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Software developers

Software or Systems Developers work for firms and companies dedicated to the field of
Computing. They are responsible for developing the pillars of operating systems that are created
by Programmers and testing the code of new programs to ensure their efficiency. Also, run quality
tests on new projects before they go live.

These professionals are involved in the entire process related to the creation and design of new
systems, starting from the initial planning, establishing parameters, design, writing, code,
encryption and testing. Each member of the System Developers Team assumes one of the phases
that will be supervised by the Project Manager.

Big Data Analyst

The Data Analyst or Big Data Analyst is a professional profile that thanks to the interpretation of
the data can establish strategies within a company. Therefore, you must know how to collect data
as well as analyze it statistically.

Keep in mind that Big Data Analysts work with large amounts of data, but the data itself says
nothing. In the company, a profile is needed that finds patterns in them to carry out some actions
or others.


The Cybersecurity Specialist is focused on preventing theft, illegal duplication and unauthorized
access of information. In this sense, the work of this expert is to determine the existence of risks
and possible information leaks.

Cybersecurity Specialists deal with the protection of information on computer networks, online
servers or "clouds" (cloud servers), mobile devices, payment software, among others. These
professionals analyze risks and develop strategies to prevent any handover or cyber breach. The
mission is to fight against cybercriminals, favorites like hackers, thieves and cyber spies, who use
the Internet and various hacking methods to steal confidential information.

Environmental engineer

Environmental Engineers make use of the principles of Engineering, Soil Science, Biology, and
Chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. As such, they are responsible for
research, development, design, and determination of solutions to resolve conflicts involving air
and water pollution, as well as fuel use and recycling. In this sense, this discipline is also dedicated
to studying global problems, such as climate change and environmental sustainability.
Environmental Engineering is a discipline that includes several branches that, in turn, focus on
making the world more ecological, including Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Automotive and
Aeronautical Engineering.


A geneticist can work as a scientist or as a lecturer. Geneticists can conduct general research on
genetic processes or develop genetic technologies to assist in the pharmaceutical or agricultural
industries. assess, diagnose, and treat patients with inherited diseases or birth defects, genetic risk
calculations, and mutation testing, as well as refer patients to other medical specialists. The
geneticist conducts studies, tests, and counsels patients with genetic disorders.

"Cloud" managers

Two decades ago, we were going through the process of exchanging paper files for computer hard
drives. Now we stop using physical memory for cloud storage. And to manage this volume of
information, many companies need a cloud manager.

Cloud management refers to the way administrators control everything that operates in a cloud -
users, data, applications, and services. Cloud management tools allow administrators to monitor
all types of activity in that environment, such as resource deployment, usage tracking, data
integration, and even disaster recovery. In addition, they provide administrative control of the
infrastructure, platforms, applications, and data that together make up a cloud.

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