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Basilio, Francia Neil Tumbaga





1) How does communication work in the technological world?

• Communication comes very convenient in Web Generation. With the

presence of cellphones, tablets, computers, and such, we can easily
interface with different people across the globe. We can connect,
socialize, and reach out to people instantly with these little devices.
Through technology, people are no longer depending on sending real
letters to their loved one that lives far away and have to wait several
weeks for response. Instead, immediate communication is achieved with
the use of technology.

2) What is the role of the internet/communication/technology in Globalization?

• Technology is the driving force of globalization. Technology has helped

computer intellectuals to work collaboratively over the network with
companies across the globe in order to boost economic power, increase
standards of living, and provide rewarding opportunities to people. Also,
technology and internet helped in solving major hurdles that exist in


After reading the message of Turkle (2012) in the article Fight from
Conversation, answer the following questions.

1) What is the main idea in Turkle's article?

• The stance of Turkle's article is about how technology influences the way
we connect with other people, with ourselves, and how we perceive the
role of our gadgets. With the presence of modern technology, people
subconsciously shut the world down and refuse to socialize with other
people. We traded real conversation for mere connection that we are
slowly drifting away from people beside us. Thus, making us isolated to
the real world. With this, Turkle suggests that we should stop this unhealthy
cycle where we prefer virtually than reality, and machines than humans.
People should not let technology to manipulate them and retrack their
human relationships. People should start to look around and keep in
touch in reality.

2) In your opinion, are her ideas logical? How so or how not?

• Turkle's ideas are logical for her arguments are well-thought out and clear.
She was able to present examples and situations that are very evident in
reality. Her ideas are concise, fair, and convincing.

3) How does technology change personal lives?

• Technologies don't only change what we do, they change who we are.
At present times, these small devices that we use for communication
change us and define us. People are definitely dependent to these little
devices that makes them conform their lives and styles to it. People
nowadays depend on technology too much that they lose themselves
when they are without it and hide away from reality when they feel
isolated and alone. Some people prefer texting than talking, which is
extremely worrying for technology is slowly replacing our actual human
connection and personal lives. People become more comfortable in
communicating digitally than personally. They often feel that social
media platforms are entertaining, comforting, and give empathy.
Humans are too much dependent to technology that it reaches to the
point where they commit themselves to it.

4) For you, which is better face-to-face communication or online

communication? Explain your answer.

• Face-to-face communication is still better for it takes place without filter. If

you communicate personally, you can easily recognize the care and
sincerity of a person. Also, face-to-face conversation allows no editing
and deleting of self. Thus, it uncovers the real you. Actual conversation
also improves interpersonal relationships and enhances one's
communication skills.

Make a poem about how does technology influence interpersonal

communication. (30)

Alone Together

Personal Communication: foundation of all relationships

With this, we can build friendship

A necessity for everyone's development

But how does it take in the presence of technology?

So near yet so far

A set up that is not so bizarre

To people under the slavery

Of the so called technology.

Traded conversation for mere connection

Elated virtually, but never in reality

Prefers texting than talking

For it feels like globally wandering.

Our craves for connection

Leads us to interpersonal destruction

Technology shutted down the personal world

Are you still undisturbed?

Technology not only changes what we do

It also changes who we are

Moderation is what we need

To preserve our relationship deeds.



1) What do you think are the benefits of globalization in our country?

• Globalization helps a thriving country in so many ways. It allows access

to diverse culture, provides rewarding opportunities to potential workers,
increases standards of living, boost economic power, and mass
production of demands. Globalization gives passage to unity regardless
of diversity to achieve a common goal.


Identify whether the following words or phrases characterize globalization.

Write G if they characterize globalization and letter N if not. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper for submission.

G 1) Improved connectivity

N 2) Independent economies

G 3) Cultural Diversity

G 4) Financial Integration

G 5) Free trade

Answer the following questions to see your connection to the rest of the
world based in the music you have listened.

1) What is the origin of the most recent song or piece of music that you listened
to? (Research the nationality of the creator of the music, as well as the tradition
to which it belongs.)
The most recent song I listened is entitled "Tenerife Sea" by Ed Sheeran. He is
an English singer, song writer, musician, record producer, and actor. Famous
English traditions include the following:

• Guy Fawkes Night- Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the 5th of

November each year. Guy Fawkes was the mastermind of the Gun
Powder Plot in 1605, which failed when he attempted to destroy the
House of Parliament. These night traditions celebrated famously in East
Sussex, and Lewes commemorates this fail by having firework displays,
bonfires, torch-lit processions and pagan rituals.
• Daylight Savings Time- It is a tradition observed by England. Clocks are
moved back one hour and takes place one week ahead of daylight
savings time in America.
• Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day- Shrove Tuesday takes place before the
start of Lent and is celebrated by Christians across the country by making
pancakes. Pancakes are similar to crepes in England accompanied by
golden syrup, sugar or lemon.
• Christmas- Christmas celebrated on 25th December is a big holiday for
the British people. The season is lovely, and since Thanksgiving is not an
occasion for celebration in England, Christmas comes early for the British
• Boxing Day- Boxing Day is the day after Christmas and almost like an
extension of the main holiday. People spent time with their families and
loved ones, as many are tired or off from work.
• New Year- The largest celebration of fireworks explodes at midnight over
the London Eye. Big Ben chimes and rings in the New Year and British
people sing Auld Lang Syne. Crowds gather at Trafalgar Square or
Piccadilly Circus.
• Poppy Day or Remembrance Day- Remembrance Day pays homage to
the men and women who died during World War I and World War II. It is
a commemoration held in November with people wearing red poppies.

2) What technology do you most commonly used to listen to music?

• I commonly used my mobile phone in listening to my favorite musics.

3) In what country is the technology developed? In what country is the

company that owns the technology based?

• The first handheld mobile phone was demonstrated and developed in

Japan by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola. Motorola was
originally an American Company bought by Google. However, it was
later sold to Chinese smartphone Maker Lenovo 2014. Now, while the
company is headquartered in Chicago, USA, all of the production
happens in China.
4) What do you know about the country where the technology is made?

• Mobile phones were developed in Japan. Japan is an archipelago, or

string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands:
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. There are also nearly 4,000
smaller islands! Japan's nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian
region of Russia in the north and Korea and China farther south. The
Japanese are famous for their willingness to work very hard. Children are
taught to show respect for others, especially parents and bosses. They
learn to do what's best for their family or company and worry less about
their own needs. Japanese food is very different from food in Western
countries. There is lots of rice, fish, and vegetables, but little meat. With
little fat or dairy, this diet is very healthy, which helps Japanese people
live, on average, longer than any other people in the world.

5) Did you buy the technology through online? If yes, how was the transaction?

• No, I bought my device in a local department store in our city.

6) It is better to buy online or in store? Why?

• In my opinion, it is better to buy in a store for it allows you to check the

physical features of the device. It is also 100% guaranteed that your
chosen product is working for you have the chance to scrutinize every
part of it. Unlike online where you can only observe the device virtually.

7) Do you obtain music-online purchase? If yes, how?

• No, I access music for free through YouTube.

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