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Skenario Ujian Praktek Simulasi Digital

“Rencana Pembuatan Video Presentasi Menerima Telepon dengan Berbahasa


Pengertian Penanganan telepon masuk dan keluar (Definition of handling a

Telephone handling is the handling of incoming and outgoing calls made by telephone, by every
employee, especially those who work as secretaries.

Alat yang di perlukan untuk presentsi (Tools needed for presentation)

1) Laptop
2) Proyektor/LCD
3) ATK (stationary)

Tujuan Mempelajari Penanganan Telepon Masuk dan Keluar (The purpose

of studying telephone handling)
1) Can know how to handle a telephone that is good and right.
2) Can operate the telephone in the right way.
3) Can receive calls properly and correctly.
4) Can make telephone contacts correctly.
5) Can call correctly.

Peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam penanganan telepon (Equipment Needed in Handling

the Telephone)

 Telephone
 Stationary
 Phone Book
 Block Note
 Phone Message Sheet (LPT)

Langkah Langkah penanganan telepon masuk (How to Handle Telephone)

1. Hello My name is Artita Mawarni. Today I will present about handling the telephone.
2. The material that I will convey in this presentation is
 Telephone Definition
 Function or Benefits of the Phone
 Equipment needed in handling the telephone
 How to handle incoming telepon
 How to handle outgoing calls
3. Well,we just go straight into the first material,namely the “Definition of handling a
4. Next the second material is the “Purpose of Studying telephone Handling”.
5. Then the third material is the “Equipment Needed in Handling the Telephone”.
6. Next we go to the core material,namely “How to Handle Incoming Calls”.
7. After handling the incoming call,there is an out going telephone handling.
8. Then is the end of my presentation. I hope you like it. Thank you for attention.

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