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Rihlatul Ilm Foundation

After School Maktab Tarbiyah Course

Final Exam 2021-2022

Teacher: ________________________ Subject: FIQH 

Student: ______________________ Grade: 3

1. Write your teacher’s and your full name at the top. 
2. Answer the questions neatly in the spaces provided (Points may be taken off for
illegible writing)

Question 1: 
Write all the Faraaid of Wudhu. (4 points each)
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________

Q.2. Out of the 13 Sunnahs of Wudhu, state 8 of them. (3 points each).

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
Q.3. Yousuf made Wudhu without Niyyah. Is his Wudhu complete? Explain. (5

Q.4. Tanzil says that Wudhu is not complete if each part is not washed 3 times.
Explain if he his right or wrong? (5 points)

Q.5. Faheem did Masah of ½ of his head. Abrar told him that his Wudhu is not
complete because he did not wash the whole head. Nafi said that his Wudhu is not
complete because he did not do Masah of his whole head. Are both Abrar’s and
Nafi’s statements correct. If not, explain. (10 points)

Q.6. Write “True” or “False” (4 points each).

A. Allah does not accept Salaah with incomplete Wudhu. _________________

B. It is Fardh to gargle the mouth in Wudhu. ________________
C. Sunnah is a compulsory act. _____________

Q.7. Choose the correct words (4 points each):

Arabic Terms:
a. Disliked Act Wudhu / Makrooh.
b. A desirable act. Fardh / Mustahaab.
c. An impermissible act. Haraam / Masaah.

Q.8. List the “Practical wudu” in proper order. Some of them have been answered
to help you. (2 points each)
1. _________________________
2. Read Bismillah
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. Make Miswak
6. _________________________
7. Clean the nose three times
8. _________________________
9. _________________________
10. Make Khilaal of the fingers
12.Wash both feet and make khilaal of the toes

 Bonus Question (7 possible points)

Is making Wudhu important in the life of a Muslim. Explain.

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