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T.A. 2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari /Tanggal : Kamis/2 Desember 2021

Kelas : III ( Tiga ) Waktu : 08.00 – 9.30
KKM : 75

NAMA : __________________________

Petunjuk soal:
1. Sebelum mulai ujian bacalah hallassab, dan doa.
2. Sebelum mengerjakan soal tulislah nama pada kolom yang sudah di sediakan.
3. Kerjakanlah soal yang dianggap paling mudah terlebih dahulu.

I. Silangilah salah satu huruf a, b, dan c pada jawaban yang dianggap benar !

The text is for number 1-3. 4. What animal is it?

(Teks berikut untuk soal nomor 1-3)
a. It is a shark

My Family b. It is a giraffe
My name is Husain. There are 5 c. It is a goat
members of my family. My father is
Ali and my mother is Fatimah. I have
a brother. He is Hasan. I have a 5. What animal is it?
sister, she is Hana. a. It is a rhino
b. It is a tiger
1. Ali is a …….
c. It is a giraffe
a. father
b. brother 6. Chicken, cat, duck are ______ animals
c. sister a. wild b. house c. tame

2. Hana is a….. 7. ________________ are wild animals

a. mother a. snake and tiger

b. sister b. cat and chicken
c. baby c. cat and cow

3. Husain’s mother is …. 8. Is it a goat?

a. Fatimah a. No, it is a giraffe
b. Hana b. Yes, it is
c. Ali c. No, it is a cow
9. “I see a tiger, lion, and crocodile in c. She is a soldier
the zoo”
Bahasa Indonesia kalimat diatas 15. He is a…….
adalah.. a. Teacher
b. Firefighter
a. Saya melihat seekor harimau, singa,
dan buaya di kebun binatang. c. Chef
b. Saya melihat seekor serigala,
16. farmer / He / is / a
monyet, dan buaya di kebun
binatang. a. He farmer is a
c. Saya melihat seekor harimau, singa,
b. He is a farmer
dan buaya di rumah.
c. Farmer is he a
10. What time is it?
17. I want to be a pilot = …….
a. It is one o’clock
b. It is seven o’clock a. Saya mau menjadi polisi

c. It is twelve o’clock b. Saya mau menjadi pilot

c. Saya mau menjadi tentara

11. “It is eleven o’clock”

a. b. 18. My sister is a dentist. Dentist =……

a. Dokter gigi
b. Dokter
c. c. Koki

19. This is a…….

a. Cake
12. What activity is it?
b. Porridge
a. go to school
c. Fried rice
b. sleep
c. take a bath
i. juice, milk, coffe
13. I ______ at 7 o’clock ii cake, pizza
iii rice, soup
a. go to school
b. sleep The name of drinks is in number….
a. i b. ii c. iii
c. take a bath

14. What does she do?

a. She is a nurse
b. She is a chef
II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah dengan jawaban bahasa inggris yang benar !

1. This is ___________

2. What animal is it?

It is ____________

3. Write 3 tame animals! (Tuliskan 3 binatang jinak!)


4. Write 3 wild animals! (Tuliskan 3 binatang buas!)


5. What time is it?

It is ____________

6. What time is it?

It is ____________

7. What does he do?

He is ____________

8. mother / teacher / My / a / is (susunlah kalimat ini!)


9. Write 2 name of foods! (Tuliskan 2 nama makanan!)


10. Write 2 name of drinks! (Tuliskan 2 nama minuman!)


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