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Global warming is a pressing issue that has been affecting the planet for several

decades. It was, and currently is an issue ever since 1950s. It refers to the gradual
increase in the Earth's average surface temperature due to the accumulation of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The primary cause of global warming is lot of
human activities - such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation or mass cutting of plants
(which supposedly would help this pressing issue by emitting oxygen which is good and
is absorbing carbon dioxide; one that is bad and is not good for the environment.), and
industrial processes. Which, is accelerating the rate of thinning of our natural shield
against the sun’s ultra-violet rays rapidly.

The effects of global warming are numerous and severe. As an example, it leads
to rising sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, and extreme weather events such as
heatwaves, hurricanes, and droughts. These kind of changes have a significant impact
on our planet's ecosystems and can possibly lead to the extinction of various animal
and plant species. That also meant the possible extinction of human race as well.
The consequences of global warming are not limited to the environment alone
but also affect human health and well-being as I have mentioned above; It can cause
respiratory problems due to increased air pollution, water scarcity, and food shortages.
These issues can ultimately lead to social conflicts and political instability.

To mitigate the issue, we need to take urgent and collective action to reduce our
greenhouse gas emissions. Governments as the one in charge of managing a nation
must take the lead and implement policies to encourage the development and use of
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. Individuals can also
contribute by reducing their own carbon footprint through actions such as using public
transportation, reducing meat consumption, and conserving energy at home.

In these sense, political and cultural leaders are not, themselves, going to be
able to make this change occur. Such a profound degree of change cannot be brought
about by the virtuous voice alone. Rather, such a profound degree of change can only
be brought about by the force of humankind as a collective whole, or the “everybody
force”. The inherent collective of everybody-all-at-once actually is (always) the only true
power—but that collective unfortunately is not currently exercising that power, because
that collective is dis-united and in chaos.

In conclusion, global warming is a significant threat to our planet that requires

immediate action. We must take responsibility for our actions and work together to
reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to prevent further damage to our planet and
ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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