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Essay 3 Teacher Feedback

Penalties Chart
(see the Essay 3 Assignment Prompt & Syllabus’s Course Schedule for more information)
Assignment Submission / Attendance Penalty
Draft 1 Yes N/A
Draft 2 Yes N/A
Group Conference (11.2) Yes N/A
Peer Review (11.11) Yes N/A
Writer’s Workshop (11.4) Yes N/A
Writer’s Workshop (11.9) Yes N/A

Feedback from Rubric

Controlling Idea 
 C | Text presents a controlling idea, though it may not be revelatory or clear and is
somewhat supported with sub-claims, though some may seem tangential. Text presents
ideas, but the ideas do not further the author’s purpose.

 C | Text presents evidence for the controlling idea, though not all the selected evidence
furthers the author’s purpose or it is unclear how the evidence works to do so. Some
tangents present.

C- |  Text presents an understanding of the concept of research, although it is clear that
that the author stumbles to fully comprehend. Text presents some evidence to
demonstrate the understanding.

Genre Competence (Researched Position) 

C | Text seems confused about the purpose of the position paper genre, though the
purpose is accomplished. Evidence of a misunderstanding of audience and how the
genre works for the author’s purpose.

Style, Grammar and the Writing Process 

B- | Style and grammar are somewhat appropriate for the assigned genre and audience.
Text appears to have not benefitted from proofreading and editing.

Instructor Comments:

See my marginal comments above.

I have turned on Track Changes in your document and formatted it correctly (but not entirely—
I’ve only modeled in some instances that repeat) so that you can see what it should look like.
You can “Accept Changes” to keep this formatting.
Final Draft Grade: C (75/100)
Essay 3 Peer Feedback

1- No, you need to fix your citations on your work cited page and the work cited page needs
to be on its own page. 

2- Yes, your thesis statement is clear 

3- Yes, your body paragraphs go seam too long you can cut them just a little bit short 

4- I don't know you have any grammatical errors on your paper. 

5-No i do not think that you repeated yourself on this essay. 

You cited your sources but they are not in MLA format.

Your thesis is clear, but you could include the topic of your body paragraphs in your thesis.

Your body paragraphs are okay, as long as you talk in depth about your topics.

You don't have much grammatical errors, just missing to place commas. 

You did not repeat yourself in the paper much. 

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