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Gwynedd Mercy University-School of Business and Education

Lesson Planning Framework

Subject Area: ____History ________________ Grade Level: ____3 ____________

GMercyU Student Name:_______________Amanda Dunn____________________

Domain I: Planning and Preparation

PA Core/Academic Standard(s):
Identify the sources of conflict and disagreement and the different ways conflicts can be resolved
Big Idea: Overarching Theme

African Americans during the Civil Rights movement used peaceful protest to achieve change

Essential Question(s):
Students will consider and reflect on throughout the lesson:

Which common goals were shared among these African American Protesters?

How did their chosen actions lead to success?

How did their actions influence future generations?

What changes still need to be made?

Objective/Performance Expectations
What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?

Students will demonstrate their understating of societal change brought upon by peaceful protest
through witting a reflection, and they will analyze what changes still need to be made through
writing their own dream for society.

Assessment Evidence/Level of Learning Differentiated Instruction: Modifications in

Students will show what they know by evidence of/list instruction and assessment for students with
names of formative or summative checks, quizzes, tests learning differences, specifically those with
which indicate evidence of learning: 504’s and IEP’s.
I have a class of 24 students, 10 of
There will be a group discussion where we review the which are boys, and 14 who are girls. In the
contents of the lesson and the key societal contributions entirety of my class members, we have five
that were made by each person we studied. This will be IEPs that have been implemented. One child
a formative assessment. Prior to this I will go over any
concepts that I feel were missed by the students, or not has a visual impairment and needs texts with
understood fully. Once I feel enough information has enlarged print, and seating close to the front of
been effectively conveyed to the students, I will the room, facing the whiteboard. One child has
explain their at-home assignment. They will be difficulty hearing, so I wear a headpiece with a
asked to select their favorite influential leader that microphone so he can hear me more clearly.
was discussed in class, and they will write one page Two children are on the autism spectrum, and
about their significance and the effect of their they have aides, and allotted break times if they
contributions. This will be entered into the
feel over stimulated. One child is in need of
gradebook as the summative assessment for the unit.
testing accommodations and her IEP states that
her tests need to be multiple choice, with two
options blocked out to help her narrow the
options. All of my students seem to have a
preference to hands on learning, as opposed to
lecture. At this age they need to be
continuously engaged with material that they
find interesting because it pertains to what they
know, like, can relate to, or are interested in.
They also have a ton of energy, so it is
important to get them to move around while
learning through exploratory methods. In
terms of addressing diversity, our class
library is full of books from every culture.
Areas of our room are labeled with English
words and Spanish ones. We have a chart
that shows the Spanish equivalent for
common words in English. We also integrate
culture in our lesson and we celebrate
holidays for various ethnicities.

Domain II Classroom Environment: Refer to Classroom/Behavior Management Plan

At the beginning of the year the class will collectively contribute to generating a list of
“Classroom Do’s and Don’ts”. This will then be signed by every member of the class, and I will
remind them that makes it official. We will agree upon how to maintain a safe and welcoming
environment in our room. We will also agree upon some ways to adjust behaviors if they need to
be modified. I will give warnings and try conversational techniques before I ever decide to
reprimand a child in the form of a punishment such as deducted recess minutes, or anything
along those lines. I will also utilize Class Dojo, just to track behaviors and let parents know how
their children are doing. Establishing a strong connection with families will make it easier to
work through behaviors if need be.

Domain III: Instruction

Motivation/Prior Knowledge:
Preparing students for the lesson: How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or
review previous lessons?

I will show a short clip to reiterate our discussion about the civil rights movement from our class
the day before. I will then ask three volunteers to use one word to describe how they feel about
the movement, based on the video and their prior exposure to the content. We will then go
over key terms on the word wall to reinforce the information through review. Before we begin
the actual lesson, I will also ask them to keep this question in the back of their
minds: “How did these leaders make living easier for others, and how can we do the

Materials Needed:

 PowerPoint/ video
 A poster with names and contributions of influential African Americans
 Cut-outs of hands with various skin tones to represent diversity
 Twine
 Clothespins

Vocabulary/ New or Review:

 Civil rights movement- The struggle and success of African Americans trying to end
legalized racism
 Activist- A person who works toward social change
 Discrimination- Unfair treatment and exclusion base don race, gender, age, etc.
 Segregation- separation of races in public
 Boycott- To stop buying or using the serviced or products from a company or person as
a way of protesting
 Retaliate

Sequence the Lesson:

What learning activities/strategies will you use to engage the students in the learning? What
will students do to use and apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)?
How will you monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary. (Please use
bullets to sequence your lesson.)

 I will begin the lesson with a brief clip that will recap our lesson on the civil rights
movement and the mistreatment of blacks in America.
 I will ask the class for three volunteers to give me a word they associate with the civil
rights movement. Prior to asking for their input I will provide an example.
 I will then present them with a word wall of key terms that will be referenced, and I will
explain them ahead of time to ensure they can fully comprehend the rest of the material
surrounding the key terms.
 Once the introduction of the lesson has concluded I will ask the students to
keep this question in mind for the rest of the lesson: “How did these leaders
make living easier for other people, and how can we do the same?”
 The lesson will consist of five influential leaders during the civil rights movement. It
will include their contributions and a quote. This will consist of a slideshow with
 After the lesson, we will meet as a class on the carpet facing the board
 I will then present the students with a poster that lists the names of the people we
studied, and underneath will be a depiction of their role in society, but it will be covered
by a sheet of paper.
 As a class, we will all try to remember aspects of what we studied about each person,
and then we will remove the paper and reveal if we were right or not. This will allow us
to actively engage and collectively review the material.
 If this is generally understood we can proceed, but if there is confusion we
will extend the discussion to recover some of the material, potentially refer
back to the slideshow, or it may require us to do some research and look to a
few credible sources for additional information.
 I will ask the students to return to their seats for the follow up activity
 I will provide each student with a cut out of a hand with various skin tones to represent
diversity. Each student will be asked to write their own “I have a Dream Sentence”. I will
prelude this by asking the students to reflect on the changes in society that have been
made, and about the progress that still needs to be made. I will model this process
before they begin theirs. I will present them with my own example, which
they can use for ideas, or they can think in an entirely different direction.
 I will used clothespins to attach the hands onto a string that will hang up in our
classroom. It will appear as though the hands are holding each other to signify cultures
coming together peacefully and the statements written upon them will be a reminder of
our goals to make the world even more peaceful.
 The formal assessment will be a take home assignment. They will write one page about
their favorite influential leader that we wrote about, and why their contributions were

Closure: What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize this
lesson and preview the lesson that will follow?
I will inquire the student to tell me what they learned. I will prompt this discussion by asking
three questions for the students to write on an exit slip. The three questions will be:
1. Who impressed you the most?
2. How do we still benefit from the changes that African American protesters made?
3. How would you like to change society now?

I will then collect the slips and tell them that tomorrow’s lessons will be about the laws passed
after the civil rights movement.
Reflection Guidelines

The student will write lesson plans with an eye to the Danielson Framework and the Four
Domains of Professional Practice. Use this as a resource when writing lesson plans.

Domain I Planning and Preparation

1. How do you know you were knowledgeable of your content?
2. What is the evidence that your objective was clear in the lesson plan?
3. How does the lesson address individual student learning needs?
4. What variety of strategies and methodologies did you consider when planning?
5. What is the evidence that lesson components were logically sequenced?
6. How did your lesson plan include checks for student understanding?
7. What PA Standards did this lesson address?

Domain II Classroom Environment

1. How did students know the behavioral and academic expectations for the lesson?
2. What effective routines and procedures did you implement for lesson efficiency?
3. How did you insure the classroom was physically accessible for all learners?
4. What evidence indicates that respect was shown between and among students and
5. What evidence indicates that students placed a high value on quality participation,
process, and product?
6. How do you assess if the lesson was attainable for all students but also had appropriate

Domain III Instructional Delivery

1. How did you align your lesson to PA Standards?

2. How did you insure a clearly stated objective, understood by learners?
3. How did you provide clear explanations as to how to proceed through the lesson?
4. What questioning and discussion techniques insured all-learner participation?
5. What strategies did you employ to engage all students?
6. Describe how you made the content meaningful due to sequencing and pacing.
7. Discuss how you checked for understanding, provided feedback, retaught.
8. What is the evidence that you were you flexible and responsive to the needs of the
9. Describe how you made meaning of the lesson with some form of closure activity.

Overall Assessment

Briefly state any changes you will make the next time you teach this lesson or activity, to
improve any of the Domains of Professional Practice.

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