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Maxine Claire Cuting

UGE2 (3123)

First Examination

Question 1: What is technical communication? Cite and elaborate three concrete examples of

scenarios where technical communication plays a very important role.

Technical communication is a term that indicates detailed, valid, and informative writing. It often

requires skills in analysis, research design, also knowledge of editing and publication processes

including in the integral field such as scientific research, health education, scientific and medical

policies, environmental communication, and computer software. For example, a Philippine

journalist writes a headline saying Rodrigo Duterte’s Presidency form on fear and violence,

which is fake news that causes them to face criminal charges like cyber libel and defaming

someone online. In addition, one of the technical writers has one high concern that they learned

to consider when writing a document is intended for their audience. Indeed in the concept of

addressing an audience is one the rhetoricians has discussed for thousands of years in many

forms because it is at the heart of conforming information to specific readers in specific contexts.

Besides, technical communication helps engineers to communicate daily because their work is

complex and technical. But not everyone they work with has the same expertise, which makes it

even crucial for them to have good communication skills. Effective communication in

engineering is critical that ensures all projects participants are on the same page. They also relay

project parameters and deadlines to their reports while providing updates to the managers and

Question 2: Please critically analyze each of the following situations. For each item, evaluate

what characteristic (s) of effective technical communication is not observed and provide a

discussion of why you say so. 

2.a The application letter and resume of Felix lack clarity and completeness concerning the

characteristics of effective technical communication. In applying for a job, it is essential to

specify or point out the position that he wants to pertain to because of the clarity to the message

or letter. The clearness of the idea is substantial to support the purpose of Felix’s intentions and

lengthen his engagement because it increases trust and transparency. However, Felix forgot to

sign the documents that he has submitted to the company where affects the completeness

viewpoint of good technical communication wherein the signature represents that all the

information he comprises to his contract is all fact and there is no evidence to confirm the

legitimacy of the sources including the technical document without the signature.

2.b The business proposal of Alma and Jean lacks conciseness and completeness about the

characteristics of effective technical communication. It is all-important to consider the receiver

of the information wherein the proposal should provide a piece of the short and necessary

information infinite words when writing a business proposal or any other technical document.

Where more engaging and understandable to Mr. Uy as it avoids using imprudent and appeases

terms that waste time and extent limit his productivity. Correspondingly, there are unusable

details that make the proposal ineffective. The contentment of the project must contain all the

details and should have to appear regarded as examined for a possible failure in feature.

Consequently, it will help develop a document and always gives additional information which
leaves no questions in the mind of the reader or else leads to repetition and a waste of time and


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