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Abueva, Princess

Galang, Jan Erick

Gomez, Kristena Casandra
Malaza, Arjelle
Rebucas, Llyancy Kir
Samputon, Johanah
Villamor, Joan

The AI Gore Challenge

Instruction: Watch the movies “An Inconvenient Truth” and “The Great Global Warming
Swindle” and list down your thoughts.

A quick overview of the aforementioned movies; An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006

American concert/documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States
Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate people about global warming. While The Great
Global Warming Swindle is a polemical documentary film that denies the scientific consensus
about the reality and causes of climate change. It justifies this by suggesting that climatology is
influenced by funding and political factors.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is basically a film that was commissioned "to
present the viewpoint of the small minority of scientists who do not believe global warming is
caused by anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide”. While An Inconvenient Truth is a movie
that speaks because of our efforts to increase our affluence and comfort, the world was warming
quicker than would be expected under natural conditions.

Guide Question:
Between the two movies, which one would you rather believe in? Why?

Over the last few years, governments all over the world have been implementing rules
and regulations intended to protect our environment and, of course, avoid global warming.
There are rules such as not overdoing the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas as it is
one of the main causes of warming the world, essentially increasing the earth's temperature, this
is according to scientific explanation. Most people, including ourselves, believe that we should
follow such rules in order to protect the environment, and we believe that human activity is
causing changes in the earth's temperature.
With the aforementioned perspective, we rather believe the movie "An Inconvenient
Truth” by Al Gore, which basically explains how humans have messed up the planet. Because
his remarks and opinions on the concerning issue are also in line with what we believe. We
know that global warming or climate change is present and very evident and we are not
convinced that it is caused by anything else rather than our own human doings. Human activities
are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal
and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens
because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To
a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has
increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.
For us, global warming is not a hoax, it is real, and many people will suffer if we
continue to destroy our Mother Earth. The documentary movie allowed us to deepen our
understanding of what global warming is all about and how it is the cause of current events on
our planet, such as the melting of ice caps and glaciers, the drying of dry areas, and the increase
of more types of disasters. Furthermore, we believe the documentary since it includes credible
images and videos of the earth's current predicament, as well as current data and statistical
records that highlight the difference between the situation of the planet earth before and today.
More so, Al Gore's illustrated climate talk, aimed at alerting the public to an increasing
"planetary emergency" due to global warming, and shows re-enacted incidents from his life story
that influenced his concerns about environmental issues. Gore issues an urgent warning on what
must be done, and done quickly, to save the earth. It calls attention to and warns of the
consequences of climate change and other environmental issues, with an urgent plea for people
to make the necessary changes to save Earth. And we should be more aware and mindful of our
actions, on how it will damage our planet and understand more about this climate issue that the
world is currently facing.

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