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student: keilin Garcia Sanchez

course: ingles v

professor: madelin Mercedes


Classroom: virtual weekend

Matter: research on the types of

public administration

virtual classroom.


From the political point of view, the Public Administration is one of the institutions

that constitutes the Executive Power of the State, along with the other, which is the

Government. This double institution is present in the formation of the different

territorial public administrations: State, Autonomous Communities, Provinces and

Municipalities. The basic problem is that of determining this power that constitutes

the Administration and its limits, but not only with respect to citizens, but within the

State itself and each territorial public Administration. That is to say, the

Administration is power also within and also independently of the other part of the

Executive Power. And it is power of a technical nature, not strictly speaking, but it

does guarantee public interests.

Therefore, what stands out from the point of view of the Administration as a power

is the defense and guarantee of public interests in its broadest sense and as

collective rights of citizens. From this point of view, the Administration is not the

coercive power that limits the rights of citizens and coerces and punishes them

where appropriate, but it is the institution that guarantees them and must make them

effective through different techniques and actions. And when it must act as a

coercive power, it is for the benefit of the community, with the prior authorization of

the Law. This vision or facet of the Public Administration as a power, is presented

with greater clarity in the countries that we consider to be organized under the

Administrative Law regime,


What is public administration?

The Public Administration aims to strengthen the Rule of Law to ensure a politically,

economically and socially just society; that affirms nationality and promotes the

conditions for the full realization of man as a human person within justice, freedom,

security, stability, pluralism, peace, representative and participatory democracy and

the common good; in accordance with the principles of decentralization, efficiency,

efficiency, probity, solidarity, subsidiarity, transparency and citizen participation.

The Law for the Establishment of a Country Vision and the Adoption of a National

Plan for Honduras, the Public Administration has a strategic management and by

results, which implies designing its plans, setting its objectives and goals, collecting

tax revenues, allocating resources, ensure coordination between state agencies and

activities, effectively and efficiently execute projects and programs, follow up on

them and evaluate the results achieved.

It is frequently defined as that function of the State whose objective, within the legal

frameworks in accordance with each country, is the organization and execution of

plans and systems within the governmental institution, thus ensuring its correct



Administration: It is the social science that has as its object the study of organizations

and the technique in charge of planning, organization, integration, direction and

control of the resources of an organization, in order to obtain the maximum possible

benefit; this benefit can be social, economic, depending on the goals pursued by the



It is the system of formal relations that are established within an

organization/company so that it reaches its conservation, productive and economic


An organization is a human group deliberately constituted around common tasks

and in function of obtaining specific goals. In order to achieve the proposed

purposes, starting, in almost all cases, from limited resources, it is necessary to build

a scheme or model that allows the interrelation and interaction of its elements. The

structure will then be the tool that allows the organization to achieve its objectives.

 It allows to achieve a certain disposition of its resources, facilitates the execution of

the activities and coordination of its operation. In this way, a coordinated effort can

be made that leads to the achievement of objectives, defining the relationships and

more or less stable aspects of the organization.

 In the first place, there is the existence of the human resource that becomes the

means that links the government with the citizenry. They may be called civil servants

or administrative staff.

 Also, the management of taxes is present. Be these taxes, tariffs, fees, etc., from

other sectors of the economy and the people.

Two additional identifying elements can be distinguished.

This is the end and objective. Which are called to be consummated in the satisfaction

of the collective interest.

Additionally, we could highlight that with technological progress, the Public

Administration is increasingly computerized. This gives rise to an electronic Public

Administration. An example of this evolution is found in Spain in tax matters. In the

past, the declaration was made like the one that says to paper and pencil. That is, it

was done by hand. However, with technological advances, it became compulsory to

present it by computer or telematic means.


It is the form of administrative organization in which the units, organs of the Public

Administration, are ordered and accommodated by articulating themselves under a

legal order, in order to unify decisions, command, action and execution.

At present, centralization is presented as a form of organization or organizational

trend that can be used by the state, both in the political and administrative spheres;

In the first case, it fosters the unity of the law, of the legal form, and serves to
structure the unitary or centralist state. At the administrative level, centralization

promotes uniformity in the application of laws and in the presentation of services and

guides the organization of the centralized public administration.

When we say centralize, we are talking about gathering the decision of the activities

of the State, of the public administration or of any other organization in its center.

administrative centralization leads unity in the execution of laws and in the

management of services in the administrative field, pure centralization is

characterized by depositing in the head of the highest administrative body, the

administrative public power of decision, coercion and power to appoint public

administration agents.

in the administrative centralization all action comes from the center, for this reason

the central organs monopolize the powers of coactivity, those of decision and those

of appointing practically all the agents of the public administration, the public force,

the armed force, is totally centralized, what The same occurs with the power of

decision and with the power to designate officials or agents of the administration,

which is not left to popular choice nor, with exceptions, is granted to special bodies.

According to the centralized administration, the peripheral organs lack decision-

making power, in general, administrative matters are resolved by the central organs,

and the benefit of the management units appears.



It is the process of formulating plans and projects

with a view to their rational and systematic

execution, within the framework of a national

organic system, which allows coordination,

cooperation, monitoring and evaluation of planned

actions, in accordance with the national project

embodied in the Constitution of the Republic and in the Economic and Social

Development Plan of the Nation.

Public planning is established to achieve the coordination of public policies, in order

to guarantee a planning system, whose purpose is the use of public resources

directed to the achievement, coordination and harmonization of plans, programs and

projects for the transformation of the country, through a fair distribution of wealth

through strategic, democratic, participatory planning and open consultation, for the

construction of a socialist society of justice and equity.

It implies looking to the future, studying with all the methods and techniques of the

needs and the solutions to those needs. It is in general planning, establishing the

needs and the solutions to cover the needs.

The administrative process and its components, planning, organization, direction

and control, are of the greatest importance for the organization within the decision-

making system. Planning is the first piece of this puzzle, within it the following steps

are followed: investigation of the environment and internal, planning of strategies,

policies and purposes, as well as actions to be carried out in the short, medium and

long term. It is a public planning document that systematically and coherently

establishes the desired policies, objectives, strategies and goals, based on the

strategic vision, incorporating the projects, actions and resources that will be used

to achieve the established goals.

The Public Administration manages planning as an activity that allows linking means

and ends, designing organizational norms, distributing functions, seeking efficiency

in the development objectives to which society aspires, and dignifying and enriching

the public function. The government approach is oriented to the elaboration of plans,

setting of objectives and selection of alternatives so that their results have an impact

on society, through the determination of priorities according to the requirements and

demands of the various social groups that interact in the community.


It is the one that decides and executes, it is the one that has the legal power to act,

through administrative decisions, acts or resolutions. An example of this are the

executive bodies: The President of the

Republic, Ministers of State, General Directors,

Municipal Councils, Magistrates of the

Supreme Electoral Court. Public administration

is a system of imprecise limits that includes the

set of communications with the public

government of the city and seeks public

organizations that carry out the administrative and management function of the

State1 and other public entities with legal personality, whether they are regional or

local level.

He executive administration in the administration.

At this stage, all lower and middle levels are involved in the company's objectives,

goals, and strategies.

the people who are in charge can channel actions, activities that allow them to meet

their planned objectives, that is, everyone must work together so that the company

can move forward.

In strictly academic terms, the Public Administration is in charge of putting citizens

in direct contact with political power through the figure of public servants "satisfying"

collective interests immediately, in contrast to the legislative and judicial powers that

they do mediately. Given the way in which Public Administration is related to

citizenship and the governmental dynamics to which it is subject, it is, then, a branch

of Political Science; That is why Public Administration is traditionally studied within

said social science in a complementary way.

It is mainly regulated by the executive power and the agencies that are in permanent

contact with it. As an exception, some dependencies of the legislative power

integrate the notion of «Public Administration» (such as state companies), while

there may be sets of «General Administration» in the other four powers or in state

bodies that may depend on one.

However, the concept of public administration can be understood from two points of

view. From a formal point of view, it is understood as the entity that administers, that

is, the public body that has received from the political power the competence and

the necessary means for the satisfaction of general interests. From a material point

of view, the administrative activity is rather understood, that is, the activity of this

organization considered in its management problems and its own existence, both in

its relations with other similar organizations and with individuals to ensure the

execution of his mission. It can also be understood as the discipline in charge of the

scientific management of resources and the direction of human work focused on the

satisfaction of the public interest, the latter understood as the expectations of the



It is in charge of ensuring that the administrative tasks are carried out in accordance

with the established norms, they are bodies with independence of functions within

these bodies we find, for example: Within

the Technical Control we find the

Technical Directorate of the Budget of the

Ministry of Finance; ex officio, to the

Comptroller General of Accounts; and

upon request, to the Human Rights Ombudsman.

INTERNAL CONTROL: The one that is carried out internally within the Public

Administration, by the superior organs on the subordinates. The Minister on the

Directors of him.

Among the different means of Control available to the Public Administration are the


DIRECT CONTROL: That exercised by individuals over the acts of the Public

Administration through Administrative Resources.

JUDICIAL CONTROL: That which is exercised before the Courts of Justice. It is the

means of control of the administrative bodies. Example: The Contentious-

Administrative Appeal.

CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROL: The one exercised by the Constitutional Court so

that in the Public Administration the precepts and constitutional guarantees are not

violated with their acts.

THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT: This Body is created in the Political Constitution,

article 268; promulgated on May 30, 1985 and in force since January 14, 1986. As

a Permanent Court with exclusive jurisdiction and with the function of defending the

constitutional order with total independence from the other organs of the State.


magistrates and one alternate for each one. The number of members increases in

case the Court hears unconstitutionality cases against the Supreme Court,

Congress, the President or the Vice President. In this case, the number of

Magistrates is increased to seven by lottery among the alternates.

The control in the administrative process is the evaluation and measurement of the

execution of the plans, in order to detect and anticipate deviations to establish the

necessary corrective measures. ... Organizations must have administrative control

to guarantee their proper functioning and efficiency

It allows the activities and processes in the companies to be carried out in the best

way and to solve the problems that arise, as well as to obtain learning from the

realization of these processes to be able to make improvements in the future. There

are three types of administrative control: preventive control, which is carried out
before applying any action, its function is to guarantee that it can be carried out

without running any risk, it must be verified that all the necessary resources are

available taking into account the costs that must be assumed.

Concurrent control, which is carried out during the processes and its function is to

check that they are carried out optimally, ensuring that quality or safety are not

compromised and, lastly, subsequent control, once the process or activity has been

completed, information is obtained about the its performance and the possible

improvements that can be implemented.

Establishing a control system requires that key personnel understand and agree to

its application, that it be established in relation to the objectives and that its

effectiveness be evaluated in order to eliminate what is not useful, simplify it or

combine it to improve it.

For the return to the work environment with the new normality, companies have

decided to establish measures to take care of their collaborators in these times of

Covid-19, in addition to continuing with the home office, by staying in their work

centers they must continue to take care of the healthy distance, entry and exit

control, contagion prevention measures in the company, protocols for managing

Covid-19 cases and the use of personal protective equipment.


The objective of administrative consulting

is to provide support to clients in timely

decision-making and the proper

management of their company, including

analysis at the administrative structure

level, considering for this the distribution of

functions for each of the company's job

positions, causing. The objective of administrative advice is to provide support to

clients in timely decision-making and the proper management of their company,

including analysis at the administrative structure level, considering for this the

distribution of functions for each of the company's jobs, causing efficient and

effective development.
It is in charge of everything related to the resources (internal and external) that can

affect the functioning of any entity, both in its structure and definition, as well as in

its correct functioning. Procedures, licenses, human resources. The administrative

advice also guides on how to plan the treasury and the results and is of vital help

when a company considers internationalization.

Those who carry out administrative consulting work usually have extensive

knowledge of everything inherent to administration, both from the point of view of

managing economic resources and human work. For this reason, the calculation and

review of social benefits, vacations, withholdings, payroll and other concepts derived

from the employment relationship, as well as everything related to taxes, both state,

regional and municipal, are usually within its competence.

The administrative consultancy also deals with all the procedures related to the

creation of companies and personnel administration contracts, including the

liquidation of social benefits. The control and monitoring of the social security of

employees, the preparation of payroll, manuals of processes, procedures and

functions, as well as the preparation, implementation and monitoring of internal labor

and industrial safety regulations are usually advisory issues for this type of Business.

In the accounting firm there are clients, mostly foreign companies, that have little or

no staff in Peru. That is, they hire account executives and sales people, while all

other aspects of the organization are run from the parent company. So, these

companies need professionals in the country to carry out collection tasks,

information monitoring, etc., guided by administrative advice.

This is carried out by the designated staff of the accounting firm. It consists of

evaluating and advising the company so that it optimizes its operating resources in
the best way. In this way, support is provided for the administration and planning of

different processes that involve the business, such as billing and other types of


This makes it possible to improve the organization's strategy, streamline its

procedures and optimize the efficiency of each of the processes necessary for the

operation of the business. The administrative, financial and accounting fields are the

pillars on which we focus.

Luigi Muzio Mongrut, Tax Accounting Partner of Villa Muzio & Asociados, highlights

that this process also includes administrative work. The procedure begins with the

list of the clients of the company (to which the consultancy is carried out), for which

invoices or collections must be issued. "It is a task that the executive of the company

is in charge of and whose report is directed to our designated personnel so that they

carry out the follow-up," says Muzio. “It is one of the various services we provide. In

addition, we also have a tax audit, accounting update, payroll management, financial

advice, among others”

Administrative assistant

In other words, this type of consultancy is in charge of everything related to the

resources (internal and external) that can affect the operation of any entity, both in

its structure and definition, as well as in

its correct operation. Procedures,

licenses, human resources. On many

occasions, under the umbrella of

administrative consulting we find

comprehensive business management, aimed at optimizing its management.

Therefore, this work is based on various criteria, such as the application of all

possible labor tax benefits in order to make remuneration and taxation profitable.

On many occasions superimposed on accounting and/or tax advice, administrative

advice also provides guidance on how to plan treasury and results and is of vital help

when a company considers internationalization.

Those who carry out administrative consulting work usually have extensive

knowledge of everything inherent to administration, both from the point of view of

managing economic resources and human work. For this reason, the calculation and

review of social benefits, vacations, withholdings, payroll and other concepts derived

from the employment relationship, as well as everything related to taxes, both state,

regional and municipal, are usually within its competence.

The administrative consultancy also deals with all the procedures related to the

creation of companies and personnel administration contracts, including the

liquidation of social benefits. The control and monitoring of the social security of

employees, the preparation of payroll, manuals of processes, procedures and

functions, as well as the preparation, implementation and monitoring of internal labor

and industrial safety regulations are usually advisory issues for this type of Business.


It is the form of administrative organization in which the units, organs of the Public

Administration, are ordered and accommodated by articulating themselves under a

legal order, in order to unify decisions, command, action and execution.

It is the form of administrative organization in which the units, organs of the Public

Administration, are ordered and accommodated by articulating themselves under a

legal order, in order to unify decisions, command, action and execution.

The Office of the Presidency of the Republic, the Secretaries of State, the Legal

Department of the Federal Executive and the Coordinated Regulatory Bodies make

up the Centralized Public Administration.

It is centralized when it is conferred exclusively to the central or higher bodies of an

entity, while it is decentralized, when part of the competence has been attributed to

lower bodies, but always within the same organization or state entity and, finally, it

is decentralized. when the competition.

Article 3. The creation, modification or suppression of the organs of the Centralized

Public Administration, including the Decentralized and the Decentralized Institutions,

can only be done after defining the Public purpose to be satisfied when its economic-

administrative feasibility is proven, considering the cost of its performance,

specialized performance, or anticipated savings. No new centralized administration

bodies or decentralized institutions may be created that entail duplication of existing

ones, if at the same time their competence is not suppressed or duly restricted.

Article 5. The Public Administration shall aim to promote the most favorable

conditions for national development on a basis of social justice, seeking a balance

between its actions and the legitimate rights and interests of individuals.

Article 6. Planning is established as the guiding principle of the Public

Administration, to set its objectives and goals, rationalize its decisions, make optimal

use of available resources, ensure the coordinated action of its bodies or entities,

periodic evaluation of the carried out and the control of its activities. Consequently,

the Public Administration will always be subordinated to the provisions of the short,

medium and long-term National Development Plans approved by the Centralized

Public Administration.

Article 7. The acts of the Public Administration must conform to the following

normative hierarchy:

1) The Constitution of the Republic.

2) International Treaties ratified by Honduras. 3) This Law.

4) Special Administrative Laws.

5) The Special and General Laws in force in the Republic.

6) The Regulations that are issued for the application of the Laws.
7) Other General or Special Regulations.

8) Administrative Jurisprudence; and.

9) The General Principles of Public Law.


The types of administration are given by various types that in due time must be put

into practice, it is this content that we carry out analysis, opinions and concepts that

help us understand the importance of each context mentioned above,

The importance of public administration lies in the fact that it is linked to the daily life

of citizens, because it is what provides us with the essential public services for basic

community life, which allows the coexistence of those who meet to live in society. ,

and such services are, Public Administration, as a field of study, concerns the most

visible part of the modern State that is directly related to the inhabitants of civil

society. Its nature is social and collective, a situation that defines it as an institution

that is in charge of public order tasks and to that end, its attributions are linked to the

different lines of productive life. In this case, its radius of action is given by the

extension and complexity of civil society. Consequently, its public content is

important, because it is consubstantial to the responsibilities it develops to guarantee

the effectiveness of individual and collective life.














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