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A Thesis
Presented to the Education Program
UM Digos College
Digos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor in Secondary Education
Major in Biological Science


Frence Mae G. Babatuan

John Carlo A. Gonzales
Rodel R. Sienes

December 2021


This research entitled “Health Hazards of Barn Swallow (Hirundo

rustica) In Rizal Avenue, Digos City”, prepared and submitted by Frence

Mae G. Babatuan, John Carlo A. Gonzales and Rodel R. Sienes in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Biological Science has been examined and is hereby

recommended for a final defense and approval.



APPROVED by the committee on final defense with the grade of _______.




Member Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of

Secondary Education.


Research Coordinator Department Chair, Education


AVP- UM Digos


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the

following individuals who have contributed and paved the way in the

completion of our endeavor.

Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for the willingness

in extending the technical assistance of the study to acquire the accuracy of

the result.

Provincial Government of Davao del Sur which truly accommodated

and endorsed us to the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPAG) which

helped to produce the financial need in the study.

Local Government of Digos for allowing us to conduct the study on

the area for the contribution and preservation of our ecological status and to

give awareness concerning to human health as well.

To our sponsors who generously give us the enormous assistance for

the materials needed in the accomplishment of the study.

To all our classmates and friends who encourage and support us

that we would be able to pursue our study.

To our beloved parents who never fail to extend the support and

giving us the knowledge of the study and for the unending prayers for the

success of our work. Thank you for the patience, love, financial, and moral

support given to achieve this study.

Professor Garnette Mae V. Balacy, MSAM for patiently give the

corrections of our paper and for the continuous support she offered. Thank

you for the financial and for the immense knowledge she imparted to us. For

the valuable time and effort she shared that encouraged us to surmount the

difficulty of this research. Thank you for the trust and believing that we can do

this study.

Professor Xavier S. Fuentes, MSERM for his ideas and suggestions

to improve our manuscript thank you for the intellectual support you gave us.

Professor Melanie M. Pecision, MAST Bio who became part of this

study as well as sharing her knowledge about laboratory procedures required

in the study.

Professor Jan Ronan Columbanus V. Cortes, MAED who gave us

the plan and discussion on how to improve our monitoring data sheet of our

research instrument.

Professor Marjorie B. Albarracin who permit us to use the

microbiology laboratory beyond class hour’s thank you for the understanding

and support.

Professor Bernardino M. Magno for his expertise in improving this


Above all, to our Lord Jesus Christ for the inner strength that He gave

us. For the wisdom that we need throughout the study. Thank you Lord for the

good health, guidance and protection. Praise the Lord for His mercy endures



This endeavor of ours is

fully dedicated with great love and passion

to all our supportive parents, expert advisers,

sponsors, and good comrades

who guide us heartily throughout this study.

Most importantly to

Lord Jesus Christ who give us the unusual strength

and wisdom that prevails.






Acceptance and Approval ii

Acknowledgement iii
Dedication v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abstract x
Rationale of the Study 1
The Research Problem 2
Related Literature and Studies 3
Laboratory Procedures to be performed 8
Isolation 8
Media 8
Gram Staining 9
Identification 10
National Research 10
International Research 11
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 12
Significance of the Study 14
Definition of Terms 15
Barn Swallow 15
Rizal Avenue, Digos City 15
Health Hazards 15
Research Design 16
Research Instrument 16
Data Gathering Procedure 18
Data Analysis and Tools 22


Morphometric Measurements of Barn Swallow 23
Bacteria and Health Hazards 26
Bacteria Identified as to Level of Virulence 33
Conclusions 38
Recommendations 39
References 40
Appendices 46
Letter of Permission 46
Special Permit from Mayor 47
Research Instrument 48
Validation Results 49
Validation Results 50
Validation Results 51
Certification of Laboratory Arrangement 52
Laboratory Result 53
Grammarian Certificate 54
Curriculum Vitae 55


Table Page

Table 1. Sampling Sites 20

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of morphometric measures 23

Table 3. Descriptive comparison of morphometric measures

between male and female Barn Swallows 24

Table 4. Test of Difference in Morphometric Measurement

between male and female Barn Swallows Error! Bookmark not

Table 5. List of Isolated Bacteria from Barn Swallows Fecal

matter 34


Figure Page

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study 13

Figure 2. Identified areas in Digos City 19



Birds are susceptible to many bacterial diseases that are common to

human and domestic animals [ CITATION Bro02 \l 13321 ]. Barn swallow

collections specifically the fecal matter has been a disease causing agent.

This study aims to identify the barn swallow assemblages that serve as

indicators of the existence of disease occurrence in Rizal Avenue, Digos City.

Particularly, the status of the birds in terms of morphometric measurements

and estimated population were assessed. The bacteria found in barn swallow

fecal matter and their possible health hazard were also identified in the study.

This research employed a descriptive design in identifying the status and

possible bacteria present in fecal matter. A sample of 77 Barn Swallows were

caught using mark – recapture in four identified areas. Morphometric

measurements like bill length, bill depth, tarsus length, wing length, tail length

and body weight were obtained. Fecal matter were also collected and sent to

Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory which provided the results for

identifying the bacteria present through an API 20E kit. A description of the

identified morphometric measures revealed that the barn swallows of Digos

City conforms to the measurement done by [ CITATION Sam71 \l 13321 ]. A

comparison of the morphometric measurement between male and female

barn swallow shows no significant difference in their bill length, bill depth,

tarsus length, and wing length and body weight. However, there is significant

difference in tail length at 0.05 level of significance wherein males (6.18) have

longer tails than females (5.1) which confirms the methods used by (Smith,

2007) in identifying sex of barn swallows. Furthermore, there were 8 bacteria


identified using the API 20E kit which were all gram negative and rod type



Rationale of the Study

Birds are one of the carrier of diseases and act as hosts for the virus

and thus may involve in spreading the disease among vertebrates like horses,

birds, and humans [CITATION Bir15 \l 1033 ]. Birds are widespread all over

the world. In fact, of all vertebrates, birds of class Aves are the most visible

with more than 9,900 species distributed over nearly the entire earth.

[CITATION HIc07 \l 1033 ]. In Idaho, starlings are really a problem to

agriculture. The estimated damaged to agricultural crops in the United States

was $800 million yearly [CITATION Pim \l 1033 ]. Indeed, starlings contributed

to the decline of economic impact on agriculture. In addition, starlings carry

infectious diseases which can cause a massive threat to livestock and

humans. In Philippines, a tropical country rampant migratory bird named Barn

Swallows (Hirundo rustica) are now evident. Yet, according to [CITATION

IUCch \l 1033 ] it is considered as one of the least concern species in the


In Batangas City, barn swallow are predominant. Residents are

surrounded by these swallows, considered this a major problem when

swallows start dipping their droppings. Moreover, in western United States

specifically in Colorado, barn swallows are often making their nest in garages,

houses, commercial buildings, and other structures. People within the place

find trouble of these swallows because of the parasites found in their nests.

Most of the people in the city surrounded by these swallows are not aware of

the birds’ droppings may carry bacteria, fungal agents, pathogens and

parasites. In addition, these swallows might be carrying diseases such as

avian flu. In fact, there may be more than just avian flu to be worried about. It

has suggested that these birds and their droppings can harbor 60 diseases

[CITATION Med14 \l 1033 ]. Considering the diseases of these swallow are

threat to human health, it is advised to propagate this emerging problem to

such health specialists and with the intervention of the Local Government.

Hence, this may result to health problems through their droppings,

including cryptococcosis, psittacosis and histoplasmosis. Also, bird wastes

may bring a reason to damage in property and equipment [CITATION Bir16 \l

1033 ]. Besides, there will be a possible sign that it can affect the living among

citizens within the area.

In Digos City, barn swallows are now widespread. It has been

observed for about 5 years they perch in the wires, sidewalks and other

commercial buildings. People in the city are not aware of this bird’s wastes

may contracted diseases through inhalation. For 5 years, no one has been in

study or evaluated the birds in Digos City. The researchers express concern

to assess this serious problem and to promote awareness to the residents in

Digos City.

The Research Problem

This study aims to identify the barn swallow assemblages that serve as

indicators of the existence of disease occurrence in Rizal Avenue, Digos City.

Specifically, the following questions were answered:


1. What assessment can be made on the status of Barn swallow in

terms of morphometric measurement?

2. What are the bacteria present in Barn Swallow fecal matter and its

possible health hazard?

Related Literature and Studies

This section contains some literature from various books and journals

that are pertinent to the study.

Characteristics of Barn Swallow

Barn Swallows are one of the most dominant species of swallow in the

world. The most important distinctive trait of this specie is its deeply forked

tail, it is somehow different among females and males, for in females is least

less forked. In addition, males are more vivid in color than females. These

swallows have steely blue – black color wings and back with orangey spots on

their forehead and throat. It is found chiefly in Africa, America, Asia, and the

Europe [CITATION Mou12 \l 1033 ].

Barn Swallow is measured for about five to seven inches length and

weighs seventeen to twenty grams. It is considered as the fastest swallow. It’s

been clocked flying about forty-six mph. Like all swallows, Hirundo rustica is

an insectivore, they eat purely insects such as flies, dragonflies, moths,

crickets, and beetles while flying. The barn swallows are mostly found in the

lakeshores, farmlands, marshes, and suburbs. They usually breed in spring

season. The male barn swallow attempts to entice the female by singing and

spreading its wings. They mate in the air and both parents construct the nest

through their own saliva and feather with mud and grass lined [CITATION

New16 \l 1033 ].

The barn swallow uses different kind of communications to

communicate with the other swallows. It has an alarming call to be cautious of

predators and a mating call used to entice a mate.

Sources of Disease Transmission


Waste products of the birds that cause foul smell. Bird

droppings can be a vital source of infection. The transmission of disease

happens: first, when a dried fecal dust of the bird has been disturbed, second,

it passes through air vents, then, contaminate food and lastly, transfer disease

to the person who eats the exposed food.

Health Hazards Associated with Avian Feces

Pigeon Droppings

Pigeons are one of the preferred pet because of their distinct

features. Owners are prone to disease for they are the one who will clean the

cages and even feed them. Once the pigeon droppings come into contact with

the body there are possible influence will ascend like a disease in which can

bring an extensive risk assessment. One of the reasons in which the

droppings have a harmful effect to human is when a person has been

diagnose from a respiratory ailment. Whenever a person inhaled dust

particles from the disturbed dried droppings it will gear to the irritation of

bronchial passages.[CITATION PIG09 \l 1033 ].

Bat droppings

One of the reasons why people can’t have bat at home is

because of their awful smell. Bat droppings is risky for it promotes the growth

of mold and fungi. This would be very dangerous to human health because

once the particles are into the air and being inhaled serious chance of

developing illness is observed [CITATION Wil16 \l 1033 ].

Diseases Caused and Modes of Transmission

Bird’s wastes is a serious problem to the public community. Their

occupants in the area is a threat to human health for they can transmit fatal

diseases. Diseases that includes Asperuillosis, Encephalitis, Cryptococcis,

Histoplasmosis, Lasteriosas and Salmonella. Birds can fly over great

distances, thus, this offers to possible means in transferring numerous types

of parasites from one place to another. Additionally, bird dung provides an

environment for the multiplication of organisms and other hazardous spores

(Brett, 2008).

Diseases can be transmitted in various ways [ CITATION Mad08

\l 1033 ]:

Inhalation. Nose and mouth are the major portal entrance that

the pathogenic microorganisms can go in. Bird dung is dangerous if it is well

dried and disturbed. Air particles mixed with fecal dust can get inside through

air conditioning equipment. Furthermore, every tools and equipment should

be air – tight and closed. It will be more convenient if the cover of the rooftop

equipment will have a regular inspection to certify that it is safe and not be


Direct Contact. Infections may be able to be dispersed when

bird’s dung dust or the bird droppings get into a directly close to an exposed

wound. Therefore, it is important to wear required protective equipment at all

times in every time bird’s dung are being removed.

Associated Parasites. Gathered bird manure will be inhabited

by parasites, such as bed bugs, mites, fleas, ticks, and other range of

parasites, all of which will cause small bites to human skin. These parasites

can harbor diseases as soon as the pest bites an infected animals and the

excerpts blood is consisting of a germ. When the infected parasitic organism

bits its next target, it may travel along to the epidermis of its new host. A

further treatment is required to inspect any ectoparasites to the removed

bird’s dung and its nest.

Food and Water Contamination. When an ill pest bird directly

eliminate waste into a human food and water supports, diseases can easily be

transferred. Moreover to direct contamination, airborne microorganism may

pass through air ducts and ventilation schemes, which can affect uncovered


Philippine Agenda on Study of Disease

The Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD)

said, that the only way of planning the national progress in such a country is

through sustainable development [CITATION Phi16 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, this

direction of PSSD conforms with the visions of United Nations for sustainable

development is to: ensure the primary health needs and promote well-being at

all levels; ensure accessibility and sustainable management of water and

sanitation for all; and make cities for human settlements inclusive, resilient,

safe, and sustainable are just the aspects in pursuing the quality of life to

address the need of the people in terms of social, economic and


environmental [CITATION Uni15 \l 1033 ]. But, the fact was that the diseases

can’t be avoided and are one of the continually existing concerns in our

country. Furthermore, there are no studies or concrete actions on the control

and spread of diseases caused by birds in the country. Principally, the cause

of premature illnesses and deaths are evident. Philippines as a developing

country that has a tropical environment is experiencing alternating weather

conditions, as a result constant occurrence of diseases is manifested.

Consequently, the Department of Health (DOH) recognized various diseases

in its involvement to upgrade the health conditions of the people and to

monitor the extent of spreading of disease [CITATION Dep05 \l 1033 ].

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) is an

organization that supports and conducts health improvement, awareness, and

prevention activities in the United States with the goal of educating public

health agencies. This agency has a partnership with local, states, and national

that helps to monitor and prevent health related problems, implement strategy

for disease prevention, and maintain statistics for updates to identify and fight

possible symptoms. Additionally, this course of CDC conforms to the aims of

The Division of Vector-Borne Disease (DVBD) that is to protect the nations

from bacterial and epidemiologic diseases transmitted by ticks, fleas, and

mosquitos. Most of the diseases are destructive. In fact, increasing threats to

human health have been emerged in United States as the environmental

changes and globalization increases [CITATION CDC16 \l 1033 ].

In the United States, Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID)

testified that there are recently discovered pathogenic avian influenza named

H5 viruses in birds. It has been recorded that there are 164 human exposures

in the country. H5N2 are already known virus but as it states on the report

there are two newly identified viruses called H5N8 and H5N1. These viruses

have caused sporadic human infections and leads to death. CDC

recommends that people keep away from prolonged contact with infected

poultry for safety, moreover, when contact cannot be avoided use Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE) as necessary [CITATION Cen15 \l 1033 ].

Laboratory Procedures to be performed

Bacterial isolation is a process that a specific bacterial species is

removed from the mix of organisms in the habitat where it lived. It is a vital

method in the diagnosis and management of the illness. Some of the current

known species are recognized because of the traditional microbiological

procedures such as morphology, gram staining and their metabolic reactions.

Bacteria are known to live in group or colony, hence, it is true either in our

body or environment. In determining the source of the disease, isolating a

specific bacterium is the primary step in classifying which specific colony of

bacteria are responsible in the disease process. After that, there will be a

physical isolation of bacteria in a laboratory, this procedure needs an

awareness and familiarity in the optimal temperature for growth, optimal

oxygen condition and optimal nutrition needs.


The significance of this step is to isolate uncontaminated colonies of bacteria.

Streaking plate is a method in qualitative isolation of bacteria; quadrant

streaking is mostly done to achieve uncontaminated colonies. The inoculation

of the culture is made on the agar surface by back and forth streaking with the

inoculation loop over the solid agar surface. This will make a dilution gradient

across the agar plate. Upon incubation, individual colonies will arise from the

biomass [ CITATION Arm16 \l 1033 ].


Bacterial isolation can be prepared by using a general medium,

wherein different bacteria can grow, and there is also selective media that

allows growth of specific genera. For example, the brain heart infusion agar

(BHIA) nutrient agar (NA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), and tryptic soy agar

(TSA) are the general media used in variety of nourishing and physical

requirements of bacteria’s growth. [ CITATION Rua04 \l 1033 ].

In microorganisms growth there are set of conditions require just like the

nutrients and environment settings. The nutrient preparations done inside the

laboratory that are used for organism’s growth are called media. There are

three physical forms are used; semisolid media; liquid or broth media; and

solid media. Semisolid media can also be used in fermentation studies, in

determining bacterial motility, and in promoting anaerobic growth. Liquid

media, such as nutrient broth, tryptic soy broth, or brain heart infusion broth,

can be used to propagate large numbers of microorganisms in fermentation

studies and for biochemical tests. Solid media, such as nutrient agar or blood

agar, are used for the surface growth of microorganisms in order to observe

colony appearance, (2) for pure culture isolations, (3) lot storage of cultures,

and (4) to observe specific biochemical reactions. While in the liquefied state,

solid media can be poured into either petri dish or a test tube and if the agar is

poured into a petri plate, the plate is designated an agar plate [ CITATION

Arm161 \l 1033 ].

Gram Staining

Staining is a simple basic technique that is used to identify

microorganisms. Simple staining is used to study the morphology of all


Gram staining is a differential staining technique that imparts different colors

to different bacteria or bacterial structures. Usually it differentiates bacteria

into two groups; gram positive and gram negative. The primary stain Crystal

violet and mordent Iodine form a strong CVI complex all bacteria. Gram

positive cells due to their thick peptidoglycan layer will retain the CVI complex

even after it is subjected to decolourization with acetone or alcohol. Hence the

counter stain Safranin has no action on gram positive cells. But in the case of

gram negative, the thin peptidoglycan layer and more lipid contents in the cell

wall will easily make them susceptible to the action of decolorizer and hence

CVI complex is easily washed out and hence the gram negative cells will the

color of counter stain Safranin.  Hence after the gram staining, the gram

positive cells appear as purple and gram negative cells appear as pink. Below

is the morphological features and staining characteristics help in the

preliminary identification of the bacteria to isolate.


Bacterial isolates may be identified using conventional methods based

on their morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics. The

following are important biochemical tests for the identification of bacterial

genera that are important in aquaculture: 1. Gram reaction 2. Oxidase test 3.

Motility 4. Oxidation and fermentation test 5. O/129 sensitivity test 6.

Sensitivity to novobiocin. The scheme for the identification of bacterial genera


that are important in bacteria culture is presented in Figure 3. Further

biochemical characterization must be carried out if there is a need to identify

up to the species level.

National Research

A study entitled “DNA Barcoding of Birds in the University of the

Philippines Diliman Campus, with Emphasis on Striated Grassbirds

Megalurus palustris” [ CITATION Luc13 \l 1033 ]. This study stressed that

morphometry is not merely precise in result to identify the species but the

accurate way to determine the species is through DNA barcoding. DNA

barcoding is the fastest tool to identify the species in an effective and efficient

way. The researchers come up that in getting sample of specimen they need

to set up mist net where they conduct the study. Before the roosting of the

birds, the materials must already set in the sites. Moreover, different

orientations of the birds are taken (dorsal, lateral, and ventral). Standard

morphometry data were also recorded such as bill depth and length, tail

length, wing length, tarsus length and body weight. Beforehand to released,

there is a need to tag the birds with an appropriate marking to avoid

processing the previously captured birds.

Barn swallows are observable when they perch in rows on wires when

they congregate to rest. The flocks of barn swallows in Batangas are

prevalent. Residents within the area find totally annoying once these swallows

start raining the street with their droppings. The city government in Batangas

is responsible with the cleaning up the bird droppings off the street and

walkways. The city government sends out a fire track to remove all the birds’

stains with organic disinfectants. About P4000 where spend every two days to

clean up the 1km P. Burgos Street, which is the preferred perch of the barn

swallow. Aside from making the street slippery, the droppings also leave a

foul smell on sidewalks, car windshields and other commercial buildings.

However, people are unaware that birds carry fleas and gnats which can

cause human disease (Cinco, 2014).

International Research

Barn swallow in Colorado are frequently construct their nest in the

commercial buildings and other structures, a practice that bring conflict to

humans. Swallow nests became a major problem especially to those people

live nearby colonies of the birds. Principally, the waste they deposit, generate

serious problem, foul equipment, and be a reason of health risks by

contaminating food products. Moreover, homeowners find totally disturbance

of these swallow because of parasite found in swallow nests, such as fleas,

mites, bugs, and ticks that may bite human and other animals[CITATION

Cri83 \l 1033 ].

Furthermore in Bangkok, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife

and Plant Conservation has resumed its nationwide campaign to randomly

test birds for the deadly avian influenza virus (H5N1), to ensure that Thailand

is free from further outbreaks. Over 300 barn swallows were collected and to

be sampled from Silom by a veterinarian team. In testing, the birds health to

detect H5N1 virus, they also collected bird saliva and droppings samples and

to be sent for laboratory test at National Institute of Animal Health [CITATION

Pro13 \l 1033 ].

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study is associated with Epidemiology theory. Epidemiology is a

science that describe the principle of a disease pattern at the populace level.

This field of study provides understanding for disease transmission within the

specific area. The risk factors for such a disease the need for a clinical

practice treatment will be measured [ CITATION CMi07 \l 1033 ].

The study uses an Input Process Output (IPO)


Barn Morphometric Measurement
Sex Identification
Identification of bacteria
Bacterial Isolation species
Health Hazards

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Epidemiology originates from Hippocrates’ observation. He examined

the connection among the existence of disease and its environmental effect.

Epidemiology is used to explain the condition of a specific populace.

Moreover, having an awareness burdens mostly the health authorities that

determine to find appropriate programs such as health care and preventions

[ CITATION Bon93 \l 1033 ]. In relation of the study, the droppings of barn

swallows in the city could bring possible means in spreading various

diseases. The more bird droppings the easier spread of the disease. Hence,

participation of health authorities must be considered.


Significance of the Study

The outcome of the study is beneficial to the following:

Department of Environmental and Nature Resources

(DENR) and Department of Health (DOH). This gives them the base line

information on the status of birds’ population of Rizal Avenue, Digos City. This

also gives them the knowledge and awareness of monitoring health hazards

in terms of their droppings.

City of Digos, Davao Del Sur. This will provide more

information about the health status of barn swallow in the city. Thus, this gives

them the guide for monitoring and assessing every streets and to promulgate

ordinance that can help in maintaining and improving the condition of the

streets and other form of commercial buildings in the city.

Citizens. This gives information to the residents of Digos City,

Davao del Sur about the health hazards brought by barn swallows and how

their existence affects the citizens’ health and the condition of living in the city.

Researchers. This study could provide researchers with noble

knowledge and remarkable experience in the field of research. This also

serves as a stepping stone towards exploring the existence of migratory birds

in Digos City.

Future Researchers. The study could motivate and encourage

the future researchers to undertake similar study on birds especially for those

least concern birds like barn swallows.


Definition of Terms

The following are the terms used in the study, which may contain literal

and operational definition.

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) - are migratory bird that is a group of

passerines in the family Hirundinidae [ CITATION Mal15 \l 1033 ]. It is an

existing migratory bird that bring such problem in Digos City folks especially

their droppings that cause foul smell.

Rizal Avenue, Digos City- refers to the place where the

research/study is conducted.

Health Hazards- may cause measurable changes in the body and it

generally indicated by the occurrence of signs and symptoms in the exposed

individuals [ CITATION Occ17 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, it is a theoretical threat that

can cause damage to property, equipment, and incident that drive to happen if

not prevented.


Research Design

This study employed the use of quantitative research design with field

observation. The study is a collection of information which does not vary on

the environment. It provides data such as behavior, health status and

attitudes or individualities of a certain group. [CITATION The16 \l 1033 ]. In

addition, a descriptive type of research is used to acquire information

concerning to the existing status with respect to the conditions in a situation to

describe the current phenomena. [CITATION Des16 \l 1033 ]. In relation with

the study, the researchers attempt to observe the area where the birds are

sighted to determine the population status of the birds. Thus, this gives the

knowledge in the estimated population of barn swallow in the area.

Descriptive type of research attempt to identify known or expected

variables in order to design clear questions with accurate, mutually exclusive

answers [CITATION JEa97 \l 1033 ]. The study entails laboratory testing and

data analysis to construct validity of results. The bird dung was tested and

isolated by professional agriculturist to determine if there are bacteria, fungal

agents and parasites that are present on bird droppings.

Research Instrument

This study applied two sets of instrument namely: monitoring data

notebook and a required paraphernalia to complete the study.


Monitoring Data Notebook- is a patterned from a morphometric

study on bird barcoding in UP Diliman. However, modification where

done by deleting and adding the dung on the data. This instrument was

validated by faculty biologist in the College. Moreover, sex was also

determined by their morphometric measurements. This is found in

Appendix C.

The next set of instruments refers to tangible measuring tools,

sampling storage, and other protective paraphernalia.

The following are needed to complete the study:

Mist net- the mist net is a five meter in width and ten meters in

length, it is attached on two poles to capture the barn swallow. One of

the important tool in monitoring population, it is defined as assessment

in composition of the species, population size, relative abundance and

demography. Using mist net gives advantages in visual numbering

methods including standardized samples, ability to identify species by

the use of other counting methods, low participant bias, and a chance

to observe birds in hand by providing data’s on (capture history, age,

condition, sex, morphometry). Mist netting is an effective tool in

capturing birds combined with a mark-recapture method to estimate

population size [ CITATION Dun04 \l 1033 ].

Bird Tags- commonly used for bird identification of any marked

bird. This tag has a unique ID number for individual’s identity. Tagging

is preferable every time bird is captured and then release after being


Vernier caliper-is an instrument that is used in length

measurements to obtain additionally digit that exact compared to a

simpler ruler. This was used for measuring the bird’s morphometry.

Triple beam balance- is a device used to obtain the mass of the


Vials- a small bottle used to hold for feces and saliva of the bird.

Ice box- a container for keeping the feces, saliva, and

ectoparasites of the birds.

Surgical Gloves- it protects the hand from exposure to possibly

infectious materials. Thus, it gives a protection against bird waste and

bites from ectoparasites.

Surgical Mask- a device used to cover the mouth and nose to

prevent spread of disease.

GPS mobile phone- to locate the exact sampling site of the


API 20E kit – this procedure is intended as a standardized

identification for Enterobacteriaceae and non-fastidious gram-negative rods.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps were followed in gathering data for the study.

Permission and Approval

In gathering the data for the study, the researchers wrote a

formal letter and secured a special permit to the City Mayor of Digos to

administer the said selection visit for dry run and for final data

gathering as well. The special permit is found in Appendix A.


Sampling Site Selection and Duration of the Study

The researchers conduct a sampling site selection to ensure the

sampling location after the approval of the City Mayor. The sampling

site is located along Mary Mediatrix church to Digos City Central

Elementary School. The study will take 2-3 months to obtain accuracy

of the bird population.

Figure 2. Identified areas in Digos City

The following areas were sampled at Rizal Avenue Digos City. 1- LYR that has a coordinates
of 6°45’19.97”N, 125°21’20.36”E, 2- Estrada 1st has a coordinates of 6°45’18.67”N,
125°21’15.82”E, 3-Llanos St. has a coordinates of 6°45’17.37”N, 125°21’21.78”E and 4- Mary
Mediatrix Cathedral has a coordinates of 6°45’14.64”N, 125°21’20.74”E.

The sample sizes of Barn Swallows that were taken for morphometric

measurements and dung sample in every identified area is found in Table 1.

Table 1. Sampling Sites

Sampling Site Morphometry Sample Dung Sample

Estrada 1st 16 6

Llanos Street 36 2

LYR 1 0

Mary Mediatrix Cathedral 24 7

Total 77 15
Upon capture of the bird, they are placed in cage and measured for

the six identified body measurements. Wing length was measured first by

spreading the wing. Second, tail length is the distance from the base to the tip

of the longest tail feathers of bird. Third, tarsus length is a measure of the

length of the tarsometatarsal bone and also requires the use of vernier

caliper. Fourth, bill length was measured from the tip of the bill to the base of

the skull (passerines). Fifth, bill depth was measured by sliding the vernier

caliper. Lastly, body weight, body weight of barn swallow is measured by

using triple beam balance.

Some of the actual photos during measurement are found in Figure 3


Identification of bacteria Species

The researchers communicate a certified institution to perform

laboratory testing of the birds’ feces for bacterial isolation. Species

identification of field samples be done by the personnel of the Regional

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, which is housed at the Department of

Figure . Morphometric Measurements
Agriculture for Region XI. Particularly, the API test kit was used by the

laboratory technicians to provide the bacterial identification.

Data Analysis and Tools

To obtain validity and accuracy of the results, the following statistical

tool were used.

Mean. This will be used to find out the average in the population.

Frequency. This will be used to determine the total number of marked


Mark-recapture. This will be used to determine the estimated

population size of the bird. A tool that used for estimating the

population and abundance as long as the necessary assumption are

met. There are parameters where this may be ascribed to individual’s

characteristics of bird such as age, sex or body weights which gives

crucial in mark-recapture process. It also accesses the feasibility of the

population over time (Thompson, White, & Gowan, 1998). Hence, close

population is used since the abundance of the population of the bird

does not change with time. In addition, mark recapture involve taking a

series of samples of the population under study separated by one or

more days or weeks, which in practice means any discrete time



This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings of Barn Swallow.

The discussion highlighted the following: (1) The Barn Swallow’s

morphometry be described in terms of bill length, bill depth, tarsus length,

wing length, tail length, and body weight. (2) The bacteria present in Barn

Swallow’s fecal matter. (3) The possible health hazards that are brought by

the bacteria.

Morphometric Measurements of Barn Swallow

This research also aimed to provide a description of the morphometry

of the 77 Barn Swallows in terms of bill length, bill depth, tarsus length, wing

length, tail length, and body weight. Table 2 presents the descriptive

measures using central tendency, variation and normality.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of morphometric measures

lower upper deviatio
mean bound bound n Minimum maximum skew kurt

Bill length (cm) 1.42 1.37 1.47 0.24 0.74 2.02 -0.49 0.34
Bill depth (cm) 0.28 0.24 0.32 0.17 0.11 1.22 4.59 22.83
Tarsus length (cm) 0.84 0.78 0.89 0.24 0.45 2.17 2.98 10.93
Wing length (cm) 12.71 12.55 12.88 0.73 10.64 13.84 -0.98 0.76
Tail length (cm) 5.9 5.66 6.13 1.03 3.59 9.47 0.9 1.21
Body weight (g) 12.61 11.65 13.56 4.21 3.9 17.9 -1.17 -0.2

Considering now the comparison and contrast of the morphometric

measures when the barn swallows are classified as male and female, Table 2

depicts the findings. It is revealed from the descriptive comparison of the 57


male and 20 female Barn Swallows that in terms of bill length, females (1.45

cm) have slightly longer bills than males (1.41 cm). Bill depth females (0.35)

have slightly deepness than bill depth males (0.26). Tarsus length female

(0.95) is elongated than tarsus length male (0.8). Wing length female (12.53)

is slightly shorter than wing length male (12.78). The tail length female (5.1) is

obviously shorter than tail length male (6.18). Body weight female (12.51) is

slightly lighter than body weight male (12.64). The morphological

measurements of Barn swallow conforms and supported by the study of

[ CITATION Sam71 \l 1033 ] that the descriptive measurements particularly

wing length, and tail length strongly affirm that the normal values verifies that

male barn swallow has longer wing length and visibly greater tail length.

Moreover, some studies also attest that measurements of bill length, bill

depth, and tarsus length are not considerable in the sex determination of barn

swallow. However, the tail length, wing length and body weight of barn

swallow were enough for morphological measurements to determine in sexing

individuals [ CITATION Her07 \l 1033 ].

Table 3. Descriptive comparison of morphometric measures between male

and female Barn Swallows

Male (n=57) Female (n=20)

Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation

Bill length 1.41 0.217 1.45 0.287

Bill depth 0.26 0.566 0.35 0.318
Tarsus length 0.8 0.2 0.95 0.316
Wing length 12.78 0.625 12.53 0.957
Tail length 6.18 0.986 5.1 0.713
Body weight 12.64 4.055 12.51 4.737

After describing the morphometry of female and male Barn Swallows,

this study also performed inferential statistic to ascertain whether significant

differences exist between male and female. The results are presented in

Table 3. It was found that there are no significant differences in bill length, bill

depth, tarsus length, wing length, and body weight at 0.05 level of

significance. This result conforms to the study of (Samuel, 1971).

However, there is a significant difference in tail length between male

and female barn swallows. This result corroborates (Smith, 2007) who found

out that the length of outermost tail features used to determine the sex that

males have significantly longer tail feathers than females.

Table 4. Test of Difference in Morphometric Measurement between male and

female Barn Swallows
Test statistics p-value Remark

Bill length t=-0.55 0.586 Not significant

Bill depth t=-1.28 0.215 Not significant
Tarsus length t=-1.97 0.06 Not significant
Wing length t=1.09 0.288 Not significant
Tail length t=5.22 0.000 Significant
Body weight t=0.11 0.915 Not significant

The photographs below are supplementary evidence to the finding that

male barn swallows have significantly longer tails than females. These can be

found in Figure below.


Figure 4. Representative image of female (left) and male (right) Hirundo rustica. A- Lateral
view, B- Dorsal view, C- Ventral View

Bacteria and Health Hazards

In order to find out whether the fecal matter of Barn Swallows post

health hazards to humans in the identified areas in Digos City. The results of

the bacterial isolation was utilized. These results were validated by Regional

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) and it contains the bacteria

present in the fecal matter of the 15 dung samples. This report by Regional

Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) is found in the Appendix F.

Table 4 summarizes the result as well as the type, gram – stain reaction and

diseases that can be possibly brought about by these bacteria. The table is

also organized according to the identified areas in Digos City namely Llanos

Street, Estrada 1st and Mary Mediatrix Cathedral.

According to the results, there are two prominent bacteria namely the

Enterobacter sakazakii and Pseudomonas luteola in Llanos Street, which are

both rod shaped and gram negative. Particularly, Enterobacter sakazakii is


identified by [ CITATION USD15 \l 1033 ] to cause meningitis, seizures,

wound or infections, and urinary tract infection. These disease were also

conform by medical experts who corroborated that Enterobacter sakazakii

caused significant risk to health and life threatening disease because of the

cases of meningitis. In fact, this has been epidemiologically involved several

clinical cases [CITATION DDr \l 1033 ]. Moreover, research done by

[CITATION Alf08 \l 1033 ] that Enterobacter sakazakii is considered as an

emerging opportunistic pathogen responsible for infants infection such as

meningitis, sepsis and enterocolitis. Nowadays, there are reported cases

worldwide. Mortality increase for past few years due to this disease.

Additionally, Pseudomonas luteola is another bacterium found at

Llanos Street. According to [CITATION Dep14 \l 1033 ] these bacteria can

cause bloodstream infections, tuberculous pleurisy and empyema. Thus, this

may refer to health authorities. The aforementioned disease brought several

cases and recognized to be devastated pathogen to human health. Some

cases has been recorded by Center of Disease Control and Prevention that

Pseudomonas luteola is susceptible to cause peritonitis. Peritonitis is an

inflammation that causes peritoneum infected with bacteria. Peritonitis

requires quick medical attention to fight the infection and to treat some

underlying medical conditions [ CITATION May15 \l 1033 ]. In addition, there

were cases report that Pseudomonas luteola has a clinical sign of pulmonary

tuberculosis and respiratory distress. It has a symptoms of non-productive

cough, fever, anorexia, pleuritic chest pain, weight loss, night sweating and

mental retardation [ CITATION Dep14 \l 1033 ]. This indicated that the


bacterium Pseudomonas luteola is a serious disease which frequently cause

hospital-acquired infections.

In Estrada 1st, there are four distinguished bacteria namely

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Escherichia coli I

and Enterobacter cloacae. First, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was recognized

as primary causes of nosocomial infections [ CITATION GMR05 \l 1033 ]

which can cause respiratory tract infection, urogenital and wound infections

pneumonia and bacteraemia which are associated with high mortality rates

and difficult to treat. Another account by [CITATION Est12 \l 1033 ]

Pseudomonas aeruginosa shows a high level of intrinsic resistance to

antimicrobial drugs and an ability to become even more drug resistant. Patient

are more like to suffer from urinary tract infections, bacteremia, wound and

respiratory disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Second,

the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a low virulence organism yet can

become a pathogenic in human in immunocompromised conditions. The

bacterium is known to cause bacteremia. There was a case stated that patient

suffer from bacteremia reported to have a high grade fever and eventually

suffer from end stage renal disease [ CITATION Lat15 \l 1033 ].

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection in human has been gradually

recognized. This gram- negative bacillus is found in various aquatic

environments. Persons frequently come in contact with S. maltophilia through

hospital tap water or faucets, water dispensers, showerheads and

environmental water resources. Moreover, S. maltophilia is known to cause a

disease via invasive medical devices such as chronic indwelling urinary


catheters, peritoneal catheters and endotracheal that bypass normal host

defenses [ CITATION Bur16 \l 1033 ]. Clinical features found out that this

bacterium is an opportunistic pathogen that have been associated with high

mortality and morbidity in severely incapacitated individuals [ CITATION

Sar16 \l 1033 ].

Then, Escherichia coli I is one of the most common bacterial infections

that causes urinary tract infections, bacteremia, diarrhea, cholecystitis and

cholangitis [ CITATION Tar16 \l 1033 ]. E. coli can cause infection even if you

consume small amount. The most frequent way to acquire an E. coli is by

eating contaminated food and even water. In addition, human and animal

feces may contribute to the pollute on ground and surface water like lakes,

streams, rivers and water used to irrigate crops, thus, increasing the rate of

contamination and the possible diseases to be transmitted such as diarrhea,

urinary tract infections and respiratory illness [ CITATION May14 \l 1033 ].

Lastly, Enterobacter cloacae is not a major human pathogen but has

been considered to be a vital cause of nosocomial infections [ CITATION

Kel98 \l 1033 ]. This can cause a range of infections including lower

respiratory tract infection, endocarditis, septic arthritis, bacteremia and intra-

abdominal infections [ CITATION Dan13 \l 1033 ].

Furthermore, there were verification affirmed that Enterobacter cloacae

infections such as endocarditis, bacteremia, urinary tract infections, lower

respiratory tract infections, intra-abdominal infections and skin and soft-tissue

infections can demand prolonged hospitalization, entail various laboratory

test, surgical and non-surgical procedures [ CITATION Fra16 \l 1033 ].


Mary Mediatrix Cathedral have five distinguished bacteria namely

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas luteola, Enterobacter cloacae,

Chromobacterium violaceum which are rod-shape and gram negative except

to Aeromonas salmonicida ssp salmonicida which was coccoid.

According to [ CITATION GMR05 \l 1033 ] Pseudomonas aeruginosa

was recognized as primary causes of nosocomial infections which can cause

respiratory tract infection, urogenital and wound infections pneumonia and

bacteraemia which are associated with high mortality rates and difficult to

treat. Another account by [CITATION Est12 \l 1033 ] Pseudomonas

aeruginosa shows a high level of intrinsic resistance to antimicrobial drugs

and an ability to become even more drug resistant. It has been recommended

that monotherapy is advised for uncomplicated urinary tract infections while

combination of therapy is typically recommended for severe infections such as

pneumonia and bacteraemia.

Additionally, Pseudomonas luteola is another bacterium found at Mary

Mediatrix Cathedral. According to [CITATION Dep14 \l 1033 ] these bacteria

can cause bloodstream infections, tuberculous pleurisy and empyema. Thus,

this may refer to health professionals. The above-mentioned disease brought

several cases and renowned to be detrimental pathogen to human health.

Some cases has been recorded by Center of Disease Control and Prevention

that Pseudomonas luteola is susceptible to cause peritonitis. Peritonitis

requires quick medical attention to fight the infection and to treat some

underlying medical conditions [ CITATION May15 \l 1033 ]. In addition, there

were cases report that Pseudomonas luteola has a clinical sign of pulmonary

tuberculosis and respiratory distress. It has a symptoms of non-productive


cough, fever, anorexia, pleuritic chest pain, weight loss, night sweating and

mental retardation [ CITATION Dep14 \l 1033 ].

Aeromonas salmonicida ssp salmonicida is the bacterium that causes

the disease furunculosis in marine and freshwater fish [ CITATION Rei08 \l

1033 ]. Furunculosis is described by external occurrence of large boils on the

side of the fish. The sign and symptoms of fish show are external and internal

hemorrhaging, gastroenteritis, swelling of the vents and kidneys, boils,

liquefaction and ulcers.

Furunculosis is generally identified as tail rot in fish and is common in

gold and koi fish. The infected fish with open wounds are capable to transmit

the disease to other fish. Due to the rapid increase of fish in aquaculture, this

disease can spread quickly, and with devastating results. Moreover, the

development of a vaccine has diminished the incidence of furunculosis

outbreak, yet the occasional outbreak is still seen.

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is a gram-negative

bacterium that is causative agent of furunculosis. Aeromonas salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida causes disease in healthy fish. In fact, the genome

sequence of Aeromonas salmonicida was determined to give a better

understanding of the virulence factors used by this pathogen to infect fish

[CITATION Rei081 \l 1033 ].

The Chromobacterium violaceum infection was reported to have a

rapid increase of mortality rate. It is notable for its difficult to treat entity, a rare

but cause severe human disease [CITATION Chi11 \l 1033 ]. The bacterium is

widely distributed in aquatic environments and abundantly present in soil.

Thus, C. violaceum is both known to exist in soil and water.


C. violaceum can affect human via intake of contaminated water or

through direct contact to open skin to contaminated soil or water. Although

incidents of infections have been very occasional, but once infected, the

symptoms are severe. The initial symptoms are swelling of the tissue or

glands such as cellulitis or lymphadenitis. Later, infections involving pus, also

known as abscess, to the organs along with septic shock can occur.  These

infections can occur suddenly and severely possibly leading to a life-

threatening situation [ CITATION Sen11 \l 1033 ]. Another account from

[ CITATION Lee99 \l 1033 ] stated that C. violaceum can cause human

infections resulting to pulmonary abscesses, liver abscesses and septicemia.

C. violaceum can be an opportunistic pathogen and may cause diseases in

immunocompromised people. Furthermore, the skin is the most port of entry

for organisms found in contaminated soil and water. Thus, this infection

required along with rapid diagnosis for a successful therapy.

Finally, Enterobacter cloacae is not a major human pathogen but has

been considered to be a vital cause of nosocomial infections [ CITATION

Kel98 \l 1033 ]. This can cause a range of infections including lower

respiratory tract infection, endocarditis, septic arthritis, bacteremia and intra-

abdominal infections [ CITATION Dan13 \l 1033 ].

Furthermore, there were verification affirmed that Enterobacter cloacae

infections such as endocarditis, bacteremia, urinary tract infections, lower

respiratory tract infections, intra-abdominal infections and skin and soft-tissue

infections can demand prolonged hospitalization, entail various laboratory

test, surgical and non-surgical procedures [ CITATION Fra16 \l 1033 ].


Bacteria Identified as to Level of Virulence

Among the 8 identified bacteria from different areas in Rizal Avenue,

Digos City. The researchers rank the bacteria into the level of virulence. Out

from the literature and journals collected from distinguish authors the following

data were drawn:


Table 5. List of Isolated Gram - negative Bacteria

Location Bacterium Type reaction Diseases
 meningitis

Enterobacter sakazakii rod

-  seizures
 wound or infection
Llanos  urinary tract infection
 bloodstream infections
-  tuberculous pleurisy
Pseudomonas luteola rod  empyema
Estrada  respiratory tract infection
(1ST )  urogenital
aeruginosa -  wound infections
rod  pneumonia
 bacteraemia
 peritonitis
 bacteremia
Stenotrophomonas  endocarditis
rod -  meningitis
 wound infections
 urinary tract infections
Escherichia coli I rod -  urinary tract infections

 diarrhea
 respiratory illness
 pneumonia
 lower respiratory tract infection
Enterobacter cloacae  skin and soft tissue infections
rod -  intra-abdominal infections
 endocarditis
Mary  respiratory
Mediatrix Pseudomonas aeruginosa  urogenital
rod -  wound infections
 bloodstream infections
Pseudomonas luteola rod -  tuberculous pleurisy
 empyema

Aeromonas salmonicida ssp Non-motile  furunculosis

salmonicida rods/coccoid

 cellulitis
 skin lesions
Chromobacterium violaceum
rod -  septicemia
 lymphadenitis
Enterobacter cloacae rod -  lower respiratory tract infection
 skin and soft tissue infections
 intra-abdominal infections

 endocarditis

Classification of Isolated Bacteria

Bacteria Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

sakazakii Bacteria Proteobacteria Gamma Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae Cronobacter sakazakii

Pseudomonas Gamma Pseudomonadace

luteola Bacteria Proteobacteria Proteobacteria Pseudomonadales ae Pseudomonas luteola

Pseudomonas Gammaproteoba Pseudomonadace

aeruginosa Bacteria cteria Pseudomonadales ae Pseudomonas
Proteobacteria P. aeruginosa

Stenotrophomona Gammaproteoba Stenotrophomona S. maltophilia

s Bacteria Proteobacteria Xanthomonadales Xanthomonadace s
cteria ae

Escherichia Eubacteria Proteobacteria Gammaproteoba Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia E. coli

coli I

cloacae Bacteria Proteobacteria Gamma Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter cloacae

Aeromonas Gammaproteoba Aeromonas

Bacteria Proteobacteria
salmonicida ssp cteria salmonicida
Aeromonadales Aeromonadaceae Aeromonas

Chromobacterium Betaproteobact Chromobacterium C. violaceum

violaceum Bacteria Proteobacteria Neisseriales Neisseriaceae



In view of the result of the preceding findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn:

1. Morphometric measurements were used in determining the

comparison between males and females Barn swallows. It is

stated that there is no significant difference in bill length, bill

depth, tarsus length, wing length, and body weight in identifying

the sexes of Barn swallow. However, it is indicated that there is

a significant difference in tail length between male and female

barn swallows. This result corroborates to [ CITATION Sam71 \l

13321 ] that males have longer tail length than females.

2. There were 8 identified bacteria identified which were all gram

negative and most of them were rod – type shaped bacteria.

These results were validated by Regional Animal Disease

Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL).



From the results of this paper, the following recommendations were


1. The Local Government may conduct seminars or projects regarding

to environmental and health awareness.

2. The researchers may further investigate to conduct a research

about barn swallow saliva and ectoparasite.

3. Conduct a research wherein the goal is to validate the sex

identification and estimated population size of barn swallows.

4. Assess the 8 identified bacteria and their possible diseases if there

is a link to the existing data of City Health of Digos.

5. Considering if there a possible link with the data from the City

Health, the researchers would like to persuade to the Local

Government that there must be a direct action for this existing

phenomena before an outbreak happen. The birds must be banned

in the city. If not, streets, commercial buildings, and other

establishments must be clean from any droppings of the birds

before will become an infectious disease.



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Letter of Permission


Special Permit from Mayor



Research Instrument


Validation Results


Validation Results


Validation Results


Certification of Laboratory Arrangement



Laboratory Result


Grammarian Certificate



Name : Frence Mae G. Babatuan

Nickname : Frenz or French

Email address :

Address : 1358 First Crumb St., Digos City, Davao del Sur

Sex : Female

Date of Birth : December 09, 1996

Place of Birth : Digos City, Davao del Sur

Religion : Christian


Tertiary : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Biological Science
University of Mindanao Digos College
2013 – 2017

Secondary : Digos City National High School

Rizal Avenue, Digos City
2009 – 2013

Elementary : Digos City Central Elementary School

Rizal Avenue, Digos City
2005 – 2009


Name : John Carlo A. Gonzales

Nickname : Kaloy, Loy and JC

Email address :

Address : Porferia Village, Leling Hagonoy, Davao del Sur

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : October 25, 1996

Place of Birth : Sta. Maria, Davao del Sur

Religion : Catholic


Tertiary : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Biological Science
University of Mindanao Digos College
2013 – 2017

Secondary : Heracleo Casco Memorial National High School

Sta. Maria Davao del Sur
2009 – 2013

Elementary : Jose Timbol Sr. Central Elementary School

Sta. Maria Davao del Sur
2003 – 2009


Name : Rodel R. Sienes

Nickname : Del or Zach

Email address :

Address : 165 Mc Arthur Highway, Digos City, Davao del Sur

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : June 03, 1996

Place of Birth : Digos City

Religion : Christian


Tertiary : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Biological Science
University of Mindanao Digos College
2013 – 2017

Secondary : Digos City National High School

Rizal Avenue, Digos City
2009 – 2013

Elementary : Digos City Central Elementary School

Rizal Avenue, Digos City

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