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Emcee 1: Good morning, everyone! We are happy to show you our schoolmates’ performance
outputs in celebration of the English Month celebration with the theme “Living, Loving, and Learning
English with the Family Amid Uncertainties.”

Emcee 2: Good morning. Before we start our celebration, let’s not forget to thank our Heavenly
Father for all the talents that He has given us. We thank Him for making us beautiful, just like Him!

Emcee 1: That’s right. We are going to sing “God is Beautiful” as our opening prayer. This will be
followed by the Philippine National Anthem.

Emcee 2: We are fortunate to have with us our school head and president, Mrs. Annie C. Corpin.
She will be introduced to us by Mrs. Genevieve Balagapo, the Intermediate Unit Coordinator.

Mrs. Balagapo

Mrs. Corpin

Emcee 1: Wow, we are now about to have our most awaited parts – the storytelling, readers
theater and interpretative reading done by the grades 4-6 learners.

Emcee 2: First, on our list is the storytelling. I do love to listen to stories. They develop our
imagination, bring us to different lands, time, and culture. They develop not only our mind but our
emotions, and values as well.

Emcee 1: Come on, let’s listen to some of the Grade 4 learners as they share with us their best


Emcee 2: That was really interesting!

Emcee 1: And the learners could really read and speak well. I wish they finished telling their

Emcee 2: Actually, they are all complete. However, we only showed the first parts of the story for
lack of time. If you want to listen to the whole story, you just need to go to our digital library and listen
to each one of them.

Emcee: 1: Wow, we are going to have a digital library?

Emcee 2: That’s right. In fact, it will be opened today, too. We will be given the link through our
English learning facilitator, Teacher Genevieve, so we could access all the e-books there.
Emcee 1: Great! I’m looking forward to it. But in the meantime, let’s listen to another
presentation, this time a Readers Theater entitled “The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal” to be given
by the Grade 5 learners. Let’s put our hands together for them.

Readers Theater

Emcee 2: That was funny – the tiger being fooled by the jackal hahaha. I thought they would all be
eaten by him!

Emcee 1: Good for the jackal, he saved the Brahman! Oh, I really don’t like tigers – they are proud,
selfish, and tell lies!

Emcee 2: That was the moral lesson of the story – never ever put your trust to anybody at once,
especially people like the tigers – they are those who are not true to what they say, they say one thing
but do the opposite.

Emcee 1: Yes, let us always be careful with such people. Next in line of our program is the
interpretative reading presented by our very own Grade 6 learners. They are going to present the poem
entitled “A Merry Heart” taken from Proverbs 15 of the Holy Bible. A round of applause please!


Emcee 2: “A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger” is quite difficult to
do, right? We immediately get angry when somebody throws stones at us. But to give a soft answer – oh
boy, this is quite difficult to do.

Emcee 1: Humility is the key. Let’s always ask Daddy God to help us have a humble heart so we
could follow His son, Jesus.

Emcee 2: That’s right. Let’s ask Him to give us the grace to have a Merry Heart – joyful and
humble in all circumstances. Lord, please help us.

Emcee 1: Yes, Daddy God, do help us.

This time, ladies and gentlemen, we now go to the last part of our program – and that is
the Opening of the Digital Library.

Emcee 2: We have lots of e-books - encyclopedias, thesaurus, dictionaries, and of course, classic
stories, and novels!

Emcee 1: And not only that, we can all watch musicales and popular movies for kids there!

Emcee 2: Wow, what a great gift to all of us. Thanks to Teacher Genevieve and to all of our
schoolmates who shared with us their e-books.

Emcee 1: I have also heard that the HRPTA Parent officers of the Grade 6-Wisdom Class did a
fundraising campaign so we could also have our very own mini library at the Real Campus. They are
going to buy hardbound and softbound classics for kids!
Emcee 2: Wonderful! Thank you, dear parents for your generosity and kindness. But what are we
going so we could read those books? And when could we start borrowing them?

Emcee 1: All we need to do is to get a mini library ID and pay a small amount in borrowing the
book so we could read it for one whole week. The amount will be used to buy more books for us to have
at the mini library.

Emcee 2: Okay, I’m interested already. Come on, let’s get a peek of our Digital Library now!

Picture of the Digital Library

Emcee 2: The movie clip surely showed us that there are many books that we could read at our
Digital Library. I can’t wait to go there and read my first digital book!

Emcee 1: Yes, I’m also interested. Let’s go there after this celebration. I’m going to choose my
very first digital book and movie!

Emcee 2: Can we go there anytime we like?

Emcee 1: Of course! That’s the advantage of being digital. Lots of children could use one book at
the same time. They would simply download their chosen book and voila, they have it already! Or they
could download a chosen movie or musicale, and they could watch it immediately – without any amount
to give. They are all for free!

Emcee 1: And not only that. Teacher Genevieve also has recorded some stories and pronunciation
lessons for us to listen and follow.

Emcee 2: I’m super delighted already. Thank you, Teacher Genevieve, thank you parents, and
schoolmates for this wonderful gift to us.

Emcee 1: Indeed, there are a lot of things to be grateful for even during this pandemic. We have
to thank Daddy God for His love and goodness.

Emcee 2: Thank you, Daddy God, for loving us. And now we show our thanksgiving to Him by
singing “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart.”

Give Thanks

St. Therese Hymn

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