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Tilt angle analysis of gravity data to identify

geothermal heat source in Mt. Lawu field

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2296, 020036 (2020);
Published Online: 16 November 2020

Mohammad Syamsu Rosid and Amanda Claudiya Aprilia


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Tilt Angle Analysis of Gravity Data to Identify Geothermal
Heat Source in Mt. Lawu Field
Mohammad Syamsu Rosid1,* and Amanda Claudiya Aprilia1
Physics Department, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Heat source is one of the four important parameters in geothermal systems of reservoir layers, caprock layers,
and fractures. Its existence will cause a very significant difference between the aquifer layer and the geothermal reservoir
layer. Unfortunately, the most geothermal issue is focused on fractures and clay cap layers since the MT
(magnetotelluric) method is sensitive to response to the conductive clay cap. The MT and gravity method are two
powerful geophysical methods to implement in geothermal exploration. The gravity data mostly used to prompt either
structure or reservoir layer. Therefore, the gravity data here will be used to map the geothermal heat source in the Mt.
Lawu geothermal system. The tilt angle or tilt derivative method is applied to delineate the area and determine the depth
of the heat source. The vertical derivative value of gravity obtained from upward continuation with h = 200, 400, and 600
m above sea level. The result shows that the depth of heat source in the Lawu geothermal system is estimated to be at a
depth of 900 - 2896 m below sea level in the southern part of the study area. These hot rocks degrade from the South
toward the Northeast of the suspected caldera zone. There is also an indication of a fault that allegedly connects the
reservoir layer and the fumarole manifestation zone in the Northeast study area. Structures in this area are looking likely
dominated by a normal fault and among them form a graben structure.


Based on the preliminary study, the Mount Lawu geothermal prospect area is projected to have an estimated
reserve of 275 MWe [1]. There are some geothermal manifestations of hot springs found in several locations, and
the manifestation of fumarole Candradimuka in the south of Mount Lawu peak. Since the fumarole only exists in the
south of Mount Lawu, the study area is focused on the southern peak of Mount Lawu, leading to the Candradimuka
Crater and Mount Jobolarangan areas. The study area is geographically situated in Karang Anyar Regency, Central
Java. The coordinates of the area in the UTM system are 511000 - 523000 mE and 9149500 - 9156000 mN.
In geothermal systems, there are four important parameters: cap rock, reservoir, heat source or hot rock, and
permeability associated with fractures or faults. Indonesia has enormous geothermal energy potential. This is due to
Indonesia's geological position which lies at the meeting of three major tectonic plates of the European-Asian, Indo-
Australian, and Pacific. This condition plays an important role in the formation of volcanoes in Indonesia.
Heat source is an important parameter in geothermal systems. Hot rock heats the fluid or meteoric water beneath
the surface. This heated fluid will produce hot spring and fumarole as a geothermal manifestation on the surface.
The appearance of the manifestation on the surface is due to a fault that connects the reservoir to the earth's surface.
Therefore, it is important to know where the location of the reservoir and the fault as well as its structure during the
The geophysical method commonly used for preliminary exploration is the gravity method. This method aims to
identify and describe how the geological structure beneath the surface of the earth based on differences in the
density of rocks on a regional scale. This method utilizes the data obtained from the measurements for various
correction to obtain CBA (complete Bouguer anomaly) contour map. The CBA map has not been able to delineate
the reservoir and show the fault structure clearly. Gravity data can be used to determine the fault structure and even
the type of fault with the derivative methods that are FHD (first horizontal derivative) and SVD (second vertical
derivative) [2].

International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS2020)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2296, 020036-1–020036-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4030-2/$30.00

During the last decade, the analysis of gravity data only focused on the reservoir not to determine the heat
source. Tilt angle or tilt derivative is a derivative method that can be used to delineate and to estimate the depth of
heat source. The tilt angle utilizes the comparison between vertical derivative and horizontal derivative of gravity
data [3]. Tilt angles can solve problems that arise because of a deep source. Salem, et al. [4] have implemented this
method very well on magnetic data. However, this method can also be used to interpret gravity data. This method
utilizes derivatives of the tilt angle by transforming the x, y, and z directions into kx, ky, and kz wave numbers. Using
the 3 dimensional Euler equation the location of the top heat source can be estimated. This equation is transformed
into a matrix which is then resolved at least square to calculate the vector (x0, y0, z0) as the location of the anomaly


In interpreting gravity data is required derivative analysis. Salem, et al. [4] have managed to estimate the lateral
location and depth of the magnetic source. From the created formula, the method can also be used to interpret
gravity data. The tilt angle or tilt derivative method (TDR) uses a comparison of vertical derivative with horizontal
derivative. It is defined by Millar and Singh [5] as the arctangent of the ratio of a vertical to a combined horizontal
derivative as illustrated and shown in Fig. 1,
1 g z
tan (1)
g h
2 2
g h g x g y (2)

FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of tilt derivative or tilt angle from Oruc [6].

The angular amplitude resulting from the tilt derivative is between - /2 up to + /2. Tilt derivative produces
radian 0 at point (x = x0) around the border of heat source vertically. In the tilt derivative method, the distance
between zero contour to -45o or +45o contour is an estimate of the depth of heat source [6]. To estimate the depth of
estimated body anomaly, the Euler equation can be applied. If (xo, yo, zo) is the position of a heat source whose
gravity value g is measured at (x, y, z) and the regional value gravity field of B then Euler’s equation is:
g g g (3)
x x0 y y0 z z0 N B g
x y z
where N is the degree of homogeneity which is interpreted as a structural index (SI) [7, 8]. It represents the source
type, also a measure of the rate of change of field with distance.

In further analyzes of gravity data, SVD is used to detect the type of structure either as a reverse or a normal
fault. SVD has properties as high-pass filters that can describe high-resolution residual anomalies associated with
shallow structures. The SVD may also very susceptible to noise because noise has generally high frequencies. The
SVD is mathematically derived from the first horizontal derivative (FHD) gravity data, which then resulted in the
second horizontal derivative (SHD). By using the Laplace equation approach, it is then obtained the SVD in the
2 2 2
g g g
z2 x2 y2
The SVD results can be used to identify the
type of structure. However, since the gravity data is more sensitive to lateral variation rather than the vertical ones,
the SVD data only map laterally density contrast. The lateral density contrast will occur if there is either a non-
transform fault or an intrusion rock. According to Reynold [9], there are two criteria for determining the type of fault

2 2
g g normal fault (5)
2 2
z max
z min
2 2
g g reverse fault (6)
2 2
z max
z min


The method of study is to start with the correction of gravity observation data. Gravity data gobs are corrected by
latitude correction gN, free air (of 0.3086 h), Bouguer (of 0.04192 h), until terrain correction (of TC), to obtain a
complete Bouguer anomaly (CBA) according to the equation (7).

CBA g obs gN 0.3086 h 0.04192 h TC (7)

Afterward, tilt angle analysis was done by implementing the equation (1-3) to find out the depth and reconstruction
of the heat source rock. The SVD analysis and residual anomaly as shown in equation (4-6) are also applied to
interpret the fault structure. Then the result of tilt angle, residual, and SVD analysis is used as a reference for 2D
forward modeling subsurface density of study area. The model is done by using GRAV2D software. Finally, the
conceptual modeling is made with supporting geological data, other geophysical methods, and geochemical data.


The tilt derivative method works on CBA data that has been applied to upward continuation (UC) filters. Upward
continuation has the same function as a low pass filter. Upward continuation seems to lift the measurement field,
away from the anomalous objects, thus lowering the resolution. The filters are used to search for regional
gravitational anomalies. In this study, the upward continuation was performed with a height of h = 200 m, 400 m,
and 600 m. Selection h ensures that the greater h signifies the farther away from the anomalous object so the result
will also be more regional.
The contour map results with an upward continuation filter using h = 200 m (as shown in Fig. 2) is still similar to
the contour map of the complete Bouguer anomaly (CBA). This is because the h value is still too small, so it has not
been able to raise the measurement field into a more regional body anomaly.
The result of the contour map with a filter using upward continuation using h = 400 m (as shown in Fig. 3)
shows that there is a clear difference with the upward continuation of h = 200 m. The continuation yields a more
regional area. A more significant difference is seen when the upward continuation uses h = 600 m (see Fig. 4). The
anomaly curve is more regional with more smooth contours.
Figures 2 through 4 also show the tilt angle maps from each upward continuation of h = 200, 400, and 600
m. To detect the top heat source position, the tilt derivative method utilizes the angle formed between the measuring
plane and estimated its heat source. Estimation of the top heat source depth is obtained by slicing the contour 0o up

to +45o or -45o. As the contour level map is converted to radians, the estimated depth of heat source is now the
distance between contours 0 radians up to 0.75 radians.

FIGURE 2. (a) Upward continuation contour map at h = 200 m and (b) its tilt angle contour.

FIGURE 3. (a) Upward continuation map at h = 400 m and (b) its tilt angle contour.

FIGURE 4. (a) Upward continuation contour map at h = 600 m and (b) its tilt angle contour.

As shown in equation (1), tilt derivatives utilize a comparison between vertical derivatives and horizontal
derivatives. From the equation can be known that the rock contact boundary having a large vertical density contrast.
Therefore, the tilt derivative can be used to calculate the estimated depth of heat source. The generated tilt angle
contour of upward continuation 200 m still produces a residual contour map. This is indicated by the fact that there
are still less smooth contours in the Northeast-Southwest of the study area where the area is suspected to be a heat
There are 6 trajectories A, B, C, D, E, and F on each three tilt derivative contour maps as seen in Fig. 5. The
lines are taken based on the denser of the contours in the Northeast direction and put it at the same position of 3
different upward continuation maps. From these 6 trajectories then each depth is obtained on each track which will
then be made of rock reconstruction. From the slice of the path A, B, C, D, E, and F proved that the depth of the
rock increasingly degrading towards the Northeast (see the quantitative result in Table 1).

TABLE 1. The depth of the top of suspected heat source body on tilt derivative map
on UC of h = 200, 400, and 600 m.

Depth of Top of Heat Source (m)

Line UC 200m UC 400m UC 600m
A 2192.0 2487.9 2896.2
B 1205.4 1350.6 1350.6
C 1258.0 1289.9 1931.5
D 385.3 508.2 917.3
E 642.3 1217.0 1931.5
F 770.6 1441.9 1828.3

FIGURE 5. Slice trajectory on tilt derivative contour map are applied to upward
continuation maps of h = 200, 400, and 600 m.

From slice result of tilt derivative contour map using upward continuation input with h = 200 m, 400 m, and 600
m indicate that the depth of the suspected rock of heat source in each line deepens with the addition of h value. The
deepest depth of heat source is indicated when using upward continuation input of h = 600 m that is at a depth of
2896.2 meters. The slice results of the A, B, C, D, E, and F lines indicate that the rock body rises like an intrusion
from the Southwest to the Northeast. The result is verified by Siagian et al. [10] that the Lawu geothermal prospect
zone is located in the Southwestern part of the Lawu mountain.
Figure 6 is a 3D reconstruction of heat source rock obtained from a tilt derivative where rocks are increasingly
degrading towards the Northeast. This is according to the CBA contour map where there is an extremely high
anomalous value in the South-Northeast study area. This is also reinforced by the existence of geothermal
manifestation of the fumarole of the Candradimuka Crater which is located in the Northeast of the study area. There
is also a fault that is suspected as the forming path of the manifestation so that the fumarole is estimated as an up-
flow zone. This fracture is seen in regional geology and its existence is proven from the analysis of derivatives and
residual anomalies. Geochemical data at Candradimuka’s fumarole is also shown that the sublimation of Sulfur has a
strong H2S gas content with a temperature of 93 ᵒC. The presence of volcanic gas indicates that the study area is
volcanic. However, the dominant H2S fumaroles and temperatures of less than 130 °C indicate the Lawu Geothermal
system is a volcanic-hydrothermal system.
Since fumarole is an up-flow zone indicator, therefore under the manifestation of fumaroles there is generally a
heat source. This is because the gases in the fumarole are volatile or easily released so that the gases from the heat
source will flow directly upward through the fractures contained in the reservoir. The geothermometer results
obtained temperature below the surface is about 250 ᵒC. Therefore, the Mount Lawu geothermal system classified as
high- temperature geothermal system.

FIGURE 6. 3D description of the estimated heat source rock body

From the result of derivative analysis and residual anomaly data indicated there are 5 fractures as shown in Fig.
7. These are faults A, B, C, D, and E indicated by the white dashed line. Fault A is a reverse fault. The maximum
SVD value is 9.68E-05 mgal/m2 and smaller than the minimum SVD value of 1.14E-04 mgal/m2. This is according
to the contour of CBA where in the area allegedly there is rock intrusion. Fractures B, C, D, and E are normal faults
because the maximum SVD value is greater than the minimum SVD value. The maximum SVD value on fault B is
4.16E-04 mgal/m2 and the minimum ones are 1.04E-04 mgal/m2. The maximum SVD value at fault C is 5.14E-05
and the minimum SVD value is 2.64E-05 mgal/m2. The maximum SVD value at fault D is 2.99E-05 mgal/m2 and
the minimum SVD value is 2.89E-05 mgal/m2. The maximum SVD value at fault E is 2.62E-04 mgal/m2 and the
minimum SVD value is 2.44E-04 mgal/m2. This correlates to geological data stating that the fracture in the area is a
normal fracture.

FIGURE 7. Overlay of residual contour map with regional geology of study area.

Mount Lawu geothermal area has a geothermal system of volcanic-hydrothermal with high temperatures. The
manifestation of Candradimuka fumarole in the study area is an up-flow zone of the Lawu Geothermal system
located in the Northeast. From the result of the second vertical derivative and residual anomaly analysis, the fracture
is obtained as a path of fumarole manifestation. The fracture that controls the release of the fumarole manifestation
of the up-flow zone is fracture B according to residual and SVD analysis. This is also confirmed by the surface
fracture of the Taman Sari Bawah hot spring manifestation according to regional geological maps. Fault A has a dip
to the Southeast, where according to the tilt derivative analysis there is a heat source in the area. It is increasingly
convincing that the Candradimuka fumarole is an up-flow zone. The heat source is believed to be under
manifestation. The up-flow zone is supported by emerging H2S samples and highly acidic pH and high gas

temperatures. The outflow zone is characterized by the occurrence of hot spring in the Southwest of the study area.
Mount Lawu geothermal system is associated with volcanic activity at Mt. Lawu and Mt. Jobolarangan.
Manifestations that appear on the surface are controlled by the geologic structure of a fault. In geothermal
regions, there is generally a graben structure. The existence of this structure has been proven by the results of a
derivative analysis that found many normal fractures. From the results of forward modeling, the low resistivity clay
cap layer is at a depth of 386 meters. Meanwhile the top of the reservoir most likely at a depth of about 1500 m. The
heat source estimated at a depth of 2894 m below mean sea level according to the tilt derivative result.


The tilt derivative or tilt angle shows the depth of the heat source rock body at a depth of 2894 meters to the
South of the study area and conical to the Northeast of the study area with increasingly shallow depths. The second
vertical derivative and residual anomaly analysis show that in the Mt. Lawu geothermal field there are many fault
structures and dominated by a normal fault. The normal faults produce a graben structure in the Lawu geothermal
system. The result of the integration of gravity and magnetotelluric method as well as geology and geochemical data
indicate the existence of the Lawu geothermal system. The geothermal prospect area of the Lawu Mountain field is
adjacent to the Northeast-Southwest the study area. It is supported by the presence of a fumarole manifestation
which is an up-flow zone to the Northeast, and a hot spring manifestation in the Southwest of the study area which is
an outflow zone.


Many thanks to the Badan Geologi Bandung for support and permission to use and published the data in this
paper. Thanks also to DRPM Universitas Indonesia for valuable financial support through the grant of PUTI 2020 in
publishing the study results.


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