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13 Comets, Titan and Mars:

Astrobiology and Space Projects

Yves Bénilan and Hervé Cottin

All the solar system bodies were formed about 4.6 billion years ago, when
a molecular cloud collapsed. The Sun, the telluric planets, the giant planets
as well as their satellites, and the small bodies (asteroids and comets), were
born from this material, which was probably quite homogeneously mixed in the
beginning. From then, the physicochemical evolution yielded life at least on the
Earth and also maybe on Mars or more speculatively on Europa. Thanks to
space exploration, we try to figure out what makes the Earth such a peculiar
object that it is the only one known to harbor life, and therefore, the extent
to which life may have arisen somewhere else in the universe. To date, two
factors appear to be of prime importance: a source of organic molecules and
liquid water, the only solvent in which advanced molecular complexity appears
to be possible to achieve, a preliminary condition for life. Henceforth, space
missions dealing with astrobiology questions are conceived to answer these ques-
– What is the origin and the distribution of the organic matter in the solar
– Does water exist or did water exist in the liquid form on other objects?
The goal of this chapter consists of a brief review of space exploration dealing
with three bodies of great astrobiological interest in our solar system: comets,
Titan and Mars. Each of them is located at a specific level of our understanding
of the origin of life on Earth, and the possibility that life could arise somewhere
else. Comets as exogenous sources for prebiotic molecules, Titan as a model of an
atmosphere in which endogenous syntheses of such molecules are very efficient,
and finally Mars, which was the Earths “twin-sister planet” more than three
billions years ago, where it is now established that liquid water once flowed, and
thus might have once harbored life.

Yves Bénilan and Hervé Cottin, Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects. In:
Muriel Gargaud et al. (Eds.), Lectures in Astrobiology, Vol. II, Adv. Astrobiol. Biogeophys.,
pp. 347–428 (2007)
DOI 10.1007/10913314 13 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
348 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

13.1 An Astrobiological Look at the Solar System

13.1.1 The Origin of the Organic Matter The Exogenous Track

Figure 13.1 is a scheme of the evolution of matter from our natal molecular
cloud, to the different objects of the solar system. It shows, for each of them,
the critical parameters that one considers favorable or unfavorable for life to

Fig. 13.1. Astrobiological tree of the solar system. The evolution of matter (see also
Fig. 13.3) and astrobiological relevance of solar system objects. From bottom to top,
and from left to right: the Horsehead nebula, comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), Orgueil
meteorite, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
and objects of the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud, Io, Callisto, Mimas, Phoebe, Ariel,
Oberon, Triton, Europa and Titan
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 349

appear on those bodies. Everything starts with a molecular cloud (Fig. 13.1),
which one might call LUC (last universal cloud) as an analogy with LUCA
(last universal common ancestor) the common ancestor to all living organisms
on the Earth, and LUCY who once was the oldest found human ancestor (see
Chap. 11). Most certainly, the molecular clouds that we are now able to observe
in our galaxy show strong analogies with the composition of our natal cloud LUC.
Remote sensing observations have shown that organic chemistry is very active
and advanced in such clouds, as well in the gaseous phase as in the solid phase
(interstellar ices) (Ehrenfreund and Charnley 2000). HCN, HC3 N or HCHO have
been detected, and such molecules are of great astrobiological interest (Brack
2003; Oro and Cosmovici 1997).1 Moreover, a large number of experimental
simulations in the laboratory predict that one might expect the existence of
molecules much more complex than the ones already detected. Such experiments
consist in simulating the chemistry occurring in interstellar ices, when submitted
to irradiations (with photons or charged particles) or thermal cycles (Despois
and Cottin 2005). In molecular clouds, a large amount of organic matter should
be frozen on condensation nuclei made of silicates (Fig. 13.2). Some gravitational
perturbation probably leads the cloud to collapse on itself, which resulted in the
birth of our Sun and our planetary system.
A schematic view consists of considering that the original composition of in-
terstellar grains was lost since they have been either incorporated in the Sun or
planets, or pyrolysed in the vicinity of the Sun. Interstellar ices could also sub-
limate in the warmest parts of the nebula in which they have been brought by
turbulent radial mixing in the solar nebula (Fig. 13.3). However, the extension
of the turbulent region determines the possibility to keep pristine interstellar
matter in comets. Inside the turbulent region, radial mixing brings interstellar

Fig. 13.2. Interstellar grain model. A silicate core on which volatile molecules condense
in molecular clouds. The chemistry between those molecules leads to the synthesis
of other compounds, with enhanced complexity. Our solar system formed with the
accretion of such material. Some comets might have kept intact some of those grains
In liquid water HCN chemistry leads to the synthesis of amino acids and puric
bases (adenine and guanine), whereas HC3 N chemistry produces pyrimidic bases,
and HCHO chemistry results in sugars or amino acids (when coupled with HCN).
350 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.3. Evolution of the matter between our natal molecular cloud, solar nebula
and incorporation into the solar system bodies

grains close to the Sun, resulting in a loss of their initial composition. According
to models, the turbulent region of the nebula can extend up to 30AU (Bockelée-
Morvan et al. 2002; Hersant et al. 2001). Beyond, grains might have remained
in a cold environment, and thus have kept an unaltered interstellar composition.
Several models result from those considerations, in which the interstellar organic
matter undergoes different levels of transformation before it is stored in comets.
They are sometimes considered as simple unaltered interstellar grain aggregates
(Greenberg 1982), or from a rather different point of view, made of matter com-
pletely re-processed in the solar nebula (Prinn and Fegley 1989). Other models
consider an intermediate scenario (Lunine et al. 1991; Iro et al. 2003), which are
probably more realistic (see Despois and Cottin 2005 for more details on this
topic). However, putting aside the discussion about the origin of the cometary
matter, observations show an undeniable abundance of a large variety of organic
compounds. Molecules such as HCN, HCHO or HC3 N, which have been detected
in several comets, can have an origin in the interstellar medium or inside the
nebula but keep the same astrobiological interest. Moreover, in situ measure-
ments in the close vicinity of comets 1P/Halley (in 1986) and 81P/Wild 2 (in
2004) bear witness to the existence of more complex structures. These later re-
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 351

main in the solid phase on dust grains when ejected from the nucleus, due to
their high molecular mass (Huebner 1987; Kissel and Krueger 1987; Kissel et al.
2004; Mitchell et al. 1992). The lack of liquid water flowing in the nuclei over
a long period of time does not allow to seriously consider the possibility of life
on comets (even if short events of ice melting are possible for brief periods after
the nucleus formation due to the radioactive decay of radioelements such as 26 Al
(Podolak and Prialnik 1997)). Still, all detected molecules, to which the complex
molecules inferred from laboratory experimental simulations can be added, turn
comets into objects with great astrobiological potential as endogenous sources
for prebiotic molecules. Comets are the target of several past, current and future
space missions, on which we will focus later in this chapter.
Nevertheless, molecules of astrobiological interest can be destroyed by the
same processes that lead to their formation once synthesized in the interstel-
lar medium or in the solar nebula (UV, charged particles or thermal cycles).
Experiments conducted in space, onboard the MIR station, or space capsules
FOTON, have shown that amino acids can survive exposition to solar UVs if
they are embedded in a mineral matrix (on cometary grains for example, but
also in meteorites) (Barbier et al. 1998; Barbier et al. 2002; Boillot et al. 2002).
After surviving a long stay in space, those molecules have to endure the energy
release when comets and meteorites impact the Earth. Theoretical (Chyba et al.
1990) and laboratory (Blank et al. 2001) works have shown that amino acids can
survive such collisions.
Meteorites and more specifically those belonging to the carbonaceous chon-
drite family are another exogenous source for organic molecules. Unlike comets,
for which no direct analysis of the nucleus composition has ever been made,
a large number of meteorites have been studied with the most sensitive instru-
ments in laboratories on Earth since by definition meteorites are bodies reach-
ing Earth surface (the most famous among them being Murchison, Murray and
Orgueil). The current flux of meteorites is estimated to be about 10 tons/year
(Bland et al. 1996), and was probably higher on the primitive Earth. Great
amounts of organic molecules have been detected in meteorites: hydrocarbons,
alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines, amides, heterocycles including uracil, adenine
and guanine (Stoks and Schwartz 1979; Stoks and Schwartz 1981), more than
70 amino acids for the Murchison meteorite, and recently diamino acids in the
same object (Meierhenrich et al. 2004). Those detections show obviously that
molecules once synthesized in space are able to survive impacts. Enantiomeric
excess at the level of a few percents have been measured for some amino acids
in the Murchison and Murray meteorites (Cronin and Pizzarello 1997; Pizzarello
and Cronin 2000). This could give us a key to understanding the origin of ho-
mochirality in living organisms on Earth. Unlike comets, it is clear that parent
bodies of meteorites have gone through events with liquid water, which might
have lead to more advanced stages of chemical evolution. No space mission has
been currently developed to analyze the composition of carbonaceous asteroids,
which are probably the parent bodies of chondrites. Therefore, it is not in the
352 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

frame of this chapter to discuss further those objects. Our point is simply to
underline the astrobiological importance of meteorites as an exogenous source of
complex organic material. A very detailed review dealing with organic molecules
in meteorites can be found in Botta and Bada (2002). However, a project to
explore a carbonaceous asteroid could certainly be selected in the years to come,
and this will give us important information about the evolution stage of those
bodies and the origin of their organic component.
Micrometeorites are another vector for exogenous delivery of organic mole-
cules. With an asteroidal or cometary origin, their current flux is estimated to
be about 10 000 tons a year. They slowly sediment in the terrestrial atmosphere
and thus undergo little warming that could destroy their organic content. Amino
acids have been detected in micrometeorites collected in Antarctica (Maurette
1998). Therefore, they could also have played an important role in the origin of
life process.
These three different kinds of exogenous delivery methods (comets, mete-
orites and micrometeorites) not only occurred on Earth, but also throughout
the solar system (Fig. 13.1). However, those ingredients require liquid water to
reach an increased level of complexity that could have lead to life. The Endogenous Track

During the 1950s, for the first time, Stanley Miller implemented an experiment
that consisted of simulating the chemistry coupling of a model of the primitive
Earth atmosphere and the oceans. He submitted a gaseous mixture made of H2 ,
CH4 , NH3 and H2 O to an electric discharge that simulated lightning storms,
this mixture being connected with a warm liquid water bulb. This experiment
resulted in the detection of a large amount of organic molecules, including sev-
eral amino acids (Miller 1953). Those measurements are the basis of the chemi-
cal evolution theory, showing that the chemistry between simple and abundant
molecules (in planetary atmosphere in the case of Miller’s experiment) synthe-
sizes key compounds leading to the formation of life, as we know it on Earth.
The choice of a reduced atmosphere (C as CH4 and N as NH3 ) was motivated
by the observations of the giant planets (detection of H2 , CH4 and NH3 ), which
are supposedly not to have evolved since their formation, and were therefore
considered by Miller as good models for the primitive atmosphere of the telluric
planets. Nevertheless, it is now considered that Earth’s primitive atmosphere
was dominated by CO2 and N2 , just like Venus and Mars. Such a composition
does not allow syntheses of complex organic molecules, as shown in Table 13.1.
However, if the Earth mantle was less oxidized 3.8 billions years ago than today,
an important amount of methane could have been emitted through volcanism
(Kasting 1993; Selsis and Parisot 2001). In this case, endogenous “Miller kind
syntheses” were possible. However, to date, we do not have any indication of
the amount of reduced gas in Earth’s primitive atmosphere. Unlike exogenous
deliveries that are still observed nowadays, there is no evidence that atmospheric
endogenous syntheses actually occurred in the Earth’s prebiotic environment.
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 353

Table 13.1. Organic molecules synthesized during “Miller-like” experiments as

a function of the composition of the starting mixture (adapted from Raulin 2001).
Compounds measured in the solid phase residues are usually detected after an acid

Gaseous Related Organic products

mixture planetary Electric discharge Photolysis

CH4 + NH3 Giant planets RH (saturated RH (mostly sat)

+ H2 O (+ H2 ) & unsaturated) HCN
HCN & other RCN (saturated)
nitriles (saturated), if N/C < 1
RCO2 H, H2 CO RNH2 if N/C > 1
other aldehydes H2 CO, other
Ketones & alcohols aldehydes
Solid : Amino acids Ketones & alcohols
& nitrogenated Solid : Amino acids
heterocycles after after hydrolysis
CH4 + N2 Titan, Triton RH (saturated RH (saturated
(+ H2 O) & unsaturated) & unsaturated)
HCN & other nitriles H2 CO & other
(saturated & unsatu- aldehydes with
rated) including HC3 N, low yields
other aldehydes
and C2 N2 , H2 CO
Ketones & alcohols
Solid : Amino acids Solid : Carboxylic
& nitrogenated hetero- acids
cycles after hydrolysis
CO + NH3 HCN, oxygenated organic compounds
+ H2 O Solid : Amino acids after hydrolysis
CO2 + N2 Primitive Earth? RH (mostly saturated)
+ H2 O HCN, other nitriles (saturated)
+ CO/H2 H2 CO, other aldehydes, ketones
Solid : Amino acids after hydrolysis
CO2 + N2 Primitive Earth? No synthesis
+ H2 O Venus, Mars
354 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

However, unlike the Earth, Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, has a no-
ticeable fraction of methane in addition to an atmosphere mainly composed of
nitrogen. As shown in Table 13.1, organic syntheses are very efficient in such an
environment, which is confirmed by observations since we can observe a thick
layer of organic aerosols resulting from N2 /CH4 complex chemistry. Yet, the
temperature of the satellite does not allow liquid water on the surface. There-
fore, Titan can be considered as a laboratory at the planetary scale in which we
can study the level of complexity that chemical evolution can reach without any
water in the liquid phase. Clearly, there is no serious reason to consider that life
might have appeared on Titan. Nevertheless, the presence of oceans is possible
under a deep ice layer (Fortes 2000), but transport between surface organics and
underground liquid water is still an open issue. Titan is the destination of the
European probe Huygens, which will be later developed in this chapter.
Finally, another kind of endogenous source of organic compounds has to be
considered: a synthesis at the bottom of the oceans, in hydrothermal vents (also
known as black smokers) (Corliss et al. 1981). When oceanic plates are drifting
apart, water infiltrates the crust and springs from black smokers at high tem-
peratures, enriched in gas (H2 , N2 , CH4 , H2 S, etc.) and minerals. It has been
shown experimentally that amino acids can be synthesized in such conditions
(high temperature and pressure, reduced environment, and minerals which can
act as a catalyst) (Hennet et al. 1992; Yanagawa and Kobayashi 1992). However,
such molecules are also very efficiently destroyed due to the very high temper-
atures in those environments. More experimental data and field measurements
are required to assess the feasibility of this mechanism.

13.1.2 Follow the Water

Water in the liquid state seems to be the most favorable solvent to allow
molecules with an exogenous or endogenous origin to reach more evolved struc-
tures, and thus to make possible the appearance of life. If the H2 O molecule
is ubiquitous in the solar system and the galaxy, it is most of the time in the
gaseous phase (Venus, Mars, giant planets, interstellar medium) or the solid
phase (giant planets icy moons, comets, interstellar ices). To date, the presence
of water in the liquid state has only been established on the Earth. Yet, two
solar system objects are of prime interest: Mars and Europa. Mars

NASA’s current strategy for Martian exploration is summarized in the expres-

sion: “follow the water”. Even if nowadays there is no evidence of liquid water
on the surface of the red planet, the record of past aqueous flows can be read in
the landscapes morphology, and in the composition of some minerals or rocks,
which can only be formed in the presence of liquid water. A large number of
space missions to Mars slowly lift the veil on its past. As we will see later in
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 355

this chapter (see also Chap. 4), it is now quite well-established that an abundant
amount of water once flowed on Mars (rivers, or even an ocean covering almost
the whole northern hemisphere), and this, at a time period during which life had
possibly already appeared on Earth. Thus, a source of organic molecules (the
Martian primitive atmosphere being probably similar to the Earth’s, the exoge-
nous source hypothesis is the most likely) combined with liquid water, could have
induced the appearance of life just like on Earth. However, attempts to detect
organic molecules on Mars have not yet been successful. Today, those molecules
and possible liquid water pockets, if any, are probably buried underground, and
future space missions will have to dig the oxidized soil of the planet to add a new
dimension to our knowledge of Mars. If life developed on Mars, independently
from the Earth2 , this could mean that the jump from chemistry to biology is
written in the laws of the natural evolution of organic matter each time the
requirements “organic matter plus liquid water” are fulfilled. Europa and the Icy Moons of the Giant Planets

Observations of the Jovian satellite Europa from the space probe Galileo lead
to an accumulation of data that converge to the hypothesis that an ocean is
buried under its icy surface (morphological clues (Carr et al. 1998), detection of
a magnetic field (Kivelson et al. 2000), and hydrated salts at the surface (McCord
et al. 1999)). The ocean could have been created by the heating of the planet
due to Jupiter’s gravitational field, which puts Europa out of shape and induces
important stresses on the ice. It could be hundreds of kilometers deep and would
be covered with an icy layer of thickness 10 to 50 km (Fig. 13.4) (Sotin et al.
2002), which casts the feasibility of a submarine exploration mission into the
rather distant future. Nevertheless, external exploration missions are currently
considered to confirm the presence of an ocean under the ices of Europa: JIMO
(Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter) was an example of project for such a mission.3
However, the association between liquid water and a source of organic
molecules is still problematic on Europa. According to the thickness of the ice
layer, exchanges between exogenous deliveries at the surface and the ocean are
possible but could be very limited (Pierazzo and Chyba 2002; Schenk 2002). Con-
cerning endogenous sources, in the absence of an atmosphere, organic syntheses
in the vicinity of black smokers could be the only way to synthesize prebiotic
compounds. Indeed, theoretical models have shown that the putative ocean of
Europa could be in contact with the silicate mantle of the planet. If an inner
It is also possible that life appeared on only one of the two planets, and then was
exported to the other: Martian meteorites have indeed been collected on Earth show-
ing that such a travel is feasible, one of these meteorites contains very controversial
hints of past microbial activity: ALH 84001. Experiments implemented in space have
shown that some microorganisms can survive such an interplanetary journey.
For more information about JIMO: Icy Moons Orbiter
356 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.4. A representation of the internal structure of Europa (Sotin et al. 2002)

source of heat from inside the satellite does exist, hydrothermal vents could be
present at the bottom of the ocean, even if these considerations are still very
speculative. Thus, a conjunction of those favorable conditions could make Eu-
ropa another object of the solar system currently harboring life.
The presence of oceans is also considered inside Ganymede (McCord et al.
2001) and Callisto (Zimmer et al. 2000). However, in both cases, they would
be embedded at larger depths than on Europa, and trapped between two ice
layers, where the presence of hydrothermal vents is not possible. Ganymede and
Callisto are also targets of the JIMO mission.

13.2 The Space Exploration of Comets

13.2.1 General Considerations

As already mentioned in this chapter, comets, as are planets, are made of matter
from a molecular cloud, which collapsed to give birth to our solar system. Those
icy planetesimals have not been through differentiation processes thanks to their
small size; they have been stored in the outermost, hence coldest, regions of the
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 357

solar system (Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud). Therefore their initial composition
should remain unchanged and thus bear testimony of the physical and chemi-
cal environment prevailing in the solar nebula region in which they have been
formed. Some might even kept the same composition as our natal molecular
cloud (Fig. 13.3). Therefore, comets are considered as the oldest archives of our
planetary system, as if samples of pristine matter were stored in a freezer to
be preserved. A gravitational perturbation or a collision can eject a cometary
nucleus out of its reservoir and place it on an elliptical orbit that will lead it
close to the Sun. This approach triggers the sublimation of the ices (first CO,
then H2 O and other volatile compounds which are frozen far from the Sun) and
leads to the formation of the cometary atmosphere (the coma) and of the tails
that can sometimes be seen with naked eyes from the Earth (Fig. 13.5) (much
more about comets can be found in Despois and Cottin 2005).
Most of the currently available data about the composition of comets are
derived from observations by teledetection methods from Earth. To date, about
twenty molecules have been detected in the gaseous phase (mainly H2 O, but
also CO, CO2 , CH3 OH, NH3 , HCN, CH4 , etc.), but there is no direct infor-
mation about the molecular composition of cometary nuclei (Bockelée-Morvan
et al. in press; Despois and Cottin 2005). Those observations are the starting
point for a large number of laboratory experiments, which consist of simulating
the behavior of ices made of molecules detected in the coma. Those ices are

Fig. 13.5. Structure of a comet at about 1 AU from the Sun

358 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

submitted to different kinds of energy sources (UV photons, charged particles,

thermal cycles) simulating the conditions they encountered during their history
(where history can go back to long before being incorporated into comets, maybe
even into the interstellar medium). Those experiments yield the production of
molecules much more complex than the starting material, and are a sign for
great complexity of the nucleus in terms of organic composition (Table 13.2).

Table 13.2. Molecules detected during experimental simulations of cometary and

interstellar ice analogues. Italic letters refer to molecules actually detected in comets,
(t) means tentative detection only in the analogues. Amino acids (alanine, AIB, and so
on, except glycine) were detected after acid hydrolysis of the room temperature residue
(from Despois and Cottin 2005)
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 359

Space missions are a necessary complement to observation from the Earth and
laboratory experimental simulations.
Finally, since the nucleus is hidden behind the coma, its observation from
the Earth is impossible. If the comet is not active, the nucleus is much too far
and too dark to be observed. Thus, we have the pictures of only four cometary
nuclei, which have been taken from space probes (Fig. 13.6).

13.2.2 Past Missions

Past cometary space missions are presented in Table 13.3 and Fig. 13.7. It is
not possible to summarize all the results obtained from those missions in the
frame of this chapter; therefore, we have chosen to focus more specifically on
astrobiology related data.
Organic compounds with molecular weights higher than those observed by
teledetection methods (from the Earth or from space probe instruments) have

Fig. 13.6. The four cometary nuclei observed to date: Halley from the Giotto space-
craft in 1986 (distance at picture time: ∼ 700 km, nucleus: 4.1 × 4.2 × 8 km) (courtesy of
ESA/MPIfA); Borrelly from the Deep Space 1 spacecraft in 2001 (distance: 3417 km,
nucleus: 3.2 × 8 km) (courtesy of NASA/JPL); Wild 2 from Stardust in 2004 (distance:
500 km, nucleus: ∼ 5 km) (courtesy of NASA/JPL); Temple 1 from Deep Impact in
2005 (distance: 3000 km, nucleus: ∼ 5 × 7 km) (courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD)
Table 13.3. Specifications and main results for past cometary space missions

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

ISEE-3/ICE NASA 08/12/1978: The International Sun-Earth Instruments for First confirmation
Mass: 390 kg Launch Explorer 3 was part of measurements of that comets are
Nominal a program of three probes magnetic fields, made of ice and
power: 173 W 1981: conceived to study plasma, ions, X dust as predicted
End of nominal interactions between the and γ-rays by Whipple (1950)
mission Sun and Earth magneto-
sphere. The probe was Closest Giacobini-
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

09/11/1985: then renamed International Zinner approach:

Fly through the Cometary Explorer and 26 650 km
ion tail of comet headed toward comet
Giacobini-Zinner Giacobini-Zinner. The probe
will perhaps be captured in
August 2014 and then ex-
hibited in a space museum
SAKIGAKE ISAS 01/07/1985: This mission is the first space Mainly magnetic Was used as a distant
Mass: 138.1 kg (Japan) Launch probe launched independently fields and solar reference point for the
Nominal power: from the USA and USSR wind measurement interpretation of the
100 W 03/11/1986: instruments results of other probes
Comet Halley It was mainly consisting in that got closer to the
Means flyby a feasibility study for Suisei nucleus
“Pioneer” probe, both missions being Closest Halley
in Japanese devoted to Comet Halley approach: 7 × 106 km
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

SUISEI ISAS 08/18/1985: Twin probe of SAKIKAGE, Mainly a UV Study of the hydro-
Mass: 139.5 kg Launch except for the instrument imagery camera gen cloud around
After Halley flyby, attempts and a solar wind the nucleus of
Nominal power: 03/08/1986: to redirect the spacecraft measurement Comet Halley
100 W Comet Halley towards comets Giacobini- instrument Closest Halley
flyby Zinner and Temple-Tuttle approach: 152 400 km
Means failed because of lack of fuel Was hit by at least
“comet” two cometary grains
in Japanese (about 1 mm in diam-
eter) at this distance
VEGA 1 USSR 12/15/1984: Twin probe of Vega 2, 1 – TVS: Television Vega 1 & 2 probes
Mass: 4920 kg Launch it had two goals: system, 2 – TKS: 3 were the first to
(including to release an entry probe channels spectro- accomplish Comet
1500 kg for the 06/11/1985: in the atmosphere of meter, 3 – IKS: Infra- Halley flyby. Pic-
Venusian Arrival and Venus (atmospheric balloon), red spectrometer, 4 – tures taken at that
module) release of the and the flyby of Comet PUMA: Mass spectro- time were used to
Vega is a Venusian probe Halley. Concerning comets, meter for dust grains, refine the final
contraction it was conceived to measure 5 – SP-1 & 2: Dust approach of Giotto
between Venera 03/06/1986: the physical parameters particles counter, 6 – spacecraft. On
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

(name of the Comet Halley of the nucleus (size, shape, ING: Mass spectro- Vega 1 pictures
soviet Venusian flyby temperature and surface meter for neutral two bright regions
missions) and properties), the structure gas, 7 – PLASMAG: could be distin-
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

Gallei (Halley and dynamic of the coma, Plasma energy analy- guished, and were
in Russian) the composition of gas sis, 8 – TUNDE-M: first interpreted as
and grains, and solar Energetic particles two distinct nuclei
wind interactions analysis, 9 – MISCHA: (whereas it was latter
Magnetometer,10 – established that it
APV-N & V: Waves was indeed more active
and plasma analysis, regions on the nucleus).
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

11 – DUCMA: Dust First detection of organ-

particles detector, ic molecules on grains.
12 – MSU-TASPD: Closest Halley approach:
Energetic particles 8890 km
analysis Speed relative to
nucleus: 78 km/s
VEGA 2 USSR 12/21/1984: See VEGA 1 See VEGA 1 Closest Halley
Mass: 4920 kg Launch approach: 8030 km
(including 15/06/1985: Speed relative to
1500 kg Arrival and nucleus: 78 km/s
for the release of the
Venusian Venusian probe
module) 03/09/1986:
Comet Halley
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

GIOTTO ESA 07/02/1985: First probe of the European 1 – HMC: Halley First picture of
Mass: 582.7 kg Launch Space Agency. Its main Multicolor Camera a cometary nucleus.
goals were: (1) to collect (nucleus pictures); With a very low
Nominal power: 03/14/1986: color pictures of the 2 – MAG, Magneto- albedo, Comet
196 W Comet Halley nucleus, (2) to determine meter, 3 – DID: dust Halley nucleus is
flyby the molecular and isotopic impact detection sys- one of the darkest
The name abundances in the coma, tem (dust flux and objects of the
Giotto was 07/10/1992: (3) to characterize the mass measurements), solar system.
chosen because comet Grigg- physical and chemical pro- 4 – RPA: Retarding The probe detected
the artist Skjellerup cesses in the coma and in Plasma Analyser complex organic
painted a comet flyby the ionosphere, (4) to de- which consists in matter on grains.
on one of his termine the molecular and ESSA: electrostatic Halley closest
paintings isotopic composition of analysis + PICCA: approach: 596 km
cometary grains, (5) to Positive Ion Cluster (14 seconds before
measure the gas and dust Composition Analyser closest approach,
production, and (7) to (mass spectrometer), a large impact
study comets/solar wind 5 – JPA: Johnstone interrupted trans-
interactions. After Halley Plasma Analyser (two missions during
flyby, even if some instru- instruments devoted 32 minutes) Speed
ments were damaged (in- to the study of the relative to
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

cluding the camera), the solar wind and nucleus: 68 km/s.

probe was redirected towards charged particles), 6 – After Halley flyby,
comet Grigg-Skjellerup OPE: Optical Probe, the spacecraft was
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

Experiment (bright- covered in at least

ness of the coma) 26 kg of dust.
7 – EPA: Energetic During the en-
Particles (electrons, counter with comet
protons and α-particles Grigg-Skjellerup
measurement), 8 – GRE: (at less than
Giotto Radio Experi- 200 km from the
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

ment (electronic envi- nucleus), Giotto

ronment), 9 – PIA: was able to meas-
Particulate Impact ure surprising
Analyser, 10 – NMS: variations in the
Neutral Mass Spectro- magnetic field, and
meter, 11 – IMS: Ion gathered evidences
Mass Spectrometer that a second
(9, 10, 11: three mass nucleus might be
spectrometers for the present in the
analysis of gas and coma
grains compositions)
DEEP SPACE 1 NASA 10/24/1998: Technological mission 1 – MICAS: Miniature Second cometary
Mass: 374 kg Launch mainly devoted to test- Integrated Camera nucleus to be
Nominal power: 07/29/1999: ing ionic propulsion. Spectrometer (UV, photographed. No
2500 W Asteroid 9969 First objective was the Visible, IR imager), water ice detected
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

Braille flyby flyby of an asteroid 2 – PEPE: Plasma at the surface

09/22/2001: Then, the mission was Experiment for Asteroid Braille
comet Borrelly extended to the Planetary Exploration, closest approach:
flyby flyby of two comets: 3 – FGM: Fluxgate 26 km, relative
Wilson-Harrington in magnetometer speed: 15.5 km/s
January 2001 and comet Borrelly
Borrelly in September closest approach:
2001. Due to a failure 2171 km, relative
of the navigation system, speed: 16.6 km/s
only comet Borelly en-
counter was feasible
CONTOUR NASA 07/03/2002: The goal of the mission 1 – CRISP: CONTOUR Mission lost
Mass: 328 kg Launch was a detailed study Remote Imager/Spectro-
of three comets: graph, (Visible and
08/15/2002: Encke, Schwassman- infrared imager),
Contact lost Wachmann 3, and 2 – CFI: CONTOUR
comet d’Arrest or another Forward Imager (Imager
one according to new and navigation),
detections during the 3 – NGIMS: Neutral
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

mission. The contact Gas Ion Mass Spectro-

with the probe was lost meter,
Table 13.3. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

during the ignition of one 4 – CIDA: CONTOUR

of the engines. It is Dust Analyzer (Mass
thought that the temper- spectrometer for dust
ature increase caused the analysis)
spacecraft destruction
Missions not dedicated to comets, but with related opportunity results
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

GALILEO NASA 10/18/1990: Direct observation of the collision between comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and
Exploration Launch Jupiter (July 16 to 22, 1994), which took place on the other side of Jupiter
of Jupiter when seen from the Earth
and its moons 09/21/2003:
Impact with
ULYSSE ESA 06/10/1990: Crossed by chance the tails of comet Hyakutake, and showed that
Sun exploration Launch cometary tails were much longer than expected
and more
specifically 05/1996:
its poles Encounter
(out of the with comet
ecliptic plane) Hyakutake
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 367

Fig. 13.7. Past cometary missions (courtesy of NASA)

Fig. 13.8. Accumulated mass spectra collected in Comet Halley by the instrument
PUMA on board Vega 1 spacecraft and tentative interpretation (adapted from Kissel
and Krueger 1987)

been detected by mass spectrometry, mainly with the PICCA instrument (part
of RPA) onboard the Giotto spacecraft, and the PUMA instrument, onboard
Vega 1. The first was dedicated to the analysis of the gaseous phase, whereas
the latest was conceived to analyze the composition of cometary dust grains. The
most fruitful related studies have been reported by Kissel and Krueger (1987).
To interpret the PUMA mass spectra, they made hypotheses about the sud-
den energy dissipation processes near solid surfaces after an impact to infer the
rules of molecular ion formation. Such impacts occur when a dust particle hits
the mass spectrometer’s target. This hypothesis yields a good agreement be-
368 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

tween their predictions and other observations for small molecules (e.g., HCN,
CH3 CN). For larger molecules, the problem is more complex, as they cannot
survive the impact process without fragmentation. In addition to the difficulty
of assembling correctly the fragments to reconstitute the original molecule, the
nature of the fragments themselves is uncertain, several fragments having the
same mass (at the spectrometer’s resolution). Thus the identification by the au-
thors of purines and adenine, for example, should be considered as very tentative.
However, what is clearly shown by the PUMA mass spectra is that compounds
with complex structure and large molecular masses (at least with m/z up to
160g × mol−1 ) are present in grains, which agrees with results from laboratory
On the other hand, first interpretations of the heavy-ion mass spectra
from the PICCA instrument led Huebner (1987) to infer the presence of poly-
oxymethylene (POM, the formaldehyde polymer) in the Comet Halley. The al-
ternation of patterns with a ratio m/z = 14 and 16 is in good agreement with
the succession of −CH2 − (m = 14) and −O− (m = 16) that form the polymer
(Fig. 13.9). Huebner’s hypothesis seemed to be confirmed by laboratory stud-
ies that measure POM mass spectra, which are in agreement with observations
(Möller and Jackson 1990; Moore and Tanabe 1990). However, Mitchell et al.
(1992) showed that the mass spectrum pattern which led Huebner to announce
the detection of polyoxymethylene is only characteristic of a mixture of molecules
composed of C, H, O and N atoms (CHON molecules). Therefore, PICCA mass
spectra do not imply the presence of POM, but of a large diversity of CHON
molecules, among which POM could be present. Moreover, measurements with
the NMS (Neutral Mass Spectrometer) instrument, onboard Giotto, showed that

Fig. 13.9. Mass spectrum obtained with the PICCA instrument on board Giotto,
March 14, 1986. This a mean of spectra acquired between 8200 and 12 600 km from the
nucleus. (Huebner 1987)). Peaks near m/z = 45 are saturated, and masses beyond 120
are dominated by the apparatus noise. Comparison of the results with POM structure
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 369

Fig. 13.10. PICCA mass spectrum compared to the number of combinations between
C, H, O, N atoms leading to a molecular ion that can be observed (Mitchell et al. 1992)

the formaldehyde in Comet Halley could be produced by an extended source4

throughout the coma of Comet Halley (Meier et al. 1993). It has recently been
shown that such observations can be explained by the presence of POM on grains
(a few percents in mass). The polymer would be slowly decomposed into H2 CO
as it is heated and photolyzed (Cottin et al. 2004). Without being final evidence
for the presence of POM in comets, this polymer is so far the best explanation
to this extended source. Once it is imported to Earth’s primitive oceans, it could
be an interesting source of concentrated formaldehyde, and play a key role in
the synthesis of prebiotic sugars. Table 13.4 shows all the molecules detected
with mass spectrometry in Halley’s vicinity. Those results, even if they are not
always very specific, show that comets are extremely rich in terms of organic
composition, and thus are of prime interest for astrobiology studies. Current
and future missions have to take up the challenge of formal identification of
complex molecules in comets.

13.2.3 Current Missions

In the infrared and radio wavelength domains, simple organic molecules have
very specific signatures, and thus, they can be detected from the Earth by remote
The H2 CO spatial distribution in the coma is not compatible with an emission
from the nucleus only. This supports the hypothesis that there is an (at least one)
additional source which produces formaldehyde as it spreads outwards from the
nucleus. This is called an extended source.
370 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Table 13.4. Organic molecules inferred from mass spectra of gas and dust particles
in Comet Halley. The confidence levels of detections by MS are established as follows:
Confirmed : molecule also detected by remote observations; High: molecule not detected
by remote observations but present after laboratory irradiations of cometary ice ana-
logues; Medium: molecule detected only by mass spectroscopy with a good confidence
level according to the authors; Low : molecule only inferred by mass spectroscopy with
a low confidence level according to the authors

Molecule Family Mass Confidence Reference

spectrometer level

Hydrocyanic acid C-N-H PUMA, PICCA Confirmed 1, 2, 3

Methyl cyanide C-N-H IMS Confirmed 7
Acetonitrile C-N-H PUMA, PICCA Confirmed 1, 2, 3
Methanol C-O-H NMS Confirmed 6
Formaldehyde C-O-H PUMA, PICCA Confirmed 3
Formic acid C-O-H PUMA Confirmed 1, 2
Acetaldehyde C-O-H PUMA, PICCA Confirmed 1, 3
Ammonia N-H PUMA Confirmed 2
Isocyanic acid C-N-O-H PUMA Confirmed 1, 2
Ethane C-H NMS Confirmed 8
Acetylene C-H NMS Confirmed 8
Acetic acid C-O-H PUMA High 1
Polyoxymethylene C-O-H PICCA High (itself 4, 5
or derivatives)
Ethene C-H NMS High 8
Iminoethane C-N-H PUMA Medium 1, 2
Aminoethene C-N-H PUMA Medium 1, 2
Pyrroline C-N-H PUMA Medium 1
Pyrrole C-N-H PUMA Medium 1, 2
Imidazole C-N-H PUMA Medium 1
Pyridine C-N-H PUMA Medium 1, 2
Pyrimidine C-N-H PUMA Medium 1, 2
Ethyl cyanide C-N-H IMS Medium 7
Pentyne C-H PUMA Low 1
Hexyne C-H PUMA Low 1
Butadiene C-H PUMA Low 1
Pentadiene C-H PUMA Low 1
Cyclopentene C-H PUMA Low 1
Cyclopentadiene C-H PUMA Low 1
Clyclohexene C-H PUMA Low 1
Cyclohexadiene C-H PUMA Low 1
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 371

Table 13.4. (continued)

Molecule Family Mass Confidence Reference

Spectrometer Level

Benzene C-H PUMA Low 1

Toluene C-H PUMA Low 1
Propanenitrile C-N-H PUMA Low 1
Iminomethane C-N-H PUMA Low 1
Iminopropene C-N-H PUMA Low 1
Purine C-N-H PUMA Low 1, 2
Adenine C-N-H PUMA Low 1, 2
Polyaminocyano- C-N-H PICCA Low 5
Methanolnitrile C-N-O-H PUMA Low 1
Methanalimine C-N-O-H PUMA Low 1
Aminomethanol C-N-O-H PUMA Low 2
Aminomethanal C-N-O-H PUMA Low 2
Oxyimidazole C-N-O-H PUMA Low 1
Oxypyrimidine C-N-O-H PUMA Low 1
Xanthine C-N-O-H PUMA Low 1

1 (Kissel and Krueger 1987); 2 (Krueger and Kissel 1987); 3 (Krueger et al. 1991);
4 (Huebner 1987); 5 (Huebner et al. 1989); 6 (Eberhardt and Krankowsky 1995);
7 (Geiss et al. 1999); 8 (Altwegg et al. 1999)

sensing. This is not the case for complex compounds, for which low abundances
and/or less specific spectroscopic signatures requires other investigation means.
This can be illustrated by the three current space missions dealing with comets:
Stardust (sample return from comet Wild 2), Deep Impact (impact with comet
Temple 1 nucleus) and Rosetta (aiming to intercept comet 67P/Churuymov-
Gerasimenko, and for which one of the instruments is a gas chromatograph).
Information about those missions is presented in Table 13.5 and Fig. 13.11.
Stardust mission consists in two phases: collecting cometary dust grains with
an aerogel, which is now completed, then the analysis of the grains in Earth
laboratories after recovering the samples in January 2006. As far as the analysis
of the molecular composition of grains and their astrobiological relevance are
concerned, most of the science part will be done after the sample returns. Yet, it
is interesting to note that evidences of the presence of complex organic material
on grains have already been obtained thanks to the mass spectrometer onboard
Stardust (CIDA instrument) (Kissel et al. 2004). However, those analyses have
been performed on grains that may have evolved since their release from the
Table 13.5. Specifications and main results of current space missions

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

STARDUST NASA 02/07/1999: First mission with comet 1 – Imagery camera, Third cometary
Mass: 300 kg Launch sample return: dust 2 – Aerogel for nucleus to be
grains trapped in an aero- grains collection, photographed,
Nominal Power: 02–05/2000: gel during a comet flyby. 3 – CIDA: Cometary after Halley
330 W First interstellar Once brought back to and Interstellar Dust and Borrelly.
grains collection Earth, their physical Analyzer (mass Pictures have
properties and chemical spectrometer), shown a surpris-
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

07–12/2002: composition can be 4 – DFMI: Dust Flux ing topography:

Second interstellar analyzed with the most Monitor Instrument craters (probably
grains collection recent and sensitive instru- due to the
ments.The very low density outgassing of the
01/02/2004: of the aerogel should nucleus, which
Comet Wild 2 allow a progressive cause the surface
flyby and deceleration of dust grains, to collapse),
cometary grains in order to minimize cliffs and pits.
collection any alteration by heating, In situ analysis
and pyrolysis of organic of dust grains by
01/15/2006: molecules. Comet Wild 2 mass spectrometry
Earth sample is a relatively new comet corroborate previ-
return in the inner solar system, ous measurements
which passed only a few on Comet Halley
times in Sun’s vicinity grains, and confirm
Table 13.5. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

the presence of
complex organics.
Several thousand
grains have been
collected and will
be brought back to
Earth early 2006.
Wild 2 closest
approach: 236 km
DEEP IMPACT NASA 01/12/2005: The purpose of the On spacecraft: Successful impact.
Mass: 650 kg Launch mission is to know 1 – HRI: High Fourth cometary
+ 370 kg and characterize the Resolution Instrument nucleus to be
(impactor) 07/04/2005: inside of a comet. (visible and infrared) photographed.
Impact with Its main feature is 2 – MRI: Medium Closest picture:
Nominal power: comet Temple 1 an impactor that was Resolution Instrument 30 km from nucleus,
92 W launched toward comet (visible, mainly for with 4 m resolution.
Temple 1 to excavate a navigation during the Presence of impact
crater on its surface. last 10 days of the craters (therefore
During the impact the approach) not similar to
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

science objectives are: 3 – Impactor (370 kg, previous observed

(1) observe how the impact planned at nucleus). Diversity
crater forms, about 10 km/s) in appearance:
Table 13.5. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

(2) measure its depth smooth and

and diameter, cratered regions
(3) measure the compo- On impactor:
sition of the interior of the 4 – ITS: Impactor
crater and the ejectas, and Targeting Sensor
(4) determine the changes (Similar to MRI,
in outgassing after the visible imagery to
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

impact. On impact, the direct the impactor

crater produced is expected and produce nucleus
to range in size from that of pictures just before
a house to that of a football the impact)
stadium (∼ 115 m), and two
to fourteen stories deep
(more than 30 m)
ROSETTA ESA 03/02/2004: First mission whose goal is Instruments
Mass: 1200 kg Launch to land on a cometary
Nominal power: nucleus. It was first ROSETTA:
850 W 03/2005: conceived to explore
The name of First Earth comet Wirtanen, but Observations:
the mission gravity assist because of the failures OSIRIS: Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared
refers to the of Ariane 5 launcher Remote Imaging System,
Table 13.5. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments

agency objectives

Rosetta stone the mission was postponed ALICE: UV spectrometer,

that gave 02/2007: and a new target chosen: VIRTIS: Visible and Infrared Thermal
Champollion Mars gravity 67P/Churuymov- Imaging Spectrometer,
a crucial clue assist Gerasimenko. The science MIRO: Microwave Instrument for the
to understand objectives of the mission Rosetta Orbiter
Egyptian 11/2007: are:
hieroglyphs. Second Earth (1) a global character- Composition analysis:
The lander gravity assist ization of the nucleus ROSINA: Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer
was called (dynamic properties, for Ion and Neutral Analysis,
Philae following 09/05/2008: surface morphology), COSIMA: Cometary Secondary Ion Mass
the name of the Asteroid Steins and composition spectrometer,
island on which flyby (distance: (2) determination of the MIDAS: Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis
an obelisk was 1700 km) chemical, mineralogical and System
found. Its isotopic compositions of
association with 11/2009: volatiles and refractories in Physical properties of the nucleus and
the Rosetta Third Earth a nucleus, as well the the coma:
stone helped gravity assist links between the gaseous CONSERT: Comet Nucleus Sounding
Champollion and the solid phase, ExperimenT,
in his discovery. 07/10/2010: (3) study of the development GIADA: Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

Comets are Asteroid Lutetia of cometary activity and Accumulator,

considered as flyby (distance: the processes in the RPC: Rosetta orbiter Plasma Consortium,
the Rosetta 3000 km) surface layer of the RSI: Radio Science
Table 13.5. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments

agency objectives

stones that will nucleus and the inner coma

help us in (dust/gas interaction),
understanding 08/2014: (4) a global characterization PHILAE:
the origin of orbital insertion of asteroids (dynamic
the solar with comet properties, surface APX: Alpha-p-X rays spectrometer,
system Churuymov- morphology and composition) COSAC: Cometary Sampling and
Gerasimenko Composition experiment,
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

11/2014: MODULUS: Method Of Determining and

Philae delivery Understanding Light elements from
Unequivocal Stable isotope compositions,
CIVA/ROLIS: Rosetta Lander Imaging
SESAME: Surface Electrical, Seismic and
Acoustic Monitoring Experiments,
MUPUS: Multi-Purpose Sensor for surface
and subsurface science,
ROMAP: Rosetta Magnetometer and
Plasma monitor,
CONSERT: Comet Nucleus Sounding
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 377

Fig. 13.11. Current space missions (courtesy of NASA & ESA)

nucleus, and for the grains that will be analyzed on Earth, one cannot rule out
some alteration when impacting the aerogel. Therefore, measurements directly
on the nucleus are necessary.
Deep Impact mission aims to gain access to the interior of a comet, and
then observe what could be the most pristine matter of the solar system, since
cometary inside layers have been protected from irradiation and heating due to
previous Sun approaches. A collision between an impactor and comet Temple 1
was planned on July 4, 2005, in order to excavate a large crater at the surface.
The impact was a real success as can be seen in Fig. 13.12. At the time this
chapter was written, only imagery data has been released, therefore we cannot
discuss further the results in terms of nucleus properties and chemical composi-
tion. It has only been shown that there will be almost no change in the cometary
trajectory because of the Deep Impact collision. New chemical species may be
detected during the increase of outgassing after the impact, either with the on-
board infrared instrument, or with other remote sensing instruments on Earth.
Many new data concerning comets are excepted when the results of this mission
become published.
As for the Rosetta mission, it consists of two parts: one orbiter revolving
around the nucleus, and a lander called Philae. The instruments onboard the
orbiter will enable an unprecedented analysis of the composition of volatile and
378 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.12. Cometary nucleus 90 seconds before the impact seen from the impactor at
900 km (on the left) and impact event seen from the spacecraft (on the right). (courtesy
of NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD)

refractory compounds released from the nucleus. Three instruments (ROSINA,

COSIMA and MIDAS) will collect and analyze gas and dust as close as 1 km from
the surface of the nucleus, it is expected that they will be close enough to study
almost unaltered matter compared to its release from the nucleus. Nevertheless,
probably the most fruitful information from an astrobiological point of view will
come from Philae. In this chapter, we have decided to emphasize the COSAC
instrument since most of the new organic molecules should be detected thanks
to this experiment.
The COSAC instrument is a gas chromatograph (GC) coupled with a mass
spectrometer (MS, a linear time of flight spectrometer in this case). It consists
of 8 chromatographic columns, each of them being connected to its own de-
tector (TCD), but it is also possible to connect them to a mass spectrometer
(Rosenbauer et al. 1999) (Fig. 13.13). Previous results obtained thanks to direct
mass spectrometry measurements with Puma, Giotto and Stardust spacecrafts,
gave only the mass spectrum of the mixture of all the molecules at the same
time. COSAC will carry out a preliminary separation by chromatography, which
will achieve a quasidefinite identification of the compounds since they will be
identified both from their retention time5 , and from their individual mass spec-
tra. Samples will be collected after drilling the surface and heated at various
temperatures before being injected into the analysis system. Pyrolysis (up to
600 ◦ C) is possible in order to degrade the most refractory component, and then
enable gas phase analysis of the fragments. Out of the eight chromatographic

The time for a compound to be eluted from the chromatographic column, this time
depends on the properties of both the molecules and the stationary phase of the
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 379

Fig. 13.13. The COSAC experiment (Rosenbauer et al. 1999)

columns, three are specifically devoted to the analysis of chiral molecules in order
to distinguish enantiomers. The other five columns have been selected so that
a maximum of molecules can be detected. Moreover, the simultaneous analysis
of a single sample with several columns (up to four columns at the same time)
will facilitate the data analysis by comparison, and thus increase the interpreta-
tion’s reliability. Table 13.6 shows all the molecules that were considered for the
selection of the chromatographic columns, and the ones that will be actually pos-
sible to detect. One can note that amino acids and other heavy compounds such
as oxalic acid, urea, etc., are not detectable, since they are not volatile enough
to be analyzed in the gaseous phase. GC analysis of such compounds requires
a preliminary stage called derivatization (chemical reaction that makes the tar-
geted compound more volatile). This procedure is not feasible with the COSAC
instrument, but work is in progress to include derivatization in future Martian
exploration experiments (Rodier et al. 2001). Nucleus analyses by the COSAC
instrument will be completed by CIVA (infrared analysis) and MODULUS (for
isotopic measurements).
It is interesting to note that HMT, a molecule that is very often produced
during laboratory simulations of cometary ices (Bernstein et al. 1995; Cottin
et al. 2001; Muñoz Caro and Schutte 2003), will be detected by the COSAC
instrument if it is present on the nucleus. Indeed, even if this compound is
380 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Table 13.6. Organic molecules that might be detected in comets thanks to the COSAC
instrument (Szopa et al. 2003)
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 381

Table 13.6. (continued)

easily synthesized in the conditions simulated in the laboratory, it remains un-

detected in comets or interstellar medium. HMT could be a source of amino
acids once imported to Earth, since its hydrolysis yields the formation of amino
acids (Wolman et al. 1971). Its actual detection in comets would validate the
contribution of laboratory experimental simulation to understanding the chem-
istry of cometary ices. On the other hand, COSAC will not be able to detect
POM (see Sect. 13.2.2) because it is readily degraded into formaldehyde when
heated. Infrared measurements might be sufficient to detect it, but the spectro-
scopic signatures of this compound could be overlapped by other high molecular
weight organic molecules.
Thus, our knowledge in terms of molecular composition of comets will do
a great leap forward at the time of Rosetta’s arrival near comet 67P/Churuymov-
382 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Table 13.7. Some data about comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

Discovery: 1969 by Klim Churyumov and Svetlana Gerasimenko

Orbital period: 6.57 yrs
Aphelion: 858 million km, i.e., 5.73 AU
Perihelion: 194 million km, i.e., 1.3 AU
Mean nucleus diameter: 1980 m

Gerasimenko. With the new detected molecules, we will be in a better position

to evaluate the parameters necessary to their production, and then trace back
the physicochemical condition prevailing in the solar system when the comets
were accreted, or even better, to the composition of our natal molecular cloud.
Therefore, the astrobiology relevance of the comet will be disproved or strength-

13.2.4 Future Space Missions

The next step of comets exploration will probably be a return of samples taken
at the surface of a nucleus (and underneath). There is not yet such a mission
under development, but proposals have already been submitted to NASA and
nucleus sample return missions are to be expected to be accepted in the years
to come.
As already mentioned earlier in this chapter, knowing the composition of one
comet will not allow us to extrapolate the results to the whole family of comets,
as their composition should depend on the place they were formed (see Fig. 13.3).
Then, one shall vary our targets selections (from the Kuiper Belt, the Oort Cloud,
few or many perihelion passages), before pretending to know these mysterious

13.3 The Space Exploration of Titan

13.3.1 Observations and Models of Titan Before Space Missions

On the night of March 25, 1655, using a refracting telescope with a focal length of
almost four meters and a magnifying power of 50, Christiaan Huygens observed
for the first time a small star aligned with the rings of Saturn at a distance of
three arc seconds.6 During the following days, he made new observations and
noted the displacement of this object as compared to fixed stars and Saturn.
This star followed Saturn’s course in the sky, and thus Huygens deduced that it
must be a satellite. He had just discovered the moon Titan.
In 1944, making spectroscopic measurements of Titan in the atmospheric win-
dow between 550 and 850nm, Kuiper observed for the first time the methane
Angular distance projected on the sky.
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 383

Fig. 13.14. Saturn (S ) and Titan (T ) spectra obtained by Kuiper, at the MacDonald
observatory (1944) showing characteristic methane absorption bands between 5500 and
9000 Å. The wavelength calibration is given by the Fraunhofer7 and telluric absorption

absorption bands (Fig. 13.14). In 1965, Low (1965) made the first measurements
of the flux emitted from Titan in the 10µm infrared atmospheric window. He
determined a brightness temperature8 of ∼160K. However, it is only in the begin-
ning of the 1970s that the development of space missions and infrared detectors
allowed the discovery of the extraordinary rich organic chemistry occurring in
the atmosphere of this satellite.
From infrared observations obtained in the 8 – 14µm window, Gillett et al.
(1973) attributed the emissions bands to the ν4 methane band and the ν7 ethane
band. At the same time, Trafton (1972a,b) detected traces of molecular hydro-
gen. On their side, Veverka (1973) and Zellner (1973) showed, analyzing polari-
metric observational data, the presence of a dense and highly diffusive layer in
the atmosphere. Finally, Caldwell (1975) using the OAO-2 (Orbital Astronomi-
cal Observatory) satellite, obtained photometric measurements in the ultraviolet
wavelength range, around 260nm and inferred a very low albedo, on the order
of 0.05.

Absorption lines visible in the solar spectra.
Temperature of an object considered as a black body.
384 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

The infrared band of methane and ethane are observed in emission, which can
be explained by a temperature inversion in the atmosphere. Titan’s atmospheric
models have this inversion together with the high brightness temperature, the
low ultraviolet albedo and the polarimetric measurements. A first set of models,
developed initially by Pollack (1973), included a dense cloudy highly diffusive
layer that could explain the visible spectrum and polarimetric data. A greenhouse
effect that could be produced by induced absorption of a 0.5bar equimolar H2
and CH4 mixture, would explain the 160K temperature. Nevertheless, this model
does not account for the low ultraviolet albedo and the temperature inversion.
Consequently, a second type of model had to be constructed. Since the Rayleigh
diffusion (diffusion by the gas) cannot explain the low albedo, Danielson et al.
(1973) proposed that small particles (“dust”), efficiently absorbing ultraviolet
photons, could be present in the high atmosphere. This hypothesis is supported
by the fact that at the same period Khare and Sagan (1973) produced in their
simulation experiment (photon irradiation of a NH3 −CH4 −H2 mixture) a brown
polymer that had similar properties compared to Danielson dust. Thus, if such
material would be produced in the high atmosphere of Titan, these aerosols
would have a very small size and could not emit efficiently the absorbed photons.
Consequently, their temperature would increase until their emission equilibrates
the absorbed energy. The temperature of the gas would then increase through
collision with those aerosols up to the observed 160K. In this model, the surface
would have a black body temperature of 80K.
The two models are very different but a compromise seems possible. Hunten
(1978) proposed a model in which the low atmosphere is described by the first
model and the high atmosphere by the second model. Taking into account the
low gravity on Titan9 , the hydrogen amount proposed by Pollack (1973) is not
realistic; it is therefore replaced by molecular nitrogen. The choice of N2 comes
from the studies about the initial composition of Titan. Nitrogen could have
been trapped in the ices in the form of ammonia that could then produce molec-
ular nitrogen photolysis. Atreya et al. (1978) calculated that, if Titan had an
important greenhouse effect at the beginning of its history (T > 150K), NH3
could have lead to the formation of 20 bars of N2 . Hunten’s model includes N2
as the main constituent (with 0.25% CH4 and 0.5% H2 ), a cloud with a highly
diffusing upper part, and a high atmosphere containing dust. In this model, the
tropopause is determined by the altitude where the optical depth (N2 pressure
induces absorption opacity plus cloud opacity) equals one. This region of the
atmosphere is supposed to have an effective temperature of 77 K and a pressure
of ∼ 600mbar. The surface pressure is then deduced from the adiabatic approxi-
mation from the tropopause down to the ground. This leads to a surface pressure
of ∼20bars for a surface temperature of 200K compatible with the millimeter
observations (Conklin et al. 1977). Nevertheless, radio observations in the cen-
timeter domain where the atmosphere is supposed to be transparent, lead to
brightness temperature of 100K. The main uncertainty on this measurement
Low gravity favors light element such as hydrogen to escape from the atmosphere.
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 385

comes from the poor angular resolution, which could lead to confusion between
Titan and Saturn. Still, as pointed out by Hunten, his model could also lead
to a lower temperature: for example, a 100K surface temperature would lead to
a 2-bar surface pressure.
Finally, one can note that the photochemical model developed by Strobel
(1974) with an atmosphere mainly composed of CH4 and H2 in same quantities
(this model was initially developed for Jupiter with CH4 /H2 1), predicts
the production of C2 H6 , C2 H2 , and in smaller amounts C2 H4 , and C3 H4 as
trace constituents. The presence of C2 H2 and C2 H4 has been later confirmed
by observational data obtained by Gillett (1975) in the 8 to 14µm wavelength
range. CH3 D was also detected at that time.

13.3.2 Voyager Missions at Titan

Launched in 1977, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts arrived in the Saturn system
three years later after a flyby of Jupiter in 1979, where they obtained a large
amount of data. The Saturn encounter was planned so that the maximum infor-
mation could be gathered about the rings, the satellites and the magnetosphere,
and to allow the study of Saturn’s and Titan’s atmospheres. Titan studies fo-
cused on several major goals: determine the diameter of the solid surface, the
temperature and pressure profiles, the atmospheric composition and search for
a magnetic field (Stone and Miner 1981).
Voyager 1 spacecraft obtained the largest amount of data on Titan. In fact,
its trajectory was planned to approach the satellite as much as it could and its
closest approach was at less than 7000km from the center of Titan (Ness et al.
1981). A first disappointment came from the pictures obtained (Smith et al.
1981). In fact, even if the presence of aerosol was expected, some scientists were
hoping that some hole in the haze would allow for the observation of the surface.
It was not the case. A uniform orange haze was entirely hiding the surface.
Nevertheless, the images showed three distinct aerosol layers (Fig. 13.15). The
first one was observed around a 200km altitude. It was dense, optically thick in
the visible and seemed to be made of particles having a ∼0.3µm radius at the
top. A second layer detached from the first one (even if a small amount of aerosols
was observed in between) was seen 100km above and was about 50km thick. The
last layer was observed at a mean altitude of 400km and was also observed by
the ultraviolet occultation experiment. Finally, the observations showed a north-
south asymmetry, the north being much darker than the southern hemisphere.
The greatest progress in our knowledge of this satellite of Saturn came from
radio and ultraviolet occultation measurements and from infrared and ultraviolet
experiments. The radio occultation experiment (∼3.6 and 13 cm) sounded the
atmosphere (Tyler et al. 1981) down to the surface allowing the determination of
the radius of 2575.0 ± 0.5km (Lindal et al. 1983). This type of sounding measures
the variation of the refractive index of the atmosphere as a function of altitude.
Since the refractivity is proportional to the density, this allows to determine
386 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.15. Aerosol layers observed by Voyager 1 (courtesy of NASA)

the density profile of the atmosphere. Assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, the

pressure profile can be deduced. Finally, the choice of a state equation allows to
retrieve the ratio T / m as a function of altitude (T is the temperature and m
the mean molecular mass).
Assuming that the atmosphere is entirely composed of molecular nitrogen,
Lindal et al. (1983) determined the density, pressure and temperature profiles
of Titan atmosphere. The temperature at the ground level is 94 K and the pres-
sure 1495mbar. The temperature decreases in the troposphere and the profile
shows the presence of a tropopause with a temperature of 71.2K at 40 km al-
titude (p ∼ 120mbar). The temperature then increases in the stratosphere to
reach a temperature of ∼170K at 200km (p ∼ 0.75mbar) (see Fig. 13.18). The
choice of molecular nitrogen as the major constituent seemed to be arbitrary
since methane was the only abundant detected component. However, it has been
a posteriori justified by the results obtained with the infrared and ultraviolet
The ultraviolet spectroscopic experiment (UVS for UltraViolet Spectrome-
ter), which did measurements in the 60 to 160nm wavelength range, observed
in addition to Lyman α emission due to atomic hydrogen, an intense emission
around 100nm (Broadfoot et al. 1981). This emission corresponds to the one
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 387

obtained in laboratory experiments when N2 is excited by electronic impacts.

The relative intensity of the bands allows to determine a column density of
∼ 1015 cm2 . Besides, the ultraviolet occultation experiment which measured the
attenuation of the solar flux through the atmosphere allowed to measure the
atmospheric scale length10 at an altitude of 1265km (altitude where the optical
depth11 τ = 1 for wavelengths lower than 80nm), characteristic of nitrogen ab-
sorption: H = 85 ± 10km (Smith et al. 1982). Assuming that the atmosphere
is entirely composed of nitrogen, this lead to a temperature T = 176 ± 20K.
Furthermore, knowing the absorption coefficient of N2 around 70nm, one can
determine the local density: [N2 ] = 2.7 ± 0.2 × 108 cm−3 . A change in the scale
length starts at an altitude of 1125km and is attributed to methane. Smith et al.
(1982) deduced from those measurements a mixing ratio [CH4 ]/[N2 ] = 0.08 ±
0.03 (making the assumption of a constant temperature). They also determined
a mixing ratio for acetylene of 1 to 2% above 825km and less than 0.3% below
675km. This would imply a high sink for this compound in this region of the
atmosphere. The data also showed highly absorbing layers around 390km and
760km, with a ∼70km thickness. The first layer seemed to be well correlated
to the high altitude layer observed in the visible while the second one is not.
Since in this region, C2 H2 abundance decreases rapidly one can think that it
could be efficiently photolysed in this region of the atmosphere, leading to the
formation of higher weight compounds. This emission spectrum has lead to the
determination of upper limits for the mixing ratio of H2 , Ar and Ne in the high
atmosphere: [H2 ]/[N2 ] ≤ 0.06, [Ar]/[N2 ] ≤ 0.06, [Ne]/[N2 ] ≤ 0.01 and [CO]/[N2 ]
≤ 0.05 (Strobel and Shemansky 1982). As a conclusion, the UV data showed
that nitrogen is the major compound in Titan’s atmosphere, so that it should
be the place for an active photochemistry involving nitrogen and methane. The
confirmation came from the analysis of the infrared spectroscopic measurements.
The infrared spectrometer (IRIS for Infrared Radiometer and Interferometer
Spectrometer) onboard the Voyager spacecraft was a Fourier transform spec-
trometer (resolution 4.3 cm−1 ) covering the domain 180 to 2400cm−1 (55 to
4.2µm). The spectrometer of the Voyager 1 spacecraft took almost 3000 spectra
during the Titan flyby and a wide latitudinal-longitudinal geographical region
was explored. The first analysis of the spectra obtained at the equator con-
firmed the presence of methane (CH4 ), ethane (C2 H6 ), acetylene (C2 H2 ) but
also the presence of ethylene (C2 H4 ) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (Hanel et al.
1981). All these compounds are seen in emission showing that they are present
in the relatively warm stratosphere of Titan. The study of Titan’s north pole
completes this list adding propane (C3 H8 ), methyl acetylene (C3 H4 ) (Maguire
et al. 1981), diacetylene (C4 H2 ), cyanoacetylene (HC3 N), and cyanogen (C2 N2 )

The atmospheric scale length is the distance over which the pressure is divided by
a factor e (2.718). It is proportional to the temperature, and inversely proportional
to the mean molecular mass and gravity.
The optical depth is the quantity, which represents the opacity of a material. When
it equals one, the light intensity is attenuated by a factor e.
388 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.16. Infrared spectra obtained at different latitudes (a and b) and at the limb
(c) by the IRIS experiment of the Voyager 1 mission. The main detected compounds
are quoted (from Samuelson et al. 1983)

(Kunde et al. 1981). The presence of all those compounds in the stratosphere
confirm the complex and active chemistry that is occurring in the N2 /CH4 mix-
ture which composes Titan‘s atmosphere.
A more careful study of the spectra obtained at different latitudes allowed
Samuelson et al. (1983) to discover the presence of an oxygenated compound:
CO2 (Fig. 13.16). In fact, even if its mole fraction is very low ∼1.4 × 10−8 , its
distribution is uniform over Titan’s disc, which is not the case for the other minor
compounds. This first detection of oxygenated compound in Titan’s atmosphere
was later confirmed by the detection of CO in the near-infrared (Lutz et al. 1983)
and millimeter (Marten et al. 1988) observations.

13.3.3 Similarities and Differences Between Titan and the Earth

The results obtained from the data accumulated by the Voyager missions have
lead to a real breakthrough in our knowledge of Titan. One of the major results
was the discovery of a dense atmosphere mainly composed of nitrogen in which
the very active coupled chemistry of nitrogen and methane leads to the forma-
tion of numerous organic compounds. This makes Titan a unique object in the
solar system since it the only one, outside the Earth, to have a dense atmosphere
mainly made of nitrogen. Its slightly reductive atmosphere, in between the highly
Table 13.8. Past missions (Fig. 13.17)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

PIONEER 11 NASA 04/05/1973: Pioneer 11 spacecraft was Instruments to meas- Confirmed the pres-
Mass: 259 kg Launch the second spatial vehicle ure magnetic field, ence of submicron
to visit the external solar UV photometer, IR aerosols having an
Nominal power: 09/01/1979: system but the first to radiometer and imaging increasing size with
165 W Saturn Flyby explore Saturn photopolarimeter decreasing altitudes.
11/1995: Observed an
end of the hydrogen torus
mission around Saturn
VOYAGER NASA V1 05/09/1977, These two missions Imaging instruments, Established that
1 and 2 V2 20/08/1977: succeeded to study IR and UV spectro- N2 is the major
Mass: 722 kg Launch in a small time interval metry, magnetic and gas. Measured the
all the giant planets charge particles temperature and
Nominal power: V1 11/1980, and their satellites. measurements pressure profiles.
420 W V2 08/1981: The trajectory of Detections of
Saturn Flyby Voyager 1 was optimized numerous organics
to do a close flyby mainly hydrocar-
of Titan bons and nitriles.
Closest approach
to Titan:
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

V1: 6490 km
V2: 665 960 km
390 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.17. Pioneer 11 and Voyager spacecrafts (courtesy of NASA)

reductive atmospheres of the giant planets and the highly oxidant atmospheres
of the telluric planets, makes it a photochemical reactor which leads to the pro-
duction of complex organic compounds. With this unique characteristic, Titan
can be considered as a planetary scale laboratory for the study of the evolution
of organic matter in abiotic conditions.
Titan’s environment can help us to understand the primitive Earth and the
chemical evolution that lead to the emergence of Life. The analogy between
both objects is underlined by several common aspects. Both have a dense at-
mosphere mainly composed of nitrogen and in which the temperature profiles
present similar structures. Hence, if CO2 is the major greenhouse gas in the
terrestrial troposphere, in Titan, nitrogen, methane and hydrogen play this role
through their pressure-induced absorptions. Warming in Titan’s stratosphere is
explained by ultraviolet absorption by small particles, which cannot emit effi-
ciently in the infrared, where on Earth, ozone plays this role. The temperature
in the terrestrial mesosphere is controlled by CO2 infrared re-emission where
on Titan it is mainly HCN, which plays this cooling role. Finally, in the very
high atmosphere of both objects the gas is heated by ionization. Therefore, the
structures of both atmospheres are similar because they are controlled by simi-
lar physical processes. Only the chemical compounds implied in those processes
changes. We can also add the possible presence of clouds in the low atmosphere
of Titan due to methane condensation that could be similar to our water clouds
on Earth. The presence on Titan of liquid reservoirs such as lakes or seas of
methane and ethane has also been suggested.
Meanwhile, those similarities between Titan and the Earth should not mask
the major differences. For example, while the surface pressures are approximately
the same, the mean ground temperatures are very different: –180 ◦ C on Titan
compared to 20 ◦ C on Earth. This leads to a five times higher density on Titan
than on the Earth at the ground level. Another difference appears if we com-
pare the compositions of both atmospheres: nitrogen is the major compound
for both of them but methane (CH4 ) is second in Titan whereas nowadays on
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 391

Fig. 13.18. Comparison between Earth’s and Titan’s atmospheric profiles

Earth it is molecular oxygen and water. Furthermore, carbon appears mostly

on Earth in its oxidized state CO2 . Water certainly played an important role
in the appearance of life. Traces of water vapor have also been detected in the
high atmosphere of Titan by Coustenis et al. (1998), using the ISO satellite (In-
frared Space Observatory), but at the temperature of Titan’s surface, this water
is certainly solid. Nevertheless, Thompson and Sagan (1991) showed that me-
teoritic impacts on Titan could have lead to ejecta containing water liquefied
under the shock. According to this model, large quantities of liquid water could
have persisted on the surface for a total duration of several thousands years.
However, would this be enough for an aqueous organic chemistry to develop and
produce prebiotic molecules? Finally, the presence of an underground ocean, as
for example in Europa, opens other exobiological perspectives (Fortes 2000), but
as already mentioned the question of the transport between this ocean and the
surface remains a major unsolved problem.
In Titan’s atmosphere, a solid phase is also present as dust particles. By
condensation at their surface volatiles can be carried to the surface and possibly
into a liquid methane/ethane surface. Therefore, Titan contains all the elements
of what we can call a “geofluid” (Raulin 1997). This underlines the importance
of the study of this satellite for exobiology. Indeed, this is the planetary body
that is the closest to what could have been the Earth before the appearance
392 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

of life. Of course, the major difference with the primitive Earth is certainly
the very low temperature of Titan, which implies the absence of liquid water.
Nevertheless, the similitude between what could have been the primitive Earth
and Titan, is one of the main reasons that motivated the launch of a probe
called Huygens, which entered Titan’s atmosphere in January 2005 to do in situ
Finally, one will note that even if in situ measurements bring data of fun-
damental importance on the composition, structure and dynamic of the atmo-
sphere, they are done on a single trajectory of the space-time domain. Therefore,
they have to be completed by teledetection measurements that allow to study
phenomena at large scales with their time variations. This is done by the in-
struments onboard the Cassini spacecraft that has been put into orbit around
Saturn in July 2004 for a minimum period of four years.

13.3.4 Cassini–Huygens Mission

The Cassini–Huygens space mission is a joint mission from ESA and NASA
(Fig. 13.21). It is composed of an orbiter Cassini (NASA) and a descent probe
Huygens (ESA). The whole set of instruments onboard is given in Table 13.9.
The main goal of the Huygens probe was to study the atmosphere and the
surface of Titan. It has measured (in situ) the physical characteristics and chemi-
cal composition of the atmosphere and the surface. It was equipped with six main
instruments. After being released by the orbiter Cassini, it entered Titan’s at-
mosphere on January 14, 2005 and went through a first deceleration protected
by its thermal shield. Its first small parachute opened around 180km and caused
the opening of a second much larger parachute (Lebreton and Matson 1997).
As soon as the main parachute was inflated the shield dropped out around the
altitude of 160km. Forty-two seconds later, the first measurements started. Be-
cause of the limited capacity of the batteries (1.8kWh), a quarter later when the
probe was around 125km altitude, the main parachute was replaced by a smaller
one. With a maximum duration of 153 minutes predicted for the whole mission,
the probe was supposed to do measurements on the surface for at least 3 min-
utes. Nevertheless, the reality exceeded all the predictions. After a 152-minute
descent, the probe landed on Titan smoothly (4.5 m/s on humid sand like ma-
terial) and continued to emit toward Cassini for more than an hour (the probe
actually continued to emit for several hours but no relay could send back the
signal to Earth).
One of the key objectives of the Huygens probe was to determine the chemical
species present under gaseous, solid or liquid phase in the atmosphere and on
the surface. However, further than simply obtaining quantities the main goal
was to study the coupling between those different phases in order to try to
understand the evolution that occurred on Titan since its formation. It is this
approach that should allow to gain new elements to understand the prebiotic
chemistry that could have occurred on Earth before the emergence of life. In
Table 13.9. Ongoing missions

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments

agency objectives

Cassini NASA/ 10/15/1997: The first goal of the On board Cassini:

Mass: 2523 kg ESA Launch Cassini mission (NASA) Imaging system (ISS), magnetospheric imagery
is to transfer the descent (MIMI), energy and charge of particles
Nominal power: 07/01/2004: probe Huygens (ESA) to measurements (CAPS), magnetic field
640 W Orbit insertion Titan. Then it will stay measurements (MAG), radio measurements
around Saturn in orbit around Saturn (RPWS), cosmic dust analyzer (CDA), neutral
Huygens for a initial period of 4 years and ionic mass spectrometer (INMS), radar
Mass: 319 kg 01/14/2005: for a detail study of the infrared spectrometer (CIRS), ultraviolet
Nominal power: Huygens descent rings, of the satellite sur- spectrometer (UVIS), visible/IR
250 W in Titan faces including Titan, spectroimager (VIMS)
atmosphere Saturn and Titan atmos-
(2H30 ) pheres including the spatial On board Huygens:
and temporal variability Atmospheric density, pressure and
in terms of dynamic temperature profiles measurements (HASI),
and chemical composition. winds measurements (DWE),
Huygens probe has the surface imaging and solar energy deposition
specific mission to in the atmosphere (DISR),
determine the physical Gas phase Chromatography coupled to mass
and chemical character- spectrometry (GC-MS),
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

istics of Titan atmos- collect et analysis of aerosols (ACP)

phere and surface and surface parameters measurements (SSP)

First results are being acquired and can be found on the site:
394 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

fact, if the “prebiotic chemist” is able to synthesize in the laboratory almost all
biomacromolecules starting from hydrocarbons and nitriles observed on Titan,
the question about what could happen on a planetary scale over geological time
is still open. The questions that remain are (Raulin 1997):
– What complexity could achieve organic synthesis in a reduced atmosphere
where liquid water is absent?
– What could have the importance of multiphasic processes?
– What is the influence of the physical conditions (temperature, energetic de-
position and dynamics) on the chemistry?
The study of Titan (environment on which liquid water is absent, temperature
very low, and energy sources diverse) can supply elements that answer those
questions. The whole set of experiments on board the Huygens probe will con-
tribute: the gas phase chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer (GCMS,
Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer), the collect and analysis of aerosols
(ACP, Aerosol Collector Pyrolyser), the imager spectroradiometer (DISR, De-
scent Imager/Spectral Radiometer), the analysis of the surface (SSP, Surface
Science Package) and the determination of the atmospheric structure (HASI,
Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument).


The instrument is composed of a chromatographic system made of three columns

coupled to a mass spectrometer: one column was devoted to the measurement
of permanent gases, one to light hydrocarbons (up to three carbons) and finally
one is for heavier compounds up to eight nitrogen or carbons atoms (Niemann
et al. 1997). The atmosphere has been analyzed during the entire descent by
direct injection in the mass spectrometer (2–141 daltons). During the first half
hour, a system was able to concentrate noble gases before their injection into the
mass spectrometer. The chromatographic system itself was used on five different
gaseous samples coming from five different altitudes. The first one was taken
just after the start of the instruments around 150km. Two samples were then
taken above 60km altitude where the concentration of complex compounds was
expected to be the highest. The next analysis was made on a sample obtained
by the pyrolysis of the aerosols collected by ACP (see below). At the minimum
temperature of the tropopause, the analysis was devoted to the separation of
N2 and CO. Finally, since the descent time was nominal a last sample has been
injected before impact. Moreover, since by chance the injector was correctly posi-
tioned, measurements of the surface composition have been done. The sensibility
of the instrument was supposed to be very high of about ten parts per billion
for most compounds. All the instrumentation worked correctly except the ion
source attached to the separation of N2 and CO. The first analysis of the mea-
surements has shown an increase of the methane concentration occurring just
after impact.
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 395

b) ACP

Two regions of the atmosphere were sounded by this instrument: the first one
between 135 and 32km and the second one between 22 and 17km (Israel et al.
1997). The aerosols were collected on a filter, which was placed a few millime-
ters outside the probe, and then taken back inside the pyrolysis oven. The oven
allowed a warming of the samples up to 600 ◦ C. The following sequence was
planned: (1) collect during the first hour of the descent then warming at am-
bient temperature, 250 ◦ C and 600 ◦ C, then transfer to GCMS; and (2) collect
a second sample above possible clouds then warm at the three temperatures
and transfer to the GCMS. The main goal of those measurements was to de-
termine the composition of the condensation nuclei by comparing the measure-
ments obtained in Titan atmosphere with analogues produced in laboratory
simulations. The relative composition of the condensates present on the aerosol
surface should be obtained. Finally, the possible abundance of adsorbed volatile
like CO in the aerosols might be determined. The system seems to have worked


During the whole descent, optical instrumentation of DISR (0.35– 1.7 µm do-
main) measured the upwelling and downwelling solar flux in order to determine
the net flux (Tomasko et al. 1997). The difference between net fluxes taken at
two different altitudes allows to determine the energy deposited. This enables
the understanding of the thermal balance of the atmosphere. Measuring the
diffusion properties, for two colors and two polarizations, together with the
extinction of the aerosols leads to the determination of the refractive index.
Since this quantity is characteristic of a given material, it should be possible
to constrain the chemical composition of Titan’s aerosols. This optical instru-
mentation should allow to obtain the methane mixing ratio as a function of
altitude by measuring its absorption and should also help to constraint the na-
ture of the surface by determining its reflectivity. The measurements contin-
ued even in the last minutes of the descent when the probe was getting closer
to the surface (where the atmosphere became more and more opaque) thanks
to a 20 W lamp attached to the instrument. DISR also includes two cameras
that obtained images of the surface with a resolution going from a few hun-
dred meters (like the orbiter) at the beginning of the descent to a few tenths
of a centimeter when approaching the surface. The first analysis of those im-
ages showed the presence of geological structures characteristic of precipitation,
erosion and fluvial activity similar to what is observed on Earth (Fig. 13.19).
The surface is relatively flat and on the impact site, the presence of ice blocks
of a few teens of centimeters can be observed (Fig. 13.20). The surface seems
to be dry around the impact site but methane rainfall might have occurred
396 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.19. This image was obtained by DISR at 16.2 km above the Titan surface.
The resolution is 40 meters per pixel. The presence of a fluvial network and a coastline
can be observed (courtesy of ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Fig. 13.20. This image was obtained after the Huygens probe landed on the Titan
surface. The surface is relatively flat and several ice blocks can be identified. The typical
size of those blocks is fifteen centimeters (courtesy of ESA/NASA/JPL/University of
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 397


The first goal of this instrumentation was to determine the density, pressure and
temperature profiles all along the descent (Fulchignoni et al. 1997). However,
this experiment also included the possibility to measure the electric field, the
electric conductivity and even the sound waves through a microphone. Thus, it
should be possible to determine the electronic density in the atmosphere but also
deduce the presence of lightning storms if those are present around the descent
trajectory. The conductivity of the surface could also be measured after landing
which can help to constrain the nature of the surface. The first analysis showed
that the measured pressure and temperature vertical profiles are very consistent
with the one obtained by Voyager and no lightning was observed.

e) SSP

This experiment was composed of nine different instruments (Zarnecki et al.

1997). The set of instruments has been made to give information on the surface
whether solid or liquid. If the surface had been liquid, the thermal conductivity,
the density, the sound speed, the refracting index, and the permittivity could
have been determined. Nevertheless, it was the accelerometer and the penetrom-
eter that gave the interesting information since the surface was solid: granularity,
penetration resistance and cohesion could be determined. An acoustic sounding
device will give an idea of the topography of the surface. The sound speed, the
temperature or the permittivity of the atmosphere were also determined during
the descent
The instruments of the orbiter will also contribute. In fact, they allow a global
view, which is essential to interpret the probe data. The two major instruments
that supply data concerning Titan’s atmospheric composition are:

f ) CIRS

This instrument is an infrared Fourier transform spectrometer, which acquires

data in the range of 10 to 1400cm−1 (1 mm to 7 µm) (Flasar et al. 2004). This
improved version of the IRIS spectrometer that was on the Voyager spacecrafts
(extension of the wavelength domain, of the resolution and of the sensitivity)
allows a mapping in three dimensions not only the chemical composition of
Titan’s atmosphere but also its temperature.


This ultraviolet spectrometer is composed of two channels that study the radia-
tions that are coming from Titan between 56 and 190nm (Esposito et al. 2003).
It also obtains limb data from solar or stellar occultation. This should permit the
determination of the vertical profile of numerous species in the high atmosphere
where a large amount of the energy is deposited.
398 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.21. Cassini–Huygens spacecraft arriving in the Saturn system and Huygens
probe descent inside Titan’s atmosphere

The results of this space mission will certainly lead to a large breakthrough
in our understanding of organic processes that could lead to the emergence of life
on a planet having a reductive atmosphere and liquid water. However, even if the
Cassini–Huygens mission will bring a very large amount of data it will certainly
not answer all the questions concerning the complexity of Titan. Especially,
since the descent was over one trajectory, it will not be possible to document the
great complexity that already appears either on surface images or as a north-
south asymmetry. In the future, it is possible and desirable that a new mission
could be sent but this time with a mobile laboratory that could study different
regions of Titan surface and different altitudes in the atmosphere (Lorentz 2001).

13.4 Mars Exploration

13.4.1 Mars Before Space Missions

Planet Mars, known since the prehistoric times (Egyptians were already talking
about it in 4000 BC) has always attracted human beings. This is certainly
partly due to its special trajectory in the sky, its aspect (its apparent diameter
can vary by a factor greater than five), and its reddish color. On November 28,
1659, Huygens observed for the first time structures on the disk of Mars that
changed with time (Fig. 13.22). From his observations, he deduced a rotational
period of about 24 hours as on Earth. This gave rise to several phantasms that
tended to assimilate the Martian world to the terrestrial one.
The observations made in the following centuries amplified those phantasms.
Seas and “continents” appeared at the surface of the red planet. At the end of the
nineteenth century, Lowell imagined that a channel network irrigates the surface
of Mars to supply its inhabitants. It was necessary to wait for the beginning of
space exploration to definitively drop the idea that a life similar to the one on
Earth could be present.
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 399

Fig. 13.22. Three drawings made by Huygens in 1659. The first one was drawn on
November 28 at 7 pm (A), the second was done the same day but at 9:30 pm. (B).
The last one was made three days later December 1 at 6:30 pm (C)

Another hot topic was the one of the nature of the polar caps and the presence
of water. Polar caps that were observed for the first time by Cassini have been
followed through the centuries and the observer had noted their appearance and
disappearance with seasons. They were first supposed to be made of water by
analogy with the Earth but also because the measured temperature was not
low enough for carbon dioxide to be present in a condensed phase (Hess 1948).
According to this theory, water should have been observed in the atmosphere.
However, it was necessary to wait for the observations of Spinrad et al. (1963)
to detect trace amount of water vapor, about 10 precipitable microns. Finally,
the first space missions were needed to have a better idea of the water cycle on
The nature of the Martian atmosphere itself (pressure, composition, tem-
perature) has been the subject of many discussions. In October 1947, Kuiper
observed Mars in the wavelength region around 1.6 µm. Comparing this spectra
with the one obtained from the moon that contains telluric carbon dioxide ab-
sorption lines, he showed that the absorption was stronger in Martian spectra
(Kuiper 1952). Nevertheless, he could not deduce from his data the abundance
of CO2 because the bands were saturated. It was necessary to wait for the
very high-resolution spectra obtained by Kaplan et al. (1964), in the 870nm do-
main were the bands are optically thin, to measure the abundance of CO2 at
the surface: 4 mbar. The total surface pressure was still unknown at that time.
Nevertheless, using observations around 2µm, Kuiper (1963) and Sinton (1963)
deduced that the total pressure was between 10 and 40 mbar. Therefore, for
the first time, carbon dioxide appears as the main constituent of the Martian

13.4.2 The Beginning of Martian Exploration

Only eleven of the thirty or so missions sent to Mars effectively reached their
goals. The lost missions have been reported in Table 13.12. As can be seen there
are various reasons of failure, explosion at ignition, communication lost during
Mars transfer or, more recently, communication lost during landing.
400 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

If the Soviets were the first to send a spacecraft to Mars, it is the US Mariner
4, launched November 28, 1964, which was the first to reach Mars on July 14,
1965. Thanks to its onboard camera, it took the first pictures of the Martian
surface with a resolution of 4 km. The ground appears riddled with craters, which
lead to compare it with the moon, and seemed to indicate that the surface was
as old as the planet itself (Chapman et al. 1969). But, only 1% of the surface
had been pictured. The greatest breakthrough was done thanks to the radio
occultation experiment that allowed for the first time to determine the surface
pressure and the temperature. The pressure was of about 5 mbar (Kliore et al.
1965). Those measurements confirmed that carbon dioxide is the main element of
a thin atmosphere. The next mission burst to Mars with Mariner 6 and 7 in 1969,
followed by Mariner 9 in 1971 and finally the Viking probes in the mid 1970s,
allowed to reach a more and more precise idea of the Martian environment using
heavier and heavier equipment including more and more advanced technology
(see Table 13.10).
Mariner 6 and 7 probes were equipped not only with a camera able to ob-
tain images of 10% of the surface, but also an infrared spectrometer, an infrared
radiometer and an ultraviolet spectrometer. The latest identified atomic hy-
drogen, atomic oxygen and carbon monoxide in the high atmosphere (Thomas
1971). The infrared measurements allowed to identify carbonic ice as the major
component of the south pole (Herr and Pimentale 1969). The radiometer mea-
sured a temperature at the south pole of 148K, which led to confirm that it was
composed of carbonic ice (Neugebauer et al. 1971). In fact, vapor pressure of
CO2 at this temperature is about 6 mbar, which is compatible with the mea-
surements of Kliore et al. (1971). In the same conditions, the vapor pressure of
water is only 10 × 108 mbar. Finally, thanks to the UV spectrometer, ozone was
also discovered.
The Mariner 9 interplanetary probe stayed in orbit for a period of almost one
terrestrial year. This allowed the cartography of almost all the Martian surface,
the study of the atmospheric physicochemistry and its temporal variations over
a period ranging from one day to one month. Imagery experiment showed an
unsuspected diversity of the surface with the presence of volcanoes among which
the highest, Olympus Mons, reaches 26km and canyons deeper than 6 km like
Valles Marineris. Valleys, which could have been formed by an erosion process,
were also observed. Furthermore, water vapor was detected for the first time
in Martian orbit by the infrared Fourier transform spectrometer IRIS, (Hanel
et al. 1972) during the north summer. The condensation of this water vapor
in the form of crystals was also observed (Curan et al. 1973). All those results
pushed forward for an in situ mission able to bring into light the possible traces
of biological activity on Mars.
The Viking project included two vehicles, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each one
composed of an orbiter and a probe able to land on the Martian surface after
a site selection. The main objectives of the Viking missions were the study of
the Martian surface with high-resolution imagery, the characterization of the
Table 13.10. Past missions
Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results
agency objectives

MARINER 4 NASA 11/28/1964: First space probe arrived Magnetometer, 22 pictures were sent
Mass: 260.7 kg Launch at Mars ion detector, to the Earth. Surface
Take surface images; obtain radiometer, mete- pressure was estimated
Nominal power: 07/14/1965: data on micrometeoritic oritic particles between 4.1 and
170 W Mars flyby impacts, magnetic field and detector and 7 mbar. No magnetic
solar wind camera field observed
MARINER 6 NASA 02/25/1969: Study Mars surface and Wild field and M6: 75 pictures
Mass: 411.8 kg Launch atmosphere to prepare long focal camera, M7: 125 pictures
Nominal power: future missions infrared spectrometer Surface pressure is
449 W and radiometer, estimated between
ultraviolet spectro- 6 and 7 mbar
MARINER 7 NASA 03/27/1969: meter. The south
Mass: 411.8 kg Launch pole is covered with
Nominal power: carbonic ice
449 W
MARS 2 USSR 05/19/1971: First orbiter and lander Wild field and long Mars 2 lander was
Mass: 2265 kg Launch mission. Study Mars focal camera, infra- lost during atmos-
surface and atmosphere to red spectrometer and pheric entry. Com-
MARS 3 USSR 05/28/1971: determine composition, radiometer, ultra- munication was lost
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

Mass: 2265 kg Launch temperature and topography. violet spectrometer, with Mars 3 lander
Serve as relay to the surface modules after 20 s; 60 pictures
Earth for the landers were obtained
Table 13.10. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

Surface pressure is
between 5 and 6 mbar.
Atomic hydrogen and
oxygen are detected in
the high atmosphere
MARINER 9 NASA 05/30/1971: First orbiter mission around Camera, Infrared More than 7000 images.
Mass: 997.9 kg Launch Mars. To obtain surface Fourier transform Determination of the
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

map, study the atmosphere spectrometer. Ultra- wind field and the
Nominal power: together with its spatial, violet spectro- atmospheric dynamic.
449 W diurnal and secular meter Determination of the
variations water content of the
atmosphere. Detection
of water ice clouds
MARS 5 USSR 07/25/1973: Composition, structure and Cameras, radiometer, After a few days
Mass: 2270 kg Launch properties of Mars visible and radio breakdown of the
surface and atmosphere polarimeters, 5 photo- transmission system.
meters (study H at, Nevertheless, a high
Lyα ozone around, water concentration
250 nm visible albedo, (100 µm) is measured
H2 O and CO2 in the close to Tharsis and
infrared) an ozone layer is ob-
served at high altitudes
Table 13.10. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARS 6 USSR 08/05/1973: First in situ probe. Study Telephotometer, tem- Lost contact just
Mass: 635 kg Launch in situ Martian surface and perature and pressure before landing.
atmosphere sensors, wind meas- Nevertheless, deter-
urements, accelero- mination of the
meter and mass atmospheric profile
spectrometer below 25 km
VIKING NASA 08/20/1975: Orbiters: thermal and Orbiters: camera, Orbiters: more
1 and 2 Launch V1 visible map of Martian infrared spectrometer than 50 000 images
Mass: 997.9 kg surface. Study the water center on the water obtained covering
09/09/1975: abundance in the atmos- bands (MAWD), radio- 87% of the
Nominal power: Launch V2 phere and its spatial, meter. Martian surface
449 W diurnal and secular variations. Landers: cameras, with a 200-m
Landers: study the physical pressure and temper- resolution. Deter-
and chemical atmospheric ature sensors and mination of the
parameters. Take pictures anemometer, gas phase water content in
of the ground, obtain chromatography couple the atmosphere
meteorological measurement to a mass spectro- and its annual
of the surface, study the meter. X fluorescence variations. Detec-
mineral and chemical, spectrometer, biological tion of a residual
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

especially organic, composition activity measurement north polar cap

of the surface, and search experiments made of water
for the presence of life on Mars
Table 13.10. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

Landers: in situ
determination of the
temperature and
pressure profiles dur-
ing the entry phase.
Meteorological meas-
urements during 3
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Martian years. Measure

of the chemical and
isotopic composition
of the atmosphere.
Determination of the
inorganic composition
of the surface with
the presence of ferro-
silicates. No organic
matter detected
PHOBOS 2 USSR 07/12/1988: Characterization of the Among others: plas- Allowed to obtain the
Mass: 2600 kg Launch plasma environment around ma analyzer, particles first mineralogical
Mars. Study Mars atmos- detector, infrared maps of Mars thanks
phere and the surface, spectrometer, mass to an infrared
study Phobos surface spectrometer, etc. imaging spectrometer
Table 13.10. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARS NASA 12/04/1996: First rover on Mars. Station: imagers and 16 500 pictures
PATHFINDER Launch Technological mission meteorological station obtained by the
Mass: 895 kg station and 550
Rover: X spectrometer by the rover
Mass of the and cameras
Rover: 10 kg
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects
406 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

structure and the composition of the atmosphere and the surface and the search
for possible forms of life.
The orbiters mapped the entire surface of Mars with a 200-meter resolu-
tion. In addition to the recurrent dust storms, they observed the variations of
the surface pressure all along the Martian year. This evidenced the presence
of a CO2 cycle, related to the decrease and the growth of the polar caps. The
infrared spectrometer allowed to determine the water vapor content in the Mar-
tian atmosphere (MAWD, Mars Atmospheric Water Detectors) and to follow
the atmospheric humidity global variations during the seasons due to the sea-
sonal cycle of the water transport between the two poles. Finally, the coupling
with the radiometer (IRTM, Infrared Thermal Mappers) results permitted the
demonstration that if the south pole was mainly composed of CO2 ices, the resid-
ual north polar cap visible during the summer was mainly composed of water
The Viking 1 lander made continuous measurements in the region of Chryse
Planitia on the Martian surface during six terrestrial years whereas the Viking 2
lander operated during two Martian years in Utopia Planitia (Fig. 13.23). Each
probe was carrying not only a set of experiment to detect possible life forms
on the Martian surface but also instruments to study the chemical, magnetic,
apparent and physical properties of the surface and the atmosphere, and to
achieve meteorological and seismic observations.
A small meteorological station supported by a one-meter mast was composed
of three thermal sensors distributed along the height, a pressure gauge and an
anemometer allowing the measure of both wind speed and direction. Those mea-

Fig. 13.23. One of the Viking landers with its mechanical arm deployed (photo cour-
tesy of NASA/JPL)
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 407

surements acquired during more than three Martian years constituted a unique
database for the study of Mars climate.
Inorganic chemical analysis of the surface were made by X fluorescence
(XRFS). The obtained results were disconcerting. If Mars seemed to be con-
stituted mainly of silicon and oxygen like the Earth, iron instead of aluminum
was the next most abundant element.
Each of the Viking landers was also equipped with a gas chromatograph cou-
pled with a mass spectrometer (CPG-SM). They were designed to determine
the molecular and isotopic atmospheric composition and to try to detect or-
ganic matter in the ground. The atmosphere could also be directly injected in
the mass spectrometer. This led to the determination of the isotopic abundance
of five constituents. Solid samples were first pyrolysed at 500 ◦ C and then the
gaseous residues transferred to the chromatograph. No organic compounds were
identified down to the threshold of one part per billion (Biemann et al. 1977).
This result was surprising since even if no endogen sources were present, the
exogenous sources should have enriched the Martian soil in organic compounds.
One explanation is that organic matter might have been destroyed by the com-
bined action of radiation sources and oxidation.
The exobiological experiment, onboard the Viking landers (Fig. 13.23), was
composed of three distinct experiments (Klein et al. 1972). The first one was the
“pyrolytic release”. This experiment planned to detect carbonic gas assimilation
(CO2 ) either by photosynthetic mechanisms or in the dark. Martian samples
were injected into a mixture of 12 CO2 and 14 CO (with a ratio of 95:5). During
a five day period, the sample could be illuminated by a Xenon lamp simulat-
ing the solar flux but filtered below 320nm to suppress UV. After this period,
the residual atmosphere was evacuated and the sample pyrolysed in an oven
at 625 ◦ C. The organic matter was then extracted and the amount of 14 C de-
termined. The procedure could be reproduced with water or in the dark. The
results were difficult to interpret. First, experiments could not be reproduced:
if the first experiment gave a positive result, the following one was negative.
Furthermore, even if the sample was heated to high temperatures (175 ◦ C) the
results would stay positive. The best explanation is that the positive experiment
could result from a chemical compound (for example, the formation of a poly-
mer like carbon suboxide (C3 O2 )), or from a physical process like the adsorption
of CO2 in the ground (Horowitz et al. 1977). The second experiment was the
“gas Exchange”. This experiment was made to detect different gases that living
organisms could reject after ingestion of nutriments. A nutriment solution was
added to surface samples in contact with the Martian atmosphere. For the cal-
ibration, part of the sample was heated for sterilization. The determination of
the gas composition present over the sample was done through GC-MS analysis.
Here again, results were astonishing as they showed a high oxygen degassing and
a low release of CO2 and nitrogen. The release of oxygen was very quick and
a second introduction of nutriment did not liberate more oxygen. Furthermore,
the degassing occurred even in the dark or with the sterilized sample. Those re-
408 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

sults could be explained if one supposes that Martian soil contains very reactive
oxidant molecules like superoxides (Oyama and Berdahl 1977). Finally, the third
experiment was the “labeled release”. This experiment is similar to the previ-
ous one except that the carbon atoms of each compound inside the nutriment
were radioactive. One detector could identify the outgassing radioactive CO2 .
A high outgassing of CO2 was observed after the injection of nutriment. This
release was not observed with the sterilized samples. So, one could conclude the
presence of biological activity from this experiment only. Nevertheless, this last
result can also be explained by non-biological processes. For example, the action
of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) could explain the release of carbon dioxide from
the oxidation of the organic matter present in the nutriment (Huguenin et al.
The results of those experiments built to detect biological activity are still
today subject to controversy because one can hardly deny the positive results of
the label release experiment (Levin et al. 1981). Nevertheless, if microorganisms
were really present inside the samples, organic matter should have been detected
by the GC-MS experiment (Klein and Harold 1978). Consequently, most scien-
tists agree to say that life is absent from the surface of Mars. Nevertheless, the
question, if there is life on Mars, is still an open issue since some niches could
exist in the subsurface.

13.4.3 Current Space Missions

Space missions currently in activity around Mars are resumed in Table 13.11.
After the success of the 1970s and notably the Viking probe experiences, a long
inactivity of almost twenty years occurred for the Martian program. In 1988,
the Russian Space Agency put into orbit around Mars its first probe: Phobos 2.
However, one had to wait until the end of the 1990s to see NASA land on Mars
its first rover: Pathfinder. The mission is a true technological achievement and
opens the way for a new Martian program. The missions that have followed had
as a common objective to map the Martian surface and atmosphere to try to
answer the question: when has there been water on Mars, in what state and
where is it today? In fact, one of the essential needs for life seems to be liquid
water. Consequently, we hope that following the water on Mars would lead us
to the sources of life.
Within this objective, Mars Global Surveyor satellite brought its piece of
the puzzle. The infrared imaging spectrometer allowed mapping the minerals
present on the surface of Mars. Chistensen et al. (2000) identified the presence
of hematite concentrated in a unique region: Meridiani Planum (Fig. 13.24). The
presence of still water in the past could have allowed the precipitation of this
iron oxide (Chistensen et al. 2004).
This observation led to the selection of this site for the landing of one of the
Mars Explorating Rovers mission, MER B alias Opportunity. The other rover
(MER A alias Spirit) landed in the Gusev Crater (Fig. 13.25). MER B confirmed
Table 13.11. In progress missions

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARS NASA 11/07/1996: Take images of the surface, Camera (MOC), A complete map
GLOBAL Launch study thermal emission and infrared thermal of the surface is
SURVEYOR measure the topography, spectrometer (TES), achieved by MOC at
Mass: 1030.5 kg gravitational and magnetic laser altimeter a 1.5-m resolution.
field (MOLA) The mineralogical
Nominal power: composition is
667 W determined using
TES and hematite
is discovered. With
MOLA, Martian topo-
graphy is determined
with absolute precision
of 30 m. Still active
to relay transmission
from other missions
like the rovers
MARS NASA 04/07/2001: Measure radiations in Radiation detector Map of the hydrogen
ODYSSEY Launch Martian environment to (MARIE), camera content of the subsurface
Mass: 376 kg study potential risk for imaging spectrometer (> 1 m). Seems to show
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

human explorer. Determine (THEMIS), gamma the presence of water ice

mineralogical composition ray spectrometer in high latitudes and
and study the elemental (GRS) and neutron the presence of hy-
Table 13.11. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

composition and hydrogen detectors and drated minerals at lower

content of the surface spectrometer latitudes. Still active to re-
(NS and HEND) lay transmission from other
missions like the rovers
MARS ESA 06/02/2003: Global geological map at Stereo imager, First results being
EXPRESS Launch high resolution (10 m), (HRSC) mineralogy released. See the site:
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Beagle 2 mineralogical map, imaging spectrometer

Mass: 666 kg atmospheric composition (OMEGA), UV/IR SPECIALS/
map, study of the spectrometer (SPICAM), Mars Express/
Nominal power: subsurface IRTF spectrometer index.html
460 W (PFS), radar (MARSIS),
high energy atoms and
plasma analyzer (ASPERA)
MER A (Spirit) NASA 06/10/2003: Study Mars surface to Camera, infrared MER A: landed in
MER B Launch search for past water spectrometer (mini-TES) Gusev Crater, has
(Opportunity) MER A traces Mossbauer, covered 3.5 km in
07/07/2003: and X spectrometer 9 months. MER B:
Launch (APX), microscope landed in Terra Meri-
MER B diani, travelled only
1.5 km, but confirmed
the presence of hematite
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 411

Fig. 13.24. Hematite map on Mars obtained by TES of the MGS mission (Christensen
et al. 2000). Regions with high hematite concentration appear in red

the presence of hematite concentrated in small black spherules called “blueber-

ries” (Moore 2004). The rover has also found jarosite, an iron sulfate. It could
form if an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide is in contact
with a large water mass rich in iron, (Fairen et al. 2004). Such conditions would
preclude the formation of carbonates, which could explain their non-detection
until now at the Martian surface. The presence of sulfates in Meridiani Planum
has been confirmed by the Omega experiment onboard Mars Express mission
(Gendrin et al. 2004). Furthermore, this experiment has allowed the identifica-
tion of those minerals in and around Valles Marineris. The same instrument
also put in light the presence of water ice at the south pole (Bibring et al.
The mapping of hydrogen present in the ground at less than one meter below
the surface, either in the form of ice or in the form of hydrated minerals, has
been obtained by the neutron detector and the gamma spectrometer of the Mars
Odyssey mission (Fig. 13.25). A large concentration of ice appears at the poles
and a low concentration at the equator except in two regions: Arabia Terra and
Apollineris. In those regions, the water could be in the form of ice present several
tenth of centimeter below a dehydrated layer.
Another instrument onboard Mars Express Mission has made a discovery of
large exobiological implications: the infrared Fourier transform spectrometer ob-
served methane (Formisano et al. 2004). This detection has also been confirmed
by terrestrial observations (Krasnopolski et al. 2004; Mumma et al. 2004); this
412 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Fig. 13.25. Map created using the hydrogen measurements of the gamma spectrometer
of the Mars Odyssey mission (Mitrofanov et al. 2002). If this hydrogen is really in the
form of water, regions in blue/violet show the presence of more than 50% ice by volume
in the ground. The significantly drier equatorial regions show two sites more hydrated
around Arabia Terra (at center ) and Apollineris (on the side). The localizations of
the lander missions are indicated: Viking 1 (VL1 ), Viking 2 (VL2 ), Pathfinder (PF ),
Spirit at Gusev (G), and Opportunity at Meridiani (M )

methane has a very low abundance of one part per billion of carbon dioxide.
Nevertheless, since the lifetime of methane in Mars atmosphere is of the order
of one century, it has to be replenished from a source. On Earth, this source
is mainly of biological origin, but Mars volcanism could be the explanation. In
the near future, cartography of the methane content in the Martian atmosphere
should provide some clues.

13.4.4 Future Exobiological Missions

If the results obtained by the exobiological experiment of Viking missions did

not allow to definitely conclude on the presence of biological activity on Mars,
they had the merit to exist in order to allow the criticism. This helps today to
plan mission scenarios optimized for the search of life traces on Mars.
The first action has begun, since as we saw in the previous paragraph, the
present program consists of trying to identify the places and the times where
liquid water could exist on Mars. A second step will be to search for organic
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects 413

Fig. 13.26. Image acquired on March 30, 2004 by MOC of MGS (resolution 1.5 ×
0.5 m/pixel). One can see the landing site of Spirit together with the track of the rover in
direction of the Bonneville Crater during 85-sol (image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin
Space Science Systems)

matter but such a target could be achieved only by in situ measurements. Future
missions will also have to go further. They will have to look not only at the
Martian surface but also to go deeper inside to explore the subsurface. The reason
is that oxidation processes by molecules like hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) recently
observed in the atmosphere (Clancy et al. 2004), or superoxides certainly lead to
the destruction of organic matter on the surface (Yen et al. 2000). The thickness
of the oxidized regolith has been evaluated theoretically but the uncertainties
are such that this thickness can vary from one meter to several tenths of a meter
(Zent 1998). Consequently, future missions will have to be able to drill at least
one meter or even more.
The analytical system will have to be able to extract organic matter from the
rock and analyze it to determine its composition. The pyrolysis/GC-MS tech-
nique could be improved compared to the one used on the Viking mission. First,
derivatization could allow the analysis of refracting molecules that could appear
in the degradation of the initial organic material. Then, the use of chiral chro-
matographic columns could allow the determination of the origin of molecules,
either biotic or abiotic (Cabane et al. 2004). Isotopic measurements could also
complete such analysis of the organic matter because isotopic ratio can help to
identify biotic process. For example, on Earth carbon fractionation (12 C/13 C) in
Table 13.12. Lost missions

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARSNIK 1 USSR 10/10/1960: First known attempt of Magnetometer, ions Lost during launch,
Mass: 650 kg Launch an interplanetary probe. detector, radiometer, the stage did
Study interplanetary space meteoritic particles not ignite
between Mars and Earth. detector, camera and
Study Mars and take surface spectroreflectrometer
images. Test long distance to study CH bands
radio transmissions possibly indicative of life
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

MARSNIK 2 USSR 10/14/1960: Second attempt of an See Marsnik 1 Lost during launch
Mass: 650 kg Launch interplanetary probe. Same
objectives as MARSNIK 1
SPUTNIK 22 USSR 10/24/1962: See Mars 1 See Mars 1 Explosion in Earth
Mass: 893.5 kg Launch orbit
MARS 1 USSR 11/01/1962: Take surface images, obtain Magnetometer, ions Communications lost
Mass: 893.5 kg Launch data on micrometeoritic detector, radiometer, during transit
impact and the magnetic meteoritic particles to Mars
field, determine the detector, camera
atmospheric structure and and spectroreflectro-
the possible presence of meter to study ozone
organic compounds band
SPUTNIK 24 USSR 11/04/1962: First attempt of a lander Unknown Explosion during
Mass: 890 kg Launch Mars transit
Table 13.12. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARINER 3 NASA 11/01/1964: Take surface images, obtain Magnetometer, ions Communications lost
Mass: 260.8 kg Launch data on micrometeoritic detector, radiometer, during transit
impact and the magnetic meteoritic particles to Mars
field, and the solar wind detector, and camera
ZOND 2 USSR 11/30/1964: See Mars 1 See Mars 1 Communications lost
Mass: 893.5 kg Launch during transit
to Mars
ZOND 3 USSR 07/18/1965: See Mars 1 See Mars 1 Launch with a trajec-
Mass: 960 kg Launch tory not compatible
with Mars flyby
MARS 1969A USSR 03/27/1969: First attempt of a Camera, radiometer, Explosion during igni-
Mass: 4850 kg Launch Mars orbiter water vapor detector, tion of the third stage
infrared, ultraviolet of the Proton launcher.
MARS 1969B USSR 04/02/1969: and gamma spectro- Problem with the igni-
Mass: 4850 kg Launch meter, mass spectro- tion of one of the
meter launcher motors lead
to explosion
MARINER 8 NASA 05/09/1971: Mars orbiter to measure Ultraviolet and infrared Defect of ignition
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

Mass: 558.8 kg Launch temperature, pressure fields spectrometer and radio- of the last
and the composition of meter and camera launcher stage
the atmosphere and surface
Table 13.12. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

COSMOS 419 USSR 05/10/1971: Mars orbiter See Mars 2 Defect of ignition of
Mass: 4650 kg Launch the last launcher stage
MARS 4 USSR 07/21/1973: See Mars 5 See Mars 5 Defect of ignition of
Mass: 2270 kg Launch the retrorocket during
Mars orbit insertion
MARS 7 USSR 08/09/1973: See Mars 6 See Mars 6 The too early drop
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

Mass: 1200 kg Launch of the module led

to miss Mars surface
PHOBOS 1 USSR 07/07/1988: See Phobos 2 See Phobos 2 Communication lost
Mass: 2600 kg Launch during Mars transfer
MARS NASA 09/25/1992 Determine elemental and Camera, gamma Communication lost
OBSERVER mineralogical composition of spectrometer, laser during Mars transfer
Mass: 1018 kg the surface, topographic altimeter, radio-
and gravitational and meter, thermal
magnetic field measurements, infrared spectro-
study of volatiles an dust meter, magneto-
together with their spatial meter
and seasonal variations
MARS 96 RSA 11/16/1996 See Mars Express See Mars Express Re-entry in Earth
Mass: 3159 kg atmosphere for un-
known reason
Table 13.12. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

NOZOMI ISAS 07/04/1998 Study the high atmosphere Camera, neutral and In December 1998,
Mass: 258 kg and its interactions with ionic mass spectro- Nozomi had prob-
the solar wind meter, particles coun- lems with its pro-
ter, VUV imaging pulsion system. The
spectrometer, wave trajectory was then
plasma detector and changed to save
low frequency the mission. The trip
analyzer will take four
more years. But,
the probe will flyby
Mars December 14,
2003 without being
able to be inserted
into orbit
MARS NASA 12/11/1998 Everyday climate study Radiometer and Navigation error
CLIMATE including surface changes cameras leading to the
ORBITER due to atmospheric destruction of
Mass: 338 kg events, determination of the probe during
temperature profiles, its orbit insertion
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects

follow the water vapor on Mars

and dust atmospheric content
Table 13.12. (continued)

Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results

agency objectives

MARS NASA 01/03/1999 Record meteorological Descent imager, Communications

POLAR conditions of the south laser system never established
LANDER pole, analyze the (LIDAR) to study after landing
Mass: 290 kg surface deposit, drill atmospheric aero-
trench to search for sols, meteorological
seasonal layers, determine station, camera,
surface composition spectrometer to
Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

study volatiles
after pyrolysis
DEEP NASA 01/09/1999 Impactor allowing to Accelerometer, Communications
SPACE 2 test the presence of water detector, never established
Mass: 3.6 kg water ice under the conductivity after impact
surface, determine the measurement
properties of the sub
surface. Measure temperature
and pressure
BEAGLE 2 ESA 06/02/2003 Geological, mineralogical, Drilling system, Communications
Mass: 33 kg geochemical and gas chromatography never established
climatological studies, and mass spectrometry, after landing
search for biosignatures microscope, camera,
X fluorescence spectro-
meter and Mossbauer
Table 13.13. Future Martian missions
Mission Space Dates Description and Instruments Main results
agency objectives

MARS NASA 08/12/2005: Characterize surface, sub- High resolution It is adjusting its
RECONNAIS- Launch surface and atmosphere, imaging, two wild orbit using aerobraking
SANCE identify sites for field cameras, to reach low-altitude,
ORBITER future in situ missions IR-visible imaging near-circular orbits at
spectrometer, radio- a mean altitude of
meter and radar 280 km above the
Martian surface
PHOENIX NASA Launch In situ studies of the Descent imager, Low cost scout
2007 north pole, geological camera, robotized mission (heritage
history of water, search arm, mass spectro- from Mars Polar
for potential habitable meter, microscopes, Lander) being
zone at the interface chemical and meteo- prepared
ground/ice rological measurements
MARS NASA Launch in Mobile laboratory on Call for proposal Call for proposal
SCIENCE 2009 Mars surface being released being released
13 Comets, Titan and Mars: Astrobiology and Space Projects
420 Yves Bénilan, Hervé Cottin

favor of 12 C is of the order of 20 to 30% in the biomass compared to inorganic

carbon (Brack et al. 1999). Such measurement set will probably be present on
the future MSL mission (Mars Science Laboratory) planned in 2009 (see Ta-
ble 13.13).
Nevertheless, with all the in situ detection effort of life traces, the sign of
possible Martian life could be so subtle that the equipment necessary for its
detection would be much too heavy and complex to be put on a space probe.
The solution would then be to bring samples collected on Mars back to the Earth
to study them in the laboratory. This type of mission initially planned for the
end of the decade is actually not expected before 2015.

13.5 Conclusion
To date, there is nothing that could allow us to figure out if we will ever know
whether the Earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe. However, astro-
biology has gone a long way since the very first experiments by Miller in 1950
and since then, questions related to astrobiology are feeding the exploration of
our solar system, and even beyond with ambitious programs for the observation
of extrasolar planets (TPF, Darwin). The answer is maybe already at hand, by
a rock analyzed with a Martian rover, or further away, under a few kilometers of
ice in the Jupiter neighborhood. . . This chapter deals with the preliminary steps
of the astrobiological exploration of the solar system, we are currently witness-
ing. We focused on the search of organic matter and liquid water, but none of
them is a clear indicator of past or present life. We did not discuss the next issue
about measurement(s) (chemical, geological, spectroscopic), which could allow
us to claim that we have finally detected life on another planet. The scientific
debate about it is still at its very first stages, and opens the most fascinating


The authors wish to thank Antoine Jolly for a careful proofreading of the
manuscript; his many comments and suggestions were a great help to improve
the text. We also thank the editors of the book: Muriel Gargaud, Philippe Clays
and Hervé Martin for their comments, encouragements and corrections. Hervé
Martin did a wonderful job in processing the figures.

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