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1. Cite one issue that you think can be addressed by linguistics.

Explain how linguistics can

shed light to it.
The issue about what are the proper words to say, how to say such words and
considering the set up, the ambiance and the place before talking or uttering something, and
to be specific, it is about "Pragmatics". An example given by Ms. Holiday on the podcast was
asking "Who is the best rapper? " which is very funny considering that it was her first
meeting with the class, thus making it very informal to ask such thing to her students
knowing that the said question has really nothing to do with the environment/class.
Learning LINGUISTICS more specifically the PRAGMATICS enables a person to be
wise on what to say, helps a person on dealing with language and the contexts in which it is
used and most importantly, PRAGMATICS helps you to understand the situation, how to
catch up and deal with the conversation professionally, whether someone is talking to you
sarcastically, trying to be vague, intentionally violates the 4 conversational maxims to
emphasize FLOUTING, thus giving a hint that IMPLICATURE is now active because the
speaker is trying to imply something that can never be understood without common sense and
deep knowledge about pragmatics.

2. Write a 2-paragraph reflection on the topic discussed in the podcast.

I have realized that African American English or Black American English is actually
a different language, for all these years I thought black people are being
UNGRAMMATICAL and does not have a good education, but thanks to the podcast that I
listened for an hour, I was able to realize and correct my mistake. According to my research,
it is important to understand that African American English does not follow the grammatical
rules of standard American English, but follows the grammatical rules West African
Languages, and therefore cannot be considered an inferior type of English, because,
linguistically speaking, it is a different language. I also learned that LINGUISTS are the kind
of people who does not judge a person because of a grammar mistake, rather, linguists are the
kind of people that understands both the language and the person, therefore there is no need
to be cautious and shy when speaking English language when you are around with linguists.

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