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NIS Daily Lesson Plan

Part 1 - Before you plan your actual lesson

Subject Unit/UOI       Teacher

Lesson Title SHould this be one? Grade                        
Concepts Date                  

Lesson Objectives (Knowledge, understanding, skills)

● Differentiated Outcomes Curriculum Objectives
o i.e. what you want to achieve
o is related to your curriculum
o must be differentiated - ABCD of objectives**
o using Blooms/IB Command terms & PYP Concepts
Please insert at least one higher order thinking skills objective if not mentioned above (Conceptual Understanding)

Curriculum Links

copy-paste from the curriculum the strand/outcome etc

Links Types List (Please tick the appropriate planned to be used in lesson) Dropboxes
Vertical links with the subject itself (done Horizontal links within subject/grade level
before/previous grade - or will do in next
Horizontal links with other subjects (i.e. Others:
transdisciplinary/inter-disciplinary links)
Real-life connections i.e. enduring

PART 2 - Here the actual lesson plan starts

Procedural Details
Starter Duration
Must have a goal 2-3 minutes
it is to focus students
● Focus attention*
● Provocation - to get them settled and focused
● Review/Recap
● Questioning
● Artefacts/objects as a provocation

??Based on Google these are examples of starters … which to me is preparing the

Attention getters, do nows, morning meetings
Start with movement, i.e. GoNoodle
Start with a Question
sharing a brief anecdote that connects to the lesson
performing a short skit or showing a series of thought-provoking images
It should have a relevant, content-based connection to the most essential part of
the day’s learning
Preparing the Learner Duration
Details: 5 minutes
Also known as: Starter Activity (if applicable)/ Anticipatory Set (Tuning-in)

What will you enter here?

● links to the rest of their learning/year/real-life
● Questioning
● Provide a link to prior learning
● Pre-assessment/prior knowledge assessment
● Brainstorming
● Mind maps
● KWL-charts
● Explain why they are doing this and how it will look like in the end
Curriculum linked Student Created Objectives - student voice Duration
● to be elicited from students as a result for your starter activity
● To be listed/grouped on the board - Can be written into this afterwards or
take photo and print later as evidence
● To be listed/grouped on the Smartboard - add the link later as evidence
● New concepts
Also known as: During the lesson: Modeling (Finding/Sorting out) - I DO should not be more than 5 minutes

What will you enter here?

● This will be the new information/learning the students will
● need to make their own.
● Focus on one concept/point at a time.
● Present varied, specific and real-life examples
● Verbal and visual sharing of information/concepts
● Inquiry / Investigation
● Research: text or books
● Modeling / Explanations / Activities / Experiments
● Role play / Keywords / Surveys

Also known as: Actions / Activities / Strategies / Approaches. Lesson Proper / 25 Minute
Applying Meanings (Going Further) - WE DO & YOU DO

What will you enter here?

● Guided, Group & Individual Practice
● In-class
● Students start to work on their own
● Constant observation and corrective feedback
● Should be differentiated (see: differentiation policy & Station Rotation
● Inquiry / Research / Learning Station Rotations / Center
● work / Learning Activities – hands-on /
● Reports / Projects / Experiments
● Creating a Wiki/blog etc.
● Ongoing checking for understanding. i.e. assessment

Reading Workshop
Closure Duration
Details: 5 Minutes
Also known as: Plenary /Making conclusions / Taking action

What will you enter here?

● Assessment i.e. exit ticket
● End of lesson
● Bring it all together again
● Did we achieve our objectives?
● Checking for understanding
● Teacher designed assessment tasks
● Timely feedback

Challenging Students’ Abilities

● insert copy of task or link to task
● Extension work - sample links - i.e. we are never done - related to objective
● Could be part of lesson Closure to challenge all students with an exit ticket or task cards (related to objectives)
● Math word problems Or is this the tasks for our 3 levels of differentiation in the lesson body
● Or extra work to challenge on all levels but connected to the objective - HOTS
● Does not have to change daily weekly as long as it is related to the same objective/concepts
● Could be given as Student Agency task - i.e. to be done independently at home (is this now considered as
‘homework’? I thought no more homework)
● Task on next grade level’s level

Part 3: Reflection & Checklist on mechanics of teaching and learning

Type of assessments used

Pre-Assessment Writing Tasks Open-Responses
Anecdotal Notes Performance Tasks Oral Examinations
Self/Peer Assessment Class Discussion MCQ/ Tests/Quizzes
Learning Logs / Journals Interviews & Conference Essays
Portfolios Participation Presentations
Projects Rubrics & Scoring Guides Reflections
insert - sample of the actual task     Duration

Type/purpose of assessments used: Dropboxes

Assessment for learning: Assessment as learning: Assessment as learning: Other:

Prior-knowledge Formative assessment Summative Assessment
assessment / pre- Formative Assessment
assessment Strategies (drop down
choices) based Informal
Assessment Strategies
Assessment tools used: (the way I will record the data/results) Dropboxes

Rubric Checklist Exemplars Continuum Anecdotal notes Other:

Observation Performance Process Focused Selected Google Form Kahoot!

Assessments Assessment Responses

Scoring Guides

Assessment Strategies used: (the way I present or share the questions to gather knowledge) Dropboxes
Signs: Writing: Arts:
Yes/No cards Invent the Quiz Illustration/Sketch
Thumbs up/Down Opinion Chart/T-chart Advertisement/Pamphlet
Color Cards/traffic signal Mind Map Multimedia Poster/Infographic
KWL-chart Comic Book
321 Charts Think-Ink-Pair-Share
Concept Maps
Exit/Admit tickets
One-minute papers
Memory Matrix
Pro and Con Grid
Talking: Movement: Others:Formative Assessment
Four Corners Carousel Brainstorm Strategies (drop down choices) based
Oral Presentations Turn and Talk Informal Assessment Strategies
Think-Pair-Share Talk Show Panel
Muddiest Point Podcasting RmBG85vuWBiZlu6cCTKtg8UfSTG4
Dramatic Interpretation cZ

insert - sample of the actual task     Duration

Learning Experiences & Teaching Strategies

Collaborative Learning Brainstorming Group Work
Lecturing With Discussion Decision Making Student Presentations
PowerPoint Lecture/Notes Problem Solving IDU (MYP)
Multimedia Presentation Self Learning Student-Led
Investigations Learning Logs /Journals Integrations/Connections/Links
Play-based learning Individual work Discussion & dialogue
Stories Pair work Rotation Stations
Role-playing Guided inquiry Independent/Student-led inquiry
Technology Teacher-led inquiry/Structured Limited/confirmation Inquiry
Practical experiments /hands-on Other: note:
learning Visible Teaching Strategies we could use the “teaching
(Project Zero) and learning strategies used and Reflection” as drop down
VisibleThinking_html_files/01 boxes to choose their
_VisibleThinkingInAction/01a_ strategies

Differentiation (the approach planned to be used in lesson) Dropboxes

By objectives By preferred learning style
By final product By activities with gradual difficulties
By activities with different levels By different topics
Differentiating access to content: Differentiating process:
● curriculum topic ● Choice to reflects student learning styles and
● concepts preferences
● different levels of student support
● themes
● Blooms
● MOE/Curr standards ● longer time
● student choice
● variety of resources
● variety of formats to access information
Differentiating product: Differentiating the learning environment:
● Choice in format to share understanding ● furniture arrangement
● Providing challenge, variety and choice ● lighting
● procedures and processes
● different areas or spaces to work on task
Details (Insert the activity)

21st Century skills / ATLs Focus Dropboxes

Communication I Communication
Social II Collaboration
Self Management III Organization
IV Affective
V Reflection
Research VI Information Literacy
VII Media Literacy
Thinking VIII Critical Thinking
IX Creativity and Innovation
X Transfer


Head of Department / Coordinator Approval


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