less resource intensive. questions that may differ over time. If
Comparability and benchmarking If such an approach is adopted, there is a
the data collected is going to form a need to test any questionnaires each time
baseline indicator to be tracked over for context effects. Context effects refer
time, then the data collection to the phenomena where responses to
methodology needs to be relatively questions are affected by the responses
comparable from one period to the nex to previous questions.
Amongst other things, this often means disadvantages of quantitative and quali-
keeping survey questions the same. tative data themselves. For example,
Alternatively, the collection may surveys—whether sample surveys or
comprise a set of core fixed questions censuses—allow inferences to be made
complemented by mod- ules of for the whole population, provided they
questions that may differ over time. If are conducted properly. Focus groups,
such an approach is adopted, there is a on the other hand, do not, as they are not
need to test any questionnaires each tim standardised assessments of a random
population selected with a certain, preparedness (ie a baseline indicator)
measurable probability. However, could be used in the process of
surveys can be resource intensive to developing benchmarks for future
conduct, whereas focus groups are can awareness and preparedness levels.
be less resource intensive. Questionnaire design For any survey
Comparability and benchmarking If careful consideration needs to be given
the data collected is going to form a to the design of the questionnaire used.
baseline indicator to be tracked over This is particularly the case for the topic
time, then the data collection of emergency awareness and
methodology needs to be relatively preparedness.
comparable from one period to the nex Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in a
Amongst other things, this often means
survey cannot be analysed in isolation.
keeping survey questions the same.
Alternatively, the collection may
For them to have any meaning
comprise a set of core fixed questions
(particularly as they will probably be
complemented by mod- ules of
presented in some sort of numerical
questions that may differ over time. If
fashion), it is crucial that they are
such an approach is adopted, there is a
benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or
need to test any questionnaires each tim
‘ideal’ levels of awareness and
for context effects. Context effects refe
preparedness. Benchmarking against
to the phenomena where responses to
scientifically predicted risk might also
questions are affected by the responses
be informative. Benchmarks would
to previous questions.
ideally be identified by emergency
Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in management agencies before embarking
survey cannot be analysed in isolation. on the collection of data. This is about
relating statistics to the objectives of the
For them to have any meaning measurement process and emergency
(particularly as they will probably be management in general. Note that data
presented in some sort of numerical about current levels of awareness and
fashion), it is crucial that they are preparedness (ie a baseline indicator)
benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or could be used in the process of
‘ideal’ levels of awareness and developing benchmarks for future
preparedness. Benchmarking against awareness and preparedness levels.
scientifically predicted risk might also Questionnaire design For any survey
be informative. Benchmarks would careful consideration needs to be given
ideally be identified by emergency to the design of the questionnaire used.
management agencies before embarkin This is particularly the case for the topic
on the collection of data. This is about of emergency awareness and
relating statistics to the objectives of th preparedness.
measurement process and emergency Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in a
management in general. Note that data
survey cannot be analysed in isolation.
about current levels of awareness and
measurement process and emergency
For them to have any meaning management in general. Note that data
(particularly as they will probably be about current levels of awareness and
presented in some sort of numerical preparedness (ie a baseline indicator)
fashion), it is crucial that they are could be used in the process of
benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or developing benchmarks for future
‘ideal’ levels of awareness and awareness and preparedness levels.
preparedness. Benchmarking against Questionnaire design For any survey
scientifically predicted risk might also careful consideration needs to be given
be informative. Benchmarks would to the design of the questionnaire used.
ideally be identified by emergency This is particularly the case for the topic
management agencies before embarkin of emergency awareness and
on the collection of data. This is about preparedness.
relating statistics to the objectives of th Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in a
measurement process and emergency
management in general. Note that data survey cannot be analysed in isolation.
about current levels of awareness and
preparedness (ie a baseline indicator) For them to have any meaning
could be used in the process of (particularly as they will probably be
developing benchmarks for future presented in some sort of numerical
awareness and preparedness levels. fashion), it is crucial that they are
Questionnaire design For any survey benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or
careful consideration needs to be given ‘ideal’ levels of awareness and
to the design of the questionnaire used. preparedness. Benchmarking against
This is particularly the case for the topi scientifically predicted risk might also
of emergency awareness and be informative. Benchmarks would
preparedness. ideally be identified by emergency
Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in management agencies before embarking
on the collection of data. This is about
survey cannot be analysed in isolation. relating statistics to the objectives of the
measurement process and emergency
For them to have any meaning management in general. Note that data
(particularly as they will probably be about current levels of awareness and
presented in some sort of numerical preparedness (ie a baseline indicator)
fashion), it is crucial that they are could be used in the process of
benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or developing benchmarks for future
‘ideal’ levels of awareness and awareness and preparedness levels.
preparedness. Benchmarking against Questionnaire design For any survey
scientifically predicted risk might also careful consideration needs to be given
be informative. Benchmarks would to the design of the questionnaire used.
ideally be identified by emergency This is particularly the case for the topic
management agencies before embarkin of emergency awareness and
on the collection of data. This is about preparedness.
relating statistics to the objectives of th
Awareness and preparedness levels as measured in careful consideration needs to be given
to the design of the questionnaire used.
survey cannot be analysed in isolation.
This is particularly the case for the topic
of emergency awareness and
For them to have any meaning
(particularly as they will probably be
presented in some sort of numerical One questionnaire design issue that may be a
fashion), it is crucial that they are particular factor in the success or
benchmarked against ‘minimum’ or otherwise of the data collection process
‘ideal’ levels of awareness and is terminology. The terminology used
preparedness. Benchmarking against can significantly influence the type and
scientifically predicted risk might also quality of response obtained. In this
be informative. Benchmarks would One questionnaire design issue that may be a
ideally be identified by emergency particular factor in the success or
management agencies before embarkin otherwise of the data collection process
on the collection of data. This is about is terminology. The terminology used
relating statistics to the objectives of th can significantly influence the type and
measurement process and emergency quality of response obtained. In this
management in general. Note that data One questionnaire design issue that may be a
about current levels of awareness and particular factor in the success or
preparedness (ie a baseline indicator) otherwise of the data collection process
could be used in the process of is terminology. The terminology used
developing benchmarks for future can significantly influence the type and
awareness and preparedness levels. quality of response obtained. In this
Questionnaire design For any survey

Spring 2001 55

Factor Data items Hazard • knowledge of the pre-emptive conditions necessary for a given emergency to occur knowledge •

knowledge of the early warning signs of a given emergency • knowledge of the behaviour of a given emergency • knowledge of

personal activities that can increase likelihood of a given emergency occurring • knowledge of the appropriate steps for

responding to a given emergency (need to be careful with how this interacts with measuring behaviours and intentions) •

whether personally involved in emergency management in the field of the hazard of interest • whether personally involved in

emergency management in another field to the hazard of interest • whether a family member involved in emergency

management in the field of the hazard of interest • whether a family member involved in emergency management in another

field to the hazard of interest Attitudes to risk • perceived likelihood of emergency occurring in a given time frame • perceived

likelihood of emergency of interest compared with other risks • perceived consequences to personal health of emergency

occurring • perceived consequences to personal resources of emergency occurring • perceived consequences to family of

emergency occurring • perceived consequences to community of emergency occurring • perceived consequences to economy
of emergency occurring • perceived consequences of emergency of interest compared with other risks • perceived time frame of

next emergency of a given magnitude occurring • awareness of the statistical assessment of risk for a given hazard (is also

‘exposure to awareness raising’) • belief in statistical assessment of risk • whether consider assessors of statistical risk

knowledgable • whether consider assessors of statistical risk trustworthy Previous • type of last emergency experience

experience of • timing of last emergency experience emergencies • degree of personal (ie to that individual) physical impact •

degree of personal (ie to that individual) psychological impact • degree of personal (ie to that individual) resource impact •

whether impacted on someone they knew • whether impacted on known persons geographically close • whether impacted on

unknown persons geographically close • whether impacted on unknown persons geographically distant but in a similar situation

• actions taken during last emergency experience (may include: did they request assistance from an emergency response

service) • perceived degree of involvement of emergency services in last emergency experience • experience of a warning

which was not followed by predicted emergency • total number of emergency experiences Exposure to • length of time living in

the area in absolute terms (eg period in months) awareness • length of time living in the area in relation to last disaster

(there/not there) raising • whether previous place of residence was prone to the emergency risk of interest • time frame since

personally attending an education program on emergency risk of interest (eg never, a long time ago or recently) • time frame

since personally attending an education program on other emergency risks (eg never, a long time ago or recently) • time frame

since a family member attended an education program on emergency risk of interest (eg never, long time ago or recently) and

whether the family member was a child or adult • time frame since a family member attended an education program on other

emergency risks (eg never, long time ago or recently) and whether the family member was a child or adult • whether any of

these programs motivated them to intend to undertake an actual behaviour • whether any of these programs motivated them to

actually undertake a behaviour • whether have sought out any information on emergency risks within a given time period •

whether can recall recently hearing/seeing a message about emergency risk of interest • source of message about emergency

risk of interest • content of message about emergency risk of interest • whether this information motivated them to intend to

actually undertake a behaviour • whether this information motivated them to undertake an actual behaviour Ability to • access to

financial resources mitigate/ • access to information and organisations who can help (knowledge of appropriate organisation and

how to find out contact details) prepare/ • access to family and friends (eg nearby, easy to get in touch with) respond • feelings of

personal responsibility for preparing for an emergency • feelings of personal responsibility for preventing emergencies • feelings

of control over things that happen to them • feelings of self reliance • feelings of vulnerability • connectedness to community

Demographic • age characteristics • sex • family type, including marital status • education • employment status and occupation •

geographic location (must be measured in a way that can be translated into location in relation to mapped risk) • dwelling type •

language background, eg Non-English Speaking Background or not • tenure type (also ‘ability to mitigate/prepare/respond’) •
income (also ‘ability to mitigate/prepare/respond’) • mobility (also ‘ability to mitigate/prepare/respond’)

Table 1a: Factors in risk perception, surrounding knowledge and beliefs.

Possible data item list.

Australian Journal of Emergency Management 56

it will need to be carefully interpreted. ascertain some information with a study
Some points of note: that meets minimum statistical require-
• intended behaviours in the case of a ments. What compromises are appro-
emergency may not be what individua priate will be highly dependent on the
actually do in such circumstanc final research questions and their
(Rohrmann 1998) relative priorities for emergency
• aggregation may hide or distort unde managers. References Bennett S.
lying differences or changes in da 1999, ‘Disaster as heuristics? A case
items study’, The Australian Journal of
• estimates from sample surveys need Emergency Management, Volume 14,
be examined in light of associat No. 3 pp. 32–36.
sample errors Boura J. 1998, ‘Community Fireguard: creating
• sample data should be weighted so th partnerships with the community to
it is representative of the target pop minimise the impact of bushfire’, The
lation Australian Journal of Emergency
• hidden variables may impact on the Manage- ment, Volume 13, No. 3, pp.
data items being measured. Where to
from here for emergency Bradburn N. M. & Sudman S. 1991, ‘Current Status
management agencies Collection o of Questionnaire Re- search, in
data on emergency aware- ness and Measurement Errors in Surveys, eds.
preparedness is not a replace- ment for Biemer P., Groves R.M., Lyberg L.,
current operations in this field of the Mathiowetz N. and Sudman S., Wiley,
emergency management agencies, but New York.
supplementary to them. It is hoped that Eiser J. R., Reicher S. D. & Podpadec T. J. 1994,
this article, and the associated report on ‘Awareness of bad news, environ-
which it is based, provide a starting mental attitudes and subjective estimates
point for emergency managers. Probab of coastal pollution’, Risk Analysis,
the biggest single concern for measurin Volume 14, No. 6, pp. 945–948.
awareness and preparedness will be Hill J., Day N., Hill H., Gray S.,
obtaining a balance between statistical Phillips C.,
depth and rigour, and the constraints ata items

imposed by limited resources and a larg whether have taken the listed steps to mitigate/prepare for a given
mergency risk
conceptual framework for which infor-where appropriate) for each step taken, when it was
mation is required. A compromise mayken
be sought where the agencies attempt tor each step taken, whether it was taken for emergency
management reasons ories.’ (Bradburn and Sudman
• for each step taken for emergency management reasons, what w)
motivator for taking the step
eric terms should be replaced with
• for steps not taken, what the likelihood is of those steps being tak
fics where possible; for example,
time period
r than talking about ‘emergencies’
• whether developed a plan for response to
isasters’, the data collection process
• if a plan for response developed, what the
d refer to fires, floods and storms, or
plan is ever particular emergencies are
• if a plan for response developed, how long have dered in-scope
they had it should not assume terms that are
• if a plan for response developed, when last iar to the researcher are under-
practiced by the wider public, as one’s own
• if a plan for response developed, what motivated them to rstanding is coloured by personal
rience, hence testing of the ques-
• if a plan for response not developed, the likelihood of developing
aire will be invaluable. Another
given time frame
cularly relevant issue for measuring
• ‘what would you do if’ scenarios of various
eness and preparedness is the
• whether feel the preparations they have taken are
ems that can occur with self-
sufficient ts and self-assessments. One tech-
• if don’t feel preparations are sufficient, what more would they that has been used in the past to
like to do ure awareness and preparedness in
ontext is asking the respondent to
Table 1b: Emergency risk behaviour and intentions (outcome). Possibify whether they have the infor-
data item list. on they need or have taken the
opriate steps, ie a self report or
instance, it is worth noting: sment. An example of such a ques-
• the words used to define a concept do s: ‘are you aware of the
not necessarily have to be the ones used mmended
in the data collection process; for a fire?’ or ‘would
example, one could use ‘actions to u have enough
reduce the impact of a disaster’ instead to prepare for a
of ‘mitigation’ more?’
• one does not necessarily have to avoid a fire?’ or ‘would
replacing jargon or technical terms with u have enough
longer descriptive-type references — to prepare for a
questionnaire research has shown that more?’
the time spent thinking about and a fire?’ or ‘would
answering a question is correlated with u have enough
question length and that ‘longer ques- to prepare for a
tions typically provide more cues to more?’
stimulate the memory search and more There are
time for the respondent to search their with using this
to collecting data on actual f internal criteria
ess: that the resear-
There are is, the respondent
n problems with using this dge or behaviour
to collecting data on actual efs of what it
ess: be very different
often don’t know what they management
w; for example, respondents ould be. If actual
ly have difficulty saying why reness is to be
n’t installed a smoke alarm ve to self-
often don’t know what they respondents to
w; for example, respondents ding of a situation
ly have difficulty saying why actually taken.
n’t installed a smoke alarm hed to a set of
ay be a bias involved in such /or actions, to
in that respondents may not e respondent’s
fortable indicating that they or not.
w something or haven’t taken spondents will rate
when it is perhaps clear that f internal criteria
d have that the resear-
ay be a bias involved in such is, the respondent
in that respondents may not dge or behaviour
fortable indicating that they efs of what it
w something or haven’t taken be very different
when it is perhaps clear that management
d have ould be. If actual
n easy question for respondents reness is to be
without really thinking about ve to self-
onse, as usually only a yes/no respondents to
is required, and, most impor- ding of a situation
actually taken.
n easy question for respondents hed to a set of
without really thinking about /or actions, to
onse, as usually only a yes/no e respondent’s
is required, and, most impor- or not.
spondents will rate
n easy question for respondents f internal criteria
without really thinking about that the resear-
onse, as usually only a yes/no is, the respondent
is required, and, most impor- dge or behaviour
efs of what it
question respondents will rate be very different
elieve it should be. If actual reness is to be
ess and awareness is to be ve to self-
an alternative to self- respondents to
ts is to ask respondents to ding of a situation
r understanding of a situation actually taken.
s they have actually taken. hed to a set of
hen be matched to a set of /or actions, to
owledge and/or actions, to e respondent’s
whether the respondent’s or not.
s acceptable or not. spondents will rate
question respondents will rate f internal criteria
s in terms of internal criteria that the resear-
n the criteria that the resear- is, the respondent
efined; that is, the respondent dge or behaviour
heir knowledge or behaviour efs of what it
eir own beliefs of what it be very different
which can be very different management
emergency management ould be. If actual
elieve it should be. If actual reness is to be
ess and awareness is to be ve to self-
an alternative to self- respondents to
ts is to ask respondents to ding of a situation
r understanding of a situation actually taken.
s they have actually taken. hed to a set of
hen be matched to a set of /or actions, to
owledge and/or actions, to e respondent’s
whether the respondent’s or not.
s acceptable or not.
question respondents will rate Once data has been
s in terms of internal criteria ess and
n the criteria that the resear- gencies,
efined; that is, the respondent Once data has been
heir knowledge or behaviour ess and
eir own beliefs of what it gencies,
which can be very different Once data has been
emergency management ess and
elieve it should be. If actual gencies,

Spring 2001 57
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Russell L.A., Goltz J.D. & Bourque L.B. 1995, ‘Preparedn
Hou mitigation actions
‘ two earthquakes
com and Behavior, Vo
and ri pp. 774–770.
Ma Twigg J. 1998, ‘The human factor in early warnings: risk
appropriate c
Mulilis J-P. 1998, ‘Persuasive communication issu Proceedings from
The on
Emerg Early Warning Systems for the
13, No Reduction of Natural Disasters.
Nielsen S. & Lidstone J. 1998, ‘Public education Waldersee R. 1999, ‘The art of service versus the
there science of measurement:
Austra measuring and managing service
Manag delivery’, Aus- tralian Journal of
pp. 14 Public Admini- stration, Volume
Reinholtd S. 1999, ‘Understan- ding attitude 58, No. 3, pp. 38– 42.
presen About the Author Jessica Enders,
nual C BSc (ANU), has recently joined
Rhodes A. & Reinholtd S. 1999, ‘A framew Colmar Brunton Social Research
as a Quantitative Account
Manager after spending five years
for w
as a methodologist and statistical
for th consultant at the Austra- lian
of the Bureau of Statistics. She has
rence) experience with all stages of the
Rohrmann B. 1996. ‘The con- ceptualisation of survey design, implementation
perspe and analysis, but is particularly
Journ interested in questionnaire design
gemen and the cognitive issues surroun-
5–7. ding the answering process.
Rohrmann B. 1998, ‘Assessing hazard information/ Jessica is looking forward to continuing to work on
Austra information and statistical issues,
33, No such as behavioural change, for
the emer- gency management
B. 1 sector.
This article is based on a report resulting from a joint
tion fo
Jessica Enders Account Manager
project of the Australian Bure
Colmar Brunton Social Research
GPO Box 2212 Canberra ACT
of Statistics and the Victorian
2601 Phone: 02 6249 8566 Fax:
Department of Jus- tice.The f 02 6249 8588 Email:
report can be obtained by
contacting: Paul Gabriel Offic
the Emergency Services
Commissioner Department of This article has been
Justice, Victoria phone: 03 96 refereed
5244 email:

Author’s contact details

Australian Journal of Emergency Management 58

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