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Submitted to:

Sir Ali Hassan

Submitted by:
Mirza Ali
Roll NO:
“Introduction to Management Information Systems”

“Management information system is fundamentally utilized in dynamic and for coordination

control and examination in an association and promoting."
Fundamentally MIS is the investigation of individuals, innovation, associations and the
relationship among them. The fundamental motivation behind MIS is to give data to their chiefs
with the goal that it would be simple for them to design, coordinate, control and afterward
Crude type of realities and figure is data. Essentially data is natural raw numbers. It can't help
in dynamic
Information is handled, coordinated and organized data. It gives setting to information
and empowers dynamic
A bunch of parts for gathering , putting away and handling information and for giving data to
the association.
Types of information system:
 Supply chain management system
"It is the streamlining of item creation and stream from natural substance sourcing to
creation , coordination and conveyance to conclusive client"
The advantages of store network the executives is that we can fulfill the client need. It
will further develop our item characteristics.
Five stages
 Plan
By Planning it would be simple for association what clients needs. By creating procedures and
by realizing what is needed in the market it would be simple for association what sort of item
they need to do.

 Source
Associations structures concurrence with merchants who give them material as indicated by
the agreement This stage is completed by inventory network the board.
 Make
In this stage items are made. It incorporates creation, testing of items and different
necessities like bundling ,stockpiling and delivery.
 Deliver
In this processes the logistics focuses on giving the product to their consumers. Whatever
Transportation is required.
 Return
In this stage all the defective product or the product that has been return by the customer.

 Customer relationship management system

"CRM alludes to methodology ,strategies ,instruments and innovations utilized by endeavors for
creating ,holding and securing clients."
By utilizing this it assists with building a solid connection with clients or customers. The point is
easy to further develop business relationship. CRM assists with remaining associated with
 Collaborative CRM System
CRMS guarantees all groups approach something similar cutting-edge client information
regardless of which office they work in. They essentially have every one of the information of
the clients or the representatives working in association.
 Operational CRM systems
They give instruments to more readily envision and all the more effectively handle the full client
venture in any event, when it incorporates a high no of touch focuses .That beginnings from the
initial communication with your organization site through the entire lead the executives cycle
through deals line and proceed with conduct once they become client.
 Analytical CRM system
It centers around assisting you with dissecting the client information you need to acquire
significant experiences. With assistance of computerized stages you can without much of a
stretch take information.
"A decision support system is an automated program used to help decisions and activities in an
association or business."

A choice emotionally supportive network contrast from a customary activity application whose
capacity is to gather information. It is utilized in critical thinking or further developing
proficiency while managing activities aur issues.
 DSS database: The information base draws on an assortment of sources including
information inner to association information produced by applications aur outer
information buys by outsiders or duplicated by web.
 DSS software System: This is based on model [including choice setting and client
criteria]. The number and types relies upon the motivation behind DSS models:
1-Statistical model
These are used to establish the relationship between the events and factors of that event
2-Sensitivity analysis model
These models are used for “what-if” model

3-Optimization analysis model

These are used to find the target value variable in relation of other variable
4-Forecasting model
These include regression model time series analysis and other models used to analyze business
condition and make plans.
Dashboards and other users interfaces that allow users to interact and view results.

Boykin, G. (n.d.). The History of Management Information Systems. Retrieved 10 17, 2021, from

Jennex, M. (2014). MIS 691 Decision Support Systems. Retrieved 10 17, 2021, from

Lynn, S. (n.d.). What is CRM? Retrieved 10 17, 2021, from PC Mag:,2817,2391297,00.asp

[ CITATION Boy21 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Lyn21 \l 1033 ]

Management Information Systems

[ CITATION Jen14 \l 1033 ]

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