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Good day!

Before we go through our first topic, you shall first be oriented

with the subject.  This subject is General Chemistry 1, a specialized subject for both
STEM-H and STEM-NH. It is designed to provide a general background for the
understanding of the composition, structure, and properties of matter. It also
includes the quantitative principles, kinetics, and energetics of transformations of
matter as well as the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry           
As you may observe in the next coming weeks, some of the topics present in
the course outline will not be discussed. Topics that are deemed most essential will
be discussed only. This is in compliance with the revised syllabus of the Department
of Education that should be used during this pandemic. Rest assured that there will
be some enrichment of the topics for you to further understand and appreciate the

                 As an online class student, communication is a bit different than in

a face-to-face setting.  We provide opportunities for social interactions, but the
difference is that the most communication is via written text in an online
environment and in some cases via teleconferencing.  This means that you
are missing body language cues and immediate feedback from your “listener,”
and these factors are very important to understand some common rules for
good online etiquette.  Below are some important reminders for an effective
online communication:

1. Be respectful. While it is easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things without standing

face-to-face with someone, it is important to remember that your classmates and
teachers are real people who are affected by the words you say and write.  It is
essential to keep in mind the feelings and opinions of others, even if they differ from
your own.  If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online either.

1. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. It is easy for
written text to be misread and misunderstood.  Have you ever sent a text message
with good intent but your recipient thought you were being rude? If so, then you’ve
experienced this first-hand.  By being cognizant of strong language, you can identify
potential confusions before sending messages.  Tip: Read everything out loud before
you send it.

1. Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material.

1. Yes, grammar and spelling matter. While texting, text speak can b gr8 4 ur friends.
In an educational setting (even online) however, keep it formal.  Your written
communication should be professional and reflect proper writing style.  Save written
shortcuts and less than stellar grammar for Snapchat if you must, but follow grammar
rules for school.

1. Cite your sources. Whenever you are sharing an idea that originated from someone
else (even if it is not word for word), it is good practice to cite that source.  This
applies to discussion forums too.  If you read a great thought in your text, share it, but
be sure you let your audience know where you saw it first.

1. Before asking a question, check the course content or search the internet to see if the
answer is easy to find.

1. Stay on topic. Don't post irrelevant comments, links, thoughts, or pictures.

1. Contact only your subject teachers (for queries and/or clarifications) during your
subject schedule with him/her.

1. Offenses done online will be subjected to disciplinary actions.

These rules were adapted and modified from:

Let's get started!
What is matter?
            Recall that chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and
properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes
that accompany these processes; and that matter is anything that has mass and
occupies space.
Properties of Matter
What is the difference between physical properties and chemical properties?
1. Physical Property- is a characteristic that can be observed and measured
without changing the identity and composition of the substance. Physical
properties include phase (solid, liquid, gas), color, solubility, density, melting
and boiling points, volatility, viscosity, and conductivity.
2. Chemical Property- refers to the ability of a substance to undergo changes to
transform into a different substance. An example is flammability, which is the
ability of a substance to burn when in contact with flame, producing new
substance(s). Another example of a chemical property is the ability of an iron
to form rust by combining with oxygen in air.

But how about this so called intensive and extensive properties? How are they
Another way of classifying properties of matter based on the effect of the
amount of matter present. Using this classification, properties are either extensive
or intensive.

1. Extensive Property- depends on the amount of matter present. Examples of

extensive properties are mass, volume, length, and size.
2. Intensive Property- depends on the type of matter. This includes density,
color, physical state, melting and boiling point and conductivity.

Let’s check your understanding!

Classify the following examples as physical or chemical properties. Share your
answers in the discussion board!

1. melting of ice                         __________________

2. evaporation of water           __________________
3. rusting                                    __________________
4. digestion                                __________________
5. ripening of fruits                   __________________

Classification of Matter
            Matter can be classified as a pure substance or a mixture. A pure substance is
characterized by an unchanging  or specific composition. A mixture is composed of
different pure substances that are physically combined in variable proportions.

             1.  Pure Substances: Elements and Compounds

An element is the simplest type of matter that is composed of only one kind
of atom. Elements are given specific one-letter or two-letter symbols. Are you
familiar with the Periodic Table of Elements? That’s it. All that are included in the
table are elements.
A compound is composed of two or more elements combined chemically in
definite proportions. The symbol of a compound includes the element(s) that
comprise it and the number of atoms of each element (written as subscript). An
example of a compound is carbon dioxide (CO2), it has 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen

             2.  Mixtures: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition throughout is

uniform. It consists of a single phase. This means that the appearance, properties,
and composition are uniform throughout a sample. A solution is a homogeneous
mixture. An example of a solution is water and salt.
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture whose components are not evenly
distributed in the sample and can thus be physically identified. If you’re thinking of
halo-halo and chicken macaroni soup (sopas), yes, they are heterogeneous mixtures!
Is an oil-water mixture a homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture? Why do
you say so? Share your thoughts in the discussion board!
Try this! Which of the following are homogeneous mixtures? Which are
heterogeneous mixtures? Share your answers in the discussion board!

a. Rubbing alcohol                                         ______________________

b. Mixture of gasoline and water                ______________________
c. Mixture of salt and pepper                      ______________________
d. Carbonated soft drink                              ______________________
e. Human breath                                           ______________________

Separation Techniques
            Differences in physical properties can be used to separate mixtures. There are
various ways to separate a mixture depending on the properties of its components.
The following are some separation techniques:

1. CRYSTALLIZATION- is a technique used for the purification of substances. A

separation technique to separate solids from a solution. You can use this
technique to separate salt from water in a saltwater solution.

   2.  FILTRATION- Filtration is a process used to separate solids from liquids or gases
using a filter medium that allows the fluid to pass through but not the solid. The
term “filtration” applies whether the filter is mechanical, biological, or physical. The
fluid that passes through the filter is called the filtrate.

Filter medium may be:

                           a) Surface filter, which is a solid that traps solid particles. Ex. Filter

                           b) Depth filter, which is a bed of material that traps the solid.

1)      General Filtration- uses gravity to filter a mixture. Solid is left
on the filter, while the liquid flows below it
2)      Cold Filtration- used to quickly cool a solution, prompting the
formation of small crystals; a method used when the solid is
initially dissolved; common method is to place the container
with the solution in an ice bath prior to filtration
3)      Hot Filtration- the solution, filter, and funnel are heated to
minimize crystal formation during filtration; stemless funnels
are useful because there is less surface area for crystal growth;
used when crystals would clog the funnel or prevent
crystallization of the second component in a mixture.

  3.  DECANTATION- decanting allows a mixture of solid and liquid or two immiscible
liquids to settle and separate by gravity; this process can be slow and tedious
without the aid of centrifuge

  4.  SUBLIMATION- sublimation separates a mixture of solids, one of which is

sublime. When the mixture of iodine crystals and sand is heated, the iodine crystals
will evaporate leaving the sand particles on the container.

  5.  EVAPORATION- used to separate out homogeneous mixtures where there are
one or more dissolved solids; drives off liquid components from the solid
components; the process typically involves heating the mixture until no more liquid

  6.  SIMPLE DISTILLATION- effective method to separate mixtures comprised of two

or more liquids; a purification process where the components of a liquid mixture are
vaporized and then condensed and isolated

  7.  FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION- process by which components in a chemical mixture

are separated into different parts (called fractions) according to their different
boiling points; used to purify chemicals and also to separate mixtures to obtain their

  8.  CHROMATOGRAPHY- is the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or

suspension or as a vapor (as in gas chromatography) through a medium in which the
components move at different rates; thin-layer chromatography is a special type of
chromatography used for separating and identifying mixtures that are or can be
colored, especially pigments

How can the following components of the following mixtures be separated? Design a
separation method for each mixture. Share your answers in the discussion board!

a) Mixture of salt and water

b) Mixture of nails, sand and saltwater

Ex. Mixture of sand and salt- First, add water to the

mixture to dissolve the salt, then use a filter medium to
remove the saltwater from the sand. Another way is to
add water to the solution, then decant to separate the

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