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Maxine Claire Cuting

GE5 (6997)

Answer to ULO 9 & 10

Let’s Check

1. Genetically modified organisms

2. Genetic engineering

3. Cartagena protocol or Biosafety

4. Genetically modified organism

5. Genetically modified organism

6. Biotechnology

7. Stem cell

8. Embryonic stem cells

9. Gene therapy

10. Samuel Bernal

11. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

12. Nanotechnology

13. Gene therapy

14. Nanomedicine/ medicine

15. Nanotechnology in food and agriculture

Let’s analyze

1. What role does the environment play in addressing the needs of a society?

The production of raw materials from natural resources such as soil, water, forest,

minerals, and marine life plays an important role in addressing the needs of a society and

human life activity in environment. Then there's the safe absorption of wastes and

pollution produced by production and human life, as well as the provision of

environmental or ecosystem services that sustain life without requiring human


2. In your own words, how is an organism’s genome manipulated?

Traditionally, humans have controlled breeding and selected offspring with desirable

traits to manipulate genomes indirectly. The manipulation of one or more genes is

referred to as genetic engineering. To give an organism a desired phenotype, a gene from

another species is usually added to its genome.

3. What are the pros and cons of genetically modifying crops?


 More nutritious food  Cross pollination

 Tastier food  Pest resistance

 Less use of pesticides  Human health

 Faster growing plants and animals  Economy

4. How does nanotechnology address problems in the environment?

Nanotechnology can help the environment by saving raw materials, electricity, and water,

as well as reducing greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. Nanotechnology's unique

properties can be used in a variety of goods and applications to help protect the

environment and climate.

5. How can nanotechnology can be used in the prevention and treatment of illness?

Nanotechnology could help in the development of more successful medical therapies.

The aim is to improve everything from drug distribution to disease detection. One of its

potential advantages is the ability to create targeted therapists, allowing medications to be

delivered precisely where they are required in the body.

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