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Asian University of Bangladesh

Assignment on Impacts of Materialism

on Hollywood Kids as Expressed in
“Hollywood Kids”
Course Title : Intensive English Language III
Course Code : IEL 1003
Rokeya Ahammed

Submitted By
Name : Md. Raihan Molla

ID : 201910061
Department : CSE (60th)
Semester : Summer 2021
Impacts of Materialism on Hollywood Kids as
Expressed in “Hollywood Kids”

The majority of people would like to be hollywood stars, because it seems to be the
perfect job. Being celebrity bring you the opportunity that everybody know about you and
your work, gaining respect and public recognition. Celebrities make a lot of money
compared to other people. Good actors in Hollywood can earn for one of their movies
more than thirty million dollars. Celebrities kids can live a life full of luxury because of the
money their parents earn in their works. Their parents are ambitious, and the children are
part of the parents' ambitions. Parents pay for extravagant parties, expensive cars, and
designer clothes. The children of celebrities tend to go to better quality schools, have
higher cognitive skills, and complete more years of schooling. Even with all that, their is
still no guarantee of success. There are many examples of children of celebrities that
never rose to the level of their parents.

Hollywood Industry

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California. It is very famous around the world as a
place where movies and television series are made. It has many different attractions such
as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Universal Studios and the famous Hollywood Sign.
Many tourists come to Hollywood to see all of these things. Because of the importance of
Hollywood in the movie industry of the United States, the whole industry is often called
"Hollywood", even though not all movies are made in Hollywood. This use of the word
"Hollywood" is called metonymy. The first movie to be made entirely in Hollywood was the
17-minute short In Old California. It was directed by D. W. Griffith. It was released in 1910.

The Influence of Celebrities on Children’s Upbringing

Children’s ability to imitate the actions of others is a very powerful form of learning
because it prompts parental interaction and helps children to learn about the social
environment. In today’s media-focused world, however, children rather look up to or even
become obsessed with celebrities rather than their parents. Although, there is nothing
wrong with idolising singers, movie stars or sports figures, it is important that children do
not develop an obsessive attachment to celebrities by using them as their only
role models.
Positive Influence

Since they have talent in their DNA, I tend to think that it is a process. Certain personality
types are more likely to be good actors, so these kids might have inherited the relevant
personality type. They get the talent genetically, then they see their parents working very
hard for what they want, and their parents can pay for lessons, coaches, and any product
or service that will help the child improve. Their parents know the process from the inside,
so they do have an easier time of it. They might have learned a lot about acting, as well,
by being brought on set by their parents when small. Another thing that these kids have is
name recognition. The kids of celebrities will bring in fans of the parents, which will help
shows make money. This is huge. It’s not just about talent. It’s about who can sell tickets.

Negative Influence

Living in the shadow of a famous parent can have powerful effects, from professional
opportunities to pressure so great it leads to suicide. Some children of stars are proud of
their roots while others live in secrecy. This is a rare look into the private lives of the
children (and, in a few cases, grandchildren) of these classic Hollywood icons, revealing
the stresses and inspirations of living with great performers who may or may not have
been great parents. Some movie stars protected their offspring, but others used them as
publicity props or even made them into rivals. Despite their unusual upbringing, some of
the children succeeded in the movies or elsewhere, but many never lived up to the public
expectations. Many lost their parents, whether to the extremes of the celebrity lifestyle, to
divorce, or to their careers. From the beautiful bedtime stories Harpo Marx and his wife
told their four adopted children to explain where they'd come from, to the studded belt
Bing Crosby used to punish his sons for not obeying the strict family rules, this work tells
the best and worst of growing up in a celebrity home. Research is drawn from interviews
with celebrity offspring, who also provided never-before-published snapshots of Hollywood
legends at home.


Many children of Hollywood stars followed in their famous parent’s footsteps. Some
succeeded and some outshone their parents, but most of them never lived up to the
standard expected of them by their parents or the public. Comparisons are made,
standards are expected and, more often than not, everyone is disappointed. Some
children of Hollywood stars were so disappointed in their own lack of success that they
saw no way out of their horrible feelings of failure and ended their own lives. There are
others, of course, who succeeded both in the movie industry and in other varied careers.

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