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1 What reputation do Americans have?

Americans s have a reputation for being bad at learning .anguages

2 What experiment did Max's newspaper want to do?

Max will try to learn a language for a month. Then he will have to do some tests

3 Why did Max choose to learn Spanish?

He decided to learn Spanish because he wants to visit Puerto Rico and other places in Latin America.

4 Where did he take che course? How long was it?

He took a one-month intensive Spanish course at a Spanish language school in Washington, D.C.

5 What did he find easy and difficu lt about Spanish?

he said that the pronunciation of Spanish is very difficult

6 What were the four tests? What were rhe rules?

1. order a drink and a sandwich in a cafe, ask how much it is, and understand the price.
2. ask for directions on the street (and follow them).
3. take a taxi to a historical building in San Juan.
4. leave a message on somebody's voicemail.
1. You can't use a dictionary or phrase book
2. you can't speak English at any time
3. you can't use your hands or mime or write anything down

 Which test do you think was rhe easiest for Max?

I think the easiest test for Max is when he order a drink and a sándwich because the waiter understood what Max

 Wh ich do you think was t he most difficult?

The most difficult test for Max is when he asked for an address because the woman talked fast



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