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ANTONIALI Nadège – group A

LEOFF Pierre – group B

Abstract: Kazakhstan & Mongolia

« NOMAD » Our tour-operator company

When we started our document, we first had to sum up our preview 1-year research. Last year
indeed for our document we had to choose between three continents and our attention was then
focused on Asia. the goal was to first talk about a continent, then finding a criterium of segmenting
regions and finally produce a comparative study of two countries in the same region. Therefore, we
chose last year the Asian continent but for segmenting the regions we decided to talk about a
concept of geopolitics: the geographic situation of the country. Our four regions were including
countries which were landlocked (no access to the sea) for the first one, countries ideologically
isolated for the second one (North Korea for example), then island countries and finally all the others
with access to the ocean.

So, we carried out a serious work of synthesis to sum up the intricacies of the Asian continent
throughout all its aspects (Its geography, history, economy, policy, diplomacy, demography etc. Then
the goal was also to sum up our research about the region criterium to finally synthesize all the
information, statistics, and data on various aspects of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Through this one
can easily understand how Asia is contrasted. To write a quick sum up here we can say that the
continent remains marked by isolation, a criterion which is just as varied from one country to
another. Kazakhstan and Mongolia are two geographically close countries, both marked by large
areas, extreme climates and marked by their massive superficies. Their history largely common,
especially under the Huns' rule come to differ later particularly under the influence of the USSR or
China. Moreover, their demography is not very dense, again marking the absence of globalization
within these territories. From an economic point of view, Kazakhstan expresses its superiority over
Mongolia, through strong economic indicators and hydrocarbon resources. The politics of the two
countries are relatively close, with a president as head of state and a republic as political regime. The
two countries have similar diplomacy and are trying to develop their relations with neighboring
countries, as well as with more distant or international organizations. Finally, for Mongolia, the
challenges they face are corruption and inequalities, while Kazakhstan faces potential political
instability due to the departure of the former president, the father of the nation.

ANTONIALI Nadège – group A
LEOFF Pierre – group B

But before proposing a project outline, we needed to analyze the countries sectors of activity.
On one hand, with the difficulty of landlocked areas and, on the other, with the diversity of such
countries as Kazakhstan and Mongolia. A relevant project would allow better development of
relations and development of these countries. So, we have identified (in both countries) 10 sectors of
activities. We investigated the transport and logistic sector with the nations infrastructures,
agriculture, and agri-food sector but also into tourism, trade, textile industry, economy and finance,
craft sector, the media, and the energies. In this part we also dug into the corruption and inequalities
of both countries. The tourism sector attracted our attention. Yet indeed the sector seems more and
more significant. To better understand the sector and starting our project we also worked on a
detailed analysis of tourism. Thanks to our analysis we could make several observations. First, the
tourism sector is experiencing a very significant progression on three scales:

- Worldwide: the sector in 2018 experiencing a steady progression for the 9th consecutive
- Asia Pacific: being the fastest growing region in 2018.
- Tourism in Mongolia and Kazakhstan: the two territories are in the middle of a new “tourism
boom”. Both countries define themselves today as extraordinary destinations far from the
mass tourism of the Asian continent.

Knowing that the development of tourism makes it possible and amplified for two landlocked
territories to improve certain other sectors of the economy, for example transport and its
infrastructure we decided to shape our project around tourism. So, our project is built as a travel
agency (tour operator) with a simultaneous field of action in both countries. It is based on several
types of services, ranging from the creation of new tourist routes and therefore the offer of certain
types of accommodation, to the proposal of several programs for customers. More specifically we
would like to organize circuits for the travelers across these countries. The goals are the promotion of
cultural wealth at all levels in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The project is intended to be respectful of
local customs and as close as possible to the inhabitants. In this way, we value a certain

We have chosen to name our company "Nomad". This choice was designed to refer to the
nomadic life still widely present in Asia. Through our file we had to investigate on much information
to develop our company. Indeed, we had to make a logo, determine our status, choose a country of
location (Kazakhstan), studying its legislation etc. We also found an insurance, made an

ANTONIALI Nadège – group A
LEOFF Pierre – group B

organizational chart, realize budgets, funding plan etc. We have thus become very competitive into
understanding Kazakhstan and Mongolia. So, we were able to set up our services in the best

First our services are based on the proposal of 5 formulas for which we are (with the help of our
guides) specialized. Our clientele being first and foremost French we present ourselves as the
intermediary between the traveler and the ideal travel. Our formulas are intended to be generalist
and will be refined according to the desires of the customer. We are the best solution for travelers
looking for authenticity and “outside the box” travels. We are also, as specialists on the two
Mongolian and Kazakhstani countries, the only ones to propose a formula in the form of a month to
explore the two spaces “discovering nomadic life” and the wonders of these countries. Further than
that we have provided our file with an entire part dedicated to our formulas (detailing them).

Finaly to conclude I would

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