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This paper is prepared to fulfill the task of the Subject: English Teaching
and Learning Strategy
Lecturer: Ernila Sari Harahap, M. Hum



Group 4

Alya Julida Sari Sibuea (0304193189)

Frista Linda Batubara (0304193218)

Hasnah Angreiny (0304193232)

M.Haidir Akbar Fillah (0304193193)

Nur Halimah Lubis (0304193202)

Witya Chairindda Sitorus (0304193204)




Praise and gratitude for the blessings and grace of Allah SWT. Who has given His
grace and guidance so that we can finish this paper. Don't forget to send our sholawat and
greetings to the great prophet, Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the dark ages to the
bright days as we are today.

The purpose of this paper is to complete the assignment given by Mrs. Ernila Sari Harahap, M.
Hum as a lecturer in English Teaching and Learning Strategy. This paper is entitled "Quantum
Learning Strategy". Hopefully this paper is useful for friends and readers and can also be
accepted in the community.

However, apart from that we understand that this paper is far from perfect, we hope to
provide constructive criticism and suggestions so that the creation of the next paper will be

Medan, November 30, 2021

Group 8



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1

1.1 Background....................................................................................................1

1.2 Formulation of the problem............................................................................1

1.3 Writing purpose..............................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................3

2.1 Understanding Quantum Learning Strategies..............................................3

2.2 Quantum Learning Principles......................................................................4

2.3 Characteristics of Quantum Learning..........................................................5

2.4 Quantum Learning Steps..............................................................................6

2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Learning................................7

CHAPTER III CLOSING.......................................................................................9

3.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................9

3.2 Suggestion......................................................................................................9





Understanding of learning approaches, learning strategies and learning methods is very

important, especially in the context of conceptual mastery of learning. The learning strategy
must contain an explanation of the methods or procedures and techniques used during the
learning process.
The selection of learning strategies is very important. That is, how teachers can choose
the most effective and efficient learning activities to create a good learning experience, which
can provide facilities for students to achieve learning goals (Gafur, 1989). However, it must be
remembered that there is no single learning strategy that is most suitable for all different
conditions and situations, even though the learning objectives to be achieved are the same.
Therefore, it takes creativity and teacher skills in choosing and using learning strategies, which
are arranged based on the characteristics of students and the conditions they face.
The learning strategy that will be chosen and used by the teacher is based on the initial
learning objectives. Thus, its application must also be adjusted to the learning objectives, so
that it is hoped that there will be harmony between the objectives and the implementation


1. What is the Definition of Quantum Learning Strategy?

2. What are the Principles of Quantum Learning?

3. What are the Characteristics of Quantum Learning?

4. What are the Steps of Quantum Learning?

5. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Learning?


1. To Know the Definition of Quantum Learning Strategy

2. To Know the Principles of Quantum Learning

3. To Know the Characteristics of Quantum Learning

4. To Know the Rare Steps of the Quantum Learning Model

5. To Know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Learning



2.1 Understanding Quantum Learning Strategies

Quantum Learning learning method is a knowledge and learning methodology that

creates an effective learning environment, designs curriculum, delivers content and learning
strategies to facilitate a successful and effective teaching and learning process.1 This
learning model emphasizes its activities on optimally developing human potential through
very human ways, namely easy, fun, and empowering.
The application of this model is expected to increase students' interest in learning so
that finally students can improve overall learning outcomes. The Quantum Learning
learning model is a very balanced combination of work and play, between internal and
external stimuli and time spent in the safe zone and will step out of the place of origin or
old habits.2.
Basically the Quantum Learning Method is a learning method that provides broad,
comfortable and enjoyable opportunities for students to play an active role in the learning
process. In order for students to play an active role in learning, an exciting atmosphere must
be created by presenting learning materials that are challenging, impressive and can grow
and increase creative power.
Active participation of students in learning, among others, can be realized in the form
of discussion, group work in the discussion of subject matter activities. The attitude of the
teacher to students who try to understand the flow of thinking of these students to develop
their thinking skills further to further provide reinforcements that are expected to increase
students' interest and attention and motivation. This method expresses elements that at first
glance seem dissimilar such as entertainment, games, colors, positive thinking, physical
fitness and emotional health, but all of these elements work together to produce an effective

Bobby De Porter, Quantum Teaching Practicing Quantum Learning in Classrooms, Bandung: Kaifa, 2010).
Ari Nilandri (2001). Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Student Success (Bobbi DePorter, Mark Reardon, Sarah
Singer-Nouri, Translation), Boston: Allyn and bacon.

learning experience.

2.2 Quantum Learning Principles

Application of Quantum Learning in Learning In accordance with the principles put

forward by De Porter in Wena that this learning model has five principles, namely:

1) Everything speaks

Everything from the classroom environment to the teacher's body language (eye
gaze, hand gestures and so on), the papers distributed, lesson plans, teaching aids
all send messages about learning.

2) Everything has a purpose

Everything that happens in your knowledge has a purpose.

3) Experience before naming

Our brains develop rapidly in the presence of complex stimuli, which will stimulate
curiosity. Therefore, the best learning process occurs when students have
experienced the information before they have acquired a name for what they are

4) Acknowledge every effort

Learning is risky. Learning means stepping out of comfort. When they take this
step, they deserve recognition for their skills and confidence.

5) If it is worth learning, then it is also worth celebrating.

Celebration is the breakfast of champion students. Celebrations provide feedback

on progress and increase the association of positive emotions with learning3

Application in the classroom, there is a demand that teachers must be able to design
and design all aspects of what is contained in the classroom environment including teachers,
learning media, and students and schools including other teachers, school gardens, sports
Wena, Made, Contemporary Innovative Learning Strategies An Operational Conceptual Review, (Jakarta: Bumi
Aksara, 2011).

atmosphere, school canteens, and everything else cover as a learning resource for students.
In another sense, that what happens in the whole learning process has a purpose. In this case
the application in the classroom, every learning activity must have a clear purpose.

2.3 Characteristics of Quantum Learning

Characteristics of Quantum Teaching in learning consists of 8 kinds of characteristics,


1. Quantum learning is more humanistic

Quantum Teaching puts forward the freedom or needs of every human being, namely
students. All students are treated equally from one student to another.

2. Learning interactions become more meaningful

a learning will be more meaningful because every step of learning Quantum Teaching
has its own value that makes students always motivated and enthusiastic in
participating in learning.

3. Eliminate everything that hinders the success of learning and maintain everything
that supports the success of learning

4. Students actively discuss and express opinions

In the Quantum teaching syntax there is an activity called natural. In these activities
students are invited to experience firsthand the material being taught so that students
will easily express their opinions regarding the material being taught at that time.

5. Improve learning outcomes

one of the causes of low student achievement or learning outcomes because the
learning model used by the teacher is still not right.

6. Focusing on quality and meaningful interactions In the learning process is seen

as the creation of quality and meaningful interactions that can change the energy of
students' mental abilities and natural talents into useful light for student success.

7. Prioritizing diversity and freedom as the key to interaction

8. Clear communication

If there is good communication between students and teachers, then of course the
learning will be more fun and meaningful

2.4 Quantum Learning Steps

a. Ambak's Strength
In this step, students must be motivated by the teacher so that they can identify and know
the benefits or meaning of each experience or event they go through, which in this case is
the learning process.
b. Learning environment arrangement
In the process of learning and teaching, it is necessary to arrange an environment that can
make students feel safe and comfortable. This kind of feeling will foster good student
learning concentration.
c. Cultivating a winning attitude
Cultivating a winning attitude needs to be done to further stimulate student learning. A
teacher should not hesitate to give praise or gifts to students who have succeeded in
d. Free learning style
There are various kinds of learning styles that students have. The learning styles include:
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. In Quantum Learning, teachers should give students
freedom in learning and not be fixated on one learning style
e. Get used to taking notes
Learning will be truly understood as a creative activity when students can not only accept,
but can reuse what is obtained by using living language in ways and expressions
according to the students' own learning style.
f. Get used to reading
One of the most important activities is reading. By reading, students can improve their
vocabulary, understanding, insight, and memory.

g. Make children more creative
Creative students are students who are curious, like to try, and love to play. Creative
attitude allows students to generate fresh ideas in their learning
h. Train memory power
Memory power is very necessary in learning, so students need to be trained to get good
memory power.

2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Learning

a. Advantages of Quantum Learning Model
1) Can guide students towards the same thinking in the same channel of thought.
2) Because quantum learning involves students more, during the learning process
students' attention can be focused on things that are considered important by the
teacher so that important things can be observed carefully.
3) Because the movement and process are shown, it does not require much
4) The learning process becomes more comfortable and enjoyable.
5) Students are stimulated to actively observe, adjust, between theory and reality, and
can try to do it themselves.
6) Because the quantum learning model requires creativity from a teacher to
stimulate students' innate desire to learn, indirectly teachers are accustomed to
thinking creatively every day.
7) The lessons given by the teacher are easily accepted or understood by students.

b. Weaknesses of the Quantum Learning Model

1) Requires and demands the expertise and skills of teachers more specifically.
2) Requires a fairly mature and well-designed learning process and preparation for
3) Not all classes have learning resources, learning tools, and facilities that are
prerequisites in Quantum Learning, as well as because this learning also demands
more situations and conditions as well as more time.


3.1 Conclusion

Quantum Learning is a learning model that makes learning fun. The application of this
model is expected to increase students' interest in learning so that in the end students can
improve overall learning outcomes. The Quantum Learning learning model is a very
balanced combination of work and play, between internal and external stimuli and time
spent in the safe zone and will step out of the place of origin or old habits.

To support learning that seeks to see problems from a different perspective is to create
a conducive, comfortable and collaborative learning environment. Teachers must be
constructivist in a learning process, prepare a learning environment that supports students
to form meaning, appreciate the provisions and principles of learning and responsible

In the Quantum learning method is an effort to bring Their World (Learner) into Our
World (Teacher), and deliver Our World (Teacher) into their world (Learner). Every form
of interaction with students, every curriculum design, and every learning method must be
built on these core principles.

3.2 Suggestion

By knowing some discussions and explanations about Quantum Learning Strategies,

hopefully it can increase knowledge and insight for readers on matters related to Quantum
Learning Strategies.


Kosasih, Nandang and Dede Sumarna. 2013. Quantum Learning and Intelligence
Optimization. Bandung: Alphabeta.

De Porter, Bobby. 2010. Quantum Teaching Practicing Quantum Learning in Classrooms,

Bandung: Kaifa

Ari Nilandri. 2001. Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Student Success (Bobbi DePorter,
Mark Reardon, Sarah Singer-Nouri, Translation), Boston: Allyn and bacon.

Wena, Made. 2011. Contemporary Innovative Learning Strategies An Operational

Conceptual Review. Jakarta: Earth Literacy.

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