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Castro, Millicent BSN-STEM 1

“Success requires daily action none of it matter if you’re just going to dream, it
requires physical and mental hard work”

When I was a child, I always thought that I can achieve things if I dream about it, but when I
was growing, I realize that I was wrong. My expectation about life is far from my reality we
live in a world that makes you realize that life is unfair but also makes you strong because
the key to success is working to achieve your dream with diligence. When I enter senior
high school there’s a drastic change in my life that will leave a mark in me forever, that is I
know and understand more about god there’s this verse that I read it eventually hit me in
the heart “but as for being strong and do not give p for your work will be rewarded” 2
chronicles 15:7 and true to it when I choose to come out to my comfort zone, studying hard
and proving to myself that I can do it as long as I put my effort and passion to it I will be
rewarded according to what I’ve done. Up until now, I can apply and still learn something
from it. There’re still days when I regret something and think that I could’ve done better
but I always remind myself that it’s a matter of acceptance and boundaries you put to
yourself. Now in this time of pandemic and learning online is challenging I put on my mind
that I need to be physical and mental work hard because this is the stepping stone to
achieve my dream which is becoming a health care provider to those who cannot do with
themselves and I want to help them as much as possible because help could mean deeper
than we may perceive it to other people. Therefore, keep going after your dream the
journey may be hard and challenging but along the way, you learn something more than
what you expect.

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