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Points Description Notes
10/10 Introduction & Change Good. Helpful change notes. Good decision about providing
Notes more advanced concepts (with a resource for the
30/30 Development Plan: Timeline includes deliverables & estimated completion
deliverables, schedule, dates.
challenges, contingencies Evidence-based models & etc. = GREAT.
Good considerations for contingencies.
25/25 Implementation Plan: Good notes here.
humans, other
25/25 Evaluation Plan: formative, Formative: Good.
summative Summative: Sounds good.
9/10 APA, grammar, usage, MS Calibri is a fine font for APA Style, however, it should be 11
Word points vs. 10. That little increase makes it more legible for
many readers.
Also, don’t fully justify the paragraphs. The right edge
should be jagged. (This also makes the paper easier to read
because the spaces between words are all the same size.)
99/100 You have a good plan here, Julia. I’m looking forward to seeing your module.

Filling out this worksheet should help you to organize your thinking about the development, implementation, and
evaluation of your individual ID topic.

As you fill in this worksheet, you will be putting together your best ideas (plans) for the following:

1. Development. Creating materials from your instructional design planning (your 06 IDD Design Worksheet)
2. Implementation. Figuring out the logistics and any necessary support for your program’s instructors or
3. Evaluation. Evaluating how well the program matches your requirements and goals for it.

Note: For each section of this worksheet, be sure to refer to the 00 Support for Individual Assignments document
to assist you.

Note: Except for the first table, I’m expecting to see sentences and paragraphs.

Note: As usual, be sure to turn in your worksheet in MS Word.



Provide information in this table to give the briefest idea about your topic. This will likely be the same as in your
IDD Design Worksheet. If so, just duplicate that information here.

Your Name Julia Heatherwick

Your IDD Topic Mentor Coaching on International Coach Federation Coach Core
Competency Model

Organization (Where the learning solution Heatherwick Coaching and Neely Coaching Services
will be implemented)

Learners (Target Audience—it’s possible Professional coaches applying for recertification through the
that you’ll have both a primary audience International Coach Federation.
and a secondary audience)
Professional coaches applying for the next level of certification
through the International Coach Federation.

Note: I’ve set up the paragraphs after the worksheet prompts to be in normal APA Style (1/2-inch indent for the
first line and double-spaced lines). This will make it easier for you to cut and paste paragraphs into a final IDD
document (if required by another professor) or your Capstone Proposal, which will be in APA Style. This also makes
it easier for your professor to read your document, so please do not alter the paragraph settings. (Be kind to your

Have you made any changes to your original thinking that I should be aware of when reading this paper? For
example, if you’ve changed your audience, topic, or design in significant ways, please provide a short summary of
those changes here.

After reviewing the literature on best practices to develop coaching skills, I will address more complex

coaching ideas such as mental models and expanding self-awareness in the learning module. The audience has

advanced coaching skills and will not need to review foundational concepts such as the GROW model. The purpose

of the module is to provide an opportunity to explore the ICF Core Competencies and for the student to identify

their own gaps in coaching and how they can advance their coaching skills. I will provide the GROW model and

foundational coaching concepts as a resource.

At this point, your plan will be largely hypothetical. Still, it’s useful to think through what you will create and what
the timeline could be for creating your deliverables.

If you are working on your Capstone Project, it’s useful to consider that the module itself is usually due
approximately mid-November.

The development plan schedule table provides the timeline for each deliverable. It will be important for

me to meet with my faculty advisor in March 2021 to finalize project deliverables and timeline and stay on



For the remaining tasks to develop, implement, and evaluate your program, list here the deliverables and a
schedule (you can use a list or table with a short introduction of a sentence or two).

The following table provides the schedule of project deliverables. The project schedule will be refined in

spring 2021 with the additional guidance provided by the faculty advisor and spring class syllabus. The spring class

syllabus will assist me in aligning project deliverables with class assignments.

Deliverable Description Due Date

Module Research Finalize module research. January, 2021

 Identify evidence-based coaching mental models and

frameworks based on the literature review to include in the


 Review ICF core-competencies in detail and identify examples or

case studies to illustrate core-competencies.

 Select essential readings for the learning module and additional

student resources.

Learning Revise learning objectives to include project changes. February,

Objectives 2021

Course Agenda Revise course agenda to include project changes. February.

 Remove GROW Model

 Insert essential readings and student dialogue forums. Introduce

question prompts to promote collaborativism within forums.

 Consider breaking up module into three shorter sub modules to

weave into the in-person class discussion.

Co-Collaborator Review module development with co-collaborator. February,

discussion 2021
 Discuss revision of the in-person session to include mini-module
courses between sessions.

 Gain buy-in from co-collaborator.

 Review in-person session to include discussion and debrief of

module topics.

Storyboard Build out the storyboard draft from course agenda. March, 2021
 Sketch out module sequence.

 Determine the visual design and module branding.

 Review the storyboard draft with faculty advisor for feedback.

 Review the storyboard draft with co-collaborator for feedback.

Storyboard Determine competencies to highlight in coaching videos. April, 2021

coaching videos
 Research effective coaching videos.

 Design the look and feel of coaching videos to be consistent with

the module design.

 Determine the recording options of coaching videos.

Format Delivery  Research the authoring tool and LMS support structure. April, 2021

 Select the authoring tool and LMS support structure.

Create Module Determine if coaching videos will be scripted or examples from real May, 2021

coaching sessions.

 Identify coaching talent to record coaching videos.

 Identify clients to be coached for coaching videos.

 Obtain signed releases.

 Record videos.

Produce Module Edit and finalize coaching videos consistent with module branding June, 2021
Media guidelines.

Module Draft Create rough draft of module with learning assets using selected July, 2021
authoring tool.

Module Feedback Request feedback on module. August, 2021

 Review module draft with faculty advisor for feedback.

 Review module draft with co-collaborator for feedback.

 Review module draft with a coach peer for feedback.

Finalize Module Collect feedback from module review and identify changes needed. September,
 Complete module.

 Create testing instruments and perform tests.

 Review feedback and make changes to learning module.

 Finalize learning module for delivery.


List issues you think may be likely that might make it difficult to meet your project schedule. Suggest a contingency
plan to overcome those issues.

The learning module provides targeted learning for students taking an in-person coach mentor training

series. It is important to have discussions with the program co-collaborator to determine how the work will be

connected and create working agreements. As a contingency plan, the learning module will be developed as a

stand-alone program and can be used for the in-person mentoring series.

For the purposes of this assignment, consider especially the role of the teacher/trainer/ instructor/facilitator
and/or the role of an administrator (for self-study modules, where applicable).

The online asynchronous module and student communications will be managed and administered by me

as part of an in-person coach mentoring class. Professional coach, Debby Neely, co-created the in-person coach

mentoring class. We co-facilitate the program and offer it every two years.

The learning module will be placed in an e-commerce platform. The students will gain access to the

learning module, membership area, and program downloads upon registration of the in-person coach mentoring

course. The students will be guided throughout the program using email communications driven by a customer

response system, online platform prompts, and in-person guidance by the facilitators.


Provide information here about the people you’ll need to teach, supervise, or support the delivery of your learning

I will fully administer the program. I will, however, review the program with my program partner, Debby

Neely. She will need to be familiar with the program to lead discussions during the in-person class. A program

guide will be created and include an outline of the learning module topics. The guide will provide suggested

questions to ask the students during the in-person session about what was learned in the modules and how the

student can apply it to coaching role-play activities.


You may need to, for example, reserve a classroom, procure equipment, or market your learning solution so that
people will attend. You may also want to coordinate and/or garner the support of managers, administrators,
teachers, or parents to make implementation possible. Provide a short summary here of the implementation
requirements for your program.

The pilot program will be offered for free to an existing peer coaching mentoring group through an online

e-commerce platform. Upon feedback and evaluation of the full program, my partner and I will make the necessary

changes to the overall program.

If the pilot program is successful, a pricing model and full marketing plan will need to be created with

funnel pages and drip campaigns. We will collect testimonials and create promotion videos to include in program

information pages. We will need to consider post class communications and plan for next level development

opportunities for program graduates.


Describe how you will do both formative and summative evaluation for your learning solution.

The evaluation of the program will be thorough and robust. Specifically, I will benefit from feedback and

input from my professional coaching colleagues through the formative evaluation. The summative evaluation will

include Level 1 and Level 2 data collection. If the program successfully pairs with the in-person coach mentoring

program, I will be able to collect Level 3 data.

Include here how you will do, for example, subject-matter expert reviews, developmental testing, and, if
applicable, user testing. (This is about testing your learning solution to make sure that it, for example, has all the
right components, is not confusing, doesn’t lose the learners partway through. This section is not about doing a
formative evaluation of your students. That’s a whole different thing.)

The online learning module will go through several subject-matter expert reviews prior to developmental

testing. The initial module outline and draft will be reviewed through conversation with faculty. The program will

also be reviewed in detail by my partner and colleague, Debby Neely. Her feedback will be essential to the success

of the program because of our program partnership. I will also ask the Team 5 cohort to provide written feedback

through a review of instructional materials.

The learning module will also go through user testing with 1 to 2 coaching colleagues. An important

criterion for the expert review will be collecting feedback to open-ended questions on the content of the module

and if it can stand alone without the in-person classroom sessions.

Describe your plan for capturing Level 1 information (how your learners react to the learning solution). and a short

statement about how you will determine Level 2 (whether the learners have mastered the objectives). (You do not

need to repeat any test items here.) Let us know if you plan to conduct Levels 3 through 5, and be sure to say why

or why not.

Level 1: An evaluation form will be administered to the learners in the form of a survey using a 5-point

Likert scale. The students will be asked if the program increased their knowledge as a coach and met learning

objectives. Additionally, they will be asked for their feedback on how the material was delivered, their overall

satisfaction with the course, and if they would recommend it to their coaching colleagues.

Level 2: The learners will take a pretest to create a baseline measurement for their knowledge and

understanding of the ICF core competencies. The students will be tested on their knowledge throughout the

course. At the conclusion of the course, the students will be administered a posttest to compare to the pretest

score to measure improvement.

Level 3: The application of their knowledge will be tested in the form of observation and written

assessment by the students during the in-person program. Each student will be asked to coach a peer on a call.

They will share with the group what they are working to develop during the coaching session. At the conclusion of

their coaching session they will share with the group what they felt worked well and what they would like to

improve. They will receive feedback from their peers and from the mentor coaches. The mentor coaches will

follow-up the student coaching sessions withh a detailed feedback written report identifying the competencies

demonstrated and the competencies needing improvement.

Level 4: The impact and results of the training on the business outcomes for each student will not be

measured. The program is a student-initiated self-development program. It is not part of an intact work group or

organizational initiative. I will not have access to performance results or leadership to provide observations and

impact of training on their results.

Level 5: The return on investment will not be measured. It would require each student to share their

coaching income pre-class and post class over a period of time. We will, however, be able to actively listen for

return on investment stories that could be used as testimonials for future marketing campaigns.

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