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Name: ……………………………….………. Class: ………. Total: : ……./ 30

I. Fill in the gap with a suitable phrasal verb from the box. (15pts)
set about set against set up set down x 2 set out x 2
set smb apart set in set back x 2 set off x 2 set smt aside x 2

1. The company rescue will …set…. taxpayers …back…….. an estimated $111.5 billion.
2. The bad weather …set back………… the building program by several weeks.
3. Passengers may be …set down…………….. and picked up only at the official stops.
4. I'd like everyone to …set down…….. a few ideas for the next project before tomorrow's meeting.
5. Her work is always very well …………………………
6. He …………………. with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship.
7. The rain looks as if it has ……………………… for the rest of the day.
8. …………………………. the benefits of the new technology, there is a strong possibility that jobs
will be lost.
9. The police …………………….. roadblocks on routes out of the city.
10. If you open this door, it will …………………….. the fire alarm.
11. We ………………………………. for London just after ten.
12. Her elegant style …………… her ……………. from other journalists.
13. He tries to ……………….. some time ………………… every evening to read to the kids.
14. We need to ………………………….. our differences and begin to cooperate.
15. We need to …………………… finding a solution.
II. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable words.
1. He emigrated to Australia in 2006 and set up ……………………. just outside of Sydney.
2. Most people assume that winning the lottery will set them up for …life….., but you really need 
to manage your money carefully to make it last.
3. A positive conversation with the CEO today could set the ……………  for a promotion tomorrow.
4. I hope this explanation will help finally set these questions at …………………….
5. Most of the department is ………………..……. set against one of our peers becoming our boss, e
ven temporarily.
6. He is never going to set the world on …fire……………. with his painting.
7. The sudden arrest of one of our teammates last night certainly set our back on our …………..., 
and we weren't able to play to the best of our abilities this morning.
8. The program aims to set convicts back on their ………….. after they are released from prison.
9. You'll never convince him to change, he is too set in his ……………….. now.
10. She told all the staff they would have to cancel their holidays, and that really set the cat …
the pigeons.
11. The kids screaming in the next room really set my …teeth………….. on edge.
12. I had to set him …………………………. about what really happened.
13. Tim should go about setting his own house in …order……before he starts criticizing how I 
live my life!
14. When I was a little boy, I set my …heart……….. on becoming a fighter pilot.
15. As soon as you set your …………………. to these papers, you'll be the proud owner of a brand 
new car!

Name: ……………………….…………………. Class: …………. Total: ……./ 40
I. Match each sentence (a—j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10). 
a) I don't set much store by it. 1. I've arranged the meal.
b) I've set my mind on it. 2. I am strongly opposed to it.
c) I've had a set-back. 3. I have operated the timer.
d) I'm dead set against her marriage.   4. I've decided for certain.
e) I've set up the meeting for next week.    5. I have had a reversal of fortune.
f) I've set the table in the living-room.  6. I've made the arrangements.
g) I’ve got the whole set. 7. I don't consider it very important.
h) I set you two exercises for today. 8. I don't like the bitter taste.
i) It sets my teeth on edge. 9. I have a complete collection.
j) I've set it to turn on at seven.  10. I gave you some homework. 
II. Replace the words underlined by using the most appropriate expression from the box. 
get you down get your own back get the sack get it straight get away with murder
get the idea across get up speed get hold of get rid of there's no getting away from it
1. If you're not careful, you're going to be dismissed: ……………………………………….
2. Doesn't this gloomy winter weather depress you?   ……………………………………….
3. You're going to grow old one day. You can't ignore it.   ……………………………….………
4. Willie treated you really badly. How are you going to take revenge? ……………………………….………
5. These trains start very slowly but they soon accelerate. ……………………………….………
6. Ann talks well but she doesn't always communicate what he wants to say…………………….……………
7. The pipes have burst. We must try to find a plumber.   ……………………………..………..
8. Let's understand each other. I don't want to go out with you! ……………………………………….
9. Philip is the teacher's favourite. She lets him do whatever he wants.  ……………………………………….
10. I feel awful. I can't shake off this  cold. ……………………………………….
III. Fill in the gap with a suitable word. 
1. You should be setting a good …………………….. to your younger brother.
2. The court's decision in this case will set a …….……….. that affects the lives of all citizens going forward.
3. I began setting …………….. for rabbits and other animals when my food started running dangerously low.
4.There have been a lot of crazy rumors flying around, so I'd like to set the …record.. straight once and for all.
5. We might get brunch next weekend, but nothing is set in …………………….yet.
6. He got a ………………………….. out of seeing just how fast his new car could go.
7.With the way that boat was rocking back and forth, I felt like I was going to ………. my cookies
at any minute.
8. ‘You’ve hit the ………………….. on the head. That’s exactly what I want.’
9. I thought I knew what real estate costs around here, but wow, I was/ fell ………………….. of the mark.
10. It was no surprise when she left him – everyone knew he had it ………………………. to him.
IV. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression which includes the verb “HAVE”.
1. There are still a few days until the end of our holiday.
We still ……………………………………………………………………….. of our holiday.
2. Old Mrs Jones can't climb stairs very easily.
Old Mrs Jones …………………………………………………………….. climbing stairs.
3. I don't want to hear you complaining any more!
I've   ………………………………………………………..your complaining!
4. I do not intend to call the police.
I've ………………………………………………… calling the police. 
5. I don't wish to be a nuisance. 
I ………………………………………………………………… to be a nuisance. 
6. I really don't know where we are.
I …………………………………………………………….where we are.
7. Give me the spanner and I'll try to do it.
Here, let me ……………………………………………………… I'm very good with a spanner.
8. I don't recollect posting the letter.
I ………………………………………………………………………………. posting the letter.
9. I went to the hairdresser's this afternoon.
I …………………………………………………………………………………………. this afternoon. 
10. There's a rumour going around that a new Director is going to be appointed.
Rumour …………………………………………………………………. a new Director is going to be appointed. 

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