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1. World Englishes means that the different forms and varieties of english used in
various sociolinguistic contexts in different parts of the world .

2. Kachuru described the spread of English in terms of three concentric circle: the inner
circle, the outer circle and the expanding circle. These circles represent “the type of
spread, the patterns of acquisition and the functional domains in which english is used
across cultures and languages”
 The inner circle refers to the traditional bases of English, dominated by
the mother-tongue varieties, where english acts as a first language. The
countries involved in the inner circle include the USA, the UK, Canada,
Australia, and New Zeland. The varieties of English used here said to be
‘norm providing’ . norm providing means that english language norms are
developed in these countries and spread outwards.
 The outer circle consists of the earlier phases of the spread of English is
non-native settings, where the language has become part of country’s
chief institutions, and plays an important ‘second language’ role in
multilingual setting. Most of the countries included in the outer circle are
former colonies of the UK or the USA, such as Malysia, Singapore, India,
Ghana, Kenya and others. The english used in the outer circle is
considered as ‘norm-developing’ (easily adopting and perhaps developing
its own norms
 The expanding circle refers to the territories where english is learnt as a
foreign language. The territories do not have a history of colonization by
members of the inner circle and institusional or social role. English is
taught as a ‘foreign’ language as the most useful vehicle of international.
The countries in the Expanding circle include China, Japan, Greece, and
Poland. The english used in the Expanding circle is regarded as ‘norm
dependent’ .
3. English spread through migration and colonization. The meaning of the statement is :
- English is brought by immigrants, for example, the British people who
come to live in other countries (Migration) this can cause the spread of
english because of the communication that occurs between native English
(the british people) and local people
- While the spread of english through colonialism can occur because the
British have colonized several countries in the world, that is why English
spread, for example the British had colonized Jamaica and until now
Jamaica has made English as their official language.

4. History of English development in the world is starting from the entry of the invansion
of other nations into Great Britain. It is estimated that the Brighton tribe first occupied
Great Britain, then the Romans in early AD. Next came the jutes invasion, then changed
to the Anglo people then the Saxons, then the Danes invansion and finally the Norman
French. There are other sources who say that English is currently 70% of the stock of
the Anglo-Saxons. From the word Anglo, it became the word England, which means
lands of the Anglo people. And the language they use is called the successive influx of
invansions led to the acculturation of the language and culture that formed the english
language today. So that the English that is used today is certainly not the same as the
one used by Shakespeare when writing the works of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, etc.
English has undergone developments and these develompents can be grouped into
three stages, namely :
 Old English (450-1100 AD), the invanding Germanics tribes spoke similiar
languages, which in Britain developed into what we now call Old english.
Old english did not sound or look like english today. Native english
speakers now would have great difficulty understanding old english.
Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in modern
english have old english roots. The words be, strong and water,for
example, derive from old english. Old english was spoken until around
 Middle English, middle english refers to a collection of the varieties of
english that replaced old english after the Norman request (1066). Middle
english developed out of late old english, but there are drastict changes in
grammar, pronounciation, and spelling between these two versions. Many
old english grammatical features were simolified in modern english so as
the reduction of many grammatical cases. The dative and instrumental
cases of old englishes were replaced by with prepositional constructions in
early middle english
 Modern English, towards the end of middle English, a sudden district
change in pronounciation (the great vowel shift) started, with vowels being
pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century the British had
contact with many peoples from around the world

5. People that speak english as their first language but come from different country, can
communicate to each other clearly because language that they are using is English , for
example when American, Canadian, British and Australian talk to each others they can
communicate clearly and understand to each other because they are a native speakers
of english. But sometimes they cannot communicate clearly due to the different dialect.

6. The varieties of world englishes from three different countries

 Singapore, example in conversation they usually use ‘Slang’ word ‘Can’
A: Can or not ? (can you do this?)
B: Can (yes I can)
A: Can meh ? (are you sure?)
B: Can lah (yes of course)

 India, example in expression

1. “ I passed out of college” it is the Indian-english way of saying “ I


2. “My friend is eating my brain” is informal way of saying that your

friend won’t stop talking

 Philippine english that has different variations of typical english words

and here are few examples :

1. Vulcanizing shop
Not in any way related to the roman god of fire and volcanoes, it is
the Filipino equivalent for automobile and tire repair shop.

2. Overpass
A structure reffering to a bridge made from steel that people can
use to get to the other side of street. A way going underground is
called underpass.

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