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Lecturer by Desy Sri Astuti, M.Pd

1. Herlin Firman Putri (321910067)
2. Margarita Norianti (321910094)
3. Endar Joko Wicaksono (321910052)



Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty who has given His
grace so that the author can complete this paper entitled "Basic Concepts and Principles of
English Learning Media" on time. The author also does not forget to thank Ms. Desi Sri
Astuti, M.Pd as a Advisory Lecturer in the Multimedia Technologies In English Language
Teaching course who has guided the author so that this paper can be completed. The author
also expresses his gratitude to friends who have contributed to the making of this scientific
This paper provides an explanation, to help teachers and students get to know and
know about the basic concepts and principles of learning media in English, so they can
choose what learning media can be used as media and are easy to understand and interesting.
The author realizes that there are shortcomings in this paper. Therefore, suggestions
and criticisms are always expected for the improvement of the author's work. The author also
hopes that this paper is able to provide more knowledge about the Basic Concepts and
Principles of English Learning Media.

Pontianak, 23 September 2021

Drafting team


COVER ..............................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY.........................................................................................1
A. Background ...........................................................................................................1
B. Formulation Of the Problem................................................................................1
C. Purpose Of the Problem........................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................................2
A. Basic Concepts and Principles of Learning Media In English..........................2
1. Learning as a Communication Process..........................................................2
2. Definition Of Learning Media........................................................................2
3. Functions of the Basic Concept of Learning Media in English...................2
4. Basic Use of Learning Media Concepts.........................................................3
5. Ciri-Ciri Media Dalam Pembelajaran ..........................................................3
B. Principles of English Learning Media.................................................................4
CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................7
A. Conclusion..............................................................................................................7

A. Background
Learning as a process of interaction between students and teachers and other
learning resources needs to be supported by the use of appropriate media.
In teaching and learning activities, learning media is a primary need to
facilitate learning (Inah, 2015) Creating an effective and efficient learning situation by
mobilizing all learning resources (Hermawan, 2017) In this case learning media as
one of the media that encourages the learning process Learning facilities has several
advantages, such as teaching and learning activities that can be carried out in such a
stable way, can provide scientific education, can create closeness between message
distributors (educators) and message recipients (students). and can organize general
education, can improve the quality of education (Mahnun, 2012) learning media, can
not be separated from the term learning and learning.
The purpose of learning is a change in behavior in students to be better
(Sunhaji, 2014). Meanwhile, learning is a process of interaction between students and
the environment, and it is hoped that changes in behavior will occur for the better.
Providing boundaries in learning media can be used to attract thoughts, feelings,
attention, and willingness to learn in students. The selection of the right learning
media from an educator based on the right techniques and steps can certainly make
the learning program a success in order to achieve the expected behavioral changes.
B. Formulation Of the problem
1. Basic Concepts of English Learning Media?
2. Principles of English Learning Media?
C. Purpose Of the problem
1. In order to know the basic concepts of English learning media
2. Explain what principles are used in English learning media


A. Basic Concepts of Learning Media In English

1. Learning as a Communication Process
Teachers must be able to develop learning outcomes as much as possible
because it is the teacher's duty and obligation to create learning (Inah, 2015). To
stimulate the creation of more effective and efficient learning, learning activities
need to be designed and good communication about implementation strategies is
needed (Lanani, 2013). Creating learning while changing the old teacher-centered
model to student-centered is one of the skills of a teacher (Jauhari, 2018). The
communication process is the process of delivering messages from the source of
the message through certain channels or media to the recipient of the message, the
essence of learning (Lanani, 2013).
The components of the communication process consist of messages, message
sources, channels or media, and message recipients (Inah, 2015). Learning media
is a channel and the learner is the recipient of the message. Interpretation of the
content of the message at a certain time may or may not be successful, so the
communication process is not always successful (Mahnun, 2012).
2. Definition Of Learning Media
Media is a bridge whose job is to distribute information to parties who serve as
recipients, for example television media, computer media, and other media
(Jauhari, 2018). Learning is a communication activity that aims to convey
messages from the message center using channels or media, and receiving this
message is a communication component (Jauhari, 2018). This learning media is
everything related to tools, the environment and all types of activities that are
positioned to increase knowledge, add skills to every human being who uses them
and change attitudes (Sanjaya, 2012).
3. Functions of the Basic Concept of Learning Media in English
Media is one of the components of the learning system, which has a very
important function and role for the continuity of learning (Jauhari, 2018). That
way the media has a strategic position as an integral part of learning. Integral here
means that the media is an inseparable part of learning. So without the media,
learning will never happen (Rusydiyah, 2014). As a component of the learning
system, learning media has a different function from the functions of other
components, namely as a component that contains learning messages to be
conveyed to students. In the process of delivering these messages, disturbances
often occur which result in learning messages not being received or digested by
students what is intended by the educator (Wahidin & Ahmad, 2018).
Broadly speaking, the functions of the media are (Jauhari, 2018):
a. Generating interest and motivation.
b. Activate students (students) in the process of teaching and learning
activities when they take place.
c. Effectively motivate students' interest in learning (students).
d. Captivate the attention of students and students.
e. Helps minimize space, time, and size.
f. Avoid the occurrence of verbalism.
The function of learning media is explained by another opinion that has been
observed to come from two aspects, namely an educational process (learning)
which can be interpreted as a process of interacting and communicating activities
between students or students. Information that comes from the source (teacher) to
the recipient (student) is also a function of learning media, so it can be seen that
communication is a process of learning.
4. Basic Use of Learning Media Concepts
It is said that the role of educational media or greater familiarity with learning
media is very important in a learning process and teaching activities. Because, as
prospective teachers, they can find out all the media prepared for the learning
process. Teachers can use films on television, or in the form of images as
multimedia material to provide accurate, clear and precise information to students
at school. By using teaching aids, generally abstract learning activities can
become more concrete (Lanani, 2013).
5. Characteristics of Media in Learning
The characteristics of educational media or learning media in general are as
follows (Arsyad, 2009):
a. Learning media or educational media have a physical meaning that is more
familiar with hardware or containers, tools, or objects that can be felt by the
five human senses (Adam & Syastra, 2015).

b. Learning media has a non-physical meaning that is more familiar with
software or messages delivered via hardware (Adam & Syastra, 2015).
c. Learning media has an emphasis on visual and audio (Wahidin & Ahmad,
d. Learning media also has the meaning as a tool or media aid in the process of
learning activities (Wahidin & Ahmad, 2018).
e. Learning media can be used in communication process activities and
interacting activities between teachers and their students.
f. Can be used en masse for example communication media in the form of
television and radio as well as individually for example modules
B. Principles of English Learning Media
Observable principles are behavior. So it can be understood that what is meant
by the principles of active learning are fundamental behaviors that are always visible
and describe the involvement of students in the teaching and learning process both
mental, intellectual and emotional involvement which in many cases can be implied
direct involvement in various forms of physical activity. Media and methods that are
suitable for student characteristics to optimize students' sensory sensitivity and the
findings about the majority of teachers are not interested and do not want to use
authentic assessment or performance-based assessment.
Here are some principles that must be considered when the teacher chooses the media
for the learning to be carried out:
1. Principles of Effectiveness and Efficiency
In the concept of learning, effectiveness is the success of learning as measured
by the level of achievement of the objectives after the learning is completed. If all
learning objectives have been achieved, then learning is said to be effective, while
efficiency is the goal of achieving learning objectives by using media, time and
other resources to a minimum. Media that has met the aspects of effectiveness
and efficiency will certainly increase student interest in learning and support
achievement in learning. The material delivered through this media will also be
more easily absorbed by students.
2. Principles of Student Thinking Level
Media only functions as a tool in learning activities, namely in the form of
facilities that can provide visual experiences to students in order to motivate

learning, clarify, and simplify complex and abstract concepts to become simpler,
concrete, and easy to understand.
Learning media must also be selected based on the principle of students'
thinking level. Objects that are concrete are better used as learning media when
compared to more abstract media. Likewise, complex learning media in terms of
structure or appearance will be more difficult to understand than simple learning
media. Examples of learning media in elementary schools for the structure of
organs in the human body must not be as complex as learning media for junior
and senior high school students.
3. Principles of Interactivity Learning Media
The third principle that must be considered in the selection of media in
classroom learning is interactivity. How likely is it that students can interact with
learning media? The more interactive, the better the learning media because it
encourages students to be actively involved in learning. For example, when
teaching material about integer arithmetic operations, examples of media in
elementary lessons that can be used are videos on how to perform integer
arithmetic operations or teachers can also use interactive multimedia learning
media for independent learning about integer arithmetic operations.
If students are given a video spectacle, of course the interaction that occurs
between students and learning media is only one way from the media to students.
Meanwhile, when using learning media in the form of interactive multi-media
that can be operated on a computer, the interaction of students with the media is
higher. In this case, the most suitable media to choose is interactive learning
4. Availability of Learning Media
Media to achieve learning objectives, in accordance with the subject matter,
and have high interactivity, teachers must see the availability of media to be used.
If media is not available in schools then all that has been planned will be in vain,
and the goals will never be achieved. Or the teacher must borrow or make the
media themselves. By calculating how many media will be used by students. If
learning is carried out simultaneously, the available media must meet.
5. Teacher's Ability to Use Learning Media

Learning media is one component in the learning environment that can
stimulate students to learn. Learning media can be used as a stimulus to increase
the willingness of students to follow the teaching and learning process well.
Media must be adapted to the ability of the teacher, both from enrichment and
use or operation of media. It will be even more effective if the teacher has his
own media to be used such as a laptop, if the material to be delivered is related to
computer lessons or other lessons if you need the media.
6. Time Allocation
The issue of availability of time in learning is very crucial. Teachers are
always chased by time to complete the demands of the curriculum. Therefore, the
use of instructional media, which is in fact effective in achieving learning
objectives, has good relevance to the subject matter, and various other advantages
are sometimes forced to be put aside when time allocation is an important
consideration. However, the availability of time can often be managed in various
ways based on the experience of the teacher.
7. Flexibility (flexibility) of Learning Media
The learning media chosen by the teacher for teaching and learning activities
in the classroom should have good flexibility. Learning media is said to have
good flexibility if it can be used in various situations. Sometimes, during the
learning process there is a change in the situation which results in the inability to
use a learning media.
8. Safe Use of Learning Media
Sometimes teachers have to be careful in choosing learning media. There are
learning media which if not careful in their use can result in accidents or students
being injured. The learning media chosen must be safe learning media for them so
that unwanted things during learning activities do not occur. Examples of learning
media are flammable, sharp, hot, or corrosive chemicals.

In general, learning activities are communication processes that involve the
source of the message and the recipient of the message. The source of the message in
a learning is the teacher, while the recipient of the message in a learning is the
student. The source of the message and the recipient of the message establish a
symbiotic relationship of mutualism. This means that the message conveyed by the
source of the message can run well if there is a role as the recipient of the message.
However, communication between the source of the message and the recipient of the
message does not always go well.
There are times when some obstacles involving communication fail. Thus,
teachers who act as sources of messages use learning media in delivering learning
materials. Learning media can make it easier for students to capture learning
information conveyed by the message source. Teachers are required to hone their
skills in creating learning media. Not always learning media can only use technology.
By utilizing the surrounding environment can also be a medium of learning. Teaching
and learning activities will be more interesting if the learning media used by the
teacher can captivate the hearts of students. So that it can be realized in the learning
process to form students who have enthusiasm and enthusiasm in the learning that
takes place.


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