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Coastal Waste Management

Sri Darwati*
Research and Development Center for Housing and Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Jln Panyaungan Cileunyi Wetan Regency
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
* E-mail:

Abstract - One of the problems in developing economic activities in coastal or coastal areas is waste management. Waste
management in this coastal area is still a gray area, there are no clear regulations regarding the duties and responsibilities of
coastal waste managers so that management has not been effective. There are two types of waste in the coastal area, namely
waste from tourism activities and garbage from the sea. The research method is qualitative and quantitative through surveys,
observations and interviews with government agencies, communities and NGOs. The aspects studied are the technical aspects
of container operations, collection, transportation, processing, final processing, institutional aspects, financing and regulations.
The study locations are Pangandaran Regency, West Lombok Regency, North Lombok Regency and Thousand Islands, DKI
Jakarta. Meanwhile, primary data was collected by sampling the generation and composition of waste in Untung Jawa Island,
Seribu Islands. Sampling of waste composition using the waste composition test method based on SNI 19-3964 - 1994
concerning Methods of Taking and Measuring Waste Generation and Waste Composition Samples and waste composition based
on IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2006. Waste management on beaches and islands in the study area
generally in the form of storage, collection and transportation not based on 3 R. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Waste management in
the islands only relies on landfilling on islands and transportation carried out by ships transporting waste to the landfill. Coastal
waste consists of garbage from land that arises as a result of activities around the beach, the amount of which depends on the
number of visitors, types of supporting facilities, such as hotels/inns, restaurants, and marine debris that is influenced by the
seasons. The results of the sampling of waste in Untung Jawa Island on weekdays were 5.06 m3/day and on weekends of 5.79
m3/day. Meanwhile, the generation of marine-borne waste with an average generation of marine-borne waste is 7.67 m3/day.
Garbage on land is dominated by organic waste (47-66) %. while the innate waste is generally dominated by organic 64.74%.

Keywords: management, waste, composition, generation, beach

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world which consists of
more than 17,000 islands and has a coastline of 81,000 km. From a coastline of
81,000 km, Indonesia has beaches with a length of more than 6,360 km. Seeing this,
the beach has great potential as a major tourist attraction in Indonesia. However,
the development of economic activities carried out in coastal or coastal areas must
be balanced with good environmental management of coastal areas. This is
because the coastal area as a transitional area that connects land ecosystems and
marine ecosystems is very vulnerable to damage and changes caused by various
human activities on land and at sea (Sastrayuda, 2010).
The environmental problem that is often found in coastal tourism areas is the problem
of garbage littering the beach. There are two types of garbage that pollute the beach,
namely garbage from tourism activities and garbage from the sea. Until now, the problem
of waste in coastal tourism sites has not been handled effectively (Aini, 2012; Radar
Tasikmalaya, 2015; Kompas, 2015). Garbage if left unmanaged can be a serious threat to
the sustainability and sustainability of natural tourism areas. On the other hand, if managed
properly, waste has potential value, such as providing employment opportunities,
improving environmental quality and aesthetics, and other uses as composting material
that can be used to improve critical land in various regions in Indonesia, and can also affect
the country's foreign exchange earnings. .
Law No. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management: reducing and handling waste at
the source, and turning waste into a resource that can be utilized for energy, compost,
fertilizer or industrial raw materials. Regulation of the President of the Republic

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Indonesia No. 97 of 2017 concerning National Policies and Strategies for the Management
of Household Waste and Types of Household Waste, targeting a 30% reduction in waste by
2025 through 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). The development of waste management
infrastructure in the National Strategic Tourism Area based on the Regional Infrastructure
Development Agency of the Ministry of PUPR, that waste management in the National
Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN) is considered still not optimal. Technological innovation in
anticipating an increase in the volume of waste aims to support the cleanliness and beauty
of tourist destinations that can be maintained properly.
Given the importance of handling waste in the archipelago in the coastal area, an
integrated waste management is needed. The integrated waste management system must be
adjusted to the composition of the waste on the beach, both from tourism activities and marine
debris. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct field measurements in the form of waste generation
and composition in coastal/island tourism areas.
Beach waste referred to here is waste from land that arises as a result of activities
around the beach, the amount of which depends on the number of visitors, the type of
supporting facilities, such as hotels/inns, restaurants, and marine debris.
Waste management in this coastal area is still a gray area, there is no clear regulation
in the local regulation regarding the duties and responsibilities of coastal waste
management. Testing the composition of waste is one of the main factors in determining
the feasibility of 3R-based waste processing. By knowing the characteristics of waste in
coastal areas, it will determine the right type of waste management and processing system.

The research methods in this study include:
- Primary and secondary data collection is carried out through observation and interviews
with the relevant agencies and waste management
- Secondary data collection on waste management includes operational techniques:
storage, collection, transportation, processing, final processing, institutions, financing,
regulations, participation of other parties to the relevant agencies, namely the
Pangandaran LHK Service, DKI Sanitation Service, Seribu Islands PPSU Field Coordinator,
Lombok Public Works Service West, West Lombok Environment Agency, NGOs Green
Generation and NGOs Eco Trust Gili Terawangan.
- Primary data (generation, composition) in the Thousand Islands
- Sampling the composition of waste using the development of a modified waste
composition test method from SNI 19-3964 - 1994 concerning Methods of Taking
and Measurement of Waste Generation and Waste Composition Samples and waste
composition based on IPCC 2006 and the use of waste based on general sorting
- Carry out field measurements in the form of waste generation and composition from
tourism activity waste and marine debris.
The sampling steps are carried out as follows:
1) Record the schedule for transporting waste to the TPS (Temporary Shelter)
2) Record the number of wheels and sources of waste
3) Measuring the volume of the trash wheel
4) Prepare a scale of at least 50 kg, it is better to use a digital scale
5) Setting up the measuring meter
6) Prepare a mold from wood with a size of 500 L = 0.5 m3, namely (1m x 0.5m x 1m)

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7) Sampling is carried out on different waste sources (if the number of wheels/garbage
sources is sufficient 1 wheel 1 sampling) if not enough 1 wheel can be used for 2
times 500L waste molds
8) Form for recording waste sampling

1) Garbage from the garbage wheel is poured and stirred
2) Inserting the waste from the waste wheel into the mold until it is full, at least 3 wheels of
each garbage wheel are carried out 2 times so that there are 6 samplings.
3) Compaction by lifting the waste mold about 20 cm and "banging" it to the
floor 3 times (lifting the box and dropping it back down)
4) Measure the height of the trash (note on the form)
5) Sorting waste based on the desired waste composition
6) Put each type of waste into a plastic bag
7) Weigh and record the weight of each type of waste (note on the form)
8) Doing 8 days in a row (ideally 2 times the rainy season and dry season)

Table 1. Forms for recording the composition of waste

Type of waste : settlement/market/
landfill Date (day ….)
Flat2 Composition
Weight (kg) kg (%)

Source/location 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tall rubbish (cm)
(measured from above)

No Garbage type

1 Vegetable trash+Kitchen
2 Junk page
3 Plastic
- Hardness
- Sheets
4 Paper
5 Glass/glass
6 Fabric/textile

7 Stereoform
8 Leather/rubber

9 Cans/metal
10 Pampers/diapers
11 B3
12 Etc
weight kg

volume (l)
BJ (weight/volume)


3.1. Coastal Waste Management

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From the results of data collection, tabulation of coastal/island waste management in

the study area was carried out (Table 2).

Table 2. Coastal Waste Management

No Component P Senggigi Lombok West Meno and Gili Pangandaran Seribu Island
Gili vision Lombok
A Source
beach trash
1 rise Rubbish city rise rubbish Gili Garbage on the Beach Lucky Island of Java
rubbish Mataram and vision could Pangandaran generation rubbish on
Senggigi 300 tons/day reached 16.57 m3/day 5.058.90 tons/year working days 5.06 m3/day
(no data about 4 tons of garbage/day, or about 69.3 and on special beach weekends
Gili Meno 1-2 tons/day, Gili m3/day 5.79 m3/day. Built-in
tooth) Air 2 tons/day (2017 data) garbage generation sea
2018 data on weekdays 7-8 grab sampling with
tons/day, year-end holidays use transect
reached Gili line is 2.98
vision 14 ton m3/day (sampling July
trash/day 2016) moderate statistics
average waste
is 7.67 m3/day
(year 2015)
2 Composition No data Flat composition Average waste composition
rubbish Organic trash :
Rubbish : 47.53%, trash an
66.246%, organic waste an 35.12%, B3
organic 23.344%, B3 0.05%,
23.344%, etc other 17.30%

B Technical
1 Sorting scavengers NGO Green Generation Scavengers Scavengers, NGOs
started doing some
waste recycling efforts
of them
utilization glass bottle
which destroyed Becomes
ingredients filler Concrete brick.

In addition, plastic waste

and bottles are separated
for later for sale to
collector in Surabaya.
Bintang beer cans are not
sold by the public but are
taken return
by the manufacturer
A local NGO, namely Gili Eco
Trust, which is concerned
with the solid waste sector.
This NGO recycles various
kinds rubbish Becomes
various type goods
from art items to marine
hoarding materials
2 shelter Receptacle basket Once there is program Receptacle rubbish Receptacle rubbish
bamboo, receptacle sorting from kegs segregated placed placed every 100
pottery and containers garbage is not optimal every 100 – 200 m – 200 m along the
rubbish Plastic. along Street protocol road
Throughout Beach protocol (with
receptacle construction existence R&D keg
concrete. Placement pusperkim PUPR

420 | Strategic Issues of Science, Environment, and Learning Innovation


No Component P Senggigi Lombok West Meno and Gili Pangandaran Seribu Island
Gili vision Lombok
receptacle rubbish good 2018)
in front of shop
as well as along
Beach placed
on distance, that is
about 3 meters from
each other
3 Collection Tool collector Collection Garbage Collection Homestay/guesthouse.
rubbish in the form of being carried out by the wheeled Gathering beach on the road
a hotel/community
motorcycle waste party done in the morning local done
three. To TPS in the day and evening self-subsistent by RW
form of containers from (when the holiday season) respectively. , by
laid steel dump truck officer 2 person
at the entrance to who transports collector/RW ,
Senggigi Beach waste from the landfill. collection
trash from use cart
very rare sea manually.
stranded on the beach- b. Marine debris (
Lombok beach. marine debris)
A lot of trash managed UPK which
stranded on the beach consists of 17 field
is rubbish from officers.
area upstream which Collection frequency
collected in estuary 1-2 days very
River. depends fromamount
rubbish which carried away

current to Beach.
Freight .
use pimp
as many as 2 germs.
4 Transfer Steel container (Directly transported) Container in There is no TPS because
which placed in area tour the land is limited.
door enter the beach Pangandaran beach
5 Freight Freight Freight trash Garbage from Garbage hotel which has
cooperate and be implemented by the parties and restaurant in collected on
through the MOU with hotel/community which transport by DLH generally moved
placement work same with for thrown away to direct to boat
container and owner, Cidomo or Garbage Landfill carrier or to
transport horse cart. Use a resident's pool if the
Garbage by the motor vehicle sector is very transport ship
manageable Rubbish restricted to Gili Trawangan, not yet come
and Waste Service a tricycle garbage hauling
Environment Life. fleet managed by
For B3 waste, CV. Gili Indah. The hotel waste
must be disposed of in the Gili TPA
dream which are already
special container overload, so some
garbage which no
accommodated in landfill in
transport ashore by
6 Processing the garbage piled up by Gili Meno and burning Since November Incinerator, constrained
burned at the edge with a furnace in which 2018 has been built in problem
Beach. residual ash is made prototype operational so
become bricks and there waste management part big
is also hoarding and integrated by incinerator already no
burning independently by Research and Development Center in operating again
residents. TPS Cikembulan
Gili Terawangan in the Pangandaran,
existing landfill is a building so that
for the manufacture of sand waste management
from glass for manufacture partial beach
Concrete brick. will be processed at the TPS

The 4th National Seminar on Biology and Science Education (SNPBS) 2019 | 421

No Component P Senggigi Lombok West Meno and Gili Pangandaran Seribu Island
Gili vision Lombok
On 2017, district government Cikembulan
Lombok North already
buy land for
waste management on Gili
Trawangan wide 60
hectares and the plan
this year a waste
processing site was built
and waste.
7 Processing Garbage Landfill Landfills on the island – landfill rubbish Because incinerator
end of trash still in the form of open district already no working
dumps (open dumping) Pangandaran rubbish transported by
there is no adequate boat carrier to
infrastructure. Jakarta or buried in the
Planned to build pool owned inhabitant

TST then burned

8 Manager Since 2017 this By hotel/community Service LHK Tribal Staff Service
management cooperate with NGOs/ district District Cleanliness
garbage Becomes companies carrier Pangandaran Thousand Islands
sub task Service rubbish
cleanliness Service
9 Financing Volume based There is not any levy to levy is set Retribution is set in
para businessman hotel in Perda local regulations

nor restaurant However

charged tax from
District government
Funded management
each entrepreneur
10 Involvement To hotel area NGO Green Generation and
private already there is a union NGOs Gili Eco Trust
Hotels, restaurants care for the cooperate with hotels,
environment Green restaurants, private sector
Generations. To
management rubbish
not quite enough answer
manager area
beach tour or hotel
transport work
same and through
MOU of the Ministry of Environment

11 Regulation Regional Regulation Number 3 of Regulation management Retribution rubbish Regulation Area
2017 about rubbish in process according to regulations Province Special Region
Management composing with Region (Perda) Capital of Jakarta Number
waste. involve entrepreneur No. 32 of 3 of 2013 concerning
Regulation governor activity tourism 2016 Waste Management
about management (hotel/restaurant)
garbage still
in process

3.2. Trash characteristics

Sampling of waste generation and composition was carried out on Untung Jawa Island,
Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta. Sampling of waste composition using the waste composition test
method based on SNI 19-3964 - 1994 concerning Methods of Taking and Measurement of Waste
Generation and Waste Composition Samples and waste composition based on IPCC(
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2006. Sampling results for weekdays, weekends
and averages are presented in (Figure 1).

422 | Strategic Issues of Science, Environment, and Learning Innovation




40.00% 36%


10.00% 4.84% 5.81%
2.93% 2.82% 2.67%
1.13% 1.37% 1.84% 0.56% 0.66% 0.64% 0.05%

working days weekend average

Figure 1 Composition of tourist waste on weekdays, weekends and on average Untung Jawa Island (results
sampling, 2016)

The measurement results on weekdays show that the most waste is from the
type of fast-rotting waste, namely leaf waste (48.6%). Kitchen waste on weekdays is
only 3.35%. There is only 9.01% plastic waste, of which 2.07% is hard plastic while
6.94% is sheet plastic.
The composition of waste on weekends is different from weekdays where on weekends
the generation of kitchen waste increases to 19.7% while leaf waste is only 23.4%. In
addition to the two wastes, coconut shell waste is also quite a lot, namely 16.3%.

Figure 1. Composition of marine debris on Untung Jawa Island

The results of the measurement of the composition of marine debris on Untung

Jawa Island showed that the most common type of waste was leaf waste as much as
34.9%, followed by wood waste as much as 20.6%. While inorganic waste is found in
sheet plastic as much as 14.91%. In addition, on the beach, 7.1% of net waste was
found. In general, marine debris is dominated by waste that is difficult to decompose,
which is 64.74% and consists of various components other than plastic, such as
styrefoam, pampers, fabrics, etc.

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Figure 3. The generation of marine debris in 2015

Average waste generation per day from January to June 2015 (Figure 3). The
average value of the generation is obtained from the results of recording the volume of
waste carried out by the UPK section of Untung Jawa Island. Based on these data, it is
known that the lowest incidence occurred in February and the highest occurred in April.
However, statistically, marine debris generation can reach 7.67 m .3/day. This figure is
greater than the number obtained by grab sampling using the line transect method.
This is reasonable because grab sampling only describes the generation at one time
while statistical calculations describe conditions over a long period of time with various
fluctuations in waste generation.


Waste management on beaches and islands in the study area is generally in the form of
storage, collection and transportation not yet based on 3 R. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Waste
management in the islands only relies on landfilling on the island and transportation
carried out by ships transporting waste to the TPA.
Beach waste consists of garbage from land that arises as a result of activities around the beach,
the amount of which depends on the number of visitors, the type of supporting facilities, such as
hotels/inns, restaurants, and marine debris that is influenced by the seasons.
There is no specific policy regarding waste management in coastal areas. For
coastal areas in tourist areas for waste management, the main actors are hotels/
restaurants/businessmen in tourist areas who work together with DLH/Department of
Hygiene and/or private service providers for waste transportation.
Based on the waste sampling data on Untung Jawa Island, it provides an overview
of the waste generation data and the composition of tourist beach waste. Waste
generation on weekdays is 5.06 m3/day and on weekends is 5.79 m3/day. Meanwhile,
the generation of marine debris by grab sampling using line transects is 2.98 m3/day,
while statistically the average generation of marine debris is 7.67 m3/day. The
composition that is mostly produced from tourist waste is waste that easily
decomposes, especially leaf waste and kitchen waste. Meanwhile, the composition of
marine debris is dominated by waste that is difficult to decompose.
The recommendation for waste management is the optimization of 3R-based waste
management, starting with sorting waste at the source and TPS, collecting sorted waste and
collecting and transporting it. It is recommended that waste storage for coastal areas be in
the form of segregated waste containers placed every 100-200 m above sea level

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along the coastal area protocol roads and in parks. The capacity of the trash can for
pedestrians/gardens refers to SNI 19-2454-2002 regarding the technical
management of urban time 2-3 years. For TPS, standards can be used for
placement of transfer depots with a minimum area of 10-20 m2 as a location for
1-10 m3 communal container placement. Waste transportation on small islands
from TPS if there is no TPS 3 R for waste processing directly transported by ship for
further processing at the TPA
Several management alternatives are activating waste banks as introduced in
the Losari coastal area of Makassar City, where the community shows a high
interest in participating based on a study by Nita et.all (2016). Another alternative
with processing is composting which can be combined with reforestation andurban
farming for garden planning and inorganic waste management. Inorganic waste
management that can be done, among others, is by makingeco brick, handicrafts of
inorganic waste such as packaging, glass and processing of plastic waste by
chopping and pelleting as introduced in Gili Terawangan.
The waste reduction program is socialized in tourist areas / restaurants / hotels in 3R-based
waste management through collaboration with hotel restaurant associations / associations with
NGOs and the local LH / Cleanliness Service. The need for waste management responsibility for waste
management between the managers of beach tourism areas or hotels with the support of local

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