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Working list SPORT

Sport holds an important place in our life. When we listen to the radio in the
morning, we can always hear sport news. When we open a newspaper, we can
always find information about some game or other or an article about our
favorite kind of sports. Television programmers about sport are also very
popular, and we can watch something interesting every day. Sport helps people
to keep in good health. Sport also makes us more organized in our daily
activities. National game and sports competitions are popular in our country.
People go in for many kinds of sports. There are sports grounds near every
school, every institute, every factory and plant. Besides there are sports clubs
and sport school in every town. Many people go there for training.

Sports in Russia
There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take
part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A
great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers,
figure skaters, high jumpers. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of
gold, silver and bronze medals. There are also a lot of amateur clubs and keep-fit centers in Russia where
people go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, jogging.

A healthy way of life

Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the development and growth of the
mankind people all over the world are very fond of sports and games. We all need to exercise. Even if you don't
plan to make a career in sport you still have to practice. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why
many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercise makes you
feel and look better. The best exercise is one, which is involved, in repeated movements: walking, jogging,

Kinds of sports.
- Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in
for skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football,
bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for
them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks,
skiing stations, football fields.
- The most popular outdoor winter
sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and in the countries where the
weather is frosty and there is much snow-
skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people greatly
enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.
- Summer affords excellent opportunities
for swimming, boating, cycling, gliding and many other sports. 
- All the year round many people do boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events.
- There are sport games: football, golf, tennis, cricket, volleyball, basketball and so on.
Among indoor games the most popular are snooker, table tennis and chess.

Kinds of fitness.
- Aerobic fitness conditions heart and lungs. Aerobic means "with oxygen". The purpose is to increase the
amount of oxygen that is delivered to your muscles, which allows them to work longer.
- Muscle strengthening. One can get more powerful muscles, which can do bigger jobs or which will work
longer before becoming exhausted.
- Running is a well-known fitness workout: it's cheap, can be done anywhere, at any time and it is very
- Swimming is very healthy for spinal column, helps to prevent hart diseases, implicates major muscle
groups and is an effective slenderize exercise.
- Cycling provides healthy heart and it's interesting and pleasant.
Sports Спорт amateur любительский
go in for sports Заниматься спортом get involved Увлекаться
sport go in for
take exercise addict
fall over
have a fancy for
run mad after smth.
train Тренироваться Тренер coach
exercise trainer
hold занимать daily activities повседневная
иметь деятельность
competition Соревнование societies общества
tournament турнир participate in участвовать
growth рост mankind people человечество
general Общий involve включать
personal initiative личная инициатива facilities средства
afford предоставлять track and field events легкая атлетика
condition обусловливать with oxygen с кислородом
улучшать состояние
lung легкое increase увеличивать
deliver поставлять Muscle strengthening Укрепление мышц
exhausted исчерпанный workout тренировка
spinal column позвоночник prevent heart diseases предотвратить болезни
implicate вовлекать slenderize худеть

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