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Alyssa Margulis

Resource Book Draft

Activity, which satisfies the “Phonemic Awareness Requirement”

Name: “Rhyming Word Sit Down”

Description of the activity

This activity is used to promote children to gain an understanding of rhyming words.

This activity would require students to listen to the teacher while she reads off a list of rhyming
words. The students will be standing in a circle and will have to move around depending on the
word being said. As the teacher lists each word, the students will take one step forward for every
word that rhymes with the original word the teacher said. For example, when the teacher says
“duck” the students would take a step forward when they hear the word “luck”. If the teacher
does not say a rhyming word however, the students will have to sit down where they are. One
student will then be asked to give a word that rhymes with the new word, and all the students
will be able to stand up and the game will continue on. The teacher can pick how many word
lists he or she would like to use depending on how well the students seem to be grasping the

Meets the Illinois core standard

This meets the standard of “CC.K.R.F.2.a Phonological Awareness: Recognize and
produce rhyming words.” This method is a great way to meet the above standard because it asks
the children to both recognize and produce words all in the same activity. Children need to
recognize words that rhyme because they are asked to sit down when a word does not rhyme
with the word spoken before it. Children are also asked to come up with a word that does rhyme
with the new one; hence the production of the word is also being met with this activity.

How would you adapt this for Special Education Students?

This activity can be easily preformed in a classroom that has students with disabilities. In
all classes, it is important to give the students very clear specific instructions so they are not
confused. It is also important to “model” what you want the student’s to do by going over an
example. To help with children with processing issues, the teacher can repeat the original word
and the rhyming word twice. For example the teacher could say, “ We need the word to rhyme
with Duck. DUCK”. By letting the children hear the word twice, it will help them to comprehend
what syllables and sounds they are trying to listen for in the next word the teacher says. Once
this is done, the children would get into a group and do the specific activity that is set for them.
These are the words, which are to be used to reinforce the activity, if you need to add to add
more to make sure the children get the activity; there are many more words, which can be used.
Starter word: Hat

Run (Sun, Fun)

Starter word: Map

Mail (Rail, pale, Jail)

Starter word: Ran

Phone (Moan, loan,)

The Idea for this activity was found at:

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