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SWOT Analysis of Kissan Fruit Jam –

Strengths : The following are the strengths of Kissan Jam:

 Popularity with target segment: Kissan Jam target children and most of

their products like squashes, jams and ketchup caters to this group. Through
an alluring taste, right ingredients and string advertising strategy Kissan has
been successful in connecting to this segment very strongly.
 Focus on core products: Kissan has always been focused on their core
products namely jam and ketchup. Within these also Kissan has derived top
sellers namely the Kissan mixed fruit jam and the tomato ketchup and most of
their product innovation has been by transformation of ingredients keeping
the core product the same.
 Consistent Communication based on mixed fruit jam: The
promotional strategy and advertisements of Kissan have always been centred
on their top sellers – Ketchup and Mixed Fruit Jam. The company has always
been consistent in their marketing communication which focuses on Trust,
natural goodness, health, versatile and sweet taste. The brand has also built a
strong association with the colour red.
 Sustainable Procurement: Kissan sources their raw materials through Public
Private Partnership (PPP) in Maharashtra where they procure sustainable
produce from smallholder farmers, tomato paste processor, Maharashtra
government and the agri-input supply companies. This gave them a
competitive edge over rivals and also made them independent of import of the
raw materials which was the strategy used by the competition.
 Kissan Recipes: In order to take innovation to the next level and to
improve customer retention, Kissan features recipes which are made using
Kissan Products. This has resulted in capturing the attention as well as winning
the trust of mothers who are the primary buyers of Kissan Products.

Weaknesses : Some of the key weaknesses of Kissan Jam are :

 The excessive popularity of mixed fruit Jam: Kissan has always been the key
player in the jam segment, but most of their popularity was centred around
the mixed fruit jam. This has led to a loss of face for other flavours like orange
and mango and these continue to be resting on shelves while the mixed fruit
flavour has a lot of takers.
 Poor Innovation: The Kissan Jam has been the same for ages and there is not
much of innovation happening in this other than some cosmetic changes in
packaging and some new recipes which offers the customers more options for
using the jam. The innovation in the product is almost non-existent with the
result that there is a risk that customers may get bored with the same taste.
 No product launches: While rivals like Nestle, Britannia and even some local
players have launched new products like cheese spreads and chocolate
spreads, Kissan still continues to depend on fruit flavours for its jams and this
is affecting their image.

Opportunities : Some of the opportunities include :

 Demand for jam: Earlier jam was seen as an accompaniment to bread and was

a part of the Western breakfast. But through some novel promotional
campaigns and recipes, Kissan has been able to make it an integral part of the
Indian breakfast by associating it with parathas and idlis. This, in turn, has
resulted in increasing the demand for jams.
 Lack of time: As more mothers have started joining the workforce, morning
has become hectic and the demand for quick yet healthy and tasty breakfast
options is the need for the hour. This is a huge opportunity for Kissan jam
which fits this need perfectly.

Threat : Some of the threats include :

 Competition: Some of the major competitors of Kissan Jam are Amul Cheese

Spread, Britannia Cheese spread, Hershey’s and Nutella’s Chocolate Spread.

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