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Personality Trait

1. Sana Atiq (7880)
2. Abdur-Rehman (9920)
3. Suleman Tamar (9311)
4. Owais Iqbal (9665)
5. Muhammad Raouf Mughal (9428)
6. Shaista Fatima (9066)
7. Zeeshan Hussain (9195)
8. Arsalan Ali (9197)

Submitted To: Ma’am Gulshan Naz

Course: Psychology

Almost every day we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us.
"She has such a great personality," you might say about a friend. "He gets his personality
from his dad," you might say about your rambunctious son. While we spend a lot of time
talking about personality, many people are not quite sure exactly how and what personality
psychology is all about. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why
people behave as they do are like what personality psychologists do.

While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals,

personality psychologists instead use conceptions of personality that can apply to everyone.
Personality research has led to the development of many theories that help explain how and
why certain personality traits develop.


While there are many theories of personality, the first step is to understand exactly
what is meant by the term personality. The word personality itself stems from the Latin word
persona, which referred to a theatrical mask worn by performers to either project different
roles or disguise their identities.

A brief definition is that personality is made up of the characteristic

patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. In
addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains
consistent throughout life.

Personality as Trait:

Personalities are characterized in terms of traits, which are relatively enduring

characteristics that influence our behavior across many situations. Personality traits such as
introversion, friendliness, conscientiousness, honesty, and helpfulness are important
because they help explain consistencies in behavior.

The most popular way of measuring traits is by administering personality tests on

which people self-report about their own characteristics. Psychologists have investigated
hundreds of traits using the self-report approach, and this research has found many
personality traits that have important implications for behavior.

Example of a trait measure:

You can try completing a self-report measure of personality (a short form of the
Five-Factor Personality Test) here.

Dimension Sample items Description Examples of behaviors

predicted by the trait
Openness to 1: I have a vivid imagination. A general appreciation for Individuals who are highly
experience 2: I love to daydream. art, emotion, adventure, open to experience tend
3: I like to get lost in thoughts. unusual ideas, imagination, to have distinctive and
4: I believe in the importance of curiosity, and variety of unconventional
art. experience. decorations in their
home. They are also likely
to have books on a wide
variety of topics, a diverse
music collection, and
works of art on display.
Conscientiousness 1: I complete tasks successfully. A tendency to show self- Individuals who are
2: I often forget to put things discipline, act dutifully, and conscientious prefer
back in their proper place. aim for achievement. planned rather than
3: I keep my promises. spontaneous behavior.
4: I do more than what’s
expected of me.

Extraversion 1: Avoid contacts with others. The tendency to experience Extroverts enjoy being
2: Make friends easily. positive emotions and to with people. In groups
3: Don’t talk a lot. seek out stimulation and the they like to talk, assert
4: Feel comfortable around company of others. themselves, and draw
people. attention to themselves.

Agreeableness 1: I’m not interested in another A tendency to be Agreeable individuals

people’s problem. compassionate and value getting along with
2: I believe that I am better than cooperative rather than others. They are generally
others. suspicious and antagonistic considerate, friendly,
3: I love to help others. toward others; reflects generous, helpful, and
4: I trust others. individual differences in willing to compromise
general concern for social their interests with those
harmony. of others.
Neuroticism 1: Am relaxed most of the time. The tendency to experience Those who score high in
2: Worry about things. negative emotions, such as neuroticism are more
3: Rarely get irritated. anger, anxiety, or depression; likely to interpret ordinary
4: Get stress out easily. sometimes called “emotional situations as threatening
instability”. and minor frustrations as
hopelessly difficult. They
may have trouble thinking
clearly, making decisions,
and coping effectively
with stress.


Strongly Disagree
13% Disagree
Strongly Agree

20% 21%
Analysis of
Which of the Big Five Personality Traits Has the Biggest Influence on Job

According to Essentials of Organizational Behavior: 14th Edition, the big five

personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is
conscientiousness. Those who score higher in this trait are likely to have higher levels of job-
related knowledge as those who are highly conscientious learn more. They’re likely to have
the aspects of a strong leader. However, they’re also more likely to put work first over
anything else and aren’t as likely to adapt to changing situations. They may face issues over
learning a complex skill early on because they tend to focus on their performance instead of
the learning process, and they are generally not as creative.

How Do the Other Traits Play a Role?

Neuroticism high scores may indicate a higher propensity toward employee burnout,
as those employees have a tougher time managing their emotions. A high emotional stability
is linked to high life and job satisfaction, as well as lower stress levels. Additionally, those
with emotional stability have a better chance of dealing with workplace demands, especially
fast-paced change.

Extroverts are people who take charge of situations. Typically, a high extroversion
score shows that that person may have a strong leadership ability. They are more likely to
behave impulsively than introverts, however.

People who are open also have an easier time with workplace changes and are more
adaptable. They are also usually effective leaders and are “less susceptible to a decline in
performance over a longer time period,” according to Essentials of Organizational Behavior.

Agreeable people are generally liked more and tend to follow the rules. They also
demonstrate higher job satisfaction and are less likely to be involved in workplace accidents.
Those who score low on agreeableness are more likely to behave in a way that creates
counterproductive work behavior and may have less career success over the long term.
How the Big Five Model develops Human Psychology?

There are people who associate the ability to lie successfully with dishonesty
(negative quality). Such people are expected to rate their ability to persuade others when
lying below average. Other people may apply a double standard and consider their own lies
as an unavoidable necessity and therefore less innocuous than lies of other people (Bond &
DePaulo, 2006). Yet other people may think that lying is a positive quality that serves them
well in social interactions (Kashy & DePaulo, 1996). Such people are expected to rate their
ability to lie successfully above average. In summary, people do not share similar notions
about what is positive and what is negative concerning the lie-telling ability.

In a group context, the goals that are most likely to be made salient will be group or
collective-oriented goals. Indeed, procedures enacted by the group and its authority will
contribute to the social self of its group members and will make them define themselves
more as a part of the group or, using terms of self-categorization theory (Turner, 1987), will
make them experience themselves as an embodiment of the group. This has as a
consequence that the group's goals are experienced as one's own goals, and consequently,
group goals will guide one's actions and decisions.

Results after analysis revealed personality traits defines your version of perfection. First
personality trait is openness to experience and the respondent scored 31% as strongly agreed which
means most of the person are original, creative, curious and complex. 15% scored as strongly
disagreed which tends to be conventional, down to earth and uncreative. Second personality trait is
conscientiousness which scored 37% as strongly agreed which tends to be that respondent are more
reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined and careful. Who scored 13% as strongly disagreed which
means that types of respondent are dis-organized, undependable and negligent? Third personality
trait is extraversion, after analysis the percentage of the respondent who are strongly agreed is 27%
which tends to be social, friendly, fun loving and talkative. Those who scored 15% as strongly
disagreed they were tending to be introverted, reserved and quiet. Fourth personality trait is
agreeableness, after results this trait scored 26% as strongly which tends to be the person has good
natured, sympathetic, forgiving and courteous. In the case of strongly disagreed respondent scored
20% which tends to be that respondent are rude, harsh and critical. Fifth personality trait is
neuroticism in this trait respondent scores 27% as strongly agreed which tends to be that respondent
is nervous, high-strung, insecure and worrying about things. Those who scored 13% as strongly
disagreed which tends to be that respondent is too calm and relaxed.

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