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Marketing Management Submissions

Book Review

The Painted House, by John Grisham, is a story of dreams,

ambitions, and aspirations. It is a coming of age novel written in
the perspective of a seven-year-old boy named Luke Chandler.
Luke and his family are cotton farmers, struggling to make ends
meet. The title of the novel is a reference to the fact that Luke’s
family home remains unpainted, a constant reminder of their
low socioeconomic status. The story begins as the Chandler’s
hire two families for help with cotton picking. The visiting help is
initially considered to be a blessing, but as the story unfolds, the
Chandlers undergo several unpleasant experiences that change
their lives forever.

What inspired me the most about this book is that it explains

one boy’s journey from innocence to maturity. It exhibits how
experiences shape individuals into their present form. The book
also highlights the importance of family by using the Chandlers
to represent the struggles of American farmers; only by pulling
together does the family achieve even moderate success.
Towards the end, the book brings the reader’s attention towards
the necessity of change and the power of dreams.

The Painted House is a captivating novel that deserves to be read. It is very different from John
Grisham’s legal thrillers, hence showcasing a very courageous move on the author’s end.
Marketing in Action

Speaking Notes:

 Sales Management Trainee at FrieslandCampina Engro Pakistan (dairy cooperative with brands
such as Olper’s, Omore, Tarang and Dairy Omung in Pakistan).
 Current Rotation: Channel Manager for Top End Retail.
 Explain the Job role - high-volume contributing accounts, payouts, compliance, conversion.
 Background of Dairy in Pakistan:
- 90% of the Pakistani population is loose milk users.
- Packaged milk users are hybrid users.
- Therefore, potential to grow by increasing the size of the pie.
 Industry spending on conversion – TVC by PMA talks about the benefits of packaged milk over
 Example of Conversion Activity in store – Farm in Store Activation at high weighted TER
 Marketing Strategy for Olper’s is Occasion Based Marketing, where we link the product to the
morning occasion. 360-degree campaign around the concept of “Happy Subha”.
 Sales KPIs: call productivity, outlet productivity, SKU per bill, compliance scores, retail audit
scores, planogram, share of shelf, on-shelf availability, volume turnover, distributor liquidity.
 Olper’s Dairy Cream 125ml Launch:
- Product: Based on insights from consumer research, we launched Olper’s Cream in
125ml, cream for one-time consumption.
- Pricing: Marketing looks at how much will the consumer be willing to pay and costs of
production, while the Category Team would pick the right channel for the product and
then evaluate how much the retailer will be willing and able to invest.
- Packaging: The packaging had to resonate with the core, so not much thought went into
the primary packaging, but the secondary packaging had to be developed. This is where
the drop size calculations help determine the carton configuration. Multiple road trials
were conducted to test the durability and strength of packaging.
- Promotion: 360-degree plan – PR, Celebrity endorsements, sponsorship, TVC, retailer
engagement sessions, ICA events, POSM drives, digital.

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