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Evaluating the Causes of World War 1


War is probably the highest form of threat that a state or individual can ever
experience. The effects of war is massive, it does not only claim a country's peace,
.prosperity and order but also the lives of millions of people

When World War 1 occurred, no one ever imagined that it will last for the longest
time of four years, leave most countries in Europe destructed and killed a lot of

World War 1 sparked on Sunday, July the 28th of 1914 when Austria-Hungary
declared war on Serbia because of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
and his wife Duchess Sophie. What seemed to be a simple conflict between two
countries turned out to extend to powerful allies including Germany, France, Russia,
and Great Britain mainly because these countries were involved in a treaty which
.compel them to defend each other

The early months of battle saw attacks from Germany to Belgium and France while
Russia fought back to Germany and Austria-Hungary. However, in the course of the
war, the Ottoman Empire was brought into dispute because of the deception from
Germany. Much of 1915 was dominated by battles against The Turks. Consequently,
in 1916 and 1917, there was a continued warfare between east and west. Millions of
soldiers had died, yet there were no clear illustrations of success or benefit for those
.countries involved

Major Factors Contributing to World War 1

Evaluating the effects of the World War 1 pointed out several arguments why it
happened in the first place. It can be said that the unfortunate event of assassination
of Francis Ferdinand set off the war but even before it, there were already elements
of conflict happening in the area because of alliances, militarism and nationalism
.involving a lot of countries

Alliance System:

In many related literature, the idea that one country agree to collective defense if
attacked during war was surfaced as early as 1870s when Bismarck, the German
Chancellor held that Germany was a "satiated state" which should give up ideas of
further conquest. Thus, alliance system has been considered as one of the main
factors why war exploded in Europe. Bismarck organized a system of alliances
designed to maintain Germany's hegemony on the European continent. The number
of treaties formed in European countries before the war had gathered negative
impression from political leaders. For instance, there were confusions in Entangling
Alliances and Triple Entente where Russia, France and United Kingdom were not
even considered military treaty. Minor conflicts were not supposed to expand and
involve other countries. What happened between Austria-Hungary and Serbia could
have been solved at their level but because of alliances it resulted to Britain declaring
.war on Germany


Another main cause of the World War 1 was the rise of Militarism. It is evident that
nations, during old times looked at the significance of military movements and gave
priority to it because of their dream to be glorious in wars without realizing that its
aftermath would be horrifying. Having military and naval forces meant the one
country gives more preference to force as a solution to disputes. Back in 1907, there
was a sudden rise of influence of military in policy making especially in Russia and
Germany. The German Army which was called “State within the State “was followed
and the politicians do not have a command with the army’s plan to protect the
country. Another example was the Russian generals who forced the Czar to accept
full mobilization. The political leaders were usually threatened to follow, otherwise
.they will be thrown out of their positions

Thus, during 1913 to July 1914, most of the European countries started increasing
military activities. Germans increase their forces, Russia amended length of military
services and made it longer, Britain prepared their armed forces for a European
expedition and home defense and it was evident that all powers would like to
produce strong armies, weapons and more strategic plans. At this time also alliances
.started secret military talks about territorial assignments and planned cooperatively

We can say that these countries were already anticipating an impending war for
economic, territorial and alliances rivalries and disputes. The increase in military and
naval forces made every nation believe that a war was coming and that it’s only
.through war that they can achieve world power


Finally, it has been pointed out that nationalism had driven nations to fight and stand
up for the honor and reputation of their country. In the 19th century, nationalism were
seen on the desire of people for independence, especially for the Balkan people but
since there were a lot of players wanting to achieve power at that time, the struggle
continued. It is also because of the desire for power and prestige for the independent
.countries that cause them to dominate each other and eventually led to war

Germany which was strongly united in terms of economic and military powers wanted
to preserve hegemony and build up influence in every part of the world. Because
German ambitions were extended to many parts of the globe, Germany came into
serious conflicts with all other major powers of Europe (except Austria-Hungary) from
.1890 to 1914

Italy on the other hand, to cover up for its inefficient system of government would like
to raise its reputation through its ambitions to conquer Tunis and Tripoli in northern
Africa. They had planned to overpower a lot of other territories and got into conflict
.with France which eventually led into conflicts with Austria-Hungary

Italy on the other hand, to cover up for its inefficient system of government would like
to raise its reputation through its ambitions to conquer Tunis and Tripoli in northern
Africa. They had planned to overpower a lot of other territories and got into conflict
.with France which eventually led into conflicts with Austria-Hungary

On the other hand, Austria-Hungary was established as the Dual Monarchy in 1867
which ruled over a large empire consisting of many nationalities, but only the
Austrians and the Hungarians had the right to rule. The other nationalities Czechs,
Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Rumanians and Poles expressed angered for their loss of
political freedom and wanted political independence. They particularly want to gain
control of the Balkan Peninsula but the center of movements was controlled by
Serbians thus the conflict never ended and has even expanded to a Russia and
Austria-Hungary conflict because Russia always backed up Serbia in all their

Overall, we can say that while every country wants to prove dominance and power
.for nationalism, they only saw that through war it can this be achieved


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