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‫دور االدارة المحلية في تحقيق التنمية المحلية بالجزائر‬

The role of local administration in achieving local development in


The local administration is one of the methods used in the

administrative organization, in order to reduce the heavy burden on
the central government, bring the administration closer to the citizen
and meet his needs in a quick manner. It is achieved by intensifying
popular and governmental efforts and by delegating powers from the
center to the local levels without referring to it except in matters that
require coordination.

an introduction:

The expansion and inflation of the function and role of the

modern state, increased the importance of the bureaucratic
apparatus and the administrative organization responsible for official
job performance, and a dual-impact relationship emerged between
management and development, which prompted countries to adopt
appropriate and effective administrative methods according to the
components and requirements of the development environment,
which created bureaucratic differentiation and disparity The
organizational structure is not only between countries, but even
within a single country in the context of functional and structural
transformations and the consequent administrative coordination in
the pursuit of acceptable developmental career control.

In line with the theoretical developments of development and the

transition to local dimensions in construction and measurement,
attention has shifted to the local administration and its role in
achieving local development as the effective engine for it, and what is
characterized by its humiliation is close to the citizen, so it is
considered the optimal framework for every endeavor aimed at
achieving convergence of the central administration on The local
level with the citizen, who remains the goal and goal of every
development work.

Based on this, this study came to answer the following problem:

To what extent can the local administration, in light of its structural

structures, functional performance and regulatory legislation,
contribute to achieving development at the local level in Algeria?

To answer this problem, we address the issue through the following


I- Conceptual framework of the study:

Development needs organization and organization needs

movement and effectiveness represented in the management that

It carries out the tasks of planning, directing and controlling, and on

this basis, the local administration has the right to manage local
affairs and to set plans and regulations to ensure the achievement of
the objectives of local administrations and interests.

First: The nature of local administration:

The concept of local administration has been linked to the

administrative activity that is supervised by the local authorities,
which is a tool for the implementation and implementation of local
public policies, which it draws and sets its broad steps (1).

1- Definition of local administration:

There are many definitions that dealt with the concept of local
administration, according to the views of jurists and thinkers, and
some of them can be mentioned:
Local administration is “an administrative method that ensures the
provision of a degree of independence to the local authorities in their
specific competencies in the field of the administrative function
undertaken by the central authority in the state mainly with the aim
of developing their societies and satisfying the needs of their
members, while these facilities are subject to a degree of oversight
from the central authority” (2)

Local administration is “a method of administrative organization of

the state and is based on the idea of distributing central and local
activities and duties, for the purpose of devoting the first to drawing
up the general policy of the state, in addition to managing the
national utilities in the country, and for the local agencies to be able
to efficiently manage their facilities and achieve their legitimate

In the light of the two previous definitions, the local administration

can be defined as “it is part of the administrative organization of the
state, granted by the central government a legal personality* with
the aim of opening the doors of administration to the citizen in order
to meet his needs quickly and accurately, consisting of a locally
elected body working under the supervision of the central authority.”

2- The difference between local administration and local


Studying the concept of local administration requires that we

distinguish it from the concept of local government, which is the

It is defined as the specific areas that exercise their local activity by

bodies elected by their local residents under the control and
supervision of the central government. Opinions differed about
defining the concepts of local government and local administration,
as three trends emerged regarding these two concepts. In the first
direction, there are those who differentiate between local
administration and local government , by some considering local
administration as a method of administrative decentralization and
local government as a method of political decentralization, while
others consider local administration as a step towards local
governance, based on the type and degree of independence and
powers. (4)

The difference between local administration and local government

is as follows:

In terms of function: the local administration focuses on the

executive aspects, while the local government focuses on the role of
citizens in the political aspect.

In terms of level: local administration is at the sectoral level and

public bodies, while local government is at the level of legislation and
implementation together.

- In terms of the central dimension: local administration is related to

administrative decentralization, while local government is related to
political decentralization in the systems of complex states.

- In terms of priority: local administration is an essential step towards

local governance. As for local governance, the success of local
administration leads to the possibility of its implementation. (5)

3- Objectives of the local administration:

The spread of local administration systems in our time is

accompanied by several factors and reasons that differ from one to
another, especially with regard to the political, social and cultural
system, but they are all similar in the general objectives sought from

- The goal behind the local administration is to reduce expenditures

and invest the region's resources in a way that satisfies its people.

- The local administration works to strengthen the relationship

between the citizen and the official through practical participation in
managing their affairs.

- Implementing democracy through the people exercising their right

to participate in managing their affairs and managing their affairs.

Achieving regional balance between different regions, where

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