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Lesson Plan May 11-15 

This week we are doing graphing in Math as an extension to our last 
week’s sorting. We are continuing our community helper lessons too. 
A reminder that this Friday, May 15th is a Non-Instructional Day (no 
lessons from us but feel free to use any of the extra 
activities/resources we have posted to do work if that is what works for you and your 
family). Also the following Monday, May 18th is Victoria Day so also no school. Hope you 
enjoy a nice long weekend with your family! 
​Video Links: 
Mrs. I’s students click here:

Ms. Legere’s students click here:

Blue Scribbler:   
Spelling practice for the week: ​1) box 2) milk 3) wax 4) text 5) fist   
There is a video at the start of the week to help with sounding out each grapheme 
and making the appropriate letter formation.  
Here are some ways to practice your spelling words every day that will hopefully 
help with the repetition and keep the learning fun: 
● Spell each word 3 times 
● Write your words alphabetically 
● Write your words with rainbow colours 
● Write a sentence for each 
● Write a rhyming word for each words 
● Write your words with red vowels 
● Write with sidewalk chalk/wet paintbrush outside on the cement 
At the end of the week there is a video to “test” how you’re coming along with the 
spelling words.  
Green Scribbler: 
Directed drawing and spelling word practice:  
Write the sentence:   
On the box of milk there is a cow.  

Visual Journal task #1:  
1) Watch video: The Fire Station by Robert Munsch  
2) Follow up by watching the video “Parts of a Story” 
Task: Parts of a story 
Draw and label the characters and the setting of the story. Sound out the names 
of them if you can. 
Visual Journal #2: 
Watch the video Career Day. Then in your journal share with us what career you 
might like to have when you grow up.   
1) Draw a picture of you in that job. 
2) Write: When I grow up I want to be a 
3) Sound out the word for the career you would like. 
4) Have a grown up (or challenge yourself to sound it out) why you would like to 
have that career when you grow up. 
Let’s graph! 
Lesson 1: 
Watch video: “Graphing” 
Complete JUMPMath pages:​ 108-109 
AND write your answer ​on the ClassDojo post to the following question: “Out of these 3, 
which is your favourite treat: ice-cream, cake, or candy?” We will use these answers to 
make a graph on Thursday with all of your answers! 
Lesson 2: 
Watch video: “Graphing Extras” 
Complete attached graphs: ​“Sprouting Seed Graph” & “Spring Day Graph” 
Lesson 3: 
No video today. Just more graphing! 
Complete attached graphs: ​“Garden Graph”, “Rainy Day Graph”, and if you want “Nature 
Walk Graph” 
Lesson 4: 
Watch video: “Favourite Treat Graph” 
Complete: ​attached graph blank template with answers from the ClassDojo post 
IXL: ​remember, you can always practice more math using your IXL account! 
** ​Problem Solving Challenge​: 
Extra Activity Ideas: 
- Sorting and Graphing Online Game: 
- Thank you colouring sheet to put on your window to thank the essential 
workers. (Picture below) 
- Picture Hunt (picture below): Can you identify the 13 dangers in the kitchen? 
Use your safety skills!  
- Do you know your phone number and Last name? These are good skills to 
have in case of an emergency. (worksheet below or just practice on any 
sheet of paper) 
Art and Fine Motor: Art Hub 
Gross motor and Mindfulness: Cosmic Kids Yoga 
Self Regulation and Listening:

Mr. Dalderis provided some extra links to support early literacy 

Building Early Reading Skills 
Adventure Man: Days of the Week 
You can help Adventure Man find the treasure in the temple by completing these 
questions and tasks about the days of the week. 
Adventure Man and the Months of the Year 
Unlock the treasure with Adventure Man by completing some tasks about the months of 
the year. 
Click on the letters to see animals that start with that letter. The animals all take the 
Alphabet Order 
Help the monkey put the alphabet in order by dragging and dropping the blocks into 
Animal Who? 
Type a letter on your keyboard. When the animal appears, listen to the sound it makes 
and tell us what it is. 
C-A-T Word Machines 
Try these word machines to learn more about each sound. Pull on the levers to get new 
Use your reading skills to create and label your magician. Try out some magic tricks. 
PBS Kids: Alphabricks 
Storybrook Villages has a series of interactive stories that focus on early reading skills 
Pick a Pumpkin 
Learn more about the sound a "u" makes as you pick and decorate a pumpkin for the fall 
harvest. Click on the words to hear the story read aloud. 
Starfall ABC's 
Click on a letter to explore with fun songs and activities. 
Zac the Rat Stories 
Learn about the short vowel 'a' in these three short stories. Click on each scene to see 
Zac's actions. Click on the ear to hear the sentences read aloud. 


My Last Name is…. 
Favourite Treat Graph 
- Label and write the title first 
- Then count how many people liked each different treat and colour the 
correct square 

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