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Anthony Robbins:

7 Life Changing Lessons

By: Dave O’Brian

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: 7 Life Changing Lessons

Chapter 2: 9 Keys to Improving Your Life

Chapter 3: Become Outcome Oriented

Chapter 4: 10 Minute Morning Ritual

Thank you for purchasing Entrepreneur: Anthony Robbins: 7 Life
Changing Lessons. This book was created with the intention of
assisting you in becoming the best at everything you do. Whether
you have the intention of improving a certain area of your life, or
you are looking for a total makeover, you can be confident that you
will find the tools in this book.

The most important thing you need to consider while reading this
book is that: here you can find the tools, but you must apply them
to help you succeed. Knowledge without action is arrogance. Once
you have the tools you need to change your life, it is up to you to
change it. If you are ready to make the ultimate shift once and for
all, then you are ready to take on this book and make all the
changes necessary to live a great life.
Chapter 1: 7 Life Changing Lessons
Throughout all his speeches, Anthony Robbins teaches us many
different valuable life-changing lessons. When we listen, we can
notice that there are seven main lessons he encourages for people
to learn. By learning and implementing these lessons and habits
into your everyday life, you can increase your likelihood of
achieving your goals and manifesting your dreams into reality.
These habits work in both your personal life, as well as your career
life, and will assist you in making the most of any opportunity. It
is important to realize that you must work simultaneously on your
personal and business lives to achieve success in either, because as
Anthony says: “Success without fulfillment is failure.” You cannot
truly succeed in one, if you are unhappy and failing within’ the

In this chapter, we are going to cover each of these steps in detail,

and teach you how to enforce these habits in your own life
immediately. We have also curated a list of bonus habits that you
can benefit from in the end of this chapter, if you want to go the
extra mile.

1. Read
Anthony Robbins is a firm believer in the way that reading can
enhance your ability to achieve success in your goals. He states
that everyone should commit to reading for a minimum of 30
minutes every single day. Reading materials that offer substance
and value to your daily life is an essential part of Anthony’s day,
and he insists you make it an important part of your day as well.

While you can read anything that interests you, you should focus
on choosing pieces that offer knowledge towards helping you reach
your goals. Whether you are reading about business investments,
management, your craft or trade, or anything else that may offer
you valuable information, you should always incorporate it into
every single day. Also, while reading before bed is a good way to
wind down, we suggest reserving time earlier in the day for
beneficial material as it will allow you the time to digest and
process all of the new information you have learned.

When you read, you expand your mind to things you may have
never learned otherwise. Reading is a way of studying, if you will,
all of the different ways you can become the best at what you do.
When you read, you bring yourself closer to copious amounts of
knowledge that can teach you things you may have never thought
about before. Even if the material itself doesn’t end up directly
teaching you anything new, it is likely that your mind will carry on
with the momentum and bring about thoughts you may have never
reached on your own. This habit is an excellent way of encouraging
your mind to think, process and develop new information in order
to expand your horizons and increase your awareness of the
opportunities available to you.

Every single day, you should set aside time for at least 30 minutes
of reading. Never allow yourself to miss your reading time, as this
is one of the most critical investments you can make in yourself,
and in your success. Anthony Robbins even suggests that you
should allow yourself to miss a meal before you ever consider
missing your reading, that’s how important it is. Although we
don’t recommend you miss either.

2. Have Certainty
Uncertainty is a fact of life: it exists in every single thing that you
do. However, when you view uncertainty the wrong way, it can
have a profound effect on your financial habits. Anthony Robbins
believes that you should view uncertainty as a certain thing, and
then allow yourself to take action anyway.

M any people tend to view uncertainty as a reason to shy away

from making major, and sometimes even minor, decisions. When
they do this, they aren’t protecting themselves from uncertainty,
instead they are shielding themselves from success. If you allow
yourself to shy away from decisions and you refuse good deals
because of the uncertainty that exists, you will be certain to miss
out on greatness. You don’t want to make uncalculated decisions
with major odds stacked against you, or ones where you are
guaranteed to fail. However, you also don’t want to allow yourself
to deny calculated decisions where you are likely to succeed
because there is a slight chance you might not. Uncertainty should
be an element, but not a determining factor. As Anthony says:
“Progress comes when you tell yourself the truth, and you’re able
to feel the uncertainty and take action anyway”.

Uncertainty is a certain thing: whether you take action or not, it

will still exist in some way shape or form. It is a definite variable
that will never disappear, no matter how extensively you attempt
to plan for it. If you believe you are able to control the uncertainty
in your life, then you are already failing yourself. The truth is, no
one can control uncertainty. We must take action anyway.

When you face fear and uncertainty with a goal of viewing them as
an opportunity instead of as an excuse, you then open yourself up
to the ability to grow and succeed. The simple truth is: you cannot
succeed if you don’t make decisions. There will be a degree of
uncertainty in every single thing that you do. If you use it as a
reason to deny any decisions in your life, then you will never open
yourself up to the opportunity for a decision to bring you success.
You will always deny yourself the right to the success you
deserve. Financial health is achieved by making a myriad of small
decisions that quickly add up. While you don’t want to go making
choices that you know will fail you, you shouldn’t shy away from
choices that have odds that are stacked in your favor.

3. Create Healthy Financial Rituals

Anthony Robbins is a man of rituals. He views them as an
important, even essential part of life that can assist you in
achieving success in many areas. When you use rituals, you allow
yourself to maintain the right mindset to serve you in making the
choices that will assist you in achieving success.

To Anthony, rituals are a method of conditioning your mind to do

what you want it to do. When you create a ritual, and you perform
it on a regular basis, you train your mind to respond in a certain
way to that ritual. For example, if you are a motivational speaker,
you will need to be positive and profound in order to have people
listen to you. You might have the perfect speech, but without the
proper emotion behind it, you will not achieve the results you
desire. Therefore, you might consider adopting a ritual such as:
every time before you speak you jump up and down while saying
5 reasons why you are going to rock the speech out loud. In doing
this, you will condition your mind to enter the emotional state you
need to be in to deliver the speech effectively, every single time.

When it comes to your finances, you can create healthy rituals that
assist you in making smart financial decisions and effectively
increasing your wealth. Anthony suggests doing things such as:
paying yourself first, creating and following a strict spending plan,
getting professional assistance, and making investments that will
provide enough growth to make them worthwhile. He also suggests
doing other things that may help put you in the right frame of mind
to make money. Something Anthony does himself is keep three
$100 bills in his wallet to assist him in keeping himself in an
abundant frame of mind. You can do similar things to help you
achieve this healthy mindset as well.

If you are ready to make your own financial rituals, you need to
start by assessing what isn’t working. From there, you should
create new rituals that will assist you in what will work. To
understand what needs to change, you first need to understand
what a healthy view on money is. All too often, people associate
money as something that is bad, lacking, and contributes to a great
deal of negative situations. When people view money this way,
they subconsciously teach themselves that money is bad, and make
decisions that keep them from gaining it. So, to start creating your
own healthy rituals, you first need to realize where you are failing

Do you constantly worry there isn’t enough? Are you constantly

switching money back and forth between accounts to make ends
meet? Do you end up with pennies left at the end of every pay
period? Do you fear that you won’t be able to have the financial
freedom you need to retire, or do other things you desire to do in
life? If so, you need to reevaluate these rituals and make healthier
ones. Some ways you could improve the above include: sticking to
a strict budget that ensures there is enough to go around, enforcing
a savings element in your budget so you are left with more at the
end of every month, and speaking with your financial advisor
about starting a retirement savings or other long term savings plan
that can help you meet your long term financial goals.

Creating healthy rituals around money helps you erase your

negative emotions associated with finances. It helps you get in a
healthy frame of mind and view money as an asset and not a
liability. When you view your finances as an asset, you are more
likely to work towards increasing your wealth and making
decisions that will support your income. However, if you view
them as a liability, you won’t want to associate yourself with the
negative image you view finances as, so you will avoid doing
anything that increases your wealth. You may even end up making
decisions that decrease your wealth.

4. Visualize Your Goal

Visualization is a strong tool that can assist you in achieving your
dreams. With any goal you set, it is crucial that you invest time in
visualizing it. You can achieve the visualization in multiple ways.
In fact, the more ways you involve your mind and body, the more
you will crave it and the likelier you will achieve it.

Anthony Robbins is a major fan of using incantations to help him

visualize his success. Early on in his life, Anthony started his
climb to success by going on runs each morning and repeating
incantations to himself the entire way. By doing this, he helped
himself maintain focus on his life goals. Every time you hear him
talking about them, Anthony will state that to achieve full
effectiveness, you must say your incantations out loud and with
severe confidence. He says that when you say the incantations out
loud, you train your brain to believe they are true, which
ultimately assists you in bringing them to reality.

Aside from verbally affirming your goals to yourself, you should

also do your best to involve other senses in the mix. Above,
Anthony involved his voice and his motion into his visualization:
he was running forward into his new reality that he was telling
himself to be true. In addition to including your voice and motion,
you can also include other senses. Spending time every day
meditating and visualizing your goals in your mind is an excellent
way to absorb yourself in the image of your success. You can do
this with any goals you may have, whether they be about family
and friends, wealth, health, materials, career, personal life, or
anything else. Whether your goals are smaller, such as to complete
a project by the end of the week, or larger such as to achieve an
award for your work, you should use visualization as a tool to

When you are visualizing, make sure you are visualizing all
aspects: What does your success look like? What does it involve?
How does it feel? Who is around you? Where are you standing?
What is around you? Is there a certain smell? What is the
temperature of your whereabouts? Ideally, you should make your
visualization appear as more of a memory instead of a constructed
visualization. Of course, you don’t want to lose touch on the
reality that it isn’t yet a memory, but the idea is to teach your
mind to believe it to be true. That way, you will make actions that
help bring it to your reality.

In addition to assisting you in achieving your goals, visualizing

your success and imagining everything attached to it can have
significant psychological and emotional effects as well. When you
create these images in your mind, your brain itself does not have
the ability to realize it is not real life. Therefore, it produces all of
the hormones that simulate joy, happiness, and other positive
emotions. When you experience these emotions, your brain will
operate at its peak performance and you will be more likely to
achieve success. Visualization increases your motivation, elevates
your level and mood, and assists you in making rational choices
that help you achieve your goals. Because of these reasons, it is a
very important part of success.

5. Giving Back
Anthony Robbins is a firm believer in the effect that giving back
can have on your success. When you are giving back, no matter
how you are doing it, it comes from a place of abundance. If you
have the ability to share with others, whether it be time, energy,
efforts, money, or anything else, you are affirming that you have an
abundance of this to give, and that it is not scarce in your life.

Anthony believes that “the most important time to help others is

when you think you need it.” When you give back, you affirm that
you have enough to give, and you put yourself in the abundant
state of mind that contributes to your overall success.
To assist others in understanding the importance of giving back,
Anthony recalls a situation where he was deeply in debt and only
had $20 left. He was out for dinner at an all-you-can-eat buffet that
cost him $5. Across the room, there was a young man who was
well dressed, and out to lunch with his M om. Anthony
complimented him for taking his M om out to a nice lunch, and the
boy admitted he was not purchasing lunch because he could not
afford it. Anthony then dropped his remaining change on the table
and told the young boy he was taking his M om out to lunch and
now he could pay for it, too. Then, Anthony left the restaurant.
The next day, he received a check from someone who owed him
money, and it was worth enough to pay for a month of his
expenses. When he gave from a place of abundance, abundance
occurred in his life.

Giving back goes hand in hand with the ritual of having certainty
and visualization. When you give back, you should give back
knowing that the universe will align to return to you what you are
giving out. One of the analogies he frequently uses on this subject
is that: you don’t breathe out and wonder if there will be enough
air for you to breathe in another lung full, you just know there is
another lung full available. The same goes for finances, the very
day you realize you know the money will just be there, is the day
you become wealthy.
6. Asking Better Questions
When you ask questions, you expand yourself to the ability to
learn more information. Information is vital in your climb to
success, as it is important in helping you make rational, calculated
decisions along the way. Asking effective questions is a skill that
many people fail to learn in their lives.

Whenever you are asking questions, you need to construct them to

get the answers you need, not the answers you want. You also
need to be clear so that the answer discusses a topic that is relevant
to your situation, not ones that could potentially return answers
that offer you nothing towards your goal.

In addition to asking effective questions, you need to ask many

people the same questions. Anthony once said in an article that,
“To get results, you can’t just ask the question once, you have to
become obsessed with finding its greatest answer(s). I have been
obsessed with the question of ‘how do I make things better? How
do I help people significantly improve the quality of their lives
now?’ This focus has driven me for 38 years to find or create
strategies and tools that make an immediate difference.”
Exploring various opinions and answers can assist you in learning
as much new information about a subject as possible. Knowledge is
power, therefore the more information and knowledge you have,
the more power you will have, to achieve your goals. You can
achieve this by asking questions.

When you’re asking, it’s also important to make sure you don’t
tailor the question so that the answer suits your opinion. This is
called bias, and does not benefit your gain of knowledge. It is
important to work towards developing well-rounded knowledge
that comes from all backgrounds and ideals. You do this in order to
make sure that you have as much information as possible –
whether you like the information or not is irrelevant, as all
information is important.

7. Having the Right Partners and the Right

You have probably heard it before, but it is important to surround
yourself with intelligent people who are going in the same direction
as you are. This is important in both your business life, and in
your personal life.
Regardless of whether you intend to or not, you will be influenced
by the people you spend your time with. Additionally, their
decisions can have profound impacts on your life. Therefore, it is
important that you constantly assess the people you are doing
business with, and spending your time with. If these people are
not heading in the same direction as you are, you likely need to
reevaluate their benefit to your life and look for new partners or

When you surround yourself with positive people who are going in
the same direct as you, you set yourself up to be motivated to
succeed. Do not judge yourself based off of other people: just
because someone is more successful than you are in some ways
does not mean that you cannot be friends with them. Instead, it
means that you should be friends with them, as they can teach you
what you need to know to advance and progress towards success
yourself. When you are surrounded by the type of people who
you aspire to be, you will inevitably learn things and develop
habits that will assist you in achieving your dreams. As well, you
will have people to work together with to achieve greatness. It is
truly a win-win situation.

Particularly when you are partnering with someone in business, it

is imperative that you are both going in the same direction. While
you may find benefit in having someone who’s strengths offset
your weaknesses and vice versa, you will not find benefit in having
someone who has severe weaknesses that could potentially
sabotage your climb to success. When you are choosing partners,
make sure that you are choosing ones who will be an asset to your
goals, and not a liability.

Remember, it is not rude or wrong to be selective when choosing

who you want to be around. It is incredibly smart. Not only for
you, but for both of you. It is likely that if the person you are
looking at is not a viable choice for you, you are probably also not
a good choice for them. Be very picky when choosing business
partners, and only select those who have goals that compliment
your own.

Bonus Habits
The above lessons and habits are incredibly important to your
success. They should be the first things you focus on when you
are paving your own way to reach your goals. However, there are
additional things you can do to help you achieve success in your
life. The following “bonus habits” are just as important as the
previous seven we discussed. When you are making life changes,
these simple steps will help you achieve success in your goals.
Each one of these habits can be done in combination with the
previous habits we’ve discussed, and can enhance their ability to
serve you. M ake sure you take the time to practice these habits in
your daily life, if you want to achieve ultimate greatness.

Whenever you are doing something in your life, be sure to give it
your total focus. There is nothing more important to your ability
to succeed than your skill to be focused at any given time. There
are many ways to exercise your focus and enhance your skill to
ensure that it can serve you to its maximum ability.

Focus is important for many reasons: it helps you stay on target

throughout your efforts to achieve your goals, it helps you devote
your total attention to each task at hand so you do the best you
can, and it can help you feel fulfilled after each task you do in life.
When you gift your focus to the right things, you enhance your
ability to give everything your 150%, which is incredibly
important in the ladder to success. Anthony Robbins often states
that focus is power, and this is absolutely true.

In order to exercise your ability to focus, you need to first realize

how important it is. Then, you can use that to your advantage.
M editation is a great way to practice focusing, as it allows you free
time to literally focus on focusing. To meditate, you simply sit or
lie in a comfortable position and put your attention on the current
moment. How is your body feeling? Is the temperature
comfortable? What does it feel like when you inhale? And exhale?
As your mind strays, you gently bring your focus back to your
body and the current moment. This is not a time to think about the
past, present or future. It is not a time to think about what you
need to do, or what you should be doing instead. Rather, this is a
time to practice staying in the moment.

Staying in the moment is incredibly important when you’re

performing tasks in life: whether you’re spending time with your
family, working on a project for your job, or enjoying alone time,
you need to master the art of focusing on what you are doing. By
doing this, you give your total attention to the task at hand which
increases the value of your presence. This will increase the quality
of everything you do: the quality of relationships you share with
loved ones, the quality of your work, the quality of your
relationship with yourself, and much more.

As you are going about your daily activities, try and be mindful of
your focus. If you notice you are not focused on the task at hand,
take a moment to regain control of your mind and pay attention to
what you are doing. You will notice that the more you do this, the
easier it will become. That is because your mind is a muscle and
you must exercise it to make it good at what you want it to do.
Additionally, it could be because you aren’t worried that you have
not given your all in other areas of your life, therefore your stress
of what you “need to be doing” disappears because you are
confident that you are doing everything you can.

If there is only one additional thing you do to improve your path

to success, let it be growing your ability to focus. This skill will
unlock so many doors for you that you may not have been aware
of before.

You Decide Your Destiny

There are several people out there who believe that destiny and
fate are a sum of chance and luck. This is simply not true. In
reality, destiny is not determined by what happened to you before,
what is currently happening to you, or what could or will happen
to you at any time in the future. Your destiny is not beyond your

One of the biggest lessons you can learn is that your destiny is the
result of your choices. It is not about what happens to you, but
instead about what you do about those things. While you cannot
control external influences, you can control how they will influence
you. When you respond instead of react to these situations, you
give yourself the control to make decisions that will lead you to the
future you desire, instead of the future that merely happens as a
result of life passing you by.

Decisions occur on a daily basis: what you do with your time,

whether or not you advance your education, who you marry (or if
you marry), whether you will start a business or work for someone
else, whether you will take advantage of an opportunity or let it
be. There are several decisions you face daily, each of which plays
a vital role in your ability to reach your goals and satisfy your
dreams. The only way you can manifest your dreams into your
reality is by making the decisions that will ultimately lead you
there. At first, it may seem difficult to make these decisions. Often
we are taught that we cannot control these things, so you will have
to teach yourself this is only a myth. There is only one person in
charge of your final outcome: you.

There Is a Path to Success, Recognize It

There is a path to success, and for many it does not require a
reinvention of the wheel. In fact, for most people there is no need
to reinvent the wheel.
In order to walk the path to success, you must first realize that the
path exists. You know this is true because there are thousands of
people before you who have walked the path and succeeded. Very
few had to do anything as grand as reinventing the wheel or carving
a new path. M ost follow the same general steps and that is how
they get to where they are. That is how we are able to make such
effective books that can literally teach you how to succeed.

The only problem is, most people would prefer to make excuses
and shy away from putting in the time and effort to succeed.
Obviously, this isn’t you, or you wouldn’t be here right now
learning about how to do better. You are going to succeed by
putting these steps into action and taking advantage of what is
offered to you. You realize there is a path, and you are ready to
walk it: this is what sets you apart from many.

The truth is, anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to
walk the path is going to achieve success. You cannot merely sit
back and wait for success to come to you: it will never happen.
Success is not a lottery or a result of luck or chance. Success is
solely based on the amount of effort and determination someone
puts into succeeding.
Raise Your Standards
You will live the life you believe is acceptable. If you feel your life
is comfortable, you will never feel motivated to make any changes.
This is the simple truth. People are not motivated to change what
they do like, instead they are motivated to change what they don’t
like. If you want change, you need to become uncomfortable with
the situation you are in. You need to raise your standards.

When you raise your standards, you tell yourself that it is no

longer acceptable to live a mediocre or “OK” life. Instead, you tell
yourself that you must achieve success and fulfill your dreams
because there is simply no other way you are willing to live.
Period. When you raise your standards, and become uncomfortable
with living below your standards, you will change. This type of
uncomfortableness brings about the motivation you require to drive
you forward.

For example, if your current standards allow for you to wake up

late, skip your shower, and head to work in a rush without
breakfast, then you will always do just that. You will spend the
next several hours at work feeling self-conscious, potentially
embarrassed, uncomfortable and unhappy because your standards
state that that is an okay way to live. You will never change.
However, if you realize that feeling that uncomfortable every day
makes you unhappy, and understand just how unhappy it makes
you, you can change your standards. Instead, you will decide that
you want to be presentable, happy, and motivated when you
work. Therefore, you will set your alarm clock earlier, perhaps
even set a second alarm to wake you up. Then, you will get out of
bed, shower, brush your teeth, get ready and eat a nutritious
breakfast. When you attend work, you will feel confident,
approachable, motivated and most importantly: successful.

You will live the life you believe is acceptable to live. Raise your
standards, and you will raise your ability to achieve success.

Major in Major Things

All too often, people fail because they are investing far too much
time majoring in minor things. They spend a significant amount of
time focusing on being perfect at small things, and shy away from
investing any time in the major things that matter. This often
happens because people are afraid to put themselves on the line
and potentially fail at the larger things. In reality, they are already
failing because they are not achieving the greatness they could
achieve. It is important to face these fears and major in major
things. By practicing and studying, you will definitely become a
major in major things. Then, you can reap the value of these
majors. Don’t waste your time by investing too much of it into
several smaller things, invest in what matters and the rest will fall
into place.

Do What You Know

It is not enough to merely possess knowledge; you must enforce it
in your life as action. Action is the first step to change, and
without it you will not go anywhere. It is likely that you already
have enough knowledge to make significant changes in your life,
but you are not taking advantage of this. All too often people will
continually dig for information, hoping to find the golden key that
will magically open the door to success for them. The truth is,
there isn’t one. The only key is to invest your time and efforts into
the right things at the right times to create major positive changes
in your life. If you put as much effort into the changes as you do
into searching for the golden key, you might already be reaping the
rewards of your success.

Additionally, don’t do what you think you’re supposed to. If you

find that you are making decisions because that is what you believe
is expected of you, you will never find success. As Anthony
Robbins says countless times: success without fulfillment is
failure. If you are succeeding at something but it does not make
you feel satisfied inside, you have not truly succeeded in your life.
Do not open a business because you believe you have to, do not
become a lawyer because that is what expected of you, and do not
make any other major life decisions because you believe you are
supposed to. Do what you are good at, and let the rest fall into
place. For example, if you are a phenomenal painter, then paint.
Paint your passion into every piece, and then hire an agent to sell
your work. Believe me, the money will come. Do what you love,
and what you are passionate about. The world needs more of that.

Learn to Follow the Leader

As we already touched base on: scrap any ideas you have of
recreating the wheel (unless you’re an inventor, then go ahead and
recreate!) For most of us, there is no sense in trail blazing a new
way to success. The simple reality is that several thousand people
before us have achieved success by applying most of the same
principles to their path and putting in the time and work required
to see their efforts through and succeed. The best way to succeed
is to look up to others who are already succeeding. Find role
models who are achieving the levels of success you want to, in the
fields you want to succeed in, and copy what they are doing.
These steps have likely already achieved succeed for many others,
and there is no reason why they can’t also help you achieve the
success you desire and deserve. Take into consideration how these
people have become successful and what they do to stay
successful, and then enforce that in your own life. Then, you too
will succeed.
Chapter 2: 9 Keys to Improving Your Life
These key steps will assist you in improving your personal life as
well as your business life. They will help you determine what you
want, and how to go about getting it. These are important in
helping you outline your path to success and motivating you to
walk it. When you use these keys, you will guarantee your ability
to improve your life and succeed.

Decide What You Want

You can’t create success if you don’t know what success means to
you. Before you embark on any journey to success, you need to
decide what exactly that means to you. What is it that you want?
What are you working for? Living your dream life starts by having
a clear dream you want to live. Before you take any other steps,
start by defining exactly what your dream is. Go into as much
detail as you can, taking into consideration all areas of life
including: physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional goals, as well
as what you want in your relationships, in your work, and in the
impact you make. Having a clear, concise vision on what you’re
working towards is mandatory in creating success.
If you have never done it before, take some time to sit down and
create a vision board. This can be as simple as taking a pen to some
paper and writing out every single one of your goals, or as
elaborate as cutting and pasting pictures and quotes of your dream
life on a piece of paper. Keep this nearby so you can see it on a
regular basis and remind yourself of why you are working so hard.

Know Why You Want It

This step might be even more important than knowing what you
want. Having a strong reason as to why you want these things is
what will motivate you to achieve your goals. A clear sense of
purpose is what will drive you to take action and make the changes
that are necessary to your success anywhere in life. When you are
done outlining what you want, make another outline that clearly
describes why you want it. M ake sure you dig deep and discover
all of the reasons why: the more personal your why is, the more
likely you will absorb motivation from it and use it to bring you to
success. Eliminate your ego and look deep down inside to discover
what your purpose is. For example, “I want a nice house so people
will be jealous” is a less compelling reason than “I want a nice
home for my family to live in”. Dig for reasons that hold meaning
to you, and use them to drive you to make changes that will bring
you to your dream.
Take Massive Action
Anthony Robbin’s most offered piece of advice is: if you have a
goal, take immediate action to put it in motion. Not something
small, either. When you set a goal, take immediate massive action
to get the ball rolling.

When you have a goal, you should do something significant that

will force you to follow through and keep the momentum flowing.
Want to get in shape? Purchase a gym membership or hire a
personal trainer. Want to start a retirement savings? Book an
appointment with your local financial advisor. Starting a new
project at work? Do something major that will force you to keep
your commitment and take continual action.

After you’ve done the initial step of taking massive action to start
the momentum, you need to make a plan to continue taking action.
Each and every single day you should do something towards your
goal to help bring it to life. Set aside at least a half an hour every
single day to work towards your goal and make sure you use it to
do things that are significant and meaningful in helping you achieve
your goal.

Don’t shy away from doing something because you don’t know
how every step will work. That can be detrimental to your
success. Instead, start with something that you know will get the
ball rolling, and then each progressive step you need to take will
become clearer to you. If it doesn’t, talk to people, ask questions,
and discover what the best choice is to keep working towards your
success. Regardless of what you do, you need to do something
every single day: read a biography, hire a coach, join a group,
organize your finances, do anything that will bring you closer to
your success.

As you’re working you’ll probably notice you have some

problems or hurdles that you will face. A tough economy,
unsupportive family, a difficult boss, not enough resources or
finances, lack of an education or experience, or any other number of
things might arise as a problem. This is inevitable in the path to
success: you will always face problems; you will always have
hurdles to jump. There is not a single person in the world who
achieved success in a streamlined, problem-free, risk-free way.
Anthony addresses these issues when he says: “See things as they
are, but not worse than they are. Your problems are really just
invitations to step through fear.” Never let the fear of these
problems hold you back from taking the steps towards your
success. Use them as motivation to take massive action and make
changes that will bring you closer to achieving your goal.

Tell Stories that Expand Possibilities (and Trash

Beliefs That Don’t)
You have a significant ability to influence the way others see you,
simply through what you tell them about yourself. When you are
talking about yourself to others, don’t emphasize the flaws you
possess. We all have flaws, you do not need to draw more
attention to your own and make them appear larger than they are.
This promotes a lack of confidence, and makes others focus on
your flaws because this is what you have shown them to do. You
are basically telling them that all you have to offer is flaws.

Instead, take the opportunity to discard any belief that you are a
victim, a bad person, or negative in any other way. Remove the
power your flaws have over you, and promote a sense of
confidence in yourself. Share with people the parts of you that
have the ability to enhance your image and prove that you are
successful and worthy. Your history can either be a benefit or a
hindrance to you. The truth is, it already happened so there is no
sense living in contempt of your past. Instead, let it fuel you to
create a more positive future. According to Anthony, “The past
does not equal the future. Unless you live there.”

When you continually promote the image of you being a negative

person, or of parts of your past that you are not proud of, then
you are giving people the belief that that is who you are. You also
implant that belief in your own mind and give it merit. Then, you
and everyone around you are going to believe that you lack the
qualification and personality necessary to being a successful

Don’t bully yourself like that. Don’t take away your ability to
succeed by emphasizing your flaws and promoting yourself in a
negative light. Instead, highlight what an amazing person you are
and build up your confidence while simultaneously building up
others’ confidence in you. Then, you will see much more success in
positive relationships in your life.

Use Fear to Empower You

The majority of the world uses fear as their enemy. When
something makes them afraid, they shy away from it and head in
the opposite direction. In truth, when it comes to success, you
need to let your fear motivate and empower you, not scare you

On a survival level, fear is a beneficial factor in the human genetic

code. If it weren’t for our ability to feel fear, we would
consistently make decisions that inhibit our ability to survive. The
key is not to ignore that fear exists. Instead, you want to use fear
as a motivation. Harness the energy that fear has to offer, and use
that energy to motivate you. See it as an opportunity, and work
with it. For example, if you are afraid of public speaking, but are
scheduled to present an important project to a group of investors,
use the fear of public speaking to motivate you to do amazing.
Instead of seeing fear as a negative thing, see it as an exciting
opportunity to drive you to do amazing things.

When you focus on what you could achieve, instead of what you
could lose, this is called “Neuro-Associative Conditioning.” You
are literally conditioning your mind to view fear as a tool instead of
an excuse. To start viewing your fear as an opportunity, you need
to change the way you see it. Are you afraid of failing? We all are.
Imagine yourself in 5 years, how are you going to feel if you let
your fear of failure keep you from making any changes in your life?
Probably unhappy because you never gave yourself the chance to
succeed, either. However, if you take calculated risks, how are you
going to feel in 5 years from now? You will likely be very happy
with yourself, even if you ended up enduring the risks and failing.
This is because you have given yourself the opportunity to
succeed, and you have learned lessons that will help you succeed in
your next venture.

Instead of using fear as an excuse not to do anything, use it as a

reason to do everything. They say you should do at least one thing
that scares you every single day. Teach yourself to fear the regret
of not making choices more than you fear the chance of failure.
This will help give you the confidence to make decisions in life and
motivate you to allow yourself the opportunity to succeed.

Adjust the Course Along the Way

They say the most important part of achieving your dreams, aside
from taking massive action towards them, is recognizing where you
are and where you want to be. M ost people have no idea what the
steps to success will entail. In fact, no one knows exactly what
their unique steps will be.

Success is based on your time, effort and work put into it. When
you walk on the path of success, there will be several factors that
arise that could create problems or hurdles for you to face. Even
once you achieve success, these blocks will still exist. It is
important to realize that as long as you continue to work
effectively and efficiently, you will succeed. The path you take to
get there is an important learning tool, but the exact path is not

Every now and again, make sure you take the time to assess your
goals. Take an honest account of where you are, and what needs to
be done in order to succeed. From there, adjust your course and
make new decisions that will have a powerful impact on your
climb towards success. There is a good chance that many things
will change several times over. It is totally fine, and natural, for the
path to change as new knowledge and challenges arise. Anthony
Robbins once said “The results you get in life aren’t from one
single decision, but from what you do after you make the
decision.” You should always monitor your progress, and when
you need to, make changes to help you progress more efficiently.
Just because you made a plan doesn’t mean it’s the only one, or
that you have to strictly stick to that plan.

Also, if you face any setbacks or failures, don’t feel like you have
to take the next step in the plan to succeed. Even if you revert back
three steps, you can still continue to move forward. M any
extremely successful business people have failed several businesses
before ever reaching a truly successful state. Use your new
knowledge and experience to help you repeat these steps more
effectively and do better next time. Regardless of what you face,
what route you take, or how long it takes you to get there, always
press on. Your success is worth you showing up for it.

Create Daily Rituals

Anthony refers to rituals frequently. These rituals are things you
do on a regular basis to help you reach your “peak state”, or in
other words: perform your best at all times. There are several daily
rituals you can implement to help keep you in the frame of mind
that has you achieving your best results all the time. Previously we
discussed having healthy financial rituals. In addition to those, you
should also implement other rituals throughout your day-to-day
life that can assist you in achieving the proper mindset and energy
needed to succeed.
Some rituals you may consider include: Anthony’s 10 M inute
M orning Ritual (guide at the end of this book), set your intentions
for the day, dress your best, move your body (such as stretching
all of your body), practice gratitude, diaphragmatic breathing, make
a to-do list for the next day, or anything else that can help keep
you on track to perform your best and succeed. There are several
things you can do that help keep you in a peak frame of mind, so
pick what works best for you. You don’t need to take on an
obscene amount of daily rituals, just pick a few that keep you at
your highest performance and do them every single day. You will
notice that these will help empower you to have the energy you
need to do whatever it is you need to do to succeed each day,
which is ultimately everyone’s goal.

Schedule Your Priorities

Time is valuable, and so are your priorities. It is important to
deliberately schedule your time to have your priorities in order and
give them a great deal of your focus. Your priorities should be
things that will have a profound and powerful impact in helping
you take massive action towards your goals.

If you have idle time where you are not doing something that
benefits your wellbeing or your goals, you are wasting time. It is
important to recognize what your priorities are, and take care of
them effectively. If you find yourself sitting around a lot, without
putting any effort in to your success, then it is likely that you are
not scheduling your priorities efficiently. M ake sure that all of
your priorities are accounted for, and that you are always working
towards satisfying their needs. Remember, priorities aren’t always
work related. Priorities in any area of your life are important, as
they all contribute to your overall wellbeing which is a mandatory
component of your success.

If you are succeeding in all areas of life, but failing to give yourself
enough personal time to unwind and relax, you need to schedule
this as a priority and make it happen. Alternatively, if you are
doing too much sitting around and not enough work, then you need
to pick a few things each day that you must do in order to succeed,
and then make sure you get them done. Prioritizing is one of the
most critical elements of successful time management, and time
management is mandatory for succeeding at your goals. Always

Always Be Grateful
There is an immeasurable amount of benefit that gratitude can have
on your life. Expressing gratitude is one of the most powerful
things you can do, and you should do it every single day. Any
successful person will tell you that having and expressing gratitude
is mandatory in your ability to truly succeed. If you aren’t
grateful, you will never succeed because you will never feel happy
with where you are at. Success is more than a title, or an
achievement. It is a state of mind. If you don’t express gratitude,
you will continually be in a toxic frame of mind that can be
detrimental to your success.
Learning to express gratitude can be difficult: many people think
there are too many bad things going on in their lives for them to be
grateful for anything. One of the most important things Anthony
has said on this subject is to the effect of: “if you absolutely hate
something [or someone] then you must express gratitude and love
for it [or them] because this has driven you to succeed in your life.
It has given you the motivation to do better to make sure that you
never settle for whatever it is that you absolutely hate.” And this
is the truth. Even things that you resent or make you unhappy,
you should express gratitude for. Without them, you wouldn’t
learn about what you don’t like or don’t want to be like, which is
equally as important as knowing what you do like and what you
do want to be like.

Always celebrate things in your life, even the small things. Is the
sun shining today? Celebrate. Is the rain quenching the Earth’s
thirst? Celebrate. Did you wake up? Celebrate. Always find a
reason to celebrate every single day. Gratitude has a significant
impact on your ability to maintain a positive mood, experience joy
and happiness, and put yourself in the state of energy that is
required for you to succeed.
Chapter 3: Become Outcome Oriented
Too many people become caught up in minor details and forget the
purpose of their mission. To achieve success, you need to stay
focused on the outcome. “Keep your eye on the prize” as they
say, and they would be right. In order to succeed, you need to keep
focus on what the outcome is going to be, and what the bigger
picture is. This also means that you need to care what the outcome
is, so you will have to start by having a compelling reason why that
is the outcome you are aiming for. Once you have a strong reason
why, then you can focus on the how. Anthony Robbins uses a
method he calls RPM which has two meanings: the first is “Rapid
Planning M ethod”. The second meaning is “Results oriented,
Purpose driven, and M assive action plan.”

Rapid Planning Method

The RPM is results oriented and focuses on helping you attain
your goals in a timely manner. When you use the RPM , you are
setting yourself up to stay focused on what counts. All too often,
people make up tedious to-do lists and spend several hours a day
checking off tasks. This gives them the illusion that they’re making
progress, but usually they are making minimal advances towards
their goals. The RPM is based solely on focus, specifically putting
your focus into positive, effective use. Anthony strongly believes
that focus equals power. Therefore, this entire method is based on

Before you have the ability to answer the question “what am I

going to do?” you need to ask yourself “what do I want?” By
focusing your shift to what you want, you stop your need to
merely fill time and create a situation where you know what you
have to do next in order to get what you want. When you maximize
your focus, you maximize your success, which can help maximize
your sense of fulfilment and joy. If you create a strong enough
reason why, you will lead your life with great purpose and achieve
many things.

RPM is not merely a time management system: it is a way of life.

Instead of simply managing your time, you will create a schedule
that maximizes your efficiency and drives you closer to a fulfilling
life that is always growing and contributing. In the beginning of
using this new system, you may feel that it is hard to commit.
However, you are urged to give yourself at least twenty-one days
to make the change. After all, most psychologists agree that it
takes at least twenty-one days to change your habits or start a new
To start using this method, you must first answer these three

1. What do I really want? (Not what you think you should

want, but what you really want.)
2. What is my purpose? (Not something you feel you should
do, but something you feel you must do.)
3. What is my massive action plan? (Brainstorm everything
you could possibly do towards your goal, and then later
decide which will be the most powerful in helping you get

Once you honestly answer these questions, you have all you need
to move forward in creating a strong schedule to help you take
massive steps towards accomplishing your goals.

The Wheel of Life

A major part of succeeding and focusing on the outcome is
understanding what the outcome entails. Success is an overall state
of mind that comes when you are thriving in all areas of your life.
When you are focusing on how you can improve your life to
achieve massive success, you have to look at the entire picture.
While you might be most interested in improving in your business
life, you need to realize that you will never feel successful in that
area if you are not thriving in other areas of your life. Success
without fulfillment equals failure, and that is exactly what you will
achieve if you don’t nurture all areas of your life.

Anthony Robbins describes a “wheel of life” which he uses to

represent the different areas of life that people should focus on. By
recognizing these areas of importance, you can make sure you put
effort into nurturing them so they can thrive. It is important to
invest in all aspects of the wheel of life, because you will not
advance with fulfilment if any of them are perishing. The areas in
the wheel include:

Family and Friends
Playtime, Hobbies and Fun
Personal Space

Each one of these categories is important to your overall wellbeing.

If you are failing in one of these categories, you will quickly start
to fail in others. Fulfilling these needs is just as important as
waking up in the morning and breathing. In the next section we will
learn how to master this wheel and achieve balance that will help
you get closer to success.

Mastering the Wheel of Life

The first step in mastering the wheel of life is understanding that
the wheel is constantly turning, and therefore the tide is constantly
changing. By this we mean that as times change, so will the wheel.
There is no finish line to success in any of these areas, instead you
must constantly be working on maintaining your success in them.
In order to master the wheel of life, you must take a minute to
understand what each category means to you. First, take a piece of
paper and write each one of the categories down, or draw your
own wheel of life. Then, take a minute to assess how you feel you
are doing in each category. Rate yourself from 0-10, 10 being the
best, and take a moment to understand why you gave yourself the
rating you did. Once you have your ratings done, you can make a
plan. Ideally, you will want to maintain your strengths, and focus
on your weaknesses. By keeping each category sufficiently cared
for, you can help eliminate a significant amount of stress which will
ultimately help you maintain a clear focus on anything you are
doing at any given time. You should revisit your wheel and regrade
yourself on how you feel you are doing from time to time, at least
a few times a year. Doing this regular check-in can help you take
notice on where you are suffering, and put extra effort into it to
make sure that you spend more time caring for that need. It is
important to realize that the wheel of life is a constantly turning
wheel that is ever changing, you might never reach total balance,
and that is ok. The important thing is that you are spending time
focusing on each category and that you are satisfied with the
amount of effort and attention you are capable of giving it.

By making sure each of these areas is sufficiently cared for, you

keep your wheel healthy and full. Just like a true wheel cannot turn
properly if there is a flat spot, neither can your wheel of life. When
you are working on your RPM method, you should make sure to
spend time focusing on all areas of your wheel of life. You should
also plan to care for the areas of the wheel in smaller portions on a
daily basis, as well as in larger portions on a weekly basis. For
example, to care for the family portion of the wheel, you could
make sure that every single night your family sits down to a dinner
together. This dinner could be free of distractions, and include
plenty of conversation where you can spend time learning about
each other’s days and bonding over a great meal together. Then, on
a weekly basis you might consider having a family day where you
put your phones away and play board games together, go bowling
together, or do any other activity that brings you closer together as
a family. You should also do this with other areas of your life.
M ake sure that when you are working on satisfying the needs of
any area that you are focused on the task at hand and aren’t
consistently being drawn away for distractions.

Make a Decision and Honor It

Once you make a decision as to what you are going to do, you
must honor that decision. You can honor it by giving it your clear
focus, free of distractions. By doing this, you can ensure you are
always giving your 150% to the task at hand. It is also important
to do this, because it is the only way to give it your all and see
your success through to the end. If you are consistently starting
projects, but never finishing them, then you will never succeed.

You will find that the more you give plenty of care to each area in
your wheel of life, and the more you effectively manage your time,
the easier it will become to give focus to the task at hand. This is
because you won’t have other radicals that are floating about in
your mind. You know what you have to do, and you do it.
Whether you are focusing on giving an important presentation at
work, focusing on having a project handed in on time, or focusing
on spending quality time with people you care about, you need to
make sure that you stay in the moment at all times. Of course,
your mind will wander, but you need to be proactive and stop it
from straying every time you notice it. The more you practice this,
the easier it will become. The easier it becomes, the more you will
reap success from any time you allot towards getting your projects

If you are having a hard time making a decision on what you need
to do, then you need to sit down and take a moment to think about
what you want. Are you under a tight deadline? Then you likely
want to complete your project. What do you have to do in order to
complete it? Do that. Are you suffering from health ailments that
you are ignoring, such as pain? What do you need to do to change
this? Book a doctor appointment, schedule time to go to the gym,
go for a walk, or do something that will help you satisfy the need
you have been ignoring. When you find that you are having a hard
time moving forward, it is likely because you don’t know what
you should be doing. Change this by discovering what it is you
need to do, and then taking immediate action towards doing it.
Chapter 4: 10 Minute Morning Ritual
Anthony Robbins has a 10-minute morning ritual that is perhaps
one of the most important rituals of his entire day. This ritual is
responsible for helping him wake up each morning and get in the
frame of mind that sets him up for success. By following this
routine, or making your own similar routine, you too can help
yourself get in the mindset of success. If you are going to tweak
any of the areas of this ritual, it is important that you replace it
with activities that can achieve the same purpose as each of these
ones do. That way you can succeed in the same ways Anthony
does. Your morning ritual is what sets the tone for your entire day,
so it is critical that you set a ritual that helps you feel like you are
alive and thriving, and like you have the ability to succeed every
single day.

Anthony’s ritual is incredibly simple, and only takes about 10
minutes to complete. Every single element of his ritual has an
important purpose as to why it exists, and this should be taken
into consideration when you are doing your own morning ritual.
Each task contributes to engaging part of his mind or body in the
overall positive energy that he wants to be in so that he can
succeed. These are the things that Anthony does every morning to
set himself up for success:

Wake Up
Do a Cold P lunge
P rime for The day

Express Gratitude
P ray

Fuel Up

The ritual seems simple because it truly is. That is why it is called
the 10-minute morning ritual. By giving yourself the first ten
minutes of your day to focus solely on getting yourself into a
positive and successful frame of mind, you will set yourself up to
succeed at anything you aim to do that day, every day. In the next
sections of this chapter, we are going to take a deeper look at how
each of these tasks are completed, and why they are important.
Wake Up, Cold Plunge
The very first part of Anthony’s ritual is obvious: wake up.
Anthony doesn’t prefer to stick to any specific time to wake up
on a day-to-day basis, so that aspect is constantly fluctuating.
However, every morning when he wakes up, he always devotes the
first ten minutes to focusing on himself and getting into the proper
frame of mind. After waking up, he quickly wakes up his entire
body with a cold plunge in a small temperature controlled pool.

Originally, his cold plunge was preceded by a quick jump in a

Jacuzzi. However, he eliminated the Jacuzzi and now simply goes
straight into the cold water. At each of Anthony’s several houses,
he has personalized cold plunge pools that are set to just 57
degrees Fahrenheit. Once he hops in, he keeps himself submerged
for an entire minute. Anthony quotes: “I don’t do it because I’m a
masochist – I do it because there is nothing that can change
everything in your system like a radical change in temperature.” By
creating this full body change, he wakes up every inch of his body
and prepares it for the new day.

While you may not have access to one of your own cold plunge
pools, you can still do this part of the ritual at home. To achieve a
similar result, you can instead hop in your shower and switch it to
a cold temperature. Ideally, it should be as cold as you can handle.
Then, stand in it for an entire minute before continuing on to have
your regular shower. While you are doing this, take notice as to
how the water wakes up every muscle and never in your body. The
change of sensation will likely make you extremely aware of your
body and the current moment, and this is a good thing. It helps you
bring your focus onto yourself and your body, and keep your mind

Prime for The day

Priming your mind is the biggest part of the morning ritual and
contributes a great deal to preparing you for the day ahead. This is
the part that is going to set the tone for how you tackle the day
you are about to experience. Priming helps you wake your mind up
in a positive way and makes sure you are operating in a peak state.
The following techniques are how Anthony primes himself for
each day, and you should too.

Although it seems straight forward, breathing is an important part
of priming. All too often, people forget to breathe deeply and
completely fill their lungs with air. We become preoccupied with
life and only subconsciously take small, shallow breaths
throughout the day. While this is enough to survive, it is not
always enough to assist our mind in achieving its peak state.

The morning is one of the most important times to fuel your lungs
and brain with oxygen. To do this, you should spend a few minutes
focused on taking proper, deep breaths. To practice breathing
exactly as Anthony does it, you should practice a technique that is
called Kapalbhati Pranayama breaths.

Kapalbhati Pranayama breaths are a type of yogic breathing that

help fuel your body with oxygen and release any excess carbon
dioxide in your lungs. To do these breaths, you are required to sit
up with your spine straight. Then, take a deep breath in, filling
your lungs up as much as you comfortably can. Once you have,
you can then exhale forcefully by constricting the muscles in your
abdomen and forcing all of the air from your lungs until they are
completely empty. You should practice this exercise 30 times each

Express Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most important elements of success. Any
person who has achieved success will tell you that you must
experience gratitude in order to truly succeed. Anthony’s 10-
minute ritual involves expressing gratitude over at least three things
every single morning. He always makes sure that one of the things
is seemingly small, to remind him that everything is worth being
grateful for. Some small things he has noted expressing gratitude
include: “the wind on my face or the smile of my son.” Anthony
states that “The reason I picked gratitude is because when you’re
grateful you can’t be angry, and when you’re grateful you can’t be

M ake sure that every single morning you take the time to express
gratitude for at least three things in your life. Also, by choosing
things that are seemingly small, you too can ensure that you
always realize that everything counts – even the little things.

While you may not identify as a religious individual, it is important
that you practice prayer every day. This spiritual practice is
important to anyone, regardless of whether or not you identify in
the spiritual or religious worlds. Praying is an important part of
setting your mind in a positive way. It assists you in putting focus
on the things that matter to you, and in wishing goodwill onto
those around you and those who you care about.

Anthony Robbins says you should spend at least three minutes

praying for strength, wishing for good things to happen to your
family, friends, and other people you encounter, and praying for
any other positive thing you may think up. Praying is an
important aspect of setting your mind up for a positive outlook on
the day.


Anthony believes that Vipassana is one of the best meditations

anyone can commit to on a daily basis. The word Vipassana means
to see things as they really are. It is one of India’s most ancient
methods for meditation, and Anthony Robbins swears by it.
Vipassana is an important meditation because it lends a hand
towards self-transformation through the path of self-observation.
For the duration of your meditation, you should focus solely on
the meditation itself. You can do this while walking or while sitting.
Then, you want to fix your attention on your breath, and notice
how it enters and exits your nostrils each time you inhale and
exhale. The more you practice this meditation, the easier it will be
for you to enter the meditative state associated with it. Then, you
can better focus on the sensations throughout your body, and
become mindful of the way you continue to grow along your
natural life cycle. Anthony often talks about a white light that
encircles his entire body and fills him with pure, healing energy.
This light is achieved through meditation, and assists him in feeling
spiritually whole and energized. It is important to engage your
spirituality in your daily priming routine, as this part of you is just
as important as any other part of you is.

Fuel Up
As you may have suspected, it is vital that you fuel your body
with a nutritious breakfast before you face the day ahead of you.
This is an important part of preparing for your day because it
provides your body and brain with the energy it needs to operate
at its peak performance. If you want to succeed, you need your
body to operate at its best, so you should never skip breakfast.

After his morning ritual, Anthony usually opts for an unexciting

but highly nutritious breakfast that consists of fish and salad. This
breakfast is wholesome, and offers all of the nutrition that is
important to supporting your entire system throughout the
morning. While you may choose to fuel your body with a different
meal, you should take into account the quality of nutrition that
you are feeding your body to make sure that you are offering it the
best fuel possible. After all, your body and mind are the most
important tools in your ability to succeed. Without them, there is
no purpose for success as you would cease to exist. Offer your
body the thanks and gratitude it deserves by supporting it with a
well-balanced diet. Especially first thing in the morning. They
mean it when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the
Thank you again for purchasing Anthony Robbins: 7 Life Changing

I hope that you learned a lot while reading this book, and that you
now understand how you can take the necessary steps to make
massive changes in your life.

The next step is to review each of the lessons, habits and rituals
that we have discussed in this book and then put them to work in
your own life. By doing this, you will unleash your power to
achieve phenomenal levels of success in all areas of your life.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book, please take a moment to leave a

review on Amazon. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, and best of luck in achieving a great life.

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