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UTS – Bautista, Angelica O.

What are the 10 branches of Philosophy?

 Epistemology
 Ethics
 Politics
 Esthetics
 Metaphysics
 Axiology
 Logic
 Philosophy of mind
 Meta –philosophy
 Philosophy of science

Tell the story of King Solomon

 Solomon is known as the King of Israel who built the first Temple in Jerusalem. In
the story, there are 2 mothers whose claiming the baby boy as their true mother,
so King Solomon judgment that both women should share the child. He took and
laid the baby and he raised the sword and declared that he’s going to cut it into
half but the real mother covered the baby, it was Hannah the real mother.

What is your philosophy in life?

 Don’t compare you success with others, wait for yours.

Why did you choose nursing in this pandemic?

 Ever since I really want to help people those who in need. I don’t like to see
people struggling especially now, the time of pandemic, many people needs my
help and I am willing to take the opportunity to take care of them.

Importance of philosophy

 It helps us to enhance our ability in solving and analyzing problems and to come
up with a solution. It also encourages us to think critically about our surrounding,
life, and world; this is an essential skill that can be applied everywhere in your

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